Debut After Eight Years

415. Create a Horror Record Again! Squeeze giant wool!

In other words, throughout the day today, the entertainment media in various countries have not stopped, and they have been constantly hyping the whole process, and the popularity has always been high.

Regarding the World Championships, about Wang Qian, Christine, Sophie and other topics such as the sales of singers on the list, it seems that everyone can't get tired of it.

As long as there are news and discussions about these, there are a lot of user participation.

In the evening, the topic of pop music sales charts became even crazier!


Everyone is going to witness the birth of a miracle again.

Last weekend, the weekly sales dust fell, and when the weekly sales of seven singers exceeded 100 million, many media dubbed it a day recorded in the history of pop music!

And today.

Many media once again took out this title. This is another day that is destined to be remembered by the history of pop music.

I don't know if it will be called that again next week.

There seem to be too many days that history needs to remember.

However, there is no doubt that Wang Qian is the most dazzling existence in every day that needs to be remembered by history.

Wang Qian took a quick glance and saw many well-known major European and American media hype the news with various eye-catching headlines.

Many of them can see Wang Qian's name.

Los Angeles Times Huaxia Wang Qian, can today create more incredible miracles? 300 million downloads on the first day of the single, even if you think about it, you can't believe this is true.

The Hollywood Times Christian lost to Wang Qian again, and the defeat was still crisp, the gap was huge! However, Christine still has the opportunity to create a super record of 200 million downloads on the first day today. There is no doubt that she is also on the road to greatness, and it is also possible to beat Wang Qian in the future.

Wang Qian, the frontline of pop music, is about to be crowned the king of pop music. For this reason, he is only one album away from conquering the world.

Times Weekly Wang Qian led the Voice World Tournament contestants to sweep the world, overwhelming the world music scene!

Even the Wall Street Journal once again came out to join in the fun and was rewarded by Wang Qian. All stocks related to pop music soared. This was a feast of wealth that swept the world.

Although Elizabeth was eliminated from the Sun, she still proved herself in terms of sales. All three works achieved sales of over 100 million on the first day! Although it is incomparable with Wang Qian, Elizabeth has also written her name into the history of pop music.


In addition to many famous media in Europe and the United States who are frantically reporting on Wang Qian.

The domestic media in China are even crazier.

Because Huaxia is Wang Qian's home court, and Wang Qian is now the focus of the world, so Huaxia's domestic media and self-media will not let go of this wave of traffic opportunities!


After negotiating the contract with Wang Qian, several major Internet giants are now starting to create momentum for Wang Qian, creating momentum for Wang Qian's upcoming appearance.

On several pop-up windows of the Goose Factory, Wang Qian's news was placed on the most prominent front page. Professor Wang went to North America to conquer the world, and kept creating incredible records!

The topic about Wang Qian on Zhuchang Weibo also occupied eight of the top ten positions on the hot list, and the last two positions were about the Spring Festival Gala.

Douyue has been hyping Wang Qian’s live broadcast and sales records all afternoon. The Douyue official has launched an event to warmly celebrate Professor Wang breaking the world’s online record in Douyue’s live broadcast, raising the record to 129 million With 350,000 people, Douyue officials have applied for the Guinness Book of Records for Professor Wang.

Goose Factory once again warmed up for Wang Qian’s next broadcast on Weishi, in order to share the traffic of trembling. miss!

Ali is also speculating on topics related to Wang Qian. Professor Wang is about to open a star store on Tmall and act as the spokesperson of Tmall. We will join hands with Professor Wang to open a new era of online shopping.

Not to be outdone, Professor Wang is about to move into Goudong and open a celebrity store. Fans who support Professor Wang should not miss it.

In fact, Wang Qian didn't even know what the celebrity store was selling.

However, Ali and Goudong have already begun to warm up for the promotion of his star store.

According to the contract, Wang Qian must also launch the store within a week, so that the two giants can get the traffic of the World Championship.

The two giants don't care what Wang Qian buys, as long as they type out their names, even if they sell toilet paper.

Many other media, self-media are even more frantic to get traffic on Wang Qian.

However, the hottest among them is Xueman. Xueman's articles analyzing Wang Qian's music are all among the top ten hot topics on Weibo. , directly crowned Wang Qian with the title of pop king, which aroused the carnival and support of all Wang Qian's fans.

It can be seen that Xueman has also mastered the current traffic password.

Naturally, other self-media also followed suit, and it was right to praise Wang Qian vigorously.

Therefore, Wang Qian took a quick look, and all of them were singing praises to him.

Wang Qian glanced at it for a while and then skipped it.

Just look at the sales.

So many big media all over the world are so crazy, it can be seen that the sales figures must be very amazing.

Wang Qian only saw his top work, dontry, at the first glance. The sales volume has reached more than 299.3 million, which is only more than 600,000 short of 300 million sales!

And now there is still more than half an hour before twelve o'clock, maybe half an hour is enough?

Wang Qian also had a trace of expectation and apprehension in his heart.

Standing at the door of such a terrifying record, who wouldn't want to write their name on this record?

Wang Qian was not exempt from customs at this time.

The reason for the crazy hype in the outside media is also because there is still a hint of suspense.

However, Wang Qian knew that it was useless to be anxious, and left everything to the market.

He will not call on everyone to support now.

The second color onelike lure obviously has no chance to exceed 300 million. The sales volume has just reached 290 million. There is still a gap of 10 million to 300 million. It is impossible to reach it within half an hour.

The third-ranked rock single smellsliketeenspiday's sales also reached more than 284 million, and it also has no chance to set a sales record of 300 million on the first day.

Wang Qian took a closer look at his top three sales, hoping to set a sales record of 300 million on the first day within half an hour!

Looking at the fourth, it is still Christine's work. The sales volume has reached 199.5 million, and it is also standing at the door of 200 million sales on the first day. The record is about the same.

Wang Qian understood why he saw a lot of news media hyping Christine just now. It must be the company behind Christine who made efforts, and he didn't want to miss this record!

It shouldn't be difficult to sell 500,000 in half an hour?

The fifth Sophie, is a bit of a pity.

The sales volume has accumulated to 195 million, and there is still a shortfall of 5 million. It is definitely impossible to exceed the threshold of 200 million in the last half hour!

The sales record of 200 million on the first day has temporarily missed Sophie, but no one underestimates Sophie, and they all believe that Sophie will not be weaker than Christine in the future.

Christine was ranked sixth. The sales volume dropped by a notch, only about 170 million sales, but it was still terrifying.

The seventh and eighth are still Sophie, sitting firmly, and the sales have dropped a notch again, and the two works have reached more than 150 million!

The sales volume of Adam, who is ranked ninth, has reached more than 130 million, and the sales volume of Elizabeth, who is tenth, has also reached more than 120 million!

What shocked people in the pop music industry and many media all over the world is that, except for the top ten who all sold over 100 million on the first day, the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and even fourteenth all sold over 100 million. up.

Elizabeth's work ranked fourteenth, with sales of over 100 million a minute ago.


Last weekend, the four contestants on the Good Voice stage, and twelve works, all sold over 100 million on the first day.

The top 14 singers also created a record of selling over 100 million new works on the first day. This record was hyped up by many media to weaken Wang Qian's personal influence.

The influence of The Voice World Championship has reached an unparalleled level in the industry.

There has never been any talent show that can achieve such success!

Almost dominated the entire pop music scene.

Among the works that have sold over 100 million, only Christine has two songs, and they are still ranked fourth and sixth. All the others are contestants in the Voice World Championship.

If we say that in the first two weeks, many musicians could still argue that because many big names did not release songs, they let the World Championship players run amok.

Now, that excuse is completely unconvincing.

Because, look at who they are from the fifteenth, and how terrible are the sales?

Ellie secured the 15th place, with sales reaching 90 million on the first day, and she was only 10 million short of the achievement of over 100 million on the first day. Unfortunately, she still failed, but it definitely far exceeded last week's sales. success.

Green, who made his official debut, ranked sixteenth, and his sales also reached more than 87 million. This is the first official release of his work, which is obviously a great success.

There are many kings and queens and first- and second-tier big-name singers behind.

Yun Na was ranked 17th, and her work has sold 80 million. This is a sales volume beyond everyone's imagination. This week's sales must exceed 100 million!

Robert is ranked 21st, with sales reaching 50 million.

The sales of O'Connor and Lillard have both reached about 50 million!

Even a first-line singer ranked 30th had a sales volume of around 30 million on the first day!

So many kings and queens and first- and second-tier big-name singers are suppressed so that they cannot see their names. This is enough to prove the gold content of the results of the four players of The Voice. It is absolutely unquestionable and represents the dominance in the world music scene.

Among these four players, Wang Qian is undoubtedly the only one.

Not to mention that he monopolizes the top three seats.

Even last week's work is still ranked eighteenth at the moment, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 60 million. Last week's three works also sold more than 30 million, ranking in the twenties... …

Looking down on the general list, Wang Qian has too many names.

The fierce competition and high gold content of this week's list can almost be said to be the highest in the past 20 or 30 years!

In any previous period, there would never have been so many kings and queens, as well as first-line big-name singers releasing songs at the same time.

There are as many as five or six singers at the level of kings and queens alone, and among them is Christine, who is recognized as the number one queen in the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest lineup in the past 30 years.

Wang Qian tapped the phone screen lightly, continued to look at the time on it, refreshed it five minutes later, and saw that the sales figures of the number one dontry were still increasing steadily, basically ensuring that it would exceed 300 million in the end , a little relieved in my heart!


He turned on Huaxia's Qianqianjingting again to see how the data in his hometown was?

With a relaxed and expectant mood, I opened the latest weekly sales list of Qianqianjingting.

The first one is still dontry, and the sales volume did not disappoint him.

The folks in my hometown are the biggest guarantee. The sales volume is still steadily suppressing the total sales volume in Europe and the United States. It has exceeded the total sales volume of 300 million, reaching a terrifying 305 million. Not much, but Still keep the lead.

The second-ranked color onelike lure has a total sales volume of over 300 million, reaching 301 million!

The third-ranked rock single had sales of less than 100 million for the time being, but it also maintained its lead in sales in Europe and America, reaching 295 million!

Parents and folks, it's still awesome.

The sales volume of Sophie's latest single has just reached 120 million, which is less than half of Wang Qian's.

Wang Qian looked back at Qin Xuerong and asked, "Does Lao Xu have a report?"

The sales data of Qianqianjingting is so strong, Wang Qian wants to know how many users there are now?

Qin Xuerong looked at the phone with her head buried, and replied without looking up: "Old Xu told me the latest situation in the afternoon. The number of new users added today exceeds 20 million, and the total number of users of Qianqianjingting is about to reach It is 500 million, and it is expected to have a chance to reach 600 million users this week, and the proportion of paying users remains above 90%, reaching 93%! Among them, most of them are supporting you, only downloaded Your own work."

"Old Xu said, this time you have wiped out all the users in the country who are interested in music and have the ability to support the genuine version. It is impossible to increase significantly in a short period of time in the future, unless we continue to develop the entire pop music market. The same opportunity as the World Championship!"

Wang Qian nodded, expressing his understanding: "I understand, let him continue to be good, and I can buy myself a good car when I go back."

Qin Xuerong laughed and said, "Okay, I'll tell him the exact words."

Wang Qian also smiled: "Tell him, the New Year is coming soon, you can't treat everyone badly, the benefits must be in place, and the company is not short of money, you know?"

Qin Xuerong raised his head and nodded to Wang Qian: "I told you, he is preparing for the year-end awards."

Wang Qian expressed his understanding. Seeing that Qin Xuerong was busy sorting out the contract, he stopped chatting with Qin Xuerong and continued to look at the sales list.

The last few minutes...

Wang Qian refreshed it.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth immediately.

Dontry, the latest sales figure has exceeded 300 million, reaching a figure of more than 300 million.

Wang Qian watched the figure quietly and enjoyed it for a few seconds.

Then, he looked at Christine's sales again.

It's still a little bit short of the 200 million threshold!

Another refresh!

Christine's sales have also exceeded 200 million.

In the last ten minutes, the sales of Christine's single even surpassed that of Wang Qian's top song.

It can be seen that the company behind Christine is really working hard.

And this moment!

All over the United States, all of China, and even the media all over the world began to cheer!

Christine's single sold more than 200 million on the first day, setting a new record in her career and engraving her name into the history of pop music!

The North American media began to focus on promoting Christine to weaken Wang Qian's record!

In addition to North America, many media in Europe and Asia put Wang Qian at the forefront.

after all!

Sales of over 300 million on the first day must be more rare than the record of over 200 million sales on the first day, and more worthy of hype, right?

the most important is!

Wang Qian's attention in the world is obviously higher than that of Christine. Even in North America, Wang Qian's popularity is higher than that of Christine.

Qin Xuerong raised his head at this time, looked at Wang Qian and said, "Wang Qian, Douyue, Goose Factory sent an invitation at the same time! I invite you to start a live broadcast to celebrate the sales of the single's first day exceeding 300 million. Minutes; the goose factory has an asking price of 250 million yuan, and the duration is six minutes!"

"Answer or not?"

Wang Qian sighed again.

Internet giants are really rich.

Wang Qian asked: "Can I agree at the same time? One in front and one in back, both will be broadcast live!"

Qin Xuerong asked deeply, and then said: "Yes, they didn't ask for an exclusive! However, the price of the first live broadcast is still the same. The price of the live broadcast will be halved, according to the negotiated contract."

Those who broadcast live first will definitely enjoy the highest popularity and traffic, and the effect of live broadcast later will be greatly reduced, and the price will naturally decrease.

Wang Qian has no objection to this, the two giants can allow him to step on two boats is the greatest tolerance for him, no one in the domestic entertainment industry has such a big face, let the two giants make concessions to this extent.

But Wang Qian immediately said: "Yes! However, whoever bids the most will broadcast first!"

Qin Xuerong laughed: "You are so bad! However, I like to trick them, let me ask."

Now is the critical time for Wang Qian to set a new record. Once the broadcast starts, the effect will definitely explode, and it may exceed the record of the number of people online in the Douyue live broadcast today. It is definitely a rare opportunity.

The two giants definitely don't want to miss it.

This is a direct competitive relationship, and it is a good time to squeeze wool.

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