Debut After Eight Years

173. Versailles naturally, I didn't target a certain person! (seeking subscription)

Thousands of people in the classroom did not speak anymore.

In everyone's feelings, there are only densely packed bees flying around.

Notes emerged from the piano one after another, like wild bees flying out.

That piano is like a huge beehive, and there seem to be countless bees living in it.

The piano pieces are not long.

Wang Qian was extremely involved, and it was over in just a few minutes.

This song is not the most difficult.

However, it is the most well-known and most widely spread among all the difficult songs in Wang Qian's memory.

Basically, many ordinary people have heard this piece.

Many other highly difficult pieces are not very popular, and the spread is not wide enough, and they are only spread in the classical music circle.

And this song was adapted based on the original classical style, incorporating some popular elements, so the spread became wider later, and it sounded better to ordinary people.

When Wang Qian stopped his hands, his fingers were still a little stiff.

After all, it has been a long time since I played such a difficult piece.

It started all of a sudden, and Wang Qian was still a little uncomfortable.

The good thing is.

He is extremely talented, and he has been engaged in music work recently, so he is not unfamiliar, and he can fully devote himself to it after a few seconds of adaptation.

The piano sound has stopped.

However, the audience remained silent.

Many people still looked at the podium with dull eyes, their eyes were not yet in focus, and there seemed to be dense buzzing sounds echoing in their ears, as if there were countless wild bees flying in front of them.

Wang Qian also sat quietly in front of the piano, without getting up to speak.

The scene was so quiet for about thirty seconds.

There was a burst of applause.

The silence of these thousands of people was broken.

clap clap...

There was a round of applause.

What followed was countless applause.

Everyone came to their senses, and applauded vigorously.

Thunderous applause appeared in an instant, startling everyone outside.

At this time, Wang Qian slowly stood up from the stool in front of the piano, turned around slightly, bowed down gracefully to everyone, and then said softly: "Thank you for your appreciation, this is my eighth etude."

Some people who have listened to Wang Qian's previous lectures, or watched the lecture video, couldn't help laughing.

Because, when Wang Qian introduced the piano pieces he played before, they were all named after the number of etudes, such as Zhi Xuerong, March of the Magic City, Girl's Prayer, and the beginning of the wedding in the dream. More formal names are taken later.

Therefore, many people smiled when they heard Wang Qian say that what he just played was the eighth etude.


The applause became even crazier.

Some people stood up and clapped their hands vigorously.

Then, more people stood up.


Rows of audience listening to the class stood up, and within a few seconds, the entire audience stood up.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Wang Qian, almost with some remaining shocking emotions in their eyes, as well as some surprises, and they gave their warmest applause.

Wang Qian just stood there so quietly, with a smile on his face, his hands hanging down at his sides, and his eyes casually looking at each face, extremely calm, seemingly relaxed and at ease!

However, Xiao Dongmei could see that Wang Qian's casual and low-key eyes concealed self-confidence and pride from the bottom of his heart.

That's why he was able to face thousands of pairs of eyes so calmly and casually.

Because, Xiao Dongmei felt that maybe he was extremely confident deep in his heart, confident that his talent surpassed those present, and even all the people in the world could have such confidence and pride...

Xiao Dongmei also looked at Wang Qian with a smile on her face, stood up with everyone, and clapped vigorously.

She discovered that she may have fallen in love with the art of classical music, the piano.

She had asked her younger brother to download all of Wang Qian's piano songs before, and she had listened to them more than once, but she just liked them a little, as a way to adjust her mood.

However, at this moment, I really listened to Wang Qian's performance on the spot.

Only then did she know what the spiritual shock brought about by music art is.

It gave her an urge to learn and practice piano.

Applause, don't hesitate to send...

Just a little behind, by Yu Zhongya's side, Juliet kept repeating: "Amber Wu Bo..."

While standing and applauding, Yu Zhongya asked in a low voice, "Are you surprised?"

Juliet nodded vigorously, her eyes never leaving Wang Qian who stood on the podium, seemingly casually, but in her eyes, looked like a king inspecting his territory and his people, and replied: "It's amazing. He really Can it be done like this? Huaxia, it really makes people feel unbelievable. There will always be some unbelievable things happening here. I can understand why my mother must be asked to take her ashes back after she passed away that year. Huaxia was buried."

"He really shouldn't be here, he should go to the Golden Hall in Vienna, he should let the whole world listen to his piano sound, and the whole world will be shocked by him."

Juliet was a little emotional and spoke incoherently, giving Wang Qian a very high evaluation.

Yu Zhongya smiled slightly: "Perhaps, you can continue your studies at Moyin!"

Juliet's clapping motions froze for a moment, looking at the senior, she asked, "Study in Magic Sound? What are you studying for?"

Yu Zhongya: "Have you forgotten? Wang Qian is the professor of our Moyin Piano Department. Don't you want to be a student under him and continue your studies? Anyway, I will seize the opportunity to communicate with Professor Wang. For the eighth etude, I must get the score as soon as possible and practice it."

A trace of thought appeared on Juliet's snow-white face. She looked at Wang Qian and continued to applaud without speaking.

But Yu Zhongya looked at Yang Jiansen's position and thought to himself, this is the job of the director, to retain talents for the Magic Music Piano Department.


Ru Ke, Yang Zixuan, Xiong Jia, Yan Ru, Zhu Qiqi, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue also stood up and clapped their hands vigorously.

Yang Zixuan said excitedly: "The eighth etude is amazing! Did you know that? I still have a lot of bees flying around in my ears. Professor Wang is simply my idol."

Ru Ke also stared at Wang Qian's figure, and said softly: "It's really powerful, beyond my imagination. Jiang Jiang, Xiaoyue, have you heard this eighth etude?"

Jiang Yu's face was also blushing because of excitement, and he shook his head slightly: "I haven't heard of it!"

Murong Yue also shook her head, and said affirmatively: "I haven't heard him play the piano for a long time. However, he taught Jiang Jiang's piano yesterday, and I was right next to him."

Yang Zixuan and Ru Ke all looked at Jiang Yu enviously.

It is a great fortune to be guided one-on-one by a world master pianist like Wang Qian.

There are very few people in the world who can enjoy such treatment.

There are fewer world-class piano masters in China, so such opportunities are even more rare.


Yu Jingruo and Li Qingyao also stood and applauded vigorously.

Both of them looked at Wang Qian closely, as if they were reluctant to leave, neither of them spoke, nor did they look at each other beside them.


In the first row were the school leaders of Moyin and high-status professors, who also stood up and gave Wang Qian applause.

Wang Qian was also the closest to the first row, so he nodded lightly to everyone in the first row, especially looking at Qin Xuerong sitting next to him, showing a slight smile.

Qin Xuerong almost couldn't hold back and ran up to Wang Qian's arms, his mind was filled with something called happiness.


It lasted nearly ten minutes.

It has always been extremely enthusiastic.

No one is lazy and perfunctory.

The vast majority of those who can come here to attend lectures are in the music field, most of them are in the piano field, and very few are here to join in the fun.

Therefore, the vast majority of people here can understand what Wang Qian's song represents.

It means that Wang Qian may really be able to practice various piano skills by relying on his own creation of etudes, and his compositions may have formed their own system.

This is incredible.

Although, now only a highly difficult song appears.

However, everyone believed Wang Qian's words.

He must have other etudes of various types that have not been published...

All the people in Magic Voice blushed with excitement just thinking about this possibility.

Wang Qian also smiled, facing everyone so calmly, and calmly accepted the warm applause from everyone for nearly ten minutes.

Until the applause started to fade away.

Wang Qiancai stretched out his palm and made a downward pressure on the audience, and said softly: "Okay, everyone, take a rest when you are tired, the applause is enough, I can't take it anymore."

Juliet beside Yu Zhongya was bolder, and suddenly called out to Wang Qian: "Professor Wang, you are so amazing..."

When the applause had already started to die down, Juliet's voice was heard by everyone.

Juliet also sat down quickly, so as not to be noticed by everyone.


Wang Qian still noticed Juliet.

After all, Juliet, who has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and relatively three-dimensional facial features but a soft and delicate face, is not easy to be ignored.

Wang Qian knew at a glance that this person must be of mixed Chinese and Western blood, and he was a little surprised.

The voice just now was also very standard Mandarin.

Wang Qian looked at Juliet and responded, "Thank you."

Then, the applause faded away.

Everyone fell silent.

However, everyone's faces were still blushing from the excitement just now, and there was still some excitement in their eyes, staring closely at Wang Qian on the podium.

After Wang Qian said thank you to Juliet, he looked at Yu Zhongya who was beside Juliet, and said softly, "Professor Yu, my eighth etude is not bad, right? It's just a momentary inspiration for me to use as a preliminary An etude to practice hand speed, I hope everyone can accept it."

All right……

Moment of inspiration...

Preliminary practice hand speed...

Everyone keenly grasped a few key words.

Witness the large Versailles scene...


No one will question and refute Wang Qian.

Because, Wang Qian is qualified and has the strength to take Versailles.

Because he was telling the truth.

Yu Zhongya also stood up, looked at Wang Qian sincerely, and said loudly: "Professor Wang's eighth etude is of course very good, and it has brought me a pleasant surprise. Do you still have a dozen or more etudes that have not been published?"

Yu Zhongya has studied Wang Qian's pieces, and also studied Wang Qian's lecture videos in Moyin and Zheyin, so he is very familiar with the naming of Wang Qian's etudes.

There are already a dozen etudes...

Then, it must not be named after a dozen out of thin air, but in order.

This is also the naming convention that all pianists give to their own etudes.

Everyone also looked at Wang Qian curiously, wanting to know his answer.

Wang Qian met everyone's gaze, nodded slightly to Zhongya and said: "That's true. When I practice the piano, I follow my heart and mind. I search for inspiration in whatever aspect I want to practice, and then try to create it. .Although there are a lot of creations, most of them are not melodies."

"So, although there are indeed many etudes, they cannot be published all at once. Most of them still need a long time to organize and adapt."

Yu Zhongya suddenly bowed to Wang Qian and said loudly: "Today I witnessed with my own eyes what a real piano genius is. I only hope that Professor Wang will spend more time in the future to sort out your piano pieces. Let us I can see these piano pieces created by you earlier."

Wang Qian stared at Yu Zhongya, and could see the passionate love for piano art from the other person's eyes, and nodded slightly at the moment: "I will try my best!"

Yu Zhongya asked again: "Professor Wang, does this eighth etude still have an official name?"

Wang Qian thought for a while and said, "Now we really need a formal name, so let's call it Flying Bee, which is easy to understand."

Yu Zhongya nodded: "Good name, it is really easy to understand, and it fits this song very well. I hope Professor Wang can release this song as soon as possible, and I will download and practice as soon as possible."

Wang Qian looked at many expectant eyes in the audience, and said softly: "Okay, I will release it as soon as possible."

Yu Zhongya bowed lightly to Wang Qian again, then sat down, and ended his questioning and communication with Wang Qian. The two bows also expressed his recognition and respect for Wang Qian's strength and creation, which was a successful conclusion this interaction.

The applause rang out again, this was for Wang Qianhe's song "Flying of the Wild Bee", and it was also for Yu Zhongya.

However, the applause quickly disappeared.

Suddenly Juliet raised her hand.

Then, many others quickly raised their hands.

Thousands of palms were raised densely again.

request interaction...

Wang Qian smiled helplessly, and said, "You really don't give me a chance to explain yourself, do you like interactive classes?"

There was an enthusiastic answer at the scene: "I like it!"

There are smiles and expectations on every face.

Wang Qian scanned the faces, then looked at Juliet who raised her hand first, and said, "The beauty next to Professor Yu was the first to raise her hand, and, although she looks like a foreign friend, what I just said Mandarin is pretty good, let her talk."

Juliet stood up quickly.

Many others put their hands down, with disappointment on their faces.

However, many people looked at Juliet who stood up with a little surprise in their eyes.

This Chinese-Western mixed-race Juliet almost combines the best options of Eastern and Western blood. She has blond hair, blue eyes, large eyes, white and tender skin, and slightly three-dimensional facial features, but her face is soft and introverted in the East. The chin and countless forehead lines can make people amazing purely by their appearance.

If coupled with the addition of her artistic accomplishment and aristocratic temperament, it will be even more dazzling.

Many people around at close range looked at Juliet and were stunned, including many women.


Wang Qian's eyes were still calm, he just looked at Juliet and said, "Student, what do you want to say?"

Wang Qian's voice woke up many distracted people, and they all began to pay attention to what Juliet wanted to say.

Yang Jiansen asked Li Jing curiously: "Who is this from Professor Yu?"

Li Jing replied: "Professor Yu is a student from the New England Conservatory of Music. She has graduated. She came to Shanghai more than a month ago, and asked Professor Yu to help her set up a solo concert in Shanghai. Professor Yu agreed. Yes, he's been busy with it recently."

Yang Jiansen nodded with surprise in his eyes: "Oh? It's also from New England? Is it possible to stay in Moyin?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Don't think about it, Director Yang. His father is a descendant of the British royal family. It is said that he is the conductor of the Royal Orchestra, and his mother is also a descendant of a big family in the capital. He just came to experience life. Use this as a springboard. It is impossible to stay here." In China."

Yang Jiansen nodded slightly disappointed, and then stopped talking.

After Yu Zhongya's question to Wang Qian just now, Yang Jiansen is no longer afraid of being disturbed by anyone's question.

His confidence in Wang Qian has once again reached a new level.

Yu Zhongya's standard is extremely high here, and the questions he asks are also the sharpest, without any scruples.

In this way, Wang Qian can handle it!

Then there is nothing to embarrass Wang Qian.

Wang Qian showed what it means to have strength, talent, and talent!

You can really do whatever you want.

Yang Jiansen's only regret now is that the magic sound piano department did not have the exclusive access to Wang Qian, a super genius.

It also needs to be shared with Yangyin and Zheyin.

If Wang Qian is only a professor of the Magic Music Piano Department, then the promotion of the Magic Music Piano Department in the future will definitely be terrifying!

He, the head of the piano department, will also gain fame and fortune.

What a pity, what a pity.

Facing all the staring eyes around her, Juliet didn't have any timidity, and her whole person seemed very calm, but she had more external confidence and publicity than Wang Qian. Looking at Wang Qian with blue eyes, she said with a little excitement : "Professor Wang, I want to ask, do you have any research on symphonies? You are the most powerful musical genius I have ever seen. I have listened to and studied every song and piano piece of yours. Are you The best combination of classical and pop music I've ever met."


When many people heard Juliet's question, they looked at this stunning figure of Chinese and Western mixed race who spoke fluent Mandarin in surprise.

Yu Zhongya tugged on Juliet's sleeve, trying to stop her from asking questions.

However, Juliet ignored Yu Zhongya and finished speaking in one breath, then quietly opened her big blue eyes and looked at Wang Qian.

Yu Zhongya sighed, shook his head and remained silent.

Yang Zixuan from behind said bluntly, "What did the foreigner ask? Professor Wang is a professor in the piano department. She asked about the symphony?"

Ru Ke said softly, "Maybe she just asked casually."

She looked at Jiang Yu: "Jiang Jiang, has Professor Wang talked to you about the symphony?"

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue shook their heads at the same time.

None of them had heard the information about the symphony Wang Qian talked about.

A symphony is generally a sonata played by an orchestra.

The famous symphonies in the world are all handed down masterpieces left by many master musicians in Europe more than a hundred years ago. In the following hundred years, famous composers have also created symphony works, but they are at most masterpieces and have not been handed down. Great works appear.

Huaxia has fewer works in the field of symphonies, none of which have been handed down from generation to generation, and most of the more famous ones are the main theme works.

This is one of the reasons why many musicians in Europe and the United States regard China as a desert of music and art.

Ask Wang Qian a question about a pianist's symphony...


The question itself is somewhat problematic.

Everyone looked at Juliet strangely, and then all looked at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian didn't have to answer this question.

Because it has nothing to do with today's class.

Today's class is an open class of the Magic Sound Piano Department.

Then, naturally, we want to talk about the piano.


Wang Qian looked at Juliet, thought for a while, and said, "Symphony, I have heard other people's works. I have heard several famous European masterpieces. Like Pirates, Heavy Rain, Kingdom of God, I They've all been studied."

Wang Qian's voice paused.

These symphonies are masterpieces handed down from generation to generation in this world, and have unparalleled influence in the field of European and American classical music. Every year, many orchestras tour the world to perform these symphonies.

Wang Qian has also heard of it, but has not really studied it in depth.

Because in his opinion, these few masterpiece symphonies handed down from generation to generation are just like that.

It was not as shocking as the familiar symphony in his memory.


He was thinking whether to say it or not.


This kind of thing, once said an opening, then there may be no end.

There are bound to be endless things to do.

Just like when he played a piano piece to Jiang Yu and Murong Yue, he was forced step by step to become a professor of the piano department of the three conservatories, and had to take classes in the three conservatories.

I have passed Moyin's class, I have passed Zheyin's class, and I will definitely not be able to pass up Yangyin's class...

Wang Qian got a headache just thinking about it.

This is not what he wants...

While he was thinking about it.

Juliet's eyes lit up, she stared at Wang Qian and asked, "So, Professor Wang, have you studied symphonies yourself? Have you ever tried to create symphonies?"


Many people are not very calm.

There was a murmur of discussion.

Yang Jiansen couldn't help asking Li Jing: "Professor Li, do you think it is possible for Professor Wang to compose a symphony?"

Li Jing also frowned and stared at Wang Qian, as if she wanted to see Wang Qian through, and said uncertainly: "I don't know, but I think it is very likely that he has tried. It's just that he may not be very confident in this aspect, so He was very hesitant. Although Professor Wang is a world-class master in the field of piano, the symphony is still too complicated and systematic. He is still too young and may not have enough accumulation and experience."

"The few famous symphonies in the world were created after the author experienced many things. Some were completed when they were in their fifties or sixties, and some of them were created for more than ten years."

"Professor Wang, you're still too young..."

After hearing this, Yang Jiansen nodded slightly, approving Li Jing's words.

Hao Jialing said weakly: "I, I believe Professor Wang..."

Both Yang Jiansen and Li Jing ignored Hao Jialing's words.

After Wang Qian thought about it on the podium, he said to Juliet: "I did have some ideas for symphonies, but for the time being, they were just fragments of ideas and have not yet formed mature works, so they are not considered creative works. I will have some ideas in the future. It's time, I'll settle down and study for a while, maybe there will be a symphony work released. But, I can't be sure, just look at the inspiration and opportunity."

Wang Qian didn't say enough, leaving a lot of room for maneuver.

However, everyone who heard Wang Qian's answer had their eyes lit up!


Did Wang Qian really research and create symphony works?


Many hands couldn't help but raised up.

want to ask again.

Juliet has already said quickly: "Professor Wang, can I recommend myself to be your student? I want to hear your symphony works as soon as possible, and even if possible, I want to participate in your creation. My name is Juliet, graduated from New England, studied piano and violin and composition, I think I should be able to help you."

Pairs of eyes all around stared at Juliet.

When you say that in front of thousands of people, have you considered other people's feelings?

You want to follow Professor Wang?

At least thousands of people present wanted to learn from Professor Wang.

Why give you a chance?

A pair of hands waved more enthusiastically, wanting to stand up and interact with Wang Qian, and each face was full of anticipation and excitement.

Everyone including Yang Zixuan and Yan Ru couldn't help raising their hands.

If Wang Qian promised his subordinate Juliet to be a student, would he be able to accept more people?

Most of these piano students want to become Wang Qian's students and study with him.

Wang Qian looked at Juliet carefully, then looked at the other raised hands, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I can't promise you. I haven't thought about bringing students. You graduated from New England. I think I Probably nothing to teach you, so don't waste your time."

"As for the symphony, in fact, I only have a vague idea. It is still far away from being formed. It may take a long time, so don't wait."


The confident smile on Juliet's face stiffened slightly.

Although she knew that she would probably be rejected, she still hoped to get an affirmative answer from Wang Qian.

The number of times she has been rejected since she was a child can be counted on her fingers.

Cute, beautiful, elegant, gifted and talented.

It's all about her aura.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the elders, relatives and friends of the family, or the teachers and classmates at school, almost no one has ever refused her normal requests, or even some excessive requests.

Therefore, she felt that she might make Wang Qian agree to herself too!

However, she was not so confident, because she found that when Wang Qian looked at her, his eyes were very calm.

Moreover, she also believes that a person like Wang Qian with superb talent and profound artistic accomplishment should also break away from the vulgar tastes that focus on superficiality.

got rejected……

It seems that it is not that uncomfortable.

Juliet bowed slightly to Wang Qian, and then said: "Okay, I see, thank you Professor Wang for your answer. I will wait for your work."

Wang Qian nodded to Juliet: "Perhaps, you don't have to wait. You are very talented yourself, and you can try to compose a symphony by yourself."

Juliet didn't speak, just smiled at Wang Qian.

She has tried.

But it's hard, and the fragments she's trying to compose are terrible.

She knew she didn't have enough inspiration from her life experiences, and she didn't have enough talent.

As soon as she sat down, Juliet felt a little sweat on her body, her forehead was a little wet, and her hair was sticking to her forehead. She gently took out a piece of paper and wiped the sweat from her forehead, only to realize that when she was facing Wang Qian, There is an unprecedented tension and pressure.

Yu Zhongya said softly, "Juliet, you are too anxious."

Juliet nodded, but still didn't speak, trying to breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Qian on the podium looked at the thousands of palms and thousands of eager faces on the scene, and didn't continue to click people to interact. He was worried that the interaction would be endless, and he was worried that there would be topics that had nothing to do with the piano.

Therefore, Wang Qian said to everyone: "Students, there is not much time. I will first explain to you some key points of the eighth etude I just played, and write the score for you. Then I will ask you questions about the interaction. Chance, okay?"

The raised hands were lowered one after another, and many people replied: "Okay!"

Everyone is still very interested in the eighth etude played by Wang Qian just now, that is, the piece "Flying of the Bumblebee".

This song sounds very emotional, very refreshing.

Moreover, the picture is full of sense.

This is the most graphic piano piece they have ever heard.

Many people who learn piano know for the first time that the piano can be played so vividly?

A lot of people raised their hands to ask questions just now, in fact, they just wanted to ask some questions about the song Flight of the Bumblebee.

Now that Wang Qian wants to focus on explaining.

Many people have no problem at once, and just want to listen to Wang Qian's detailed explanation.


Wang Qian did not disappoint everyone either. He turned around and walked to the blackboard, wrote out the score of the song on the blackboard, and began to explain it paragraph by sentence, and every time he would demonstrate it on the piano next to him. Focus on the rhythm and use my own experience to teach everyone how to play better.



The blackboard quickly filled up.

When Wang Qian was about to erase the score and words written earlier.

Many voices quickly sounded from below: "Professor Wang, don't rub it!"

Many professors and leaders in the first row shouted: "Professor Wang, stop..."

Many magic voice students behind also spoke out.

"Professor Wang, don't erase it!"

Wang Qian's movements paused, and he looked back curiously, wondering why everyone stopped him?

Yang Jiansen and Hao Jialing had already quickly stepped onto the stage, and replaced the blackboard prepared in advance with Wang Qian.

Yang Jiansen said softly to Wang Qian: "Professor Wang, we will keep the blackboard you lectured on intact, so don't wipe it. If you need to change it, just call Hao Jialing and me, and your lecture will not be delayed."

Hao Jialing's cheeks flushed with excitement, and she nodded quickly to Wang Qian, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Wang Qian frowned slightly, then nodded with a smile: "Okay, I see."

Both Yang Jiansen and Hao Jialing smiled at Wang Qian, then quickly stepped off the stage and sat down in their seats, so as not to delay Wang Qian's continuation of the lecture.

Magic City and West Lake City are close neighbors.

Zhejiang University keeps the blackboard on which Wang Qian gave his lectures, and regards it as a treasure. Many people who like Wang Qian's calligraphy go to observe and study. Almost all the academic circles in Jiangsu and Zhejiang know about it.

The magic sound naturally knew it clearly.

Therefore, Yang Jiansen had already prepared for this time.

Every word written by Wang Qian, like Zhejiang University, will be preserved.

Although, the hard pen calligraphy written on the blackboard is far from the real thin gold calligraphy works written by Wang Qian.

However, it is also an authentic work of Wang Qian himself, and it also has the charm of Wang Qian's thin golden body, which is absolutely rare.

Almost everyone in the audience was quiet and listened carefully to every word Wang Qian explained.


Wang Qian was not born as a serious music student. He never learned systematic music knowledge, nor did he graduate from a teacher training program. He never really worked as a teacher.

Therefore, when he gave lectures, he always followed his own understanding and tried his best to explain in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand way.

Plus his accumulated knowledge of the two worlds.

Let his explanations appear to be extremely high-level and very in-depth.

Simple and easy to understand, extending very far.

Many veteran music professors present listened with great interest and felt that they had learned something.

The other teachers and students listened extremely attentively and took notes frantically.

Ru Ke, Yang Zixuan and the others also listened very seriously, feeling that they had learned something about music, and they also had more understanding and new ideas about the music that their band will perform.

The explanation lasted for nearly an hour before it ended.

Wang Qian explained the score in detail.

When the last stanza is spoken and played, it ends with the last note.

Wang Qian said softly: "Okay, I will finish this song, thank you for listening, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask questions now!"

The applause that had started suddenly stopped.

Because, I heard Wang Qian said that I can ask questions.

Everyone quickly started raising their hands to ask questions, so the clapping stopped.

Palms waved in the air again, asking for interaction.

Wang Qian casually pointed to a boy: "Student, get up and talk."

The boy from the Magic Music Piano Department was selected to stand up, looking a little excited, stood up and stammered and said: "Professor Wang, I want to ask, how long did it take you to practice these pieces? There are special skills and shortcuts ?"

Wang Qian looked at the other party and immediately replied seriously: "This classmate, there is no shortcut to anything. There may be skills, but in the field of art, skills are not universal. Everyone has different perceptions and ideas, which is extremely important. It’s a subjective thing. Everyone says I’m a genius, but in fact I’ve practiced for several years to achieve the results I have today.”

"So, I want to tell you. There are no shortcuts. Only by practicing a lot and thinking a lot can you achieve something. As for the skills, you need to sum up the skills that suit you."

The boy smiled awkwardly and sat down.

Many people blinked at Wang Qian with weird expressions.

Including Ru Ke, Yang Zixuan, Jiang Yu, as well as Yu Zhongya, Julia, Li Jing and others, all showed some strange expressions on their faces!


in the arts.

Several years of practice is really insignificant, there is no need to say that it lasts for several years...

Jiang Yu has been practicing piano since he was five years old. It has been more than twenty years this year, but he is still worthy of stepping into the threshold of a pianist. As for becoming a master, it is still far away. It's only possible in ten years, and that's just a possibility, not a certainty.

Many people practice and study a musical instrument all their lives, but fail to become masters.

Juliet is almost the same as Jiang Yu. She was exposed to piano, violin and other musical instruments at the age of five or six. She has been practicing for more than 20 years and enjoys almost the best resources in the world. Brush qualifications and experience, and then become a pianist.


several years.

It can only be regarded as the novice period of touching the threshold.

And becoming a world-class master in a few years is not a shortcut. There is still a path to take. Wang Qian is almost equivalent to not walking, just taking the first step to achieve it?

Therefore, Wang Qian's seemingly encouraging words.

In the ears of many teachers, students and geniuses at the scene, it was very harsh.

Too Versailles.

However, everyone looked at Wang Qian's appearance, but what he said was extremely serious, without any intention of targeting.

But the inner meaning is to tell everyone: I am not targeting any one of you, I mean all of you here...

Therefore, the scene suddenly became strangely quiet, and everyone didn't know how to face this natural large-scale Versailles scene for a while.

The active hand-raising scene just now is gone.

After all, Wang Qian is not a music student who practiced systematically since he was a child, so he doesn't know what's wrong with what he said, but just speaks truthfully based on his own experience.

So, seeing the eerie silence at the scene, he didn't know what he said wrong for a moment.

Why the sudden embarrassment and weird silence?

Wasn't everyone very lively just now, eager to speak and interact?

And at this time...

Another girl raised her hand.

In order not to stand in the cold, Wang Qian immediately said to the girl who raised her hand, "Okay, this classmate gets up and speaks."

The black, long and straight girl stood up and said to Wang Qian: "Professor Wang, I am a student of folk music. I have heard the song "Earth" written by you, which uses a lot of folk music accompaniment. Do you also have research on folk music? I wonder if you have composed other folk music pieces?"

The strangely cold classroom suddenly became lively again!

Many people looked at the girl who asked the question with strange eyes.

Especially many teachers and students of the piano department looked at this girl with a hint of hostility.

This is a big class in the piano department, and Wang Qian is explaining piano knowledge...

Just now someone asked about the symphony.

better now...

A folk music student came and asked Wang Qian about folk music?

You all came here to smash the piano department, right?

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