Debut After Eight Years

212. This damn charm! Professor Wang, so cool, so handsome! (Please subscribe!)

Ru Ke said: "I want to say, Professor Wang, it's your turn."

Instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

The warm applause that had just stopped rang out again.

Even, a lot of excited spectators watched the excitement and were not afraid of making a fuss, and screamed one after another.

Moreover, many of the audience in the infield this time also joined in the booing. Some of them just joined in the fun and gained some heat, and some just wanted to build a relationship with Ru Ke and Wang Qian. After the show is over, you can also take the opportunity to hype it.


Liu Shengnan saw several first-line traffic stars around him standing up and clapping their hands loudly.

"Professor Wang, it's your turn."

"Ru Ke, amazing, come on."

"Hahaha, Ruke, good job."

"Ru Ke, don't be cowardly."

"Baojiajie, awesome..."


Both Liu Shengnan and Qin Xuehong sat quietly, unmoved.

Qin Xuehong smiled and said, "I appreciate Ru Ke's energy."

Liu Shengnan nodded: "This is also the reason why she was able to debut and pursue her dream again after being silent for a few years. I always knew that she might not give up. No matter whether she wins or loses today, in fact, Ru Ke and her Baojiajie are both It's a winner."

Qin Xuehong said flatly: "But, Wang Qian, I can only win!"

Liu Shengnan froze for a moment, then nodded in agreement with Qin Xuehong's words.

Wang Qian added tens of millions of fans within a week, and the total number of fans soared to the order of 40 million. He said that he is now the number one person in the entertainment circle, and no one can object.

However, the more than 10 million new fans recently added were all attracted by a lot of deliberate hype.

These people are all here to watch Wang Qian win the championship, and then go to the World Championships to kill the Quartet.

Once Wang Qian lost today.

Well, not to mention the 10 million new fans, even the previous 20 to 30 million fans, most of them will turn their backs and be coerced by many people to attack Wang Qian together, turning from a fan to an enemy.

In addition, Wang Qian did not have the support of big capital and big companies behind him. Faced with this situation, he had almost no resistance. The final result must be very miserable!

It's not good, I really want to quit the circle...


Both Qin Xuehong and Liu Shengnan knew about it.

Ru may have come to this point, no matter what the result is, he has won.

Wang Qian, on the other hand, not only wants to win the China Championship tonight, but also wins the world championship, in order to resolve this wave of hype that has almost swept across the entire network.

Therefore, Wang Qian can only win!

Although the hope of finally winning the championship is very slim, but we can only take one step at a time.

There was a little silence for a second.

Liu Shengnan said again: "Maybe Wang Qian doesn't care too much himself!"

Qin Xuehong looked at Liu Shengnan in surprise, and nodded, it was true.

The applause and booing continued.

The program team did not intend to appease, but the camera broadcasted live booing to the audience from multiple angles.

Some big-name celebrity artists will also give a close-up to attract a wave of attention and ratings at a time.

It took a full ten seconds before it gradually eased down.

The host Daji said, "So, Ru Ke, are you publicly declaring war on Professor Wang? Or, do you have any agreement?"

Ru Keqiao's face was still serious, and she said solemnly: "We agreed that the last match will be a world-class showdown of English rock."

Daji asked curiously: "Excuse me, who proposed this? Why do you want to use English to rock the duel?"

Ru Ke replied: "We proposed it, and Professor Wang agreed."

Daji: "Then, did the five of you create this song together?"

Ru Ke nodded: "Yes, we only created it in the last week. Since the band reorganized, we have lived together, ate together, and moved our instruments to the apartment. We have hardly gone out in the past week. We are all together It was through research and creation that this song was perfected.”

Daji was full of admiration: "That's amazing. It's no coincidence that you can achieve the current results and be recognized by so many people. So, what about Professor Wang?"

Ru Ke shook his head: "I don't know, we are looking forward to his next performance."

Daji smiled all over his face: "Yes, I am also looking forward to it. Well, now let's take a look at the evaluation and scoring of Ru Ke by the four mentors."

The five people in Ruke Baojia Street all looked at the four mentors.

And the four instructors have already sat down seriously.

It was still Wang Jingyu who spoke first.

Wang Jingyu looked at Ru Ke seriously: "Ru Ke, what do you think is the difference between rock and roll and Chinese rock?"

Ru Ke was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "For me, there is no difference, they are all rock and roll. However, there are differences in creation and expression. Because Chinese is my mother tongue, and English is only learned in high school. , There is a big gap in proficiency and in-depth understanding.”

Wang Jingyu: "Then why did you create English rock?"

Ru Ke said with a little embarrassment: "Because we have dreams!"

Wang Jingyu asked, "What dream?"

Ru Ke said loudly: "It is a dream to participate in The Voice of the World. Although, we know that we have a high probability that we will not win Professor Wang. However, we also have a dream in case. If we win, then we have to be prepared .So, we prepared an English rock song."

"If we are really lucky enough to win Professor Wang and represent the Huaxia division to participate in the World Championship, then we will first sing our original English rock songs for the competition, and then we will continue to have inspirational collisions and create as many English songs as possible. The song was sung at the World Championship."

Wang Jingyu nodded: "I understand, so you and Professor Wang wrote English songs to prepare for the World Championship?"

Ru Ke replied truthfully: "We are like this. I don't know if Professor Wang thinks about it this way."

Everyone could hear some unusual seriousness from Wang Jingyu's tone, as if she was torturing something.

The scene became quiet, and all eyes were on Ru Ke.

The other three instructors also looked at Ru Ke and Wang Jingyu.

Wang Jingyu said at this time: "The reason why I ask you this is to know the purpose of your writing English songs. In the past two years, I have noticed that on some popular rap shows, some young so-called raper, various Deliberately adding inexplicable English words and sentences in the songs, in order to appear tall, as if not adding a few English words and sentences, it would be very rude."

"So, I hate this kind of people. However, you and Professor Wang are preparing for the World Championships, doing as the Romans do, and everything is for the sake of achieving good results. This should be supported. The most important thing is that the song you created , to be honest, it is a relatively authentic English song, not the so-called work that is forcibly put together with various words.”

"Your song is very good, and the soundtrack performance is also world-class. It is no problem to say that it is the world's top rock band. This shows that you really put your heart into creating this song."

"Plus, Ru Ke, for your wonderful singing, I will give you the same score as before, 98 points!"

Wang Jingyu talked a lot.

He expressed the aspirations of some older generation musicians, and also expressed his support for Ru Ke's singing of English songs.

Some people at the scene gave Wang Jingyu a little applause, but the applause was not much and stopped quickly.

Few of the insiders applauded.

Because, most of the people who came here were young celebrities who debuted in the last ten years, many of them were traffic artists, and most of these traffic artists were the kind of people Wang Jingyu mentioned!

Either from a variety show background, it must be a variety of European and American models, as well as the so-called European and American rap.

Either it's a boy group returning to China, or it's all kinds of English words...

Many of their brainless fans still like this type very much, saying that it is very international, and it looks tall at first sight.

Therefore, Wang Jingyu's words can be said to have offended these people.

They didn't bother to applaud, and other people in the circle saw that these traffic artists kept quiet, so in order not to offend them, they simply fell silent together.

Only Qin Xuehong, Liu Shengnan, Xu Wenwen, Xu Xiaoxiao, Yu Jingruo, Xiao Dongmei, Xiao Dongcheng, Yang Jiansen, Juliet and a few others gave applause, but they attracted many strange eyes from around.

They don't care about it.

Ru Ke didn't care about this, and took several people from Baojia Street to bow to Wang Jingyu to express his gratitude, and said softly: "Thank you, sister Jingyu, in fact, I am also disgusted with this phenomenon just like you. We create English The song, on the one hand, is to follow the footsteps of some rock pioneers, and it is also to prepare for the World Championship."

"However, it seems that our preparations may be redundant!"

After listening to Ru Ke's words, Wang Jingyu didn't say much, but encouraged, "Come on!"

Wang Qian's performance was about to start, and before the result was known, Wang Jingyu didn't say much.

Cui Wenfeng was still the second to speak, because the final was the pinnacle duel of two rock bands.

Therefore, Cui Wenfeng, the big rock and roll brother, has the right to speak. This time he spoke first, and he clapped his hands first, and then said loudly: "I can tell you that you performed very well. Let me talk about the scores first. I give you 99 points! This song of yours has the taste of the pinnacle of rock and roll. I personally like it very much. After the show is over, I will download it to listen to it and study it. If there is a chance, we can have a good chat in private talk about rock 'n' roll,'

Being recognized by Cui Wenfeng, Ru Ke said with a smile: "Thank you Feng brother, thank you, I also want to ask you something if I have the opportunity."

Cui Wenfeng quickly agreed: "You can find me anytime, even in the middle of the night."

Ru Ke and Yang Zixuan laughed and bowed to Cui Wenfeng again to thank them.

Then, it was Qin Han.

Qin Han: "I don't really have the right to speak. First, I don't know much about English, and second, I don't know much about rock and roll. Therefore, I can only speak from the perspective of an ordinary audience with pure hearing. First of all, this song I think it's quite nice, Ru Ke's voice is nice, she sings very well, has a strong sense of rhythm, and the musical instrument accompaniment is also very good, the singing voice and the musical instrument are very strong, forming a contrast."

"Aurally speaking, it's a nice song, no worse than the few foreign rock songs I've heard."

"In terms of scores, I'm the same as Jing Yu, let's give it 98 points."

Qin Han is also an honest person, and he spoke the truth.

Regarding the fact that I don't know English or understand the lyrics, I took the initiative to say it without shy away.

Unlike some program instructors, if you don’t understand, you have to pretend to understand.

Ru laughed and said, "Thank you Brother Han."

Then, there is Ru Ke's nominal mentor, Liu Junhua.

Liu Junhua crossed his arms, looked at Ru Ke seriously, and asked seriously, "Ru Ke, are you really graduated from Yangyin?"

Ru Ke smiled wryly: "Professor Liu, of course I am, we are all of them, we have all attended your class."

Liu Junhua rubbed his chin and said in doubt: "I know, that's why I can't understand it. Why, I can teach you such a good student? Although I don't know much English, I can still judge your song. Bad. Musically, it's a good song, no doubt about it."

"Moreover, your singing skills are still very strong, and your timbre is still so good. You are fighting with the four instruments with your singing alone. In the end, neither of you wins. You make each other better. This is the characteristic of rock and roll!"

"So, you and Zixuan are very good, I'll give it 99 points!"

The five of Ru Ke bowed to Liu Junhua to thank him: "Thank you, Professor Liu!"

Liu Junhua leaned back on the chair and stopped talking, but still looked at Ru Ke and the others with some regret.

Although they have reached the final annual finals of the division.

However, the better Liu Junhua saw Ru Ke and the others, the more regretful they were.

If they don't sing rock and play other music, they shouldn't be able to lose to anyone, right?

In that way, people can still say that he taught well...

However, he is playing rock and roll now, so it really has nothing to do with him!


He is purely displaying his status as a mentor.

It was hammered!

The score is out.

Among the applause at the scene.

The host announced the score loudly: "Ru Ke's final score is 98.5, which is the same as the score of the previous performance. Although there is no improvement. However, under the impact of so many good songs, the instructors can still give her With such a high score, without regressing, it already shows that it is very good."

"Ru Ke, what do you want to say now?"

Ru Ke smiled wryly, and said with a carefree expression: "I want to say, maybe our dream is really not achieved. Professor Wang, it's your turn!"

A strange look flashed in the eyes of the host Daji, and he quickly said: "The final result has not yet been decided, Ru Ke, don't be too pessimistic. Next, we will invite Professor Wang to play for the third performance. Ru Ke, the five of you Go down and rest for a while."

Ru Ke nodded, and led Yang Zixuan and the other five to leave.

The applause sounded again.

Everyone is very satisfied with the performance of Ru Ke and the others.

Ru Ke’s strength and performance in previous years, not to mention talent shows like The Voice, even in professional singing shows like Singer, are enough to win the annual championship.

Unfortunately, this year is different.

This year's several powerful players are so strong that the entire Chinese music scene looks sideways and fears.

Wang Qian hasn't played yet.


Wang Qian has already arrived at the backstage entrance.

Seeing Ru Ke and the others walking down, Wang Qian applauded Ru Ke and the others lightly.

Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Zhao Wei, and He Fulin also applauded together, giving the applause to Ru Ke and the others.

The performance on Baojia Street was recognized by them.

Ru Ke, Yang Zixuan, Xiong Jia, Yan Ru, and Zhu Qiqi all laughed happily, walked quickly to the backstage, and shook hands with Wang Qian.

Wang Qian shook Ru Ke's hand and said, "You guys are really doing really well."

Ru Ke looked at Wang Qian and asked with a smile, "It's a pity that I met you, isn't it?"

Wang Qian froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Yes, it's a pity."

Wang Qian knew that if it wasn't for his appearance, Ru Ke and the Baojia Street Band would have achieved greater success and attention.


Yang Zixuan looked at Wang Qian and said, "Professor Wang, let us see what surprise you will bring us!"

Wang Qian said with a smile: "There will be surprises!"

Murong Yue said: "We can't wait to go on stage, just watch."

Xiong Jia: "Okay, we won't go back to the lounge, we'll just watch your performance here!"

Yan Ru: "Come on!"

The atmosphere on both sides is as friendly as a band.

Wang Qian nodded to the people in Baojia Street, and then nodded to Qin Xuerong, who had been looking at him with concern, then turned around and led the band four out of the backstage, and came under the stage lights.

The applause had just subsided for a few seconds, and it rang out enthusiastically again!

The host Daji stepped forward to greet Wang Qian and the others in person.

Wang Qian brought Jiang Yu and Murong Yue to the center, and waved gently in the face of all the applause and expectant eyes.

The applause became even more enthusiastic in an instant.

Standing behind Wang Qian, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue looked at each other, their faces blushing with excitement.

They knew that Wang Qian's stage aura had begun to play a role again.

Even though they have experienced it many times, they are very familiar with Wang Qian, but they still cannot avoid being influenced every time, and cannot resist Wang Qian's charm on stage.

Even the host Daji applauded vigorously.

Several people from Baojiajie who stood in the background watching this scene also applauded together.

Yang Zixuan couldn't help but said: "Professor Wang's damn stage charm has started to work again, I can't resist it, it's too powerful!"

Xiong Jia also said: "That's right, just seeing him waving his hand, I couldn't help being excited, as if I had to do something for him."

Ru Ke glanced at Qin Xuerong, who was also applauding, and said softly: "The most powerful thing is his ability to control freely. When he wants to release it, he releases it, like the only king on the stage; when he wants to restrain himself, he restrains himself. Immediately became a passer-by audience."

Several people nodded in approval!

They just went through Wang Qian's stage baptism, and their stage aura has improved a bit, but they still can't move freely.

And Wang Qian's such a strong stage charm can be retracted freely.

It's really amazing, they have to admire it!

on the stage.

Wang Qian just stood in the center casually, facing everyone's warm applause and some screams, with a calm expression, like a spectator.

But the more he is like this, the more crazy everyone applauds.

The applause lasted for more than 20 seconds, and it only cooled down under the intervention of the atmosphere group.

The host Daji also received Zhou Qinghua's instruction, and said quickly and loudly: "Professor Wang, will you bring us an English rock song this time?"

Wang Qian nodded lightly, still maintaining an expressionless cold storage on his face, and said lightly: "Yes, this is an agreement between me and Ru Ke and the others."

Daji smiled and said, "How do you comment on Ru Ke's singing just now?"

Wang Qian nodded: "It's great. It exceeded my expectations. It's a surprise. So, I also want to bring them and all of you audience a surprise."

The host Daji said loudly: "Okay, then we will hand over the stage to Professor Wang. I believe that everyone at the scene and all the audience in front of the TV are the same as me, and can't wait! I am very much looking forward to the stage prepared by Professor Wang. surprise……"

After speaking, the host did not announce the name of the song, turned around and walked off the stage quickly.

And under the live camera.

The lights on the stage were not dimmed, and everyone could see what was happening on the stage.

The five of Wang Qian walked towards the musical instrument together.

Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Zhao Wei, and He Fulin took their places, all looking expectant and excited.

at the same time.

Wang Qian even picked up a bass, hung it around his neck, and stood in front of the microphone with a cold face.

on site.

A scream of surprise!

This style.

Just rock and roll.

Wang Jingyu followed suit and screamed, then stood up and clapped her hands, her eyes released a strange color: "It's really handsome!"

There were also some screams in the auditorium below the stage.

Xu Wenwen and Xu Xiaoxiao screamed together: "Professor Wang, you are so handsome!"

Qin Xuehong raised his hands and applauded, and smiled and said to Liu Shengnan who was also applauding beside him: "This is the time when Wang Qian looks like a rock person the most!"

Liu Shengnan nodded with a smile: "Yes, he debuted as a rock band. He has always been too humble and low-key before, and he also behaved too plainly on the stage. This time, he is so cool and handsome on the stage, really amazing me."

Yu Jingruo and Li Qingyao also clapped their hands vigorously together, and they couldn't bear to take their eyes off Wang Qian for a second.

Xueman quickly typed on the phone screen with her fingers: "Professor Wang like this is so handsome, I almost became a nympho!" Then he clicked send immediately, followed by applauding with everyone, and let out a scream as low as possible.

Chen Xiaowen also clapped her hands, her face flushed with excitement, and she wanted to scream a few times, but she forcibly held back.

Yao Ran saw Chen Xiaowen's excitement, immediately applauded, and screamed softly: "Handsome..."

Chen Xiaowen immediately vented her suppressed emotions, and then screamed: "Professor Wang, cool..."

Juliet also stood up without any scruples, and while clapping her hands high, she screamed, "Wow, that's so cool..."

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