Debut After Eight Years

420. He is the God who controls destiny! Adam still wants the best rookie?

too exaggerated!

This is the unified thought of many people in the pop music industry and many media who saw the weekly sales list of pop music!

Words such as miracle and incredible have been used by them badly, and they are not enough to express the shocking emotions in their hearts.

They are now using adjectives such as extremely exaggerated to describe the latest sales figures on the current list.

It's the weekend, and there's still half a day left before the week ends.

This half-day time will not increase too much sales.

Moreover, the rankings and the like were almost settled from the first day, and almost no one surpassed the previous ones in the next few days.

Especially the top ten rankings are the most stable.

After a week, there was no change, only the long numbers behind each piece of work changed.

A few days after Monday and Tuesday, everyone began to shift their attention and gradually ignored the list.

By the end of the week, when everyone paid attention to the list again, they were all shocked by the accumulated numbers of the above works after a week.

Ellie said with emotion on her Twitter: "This week's sales are too exaggerated, especially the top ten. I don't know how to describe the exaggeration. Sales like mine can only be ranked fifteenth." , In the past, I would definitely not be convinced. But now, looking at the previous sales figures, I am convinced, they are all too good. Especially Professor Wang Qian, I admire you the most, you are my idol."

After Ellie sold over 100 million singles last week, her status in the European and American music circles has also leapt to a diva-level existence, and she has also attracted many fans. Many people call her a diva-level singer second only to Christine.

Ellie's sales this week far surpassed last week's results. As of noon this weekend, she has accumulated sales of more than 190 million, which is only about 7 million to reach 200 million. Unfortunately, this week can't be done, but It has also completely established Elle's status as the queen of the music scene, and she is also the queen after Christine, frequently appearing on various media and TV screens this week.

At this moment, Ai Li publicly said that Wang Qian is her idol, and her influence is not small.


This is not the only case.

For example, Green, who ranked 16th, also publicly stated on his Facebook account: "Professor Wang Qian is already invincible in terms of commercial achievements, and now he lacks a champion album that can prove himself, and a personality." Lammys. But I think both are as simple as food and drink for him, and if he wants it, he can get it. I officially released my first song this week, and quite a few elements of it are influenced by Without the influence of Professor Wang Qian, he can be regarded as half of my music teacher."

Green is the runner-up of The Voice in North America, and she has a lot of fame in North America, because her experience is legendary. She is a master of science, and she was a monk halfway through learning music, but she lost to Adam all the way to the finals.

Relying on his top-notch appearance, explosive figure, and the halo of being a top student in a prestigious school, Green has a lot of fans in North America. The song she released this time incorporates Wang Qian's rock style, and the cumulative sales have reached 170 million. The first official single has such an explosive sales volume, breaking the historical record of European and American pop music.

Green can also be said to have exploded as soon as he debuted, and instantly accumulated a large number of fans all over the world.

However, with such achievements and popularity, she also publicly stated that she is Wang Qian's student.

And many of her fans, as well as professionals, did not refute.


Everyone can hear that Green's official debut single does have a lot of rock elements, which is completely different from Green's previous style. It is obvious that he changed it recently. No one would say that it was not influenced by Wang Qian. believe.

Therefore, it is also true that Green said that he is Wang Qian's student.

Moreover, neither Green nor many of her fans and industry insiders think that Wang Qian's student is a shameful identity.

Many musicians and producers are also frantically conducting various analyzes and speculations on this week's sales list to attract traffic.

Winston, a top producer who is still cooperating with Adam, also publicly said on his social account: "Professor Wang Qian's sales of this song are very exaggerated, it can be said that he once again single-handedly raised the entire world's music market to a higher level! The sales volume of more than 500 million and nearly 600 million in a single single is an unimaginable exaggerated figure. However, this is what Professor Wang Qian deserves...he deserves such achievements, he deserves everyone's support for him, and I also contributed to him Sales."

After Winston sent this message, he turned to Adam who was resting at the door of the recording studio and said with admiration: "Wang Qian's sales volume is indeed exaggerated. No, it can be said that the top 20 sales volumes this week are all very exaggerated, including yours. , Adam! Your name will also be recorded in the history books. The sales of a single exceeded 200 million in a single week, and few people in the entire history have achieved it. Only Wang Qian and Christine did it last week. This week, there are more Su Fee, you, and Elizabeth!"

"God, I've been making music for so many years, I never thought that such a horrible thing would happen."

Adam put down the score in his hand, took a deep breath, and said, "It's really scary! All three of Wang Qian's works have sold more than 500 million in a single week. By the way, have you seen Green's sales?"

Winston nodded: "I see, more than 170 million! She has set a sales record for a newcomer's first single. She is really amazing."

Adam asked in a low voice: "Can I get such sales when I debut?"

Adam's tone was a little weak, and his confidence was very low.

His official debut single is still unknown when it will be released.

And Green doesn't have the halo bonus of the players in the World Championships. He hasn't performed on the stage of the World Championships. He can still win such a high sales volume. more sales.

Adam felt that he might not be able to get such a high sales volume if he broke away from the aura of the World Championship to release his work alone.

The influence of the World Championship is too great.

Winston thought for a while and said, "If we released it too late, it would be really difficult to get such a high sales volume. Now is the period when the world's pop music market is exploding, surpassing any other pop music event in history. More than half of the world's population listens to music."

"Therefore, the works produced by every singer can have a very good sales volume. Even the twentieth place has a weekly sales volume of more than 90 million. This is something unimaginable before. They should all thank Wang Qian and the world game program."

"However, this situation cannot last forever. After the World Championship, everyone's enthusiasm for listening to music will definitely cool down, and the pop music market will also usher in a period of decline! Sales at that time will definitely be far lower than Now……"

Adam frowned and said, "Then we also want to make our official debut and release works during the World Championship?"

Winston also frowned, and said: "Is it too hasty? After tonight's game, next week will be the finals, and it will be the final performance. We have to finish the production next week, and the finals will end next week. Are you going to release the song right away?"

Adam nodded: "Yes, this is the only way I won't miss the World Championship. I know that I may not get a good ranking at that time, but as long as the sales volume is high enough, it doesn't matter. Just like Green now, she only ranks in the top ten She is famous, but the sales volume is as high as 170 million, she is the biggest winner besides our four players, and she has gained more than Christine and Ellie."

"If I don't outsell her debut, I might not be the best new artist at the Grammys next year."

Best Newcomer at the Grammys?

Winston stared at Adam with wide eyes in amazement: "Adam, do you want to compete for Best Newcomer at next year's Grammys?"

Adam nodded: "Yes..."

Winston smiled bitterly and said, "You only saw Green? Dude, look, Wang Qian and Sophie haven't debuted yet... They will definitely release their debut album this year, can you compete with them?"

Adam suddenly fell silent, a blush of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Instinctively, he only saw the rookies who were debuting now, among which Green was the biggest threat, but he didn't expect Wang Qian and Sophie who were still on the field.

Moreover, he really didn't regard Wang Qian as a newcomer.

think about it...

Wang Qian just made his debut last year and only appeared in the world since the World Championships. Isn't he a rookie? A rookie who hasn't even released a single album...

Once the World Championship is over, Wang Qian and Sophie will definitely take advantage of the popularity of the World Championship to debut as soon as possible.

Who can snatch Rookie of the Year from these two?

When Adam thinks of Wang Qian, he feels the enormous suffocating pressure, and when he thinks of Sophie, he feels fascinated...

Winston did not continue to hit Adam, but patted Adam on the shoulder and said, "Adam, you are in the same era as Wang Qian and Sophie, you can be said to be eternal rivals. Therefore, it may be difficult for you to get good deals from them in the future." The rankings and awards... You should get used to it now, take it easy, don't think too much, you are already one of the best, even if you don't get the awards, your sales will definitely not be bad, and you will make money And enough money to make you one of the richest men in Hollywood."

Adam smiled bitterly, and looked at the screen of the mobile phone. On the latest sales list, the three works of Wang Qian were high above them, as if they were pressing on his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Winston continued: "Prepare for tonight's performance. Tonight may be your last chance to perform on the stage of the Good Voice World Championship. Moreover, tonight Wang Qian will only play a Chinese Guzheng that no one understands. This is an opportunity for the rest of you. His guzheng music is not destined to have too much sales and popularity, so this gives you a chance!"

Adam nodded deeply: "Okay, we need to rehearse urgently!"

Guzheng music?

What is Guzheng?

Adam shook his head. He is not interested in Chinese classical music, and he has no time to learn more about it.

Whatever it is, classical music will never exceed the audience of popular music in the market.

He has a chance to beat Wang Qian's Guzheng piece next week.

This is the only chance for him to beat Wang Qian in terms of sales since the World Championship.

Even if he has already been eliminated.

He must also grasp it.


When Wang Qian looked at the sales figures on the list, he also felt a little exaggerated.

The upper limit of the European and American markets is still higher...

The number one is of course his work, Dontry, which has already sold 590 million cumulatively, which is just over 9 million short of 600 million. This sales figure has once again crushed the sales record he set at the top of the list last week. , The highest sales record in a single week was raised by 300 million!


Even more exaggerated.

The second one, onelike, has sales of 575 million, which is only 15 million away from the first.

Smellsliketeenspi t, which ranked third, also sold more than 550 million!

The combined sales of Wang Qian's three works reached 1.7 billion in a single week!

However, there is no discount for Wang Qian's works on the download platform, they are all one dollar per song, which means that the sales figures of these three works from this week to the present are as high as 1.7 billion U.S. dollars...

No wonder the Wall Street Journal has repeatedly used the sales figures of Wang Qian and his works as its cover. Even those financial giants are ashamed of this speed of making money.

Of course, Wang Qian certainly didn't have that much in his hands, but even if it was only a third, it would still be close to 600 million US dollars. What more bikes do you need?


The Wall Street Journal also listed the sales of Wang Qian's other works this week, and the combined downloads were as high as 400 million, which is 400 million US dollars in sales, plus the 1.7 billion sales of the three new works. Well, that's $2.1 billion in sales.

The Wall Street Journal said: Wang Qian from Huaxia has activated the entire online music market by himself, and all stocks related to pop music have gone crazy! The market value of the largest music download platform in Europe and the United States has increased by 50 billion U.S. dollars. Counting Wang Qian's sales, it is not an exaggeration for Wang Qian to say that he is their god...

Wang Qian can understand why this largest online music download platform in Europe and America has been frantically looking for Qin Xuerong from various channels recently, and wants to sign an exclusive contract with him.

Even the contract has been given to the extent that there is no bottom line, the share is directly paid 100%, they don't want a dime, and they also pay an annual signing fee of 30 million US dollars. Worked for Wang Qian, and paid for it as Wang Qian's money-making tool.

Wang Qian thinks about it differently. If he is the other party, he will sign an exclusive contract with him at any cost.

If Wang Qian leaves this platform, then their market value will definitely plummet, and the loss cannot be measured in billions of dollars, at least it starts with tens of billions of dollars.


Wang Qian is indeed their god now, temporarily controlling the life and death of many of them.

However, Wang Qian still made Qin Xuerong reject them, and did not negotiate a contract with them at all, no matter how much they bid, he would not negotiate.


Wang Qian was also secretly surprised when he saw the sales of other people behind him.

Christine stood in fourth place, with a sales volume of more than 370 million, which also created a personal record for the highest sales volume. She was also the second singer after Wang Qian to sell more than 300 million in a single week, ranking in history.

And the third singer to achieve sales of more than 300 million singles in the first week is Sophie, and in fifth place, the sales volume is as high as 350 million. She has set this record at the youngest age.

The sixth is Christine, whose sales also exceeded 300 million, reaching 340 million. The two singles both exceeded 300 million, which can be called an explosion. The entire European and American music circles are hyping Christine.


The sales of Sophie's seventh and eighth singles are not bad, and all of them have sold more than 300 million, reaching about 310 million. They are also the target of hype in the European and American music circles, and their future potential and prospects are still in the hands of Chris. On Ting!

The ninth is Adam, whose sales volume has reached 280 million, which is a notch lower than Christine, but it has definitely amazed the entire world of music!

The sales volume of the tenth Elizabeth also reached 260 million, which also created a new high...


Wang Qian looked down!

Then he turned on Huaxia's Qianqianjingting.

Parents and folks, it's still awesome.

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