Debut After Eight Years

460. The pinnacle of rock and roll! Create live again? (seeking subscription)

Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen, Xiao Dongmei, Qin Xuehong; and Li Qingyao, Yu Jingruo and others have been watching and supporting Wang Qian's performance in Los Angeles recently.

They witnessed how Wang Qian went from being ignored by everyone in Los Angeles to conquering the city step by step...


They all know.

Or, most people in the world know how Wang Qian did it.

It's just that even if you know it, you can't copy it.

without him.

Talent, strength!

The continuous release of talented and popular works all over the world has caused the entire European and American music circles to go crazy, defeating talented players and big-name singers one by one!

And, with the singing ability and skills far surpassing the players of the same class and even other big-name singers, they brought auditory and visual enjoyment to all audiences around the world on the stage...

So that everyone who has heard his works can't refuse, but can only choose to continue listening.

Among them...

Adam, Elizabeth, Nakamori Miyuki, Jonathan and other talented young singers from all over the world were overshadowed by Wang Qian's performance.

And Christine, a European and American super queen, was defeated one after another by Wang Qian, who created weekly sales records one by one.

Now, Sophie, who is admired by the whole Europe and the United States and has high hopes, seems unable to stop Wang Qian from reaching the top of the world...

This place has been completely conquered by Wang Qian.

All the audience who came from China felt a sense of pride from the bottom of their hearts, and looked at Wang Qian with admiration.

Ru Ke said softly again: "Professor Wang has really achieved the pinnacle of what a rock person can do this time."

Liu Shengnan and Chen Xiaowen, two talented musicians, nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Countless rockers have thought of conquering the world, suppressing other music genres, and making rock a truly mainstream music, music that everyone listens to and loves.


More than half a century has passed, and no one has done this.

Even in the heyday of rock and roll a few decades ago, rock bands failed to eclipse other music. Pop music was still the mainstream.

And now.

Wang Qian really did it, making rock a unique existence in the entire music market, selling far more than other types of singers' works, and driving the entire rock music genre to become popular all over the world, giving all rock people a bite to eat.

With this achievement, it is enough for Wang Qian to be named the god of rock and roll.

As a rock star, Ru Ke's admiration and admiration for Wang Qian is beyond the comprehension of others.

And many rock band members in the European and American music circles also had similar thoughts, but they were not as strong as Ru Ke. After all, they were not from China, and they still had a little prejudice against Wang Qian.

Moreover, Wang Qian is still too young after all, and his debut time is too short.

Even though he has achieved such unbelievable results, members of many big-name bands of the older generation still look down on Wang Qian with a lofty mentality in their hearts.

clap clap clap...

At this time.

There was warm applause again.

The ten judges finally scored.

No surprises.

Another perfect score.

This song Hotel California is a work worthy of full marks, and Wang Qian's performance is definitely worthy of full marks.

Jennifer held Wang Qian's hand tightly and raised it up, announcing loudly: "Congratulations to Professor Wang Qian from Huaxia. In the last performance, he once again got a full score in the professional marks of the judges. He created the first From the first game to the present, all the performances have achieved a record of full marks."

"Let us congratulate Professor Wang Qian..."

Jennifer's hand tightly held Wang Qian's, and she was reluctant to let go.

With a smile on his face, Wang Qian let Jennifer hold his hand, and nodded slightly to the applauding audience. It took a few seconds before he broke free from Jennifer's hand, which was a little compensation for her.

He knew that he was indeed a little sorry for this person.

Amid the applause, Wang Qian led all the band members to bow to the audience again, then turned and left the stage, handing over the stage to Sophie for the last performance.

The professional scores and audience votes for the first game have come out, and the second game is voting!


All those who had confidence in Sophie speculated that the two might not be able to tell the difference in the arena tonight.

If Sophie's third performance is also a perfect score, even if she loses to Wang Qian in the audience votes of the three performances, then she can't score the winner, and it needs to be decided by the market.


There is also a theoretical possibility.

That is, what if Sophie's three works beat Wang Qian in terms of sales?

Didn't the two draw all three games?

The following program group may come to an extra game, and it is possible to continue to harvest a wave...


That's just a theoretical possibility.

No one wants to believe that Sophie can beat Wang Qian three times in the sales market.

Wang Qian led everyone away from the stage with a little ease, and naturally met Sophie who was about to appear on the stage.

Sophie put on a long white dress, still dazzling and attractive like a goddess, she still smiled and nodded at Wang Qian, and said softly: "My father said, this song Hotel California is very good, he likes it very much."

Being praised by Ma Long, Wang Qian smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Ma Long for me, come on, Sophie."

Sophie nodded to Wang Qian, then turned and walked onto the stage!

Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and other band members all relaxed.

According to the procedure, their performances tonight are completely over, they can sit and wait for the final results, and then go back to the hotel to rest...

There will be one last farewell performance next week, and I can go home after it is over!


Los Angeles is very prosperous here, and the North American audience and the media are also extremely enthusiastic about them, even a little crazy.

However, they really don't have much nostalgia for this place. Except for Juliet, the others want to go home early.

Of course, when they arrived in Los Angeles, they didn't go out for a walk. They just stayed in the hotel, or went to the recording studio to rehearse, or went to the performance venue, and their lives were extremely simple.

He Fulin's chubby face was full of smiles, and he said with a smile: "Finally, I can take a good rest and wait to go home. We didn't screw up this performance, so I can finally rest assured."

Zhao Wei also nodded with a relaxed smile on his face.

Until just now, both of them were tense, afraid of losing the chain to Wang Qian on the stage.

No one understands how much pressure they have endured along the way.

Fortunately, they are all veterans in the rock circle, both mentality and experience are extremely stable and mature, otherwise the average person would have collapsed long ago under such enormous pressure.

Facing the pressure of the whole world, surrounded by a group of young talents, their strength and talent are the weakest, they can only barely keep up with the progress, and they are afraid that they will be eliminated because of their two shortcomings.

Wang Qian understood them, stretched out his arms to hug He Fulin and Zhao Wei and walked to the lounge together, and said with a smile: "I have already said, don't put so much pressure on you. I will take care of everything. This time, Still thank you both."

Zhao Wei: "Don't dare, Professor Wang, don't say thank you."

He Fulin: "As I said, the experience of cooperating with you, Professor Wang, is worth it all my life."

Jiang Yu had a smile on his face and a trace of happiness in his eyes.

She has come all the way, from being confused when she just graduated, to becoming a pianist at the level of a world-class piano master, and even becoming the keyboard player of Wang Qian's band. According to this posture, it is appropriate for her to be selected into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, maybe In the future, he will be the number one keyboard player in the world and the number one keyboard player in China.

From a pianist to a keyboard player at the level of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Jiang Yu's experience is also quite legendary in the future.

Murong Yue was also grinning, looking at Zhao Wei and He Fulin with envious eyes, she also wanted to be hugged by Wang Qian like this.

Juliet also has more expectations. Her current guitar level is in a state of rapid improvement. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is now a world-class guitarist.

And she knew that guitar was just one of her previous hobbies, and she had just touched the professional threshold.

In less than a month, under the leadership of Wang Qian, her understanding of music has risen to a higher level, and she has also practiced the guitar, which has just passed the professional threshold, to a world-class level...

This is something she didn't dare to think about before.

It is not so easy to practice an instrument to a world-class level.

At least, Juliet knew that she could not practice the guitar to a world-class level on her own, and at most it would be good to reach the level of a professional band guitarist.


It was brought by teacher Wang Qian.

Juliet is just looking forward to it now, how much can she learn from following Wang Qian in the future?

Perhaps, not just the piano?

Several people happily returned to the lounge, Qin Xuerong hurriedly poured water for them, gave Wang Qian a massage, and did the logistics work.

in the TV screen.

After Sophie and Jennifer interacted for a few words, the third performance began.

This is also Sophie's last performance.

In the last performance, Sophie still brought a work with a similar style to the previous performance, a work similar to a folk song but more suitable for the accompaniment of the orchestra.

Obviously, Sophie had already prepared for the accompaniment of the orchestra, so she created several suitable works for this purpose.

The performance was perfect.

The beautiful singing sound like a hymn, under the grand accompaniment of the orchestra, looks sacred and ethereal.

This is another style and temperament completely different from Wang Qian's performance.

Everyone at the scene was also silent.

Everyone is carefully feeling Sophie's music and singing.

We all know that if there is no accident, this will be the last performance tonight, and everyone is reluctant to give up, so they listen carefully.

Wang Qian also admired it very much, and once again felt that he was a bit invincible against Sophie...

Qin Xuerong watched Sophie's performance again and again, and whispered in Wang Qian's ear again and again: "How about the first live broadcast after the performance? Goose Factory and Byte started bidding again, and the price was even more exaggerated. I don't want to miss you." The first live stream after winning the championship..."

If Wang Qian wins the championship, then the first domestic live broadcast will definitely cause an unprecedented sensation, and the traffic it will bring will definitely be the most exaggerated.

Recently, because of Wang Qian's frequent live broadcast, Goose Factory's short video business has shown signs of recovery, so this time it is even more crazy to throw coins.

And Byte felt the pressure of Goose Factory's rise in the short video business, and also began to compete for Wang Qian's traffic at any cost, not wanting to give Goose Factory the hope of resurrecting the short video business.

Wang Qian asked absently: "How much will they pay? However, the first live broadcast must be on Feiyue, which is a live broadcast for the whole world. If they want to buy it, they can only buy the first live broadcast in China..."

Qin Xuerong: "Of course, Feiyue is ready and waiting for you to start broadcasting. Many fans can't wait. After this week, Feiyue's registered users around the world have exceeded 800 million. Every day It has grown steadily and has a large number of active users, basically not losing to YouTube.”

"If the follow-up can be stabilized, it is not impossible for Feiyue to surpass the oil pipeline. According to the information I know, the quotations for Feiyue from capital all over the world are already exaggerated. Byte may give us a large sum of money. Only money can take away 20% of the voting rights..."

Wang Qian chuckled: "No matter how high the price is given to us, as long as they get the control of Feiyue, they will make money. No matter how much they give us, it will not be as high as the value of Feiyue itself."

It's not that simple for capitalists.

Give more to earn more.

The valuation is high, isn't the byte itself earning more?

At this time.

On the TV screen, Sophie's performance has ended.

The audience applauded extremely warmly.

Wang Qian, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, and everyone else gave Sophie, her opponent, applause that deserved recognition.

They all have to admit that Sophie's talent and strength are also rare in history, second only to Wang Qian.

They can defeat Sophie together with Wang Qian, but if they are released to face Sophie alone, it will be nothing to mention.

Even the two geniuses Jiang Yu and Juliet would be overshadowed by Sophie.

The judges also highly affirmed Sophie and gave a perfect score again.

All of Sophie's performances tonight also received full professional marks, which was the first time since she competed.

To sum it up in Sisi's words: "The ten of us are just the audience who came to see the show. We have no other role. Our scoring and evaluation are meaningless to the two of them."

Jennifer said loudly: "An unbelievable situation has emerged. The professional scores of the two finalists are all perfect. This is also the first time I have encountered it in all the talent shows. This is enough to show the excellence of the two contestants... "

"However, I'm about to announce the audience voting results for the second show now, and now open the voting results for the third game!"

"Now, please invite Professor Wang Qian and Sophie to witness the results with me on the stage..."

The show is over.

However, the program group did not want to let go of the last chance to reap the ratings.

Putting Wang Qian and Sophie on the stage together is the biggest guarantee of ratings.

Wang Qian did not refuse. Hearing Jennifer's invitation, he came to the stage amid warm applause and stood beside Jennifer with Sophie.

The two stood there, making Jennifer, who is now rated as the world's number one sexy and beautiful host, look a lot darker, and everyone's eyes could not help but focus on Wang Qian and Sophie.

After Jennifer got the results of the second performance, she quickly announced: "In the second performance, Professor Wang Qian got 65,700 votes, and Sophie got 44,300 votes. Let Our congratulations to Professor Wang Qian, who once again won the audience vote for the second performance..."

The audience applauded again, and tens of thousands of people voted, so everyone recognized the result.

The gap is bigger than the first one.

Although, Sophie's performance is also very exciting.


Wang Qian's performance really moved many people even more.

Especially many rock fans are most excited.

Amid the applause, Wang Qian was about to leave the stage with Sophie.

However, Jennifer said: "You two, the official competition performance is over. There are still a few minutes left to wait for the voting results. We would like to invite a few audience members to interact with the two contestants, is that okay?"

In order to increase the ratings and meet the expectations of the stars and rich people on the scene, the program team has this small arrangement.

In the last few minutes, a wave of benefits will be broadcast.

Wang Qian has no objection to this: "Of course!"

Sophie also nodded gracefully with a smile, as if following Wang Qian's virtuous wife.

All the audience at the scene became enthusiastic in an instant.

All viewers around the world who watched also rekindled their interest and discussed excitedly on social platforms.

Many people at the scene directly raised their hands, wanting to stand up and interact with the two contestants.

Jennifer glanced at it, looked at a middle-aged man in the middle, stretched out her hand and shouted: "My audience, what do you want to say to the two contestants?"

This well-dressed middle-aged man stood up, and he looked like a senior executive of the company. Tickets for the area where he was sitting started at least 100,000 US dollars, which ordinary people could not afford.

The middle-aged man said excitedly: "Last time I watched Wang Qian create and perform we will rok at home. It was an exciting scene that I will never forget in my life. I would like to ask Wang Qian, if you win the championship today Now, can you create another song live to celebrate your own championship?"

"I know it should be difficult, but I believe in Wang Qian's strength and talent."


As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, the scene fell silent.

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