Debut After Eight Years

442. A new record! Who can refuse Wang Qian's music? Neither can God! (seeking subscription)

A new day, a new week, has officially begun.

When Wang Qian got up, the sun was already high.

The sun in Los Angeles in winter is also warm.

I took out my phone and checked the time...

Sure enough, it was almost noon.

This is the rhythm of life that Wang Qian liked before. How comfortable it is to sleep in the sun.

It's just that Wang Qian used to just want to sleep late, so he went back to the cage and slept until early in the morning.

And Wang Qian was so tired last night that he fell asleep and fell asleep until now.

Therefore, although I knew that there would be delicious meat to eat downstairs, I still didn't have the courage to go downstairs, and I was afraid that I would never return.

"Why did you travel through time and didn't give me an invincible body?"

With regret in his heart, Wang Qian's scumbag attribute was activated again, and then he quickly extinguished some of his unsuitable thoughts.

However, thinking of the sales volume of the two works last night when they first hit the shelves, Wang Qian opened the phone page again with anticipation.

Before clicking on the download platform, a large banner news popped up...

Several major social platforms in Europe and the United States are frantically hyping some news elements!

The key word in it is...



Break the record!

Wang Qian's name. Haven't seen it yet.

Wang Qian can tell with his toes that this is the counterattack of many European and American media and European and American music circles, as well as a protest against Wang Qian.


no way.

The market is not affected by them.


Everyone's work is not released silently, but on the stage of the World Championship, under the witness of two or three billion people.

There is no need for publicity at all, everyone knows which work they want most, and whose work they need to spend money on. They are all clear and will not be influenced by the media.


The sales volume of the works of Wang Qian, Sophie, Christine, Nakamori Miyuki and others is very small and almost negligible.


In the future, when the World Championship is over and everyone releases their works on their own, the media and professionals will have a great influence on public opinion.

After all, most people are still very influenced by external voices, especially most people still trust the voice of professionals...

A big bad movie in Hollywood can get a high box office under the hype of money, and a lot of so-called professional film critics keep bragging from various angles.

An ordinary song by a famous singer can gradually become a world-famous hit single under its continuous performance and promotion, and its fans forcefully endow it with special meaning.

Wang Qian can imagine that when he returns to China to release his works in the future, he will inevitably be targeted by European and American media and music professionals.

It's okay now, and the Voice World Championships and the official program team have endorsed him.

After a few glances, many media are hyping up the achievements of Sophie and Christine.

"The battle between Sophie and Christine for rankings has reached a fever pitch, and the difference between the sales of their singles is less than one million!"

"Sophie's single sales have exceeded 150 million. She has become the fastest singer in the European and American music circles to surpass 150 million singles, and she is also the youngest singer to achieve this achievement."

"Christine's single has also sold over 150 million, but it's a pity that it's two minutes behind Sophie, and it's a pity that it became the second place on the list of the fastest sales of over 150 million in the history of European and American music..."

"Sophie is the most underrated musical genius. Her talent and strength are above that of Christine. The current sales prove this."

"Christine just lost on the stage and publicity. The quality and performance of the works are not weaker than Sophie. It's just because Sophie performed on the stage of the World Championships, so she got more attention. The sales are higher. Of course."


These two people have become the focus of European and American music circles and the media at this moment, and the companies behind both sides are deliberately making hostile hype.

Everyone else has become a supporting role.

Not just Wang Qian, but Adam and Elizabeth, as well as the island player Miyuki Nakamori, etc., could not compete with the two of them for attention.

The popularity of other veteran queens is unbelievably low. A few professionals, almost no one pays attention to veteran queens such as Robert, Yunna, etc., and no one mentions other first- and second-tier singers.

It's just that the sales of everyone's works are not low. Although the rankings are not high, the sales have once again created new highs in their personal careers.


The entire world music scene is thriving at the moment...


Many big-name singers in the European and American music circles, as well as top musicians, producers, and media people, when they looked at the high-ranking name that was firmly seated at the top, they were all Alexander. its overturned.

Even though most of them play dumb and don't mention that person's name.


He is still on top.

Moreover, it only took half a day to create incredible sales data again.

Just looking at the long series of numbers behind that made them feel heavy, as if a mountain peak was pressing on everyone's heart, and this mountain peak was still getting bigger and bigger.

Wewillrok lures, the total sales volume has reached over 317 million!

In 12 hours, the total sales exceeded 300 million, which was even more terrifying than last week's single-day sales of more than 300 million.

Although many media and professionals deliberately do not mention Wang Qian and are unwilling to increase the popularity and exposure of Wang Qian, the official voice of Good Voice will still give Wang Qian publicity resources, and it will not be less than Sophie. According to the ranking And popularity, and enjoy a little more resources than Sophie.

Therefore, there are also extremely popular posts on Facebook, which analyze Wang Qian's recent record-breaking miraculous journey!

Last week, it took nearly a week for the total sales volume to exceed 300 million!

Last week, it took one day for the total sales volume to exceed 300 million!

This week, it took twelve hours to exceed 300 million total sales...

next time……

How long will it take to sell more than 300 million?

Today, how much will the sales volume be in a day?

Among them, there are many detailed analysis, and compared the sales of Christine, Sophie, Adam, Elizabeth and others in the same period, and made detailed data charts, which can be seen clearly at a glance.

In the end, I came to a conclusion that shocked the entire music world.

"The overall commercial sales of the entire music industry are increasing greatly. The sales of super talented singers such as Sophie and Kristen are also increasing significantly. However, regardless of the sales of super talented singers such as Sophie, Kristen, Adam, etc. No matter how much it increases, Wang Qian will double the increase to obtain even more incredible sales."

"This gave me the illusion that Wang Qian is our local singer and has won more support from local fans. On the contrary, Christine and Sophie are like outsiders who have not received more support from local fans. Approved..."

"As an objective listener who just listens to songs, I am not a fan of anyone. I must explain that Wang Qian's works are more moving and attractive to me. This point, Christine, Sophie, Adam , Elizabeth, Green, Ellie and other outstanding geniuses are all inferior to Wang Qian!"

"Of course, Wang Qian is a real master of music. Everyone calls him a professor. I think it's only natural that he is better, isn't it?"

This 10,000-word long post with pictures and texts is the most popular speech about Wang Qian on Facebook. A large number of fans have stood up to support this, and they have stood up to speak. The number of comments has reached one million. become super popular.

"I like the works of Sophie and Christine very much. The works of Adam and Elizabeth are not my favorite style. However, I like all the works of Wang Qian, and I can't stop listening to them."

"As soon as Wang Qian's music starts, I can't help but stand up and dance! God knows how long I played wewillrok to lure and dance last night. I played crazy in the yard with my friends in the middle of the night. This is a song that can make people feel happy. Unstoppable music..."

"I only like a few of Sophie's works, I only like a few of Christine's works, I don't like Adam's works, and I like two of Elizabeth's works. But I like all of Wang Qian's works... …I have paid to download each song, and I have listened to each song many times, and I want to continue listening.”

"Listening to all of Wang Qian's rock works, it gives me the feeling that I am listening to a combination of the best works in the history of rock and roll. Each song has a different style, but each song is no worse than the classic masterpieces of this type, or even better! He's a rock god, I love him to death."

"Who can refuse Wang Qian's music? God can't..."


At this moment, in Robert's manor, the number of people who accepted his invitation has dropped sharply.

Many people who came to the party before wanted to boycott Wang Qian. They saw Robert, the veteran king, taking the lead, so they came to join him.

Now that Robert had publicly switched sides, those people would naturally disband and find another backer.

So, there are only a handful of people here now.

Lillard and O'Connor, the two king-level singers, have not appeared again, but these two people have not stood up to boycott Wang Qian openly, but have remained silent, as if they are only quietly making money from singing.

The biggest one who can come is the queen-level singer Yun Na, and there is also a top producer, as well as several young singers and musicians who are here to seek development opportunities.

Robert held a glass of wine and said to Yunna and the top producer friend: "Yunna, Dror, we have to admit that it is Wang Qian who gave us the opportunity to make more money, and he who made most people in the world We are all here to listen to the song, we are all beneficiaries! I think we have no position to target him again, do we?"

Dror said seriously: "Yes, Wang Qian has no other attributes, he is just a pure musical genius. We should not discriminate against him. He is not our enemy!"

Yun Na said lightly: "He sold more than 300 million in just 12 hours today, and both Christine and Sophie are only half of his sales. I think, this number, except for himself, no one else can reach it." Broken... Last night's show was the craziest show I've ever been to in my life."

As she said that, Yun Na's eyes were still full of memories, and her face turned red.

It can be said that Wang Qian's charm on the stage last night was invincible, and he conquered most of the opposite sex on the scene. Yun Na, who watched Wang Qian's performance up close in the front row, was no exception.

Yun Na didn't sleep well all night because Wang Qian's shadow was in her mind, and she kept imagining what would happen if Wang Qian was by her side...

Later, she fell asleep in a daze, and there was also Wang Qian in her dream, but the Wang Qian in her dream was more presumptuous, which made her unable to resist. When she woke up in the morning, she found that it was just a dream, which made her very disappointed.


She knew that she could only think about this kind of thing in her dreams.

She and Wang Qian will never have any intersection.

Look at the circle around Wang Qian, who is the opposite sex?


Miyuki Nakamori.



Jiang Yu.

Murong Yue.


All of them are talented and beautiful, and they are younger and more temperamental.

As the queen of European and American pop music, Yun Na dare not compare her charm and talent with these few.

Robert looked at Yunna curiously. He didn't expect that the queen would come to support him, so he smiled and said: "Yunna is right, that is also the best performance I have ever participated in in my life. I Think, we should all do something, shouldn't we?"

Yun Na thought for a while and said, "That's right, we should do something. Now, many people don't seem to realize how incredible Wang Qian is. He has brought great benefits to all of us, but many people Turn a blind eye."

Although Yun Na's new work is now ranked in the top 20s, the sales volume has not fallen, and it has a sales volume of 20 million. The weekly sales volume may exceed 100 million. It is definitely a big profit!

Robert is also a similar sales, the same vested interests.

Dror's eyes lit up, and he said, "We can support Wang Qian on the platform together."

Robert: "Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do."

Yun Na: "Me too!"

Several people took action immediately, using their tuba accounts to speak out in support of Wang Qian on several major social platforms.

They are very few European and American famous singers and musicians who publicly spoke in support of Wang Qian at this time.

Even Sophie, Christine, Nakamori Miyuki and others are busy promoting their works, busy competing for rankings, and want to be closer to Wang Qian, so there is no time to say anything for Wang Qian now.

When Robert, Yunna, Dror and others stood up to support Wang Qian, there was a shock in the European and American music circles.

Almost no one expected it.

After what happened last night, Robert changed so drastically, from Hei Zi, the number one vanguard who resisted Wang Qian, to the number one licking dog who supported Wang Qian?

These two poles reversed...

Many people couldn't accept it for a while, and didn't understand why.

Many people can't help but have a question...

Could it be?

Robert has always supported Wang Qian's dog licking, and he deliberately pretended to resist Wang Qian to paralyze them, so that he could act at a critical moment?

Last night's performance was a play they planned and rehearsed for a long time in advance?

When some people in the circle thought of this possibility, they all gasped, and felt that it was so terrifying!

Is this the Chinese people?

What a horrible calculation...

They also understood why Wang Qian was able to complete the incredible creation of live propositions in such a short period of time, and he was able to create such incredible live performance works, creating a miracle in the entire history of rock and roll.

turn out to be……

Everything is arranged.

all of a sudden.

Many insiders who have known Robert for many years are very wary of him.

If Robert knew what these people were thinking, he might be stunned and laugh...

His change at the moment is just to stand in line!

Now that Wang Qian has been recognized, then simply become the side that supports Wang Qian, so as to gain the favor of many fans who support Wang Qian, wouldn't it be more beneficial?

After all...

Robert is a businessman, everything is for profit.

Of course, deep in his heart, there is still a trace of pride and persistence as a musician when he was young, which made him do this.

Because, his pride and persistence as a musician were really completely conquered by Wang Qian.


While Wang Qian looked at the list carefully, he ate the classic Chinese breakfast served by the waiter, including millet porridge, deep-fried dough sticks, and soup dumplings.

Looking up, Wang Qian smiled at Bella, who was elegant and slightly arrogant, and said, "Thank you..."

Bella bowed lightly, put the breakfast one by one in front of Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong, and said with a smile: "You are welcome, please take your time, if you need anything, you can call me anytime."

Wang Qian nodded: "Okay."

Then, Bella didn't stop at all, but just looked at Wang Qian one more time, and almost didn't look at Qin Xuerong, then turned and walked out, her steps were graceful, unhurried, and her tall figure seemed to be on a catwalk.

After opening the door, Bella turned around and smiled at Wang Qian again, then went out, and then walked quickly into the elevator. There were already two people waiting in the elevator, and quickly took the apron that Bella took off.

Wang Qian ate his breakfast and said to Qin Xuerong: "The breakfast in this hotel is getting better and better."

Whether it's millet porridge, deep-fried dough sticks, or soup dumplings, Wang Qian feels that it tastes better than the ones he has eaten in China, and the taste is better. It is worthy of being a top international hotel.

What he didn't know was that Bella paid a huge price to poach several breakfast chefs from China to make it, and it was absolutely top-notch.

Qin Xuerong also praised: "It's better than what I ate in the best restaurant in Beijing."

Wang Qian nodded, seeing that his sales had exceeded 300 million, he was very grateful to the veterans in Europe and America.

Sophie in the back is 150 million, and Christine is also 150 million, but it is more than 700,000 less than Sophie, and the competition is extremely fierce.

The fourth Miyuki Nakamori, what many people did not expect is that she has secured this position, and the sales volume has reached more than 140 million, leaving behind several works by Christine and Sophie.

However, Miyuki Nakamori's sales are so amazing, but there is not much popularity and recognition on many social platforms in Europe and the United States. European and American music circles and media have hardly mentioned it. Only the popularity in Asia is extremely high, and it is well known in the island country. , has been called the super queen of the world by the island media.

Ranked fifth is Christine, with a sales volume of more than 130 million.

The sixth and seventh are both Sophie, and the sales volume is also around 130 million, which is not far behind Christine, who is fifth.

Ranked eighth and ninth are both Miyuki Nakamori, with sales of more than 120 million. All three songs have achieved world-shocking results.


Even more shocking.

Wang Qian's guzheng works are still in the tenth place, and Adam, Elizabeth and others are firmly behind the tenth place!

The guzheng melody storm has now achieved over 100 million sales, with sales reaching 103 million, which shocked the pop and classical music circles all over the world.

Many classical music masters are just around the corner. Does this indicate that the market is more receptive to classical music? Is the classical music market also activated?

A Chinese classical musical instrument that many people heard for the first time can sell so well!

Then, the piano, violin and other classical musical instruments they play are more likely to win good sales?

to be honest.

Wang Qian didn't know the answer either.

Because, he was also at a loss as to the results of this guzheng piece.

I don't know why so many people download it?

buzz buzz...

Wang Qian's phone rang.

Pick it up and have a look.

domestic calls...

It's He Chaohui's call.

Wang Qian connected.

As soon as the call was connected, it was not He Zhaohui's voice, but an old and trembling voice: "Professor Wang, did you create your own way of playing the Guzheng music?"

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