Debut After Eight Years

401. I don't understand, why are you crying? This is probably God! (seeking subscription)

It's not just that many people at the scene couldn't help but shed tears in Wang Qian's singing.

Many viewers in front of the TV couldn't help but fell silent, and then they didn't know that tears were dripping from the corners of their eyes, and their hearts became very heavy.

Wang Qian's singing constantly impacted the emotions of all audiences on the scene and around the world.

No one can resist the penetrating power of the magnetic and emotional voice, and can't help being substituted into the artistic conception of the song.

"Aintlike lure toholdbakorhidefrthelight."

"I hate to turn up out of the blue, unni ited."

"But Iouldn't stay away, Iouldn't fight it."

"I had hoped to lure emyfae and that lure'dbere enndedthatforme..."

"It isn't over..."

Under the impact of every line of the lyrics, many people at the scene were secretly wiping their eyes.

Even many celebrities and musicians looked heavy, and some celebrities didn't know whether they were really emotional or just showing off in front of the camera, so they wiped their eyes together.

Yun Na whispered to Robert and the others: "This is the most touching song I've heard in the past ten years. His singing is too penetrating and emotional, and I can't resist it."

Yun Na's voice was a little low, her eyes were a little red, obviously she was really infected by Wang Qian's singing.

O'Connor exclaimed: "God, I can't believe that he has been singing rock and roll before. This song is a model of soul music, and his singing is also the essence of soul music. I can't find any flaws." !"

O'Connor is famous for his soul music. Although he is older now and his singing ability is not as strong as before, his control of emotions is more proficient and his singing is more touching.

However, he thought that he could not achieve Wang Qian's current situation.

Several people around looked at O'Connor in surprise. Obviously, no one expected that O'Connor praised Wang Qian in his best field. Although he didn't directly say that he was inferior to Wang Qian, everyone understood what he wanted to express.

Involuntarily, everyone in the small group, including Robert, Yunna, O'Connor, and Lillard, fell silent, stopped talking, and listened intently to Wang Qian's singing, trying to find some flaws in it, so as to give They have some confidence.

Christine, Ellie and others also listened to Wang Qian's singing seriously, and they all revealed a trace of melancholy in their eyes. Neither of them had been baptized in love, so they had no ex, and they hadn't tasted the sweetness and tenderness of love. Naturally, they couldn't deeply understand the emotions in it, they were just infected a little bit, but even so, the two of them knew how powerful Wang Qian's strength was at the moment.

Anyway, the two of them haven't experienced such contagious live singing for so many years.

Ellie looked around and said in a low voice, "Many people are crying."

Christine looked at it curiously, and then looked deeply at Wang Qian again: "It's really a touching singing."

Many other singers and musicians around feel the same way.

Elizabeth, who was in the lounge, had already stood up at this moment, looked at Wang Qian seriously on the TV screen, listened carefully to every line of Wang Qian's lyrics, and murmured in a low voice: "God, he did a great job, so perfect!"

Through the TV screen, Elizabeth could feel the emotion that went deep into the bone marrow and soul from Wang Qian, which made her involuntarily infected, and she felt an urge to cry...

She knew that she couldn't do it.

And Wang Qian has done it now.


There was a trace of frustration in Elizabeth's heart.

She lost to Wang Qian in her field of expertise.

This time, she was convinced of defeat.

Wang Qian's singing continued, and the singing became high-pitched.

"Never obsessed, I'll find a seductive onelike..."


Elizabeth couldn't bear it anymore, the sadness in her heart burst out instantly, and she cried directly.

This is the music she is best at and also her favorite, which also shows that she is extremely emotional, sentimental, and has deeply experienced the sadness and happiness of being in love.

Therefore, Wang Qian's singing made her unable to control her emotions the most!

This sentence finally directly made her unable to suppress, all the sadness in her heart was vented, and she cried out loud.

The manager hurriedly stepped forward and put his arms around Elizabeth to comfort him: "Isa, don't cry, it's okay, we haven't completely failed yet. We are already winners in the market, even if we leave the stage of The Voice World Championship, we can still become the world's best!" After the song, you can..."

The agent thought that Elizabeth was sad because she was eliminated by Wang Qian.

Elizabeth knew that she was not, so she gently pushed the manager away, then sat down and wiped her eyes, but she couldn't help but shed tears.

this moment.

Many people who were holding back at the scene finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The line of defense in my heart was completely broken by Wang Qian's singing.

There were cries one after another at the scene, and many audience members in the middle and back rows cried out in a low voice.

More viewers also began to wipe their tears.

The cameraman quickly took close-ups of many crying audiences so that the whole world could see clearly. At the same time, he did not forget to continue to put Wang Qian on the screen to prove who did it all.

In fact, many viewers around the world sitting in front of the TV are not in the mood to watch the live audience make a fool of themselves.

Because many of them couldn't help crying out loud.

And because he was in his own home, he cried louder and more recklessly, directly venting out the emotions buried in his heart.

"Don't fetme, Ibeg, Iremember lure said..."

"Look time tlast nlove, but color time thurt instead."

"I love time, tlast, nlove, but time, thurt, nstead..."

There were more cries at the scene and more intensively.

The performance on stage is still going on.

Jiang Yu still sits in front of the piano and devotes himself to the performance. The piano accompaniment is more moist and silent. This is a typical pop music accompaniment. But you can feel the emotional substitution of the accompanying music, which is extremely touching.

Wang Qian also stood there as if he didn't see the thousands of weeping audiences, as if he didn't hear the cries of hundreds of people, and he was still immersed in the artistic conception of the song.

In the meeting room of the program group, everyone was amazed at the scene.

"Are there really so many people crying? Is this someone we arranged for?"

"We didn't arrange for a single person. Tickets are so expensive, and I feel distressed if I don't have one."

"Wang Qian's song is really touching."

"What's the ratings?"

"Preliminary statistics show that there are now more than 3.3 billion people watching worldwide, and it is estimated that there will be 3.5 billion people at the final peak. This is the miracle we are about to create tonight."

"Wang Qian is our god."

"This song will definitely become popular all over the world, it's so touching."

"It's the first time I've heard such a touching singing. I didn't expect that he can conquer the world without singing rock and roll."

"Poor Elizabeth..."

"Elizabeth is not pitiful. In addition to the estimated income of her three works tonight next week, her income during the World Championship will also reach hundreds of millions of dollars. She is already a big winner."

"Yes, on this stage, there are no losers, everyone is a winner, but the biggest winner is the one who goes to the end."

"No, we are the biggest winners..."


At this moment, the social platforms of countries around the world are also full of excitement, and many people can't help but share their feelings at the moment.

"I cried when I heard Wang Qian's singing. I couldn't help but think of my favorite ex-girlfriend. She is married, but I sincerely wish her happiness and hope she doesn't forget you."

"Wow, I'm already crying, this is the most touching song I've ever heard!"

"I haven't finished singing yet, but I can't help crying."

"I thought Elizabeth's works were the ones that touched my heart the most, but Wang Qian's works made me cry."

"I can't understand English songs, but I also cried. It was the first time I cried when I heard English lyric songs."

"What is Professor Wang singing, why do I want to cry?"

"Similarly, I can't understand a word of what Professor Wang sang, but I can't help but want to cry. Professor Wang's voice is so touching, and Jiang Yu's performance is just right."

"Professor Wang is invincible, rap and cry the world, just sing and cry the world, so many people at the scene were sung and cried, invincible!"

"Professor Wang can achieve the ultimate in any music, this is probably a god!"


Adam, who just came back to his senses not long ago, looked at Wang Qian on the TV screen at this moment, and couldn't help feeling sad, and tears flowed out.

It wasn't that Wang Qian's singing evoked sad memories about his ex, but that he was eliminated when he heard the sound, and the sadness in his heart also burst out. He couldn't help crying, and said while crying: "This What the hell? Why can he do this?"

"Why can he sing and cry so many people?"

All the emotions in Adam's heart broke out completely, and he pointed at Wang Qian on the TV screen and shouted out sadly.

"Why is this Wang Qian so powerful?"

"Why does Sophie, a classical music genius, come to participate in the competition? Didn't she say that she would quit? Why?"

"Why can someone perform so many different kinds of music to the extreme? Why can he do this?"

"Why am I running into them? Why aren't they competing next year?"

"God, why?"

Adam burst into tears, with endless questions in his mind.

Why is he so talented, so strong, who was called the strongest singing genius in North America in the past 30 years, and why was he eliminated so early?

Why is there such a magical existence as Wang Qian?

Why is there such a genius as Sophie?

The brokers Eric and Winston were also a little sad.

They also had the same questions as Adam.

Why did they meet these perverted geniuses?

Adam's performance has exceeded their previous imagination, why was he still defeated so simply by Sophie?

No one can answer their questions.

The two of them didn't go to comfort Adam either, and let Adam cry to vent his emotions. They actually wanted to cry themselves.

Negative emotions in the heart can only be calmed down if they are vented.

And, Adam's third show is about to begin.

They can only hope that Adam will still be able to keep performing normally by then!

If Adam's emotions still collapse after waiting.

Then you can't perform on stage.

They can only apply to the program group to withdraw from the last performance.

However, such a loss is super huge.

As agent Eric said before.

This is the first time in the history of the world's entertainment industry that such a stage of global attention has appeared, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. In the future, Adam may never have such an opportunity again in his life, and one less performance would be an incalculable loss.

Therefore, as long as they can persist, they don't want Adam to give up his last chance to perform.

One more performance will make Adam's future journey much easier.


"The lure knows how the time flies."

"only yesterday was the time of lives..."

"wewere wavernandrai color dinasummerhaze."

"waves undbythesurp offourglorydays..."

"Ihatetoturnuptoputoftheblue, unifemale..."

"but Iouldn't stay away, Iouldn't fight if..."

"I had hoped to seduce 'd bere emyfae and that seduce'dbere fae and thatfe..."

"itisn't over..."

Wang Qian's voice paused for a moment, and he looked at many audiences who were crying and even covering their mouths, and handed the microphone to all audiences.

All the audience at the scene were stunned.

Everyone knows what Wang Qian means by this, and he wants the audience to sing along. This is a very common way of interaction between singers and audience fans. Both the singer and the audience have experienced it personally, and they are happy to interact with Wang Qian in this way.

However, everyone is listening to this song for the first time, do you know the next lyrics?

Therefore, many people were stunned for a moment, although there was a strong urge in their hearts to sing loudly into the microphone that Wang Qian stretched out.

However, they really don't know the lyrics.

Wang Qian yelled loudly: "Never fans..."

Now, everyone still remembered the lyrics that Wang Qian sang just now, so they immediately knew the next line, and many people immediately followed.

"I'll find a color onelike to lure..."

Because it is the first interactive chorus.

So everyone's singing was not neat enough, and the voice was a little chaotic.

Wang Qian didn't mind, took the microphone back and continued singing.

"Don't fetme, Ibeg, Iremember lure said..."

"Look time tlast nlove, but color time thurt instead."

"I love time, tlast, nlove, but time, thurt, nstead..."

The sad atmosphere at the scene was still strong, but after Wang Qian's interactive chorus with everyone just now, the atmosphere of the scene became more intense and enthusiastic, and the sad atmosphere was diluted a lot. Many people raised their hands and waved along with the slow accompaniment rhythm.

Then, more and more people waved along with them. Even if they were crying, they could not stop their interaction with Wang Qian.


Not for a while!

Before Wang Qian sang a few lyrics, the more than 20,000 hands on the scene raised their hands again, waving them back and forth in unison.

Whether it was the audience in the back row, or the audience in the middle and front row, they all waved their arms lightly with enjoyment.

Even the small groups that resisted Wang Qian, such as Robert and O'Connor, are enjoying the music at the moment, letting go of some resistance in their hearts.

The ten judges sitting in the front also stood up at this moment, waving their hands together with everyone with faces full of enjoyment, and there was some shock in everyone's eyes.

None of them expected that Wang Qian's singing of non-rock works could push the atmosphere of the audience to such an extent.

It's just...


They are all the older generation of kings and queens who have been working in the music circles of various countries for decades, but they have never seen such an existence in their life.

When Wang Qian sang again: "It's not over..."

Then, he handed the microphone directly to everyone present.


Everyone understands.

I also know what to sing now.

Led by many singers in the front row, everyone behind them followed up neatly.

The neat singing spread throughout the audience, and spread throughout the world.

"Never fans..."

"I'll find a color onelike to lure..."

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