Debut After Eight Years

472. The terrorist outbreak in the Huaxia market and the capital madness caused by Qianqian Jingting

Wang Qian has a feeling...


The folks in Huaxia are staring at the sales volume in the world, and then do everything possible to maintain a higher sales volume to surpass the sales volume in the world.

The sales figures outside the China region have been somewhat irrationally depressed.

Because, Wang Qian believes that there must be many people in Europe and the United States, even if they like his performances and works very much, they will definitely not download his works on purpose, do not want to increase sales for him, do not want to increase income for him, this is irrational The boycott, and there must be a lot of such people, even if there are not hundreds of millions, it is almost the same.

However, the sales volume in China has maintained an irrational increase.

The reason is also very clear.

On the stage of the World Championships, Wang Qian performed English works after all. There must be a large number of audiences in China who could not understand them. They could only listen to the rhythm of the music and see the atmosphere of the performance.

If it is the work of other European and American singers, no matter how big the brand is, there will definitely be a lot of people who will not download it after listening to it. If they don’t understand, buying and downloading is a waste of money and time. This is also the sales volume of European and American singers in China. The reason why it has never been high is that those big-name singers in Europe and the United States get a high signing fee and the lowest share when they sign with the Huaxia platform, instead of choosing a high share and zero signing fee.

Because they know that they won't get much sales in China.

As for Wang Qian's English works, even if many people don't understand them, they will pay to download and support them without thinking.

Not for anything else!

Just to support Wang Qian...

It is to let the whole world know the strength of Wang Qian's support in China.


They are all Chinese.


When Wang Qian saw the unbelievable sales data of Qianqianjingting on the sales list, he was shocked. After thinking about it for a while, he seemed to understand it again, and he was very moved.

Although, the paid download price in China is many times lower than that in foreign countries, and a song is less than one yuan.

However, this is also the heavy support of the fathers and villagers in China.

At the top of the list, it's not the Hotel California.

The reason why the sales volume of the song Hotel California is higher in Europe and America is because this song has conquered the North American market, and the sales volume in the North American market alone has exceeded 200 million.

In China, some North American life elements in Hotel California obviously cannot be understood by Chinese people, but this is a nice and thoughtful country rock song, and the guitar performance is also very beautiful and distinctive.

On the list of Qianqian Jingting, the number one sales volume turned out to be Stairway to Heaven, a classic and folk-style rock work. Today’s sales volume has reached a terrifying 630 million, the highest sales volume compared to Europe and the United States. The Hotel California has sales of 20 million more.


Wang Qian looked at the comment section of this song, and there were tens of millions of comments. The one with the most likes was a call-to-action post.

"We are Professor Wang's base camp and the rear of his battles in the world. We can't hold him back. I hope everyone can call on everyone who knows and has the ability to support Professor Wang's works and download a song It's less than one yuan, and downloading all of Professor Wang's works is only a few tens of yuan, which is just one or two packs of cigarettes for everyone, but it can let the world see the fighting power of our Huaxia fans, and everyone will do it..."

This call-to-action post received hundreds of millions of likes and more than five million replies.

Many people responded to the call, saying they would call on classmates and friends they knew to come and support Wang Qian.

Wang Qian could think that this kind of call-to-action post must not only exist here, but also on other works and other social platforms.

And Wang Qian didn't call for it himself, he didn't have a management team to organize it, and he didn't have any fan support club.

Therefore, it can only be spontaneously organized by fans.

Of course, Wang Qian recalled the official attitude that Qin Xuerong had just mentioned to himself, and couldn't help but doubt in his heart. Is there an official push behind this appealing post?

In order to establish everyone's national pride and action in the face of the world?

Wang Qian didn't know, it was just his guess.

This one of the most classic rock works is very popular in China.

It’s not because many people understand the classics of this song, but because Wang Qian showed his historical guitar level and singing skills in this song, which made many viewers who watched the live broadcast like it very much and was very shocked .

The second most liked post in the comment area said: "I like this work so much. I am a super senior rock fan. I have listened to all the classic works in rock history, but I don't think any band's classic works can surpass Professor Wang. Stairway to Heaven. In terms of guitar performance, there is no top guitarist who can compare with Professor Wang. Friends who like rock, I advise you not to miss this work, which will truly establish Professor Wang as the god of rock and roll. One of the works of status.”

This post has more than 10 million likes.

Below are some rock technologists who analyzed Wang Qian's song in detail from various angles and aspects, and got a lot of likes and replies.

Wang Qian took a look and found that there are indeed many talented people in the folk, who have analyzed this song very thoroughly in almost every aspect, and there are some things that he, the porter, does not understand as deeply as they do.

Ranked second on the sales list is Hotel California. After all, this song is catchy, the rhythm and melody are good, and the guitar performance is a plus, so the sales volume has exceeded 600 million, reaching more than 610 million , It also surpassed the sales volume of Hotel California by more than five million in the world.

Similarly, the number of comments under this song also exceeded 10 million, and the speech with the most likes also received tens of millions of likes.

Ranked third is Wang Qian's work that has been sung by singing. It is amazing, and its sales have also reached more than 605 million. Many people like and praise Wang Qian's performance in this song A very different voice, chorus, and band mood.

This is one of the works that truly embodies Wang Qian's strength and talent.

Ranked fourth is We Are the Champions, a song that is very suitable for the atmosphere of the scene. The sales volume has reached more than 590 million, and the number of comments on this song is the largest, reaching more than 30 million. Like it The speech with the most number received more than 200 million likes. It was very lively, and people who liked it liked it very much.

Seeing that the sales of the four works in China exceeded those in the world, Wang Qian also felt a sense of pride in his heart, proud of his country and his fellow villagers.

Emotions were brewing in his heart, Wang Qian continued to curiously see who was ranked fifth while eating a delicious and refreshing breakfast.

It's Miyuki Nakamori!

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Qian's mouth.

This is what Nakamori Miyuki deserves. The sales volume has reached more than 110 million. Although it is far lower than the top four Wang Qian, this is a real market-oriented sales volume, which is already very powerful.

He also listened to Miyuki Nakamori's debut work. It is a very good work, incorporating rock and modern electronic music, with a nice voice, world-class singing skills, and world-class arrangement. It should be in the world Recognized.

Of course, Nakamori Miyuki has a very high popularity base in China, she is second only to Wang Qian's foreign players, and her popularity is still higher than Sophie.

The sixth and seventh are Sophie's works, with sales of about 90 million. The eighth and ninth are Christine's works, with sales of about 80 million. The tenth is Sophie's work again, with sales Reached more than 70 million...

Obviously, the influence of the World Championship has reached its peak in China, and so many English works have been released with such high sales, occupying the top ten.

The works of many domestic singers are ranked after the top ten.

This is something that has never happened before.

However, the 11th place is the work of a king-level singer, with a sales volume of more than 50 million this week. This is also a very big breakthrough for domestic singers, and the weekly sales may exceed 200 million.

The sales of the next twenty or so have exceeded 30 million.

The domestic pop music market has also been fully activated and exploded.

Although it is still not as good as the international market, it is already a huge breakthrough for the domestic market, and it is an unprecedented golden age for all domestic musicians and singers.

All kinds of music variety shows suddenly decreased a lot. It's not that people don't watch them, and it's not that TV stations don't want to broadcast them anymore, but because they can't invite good singers to participate in the shows.

If someone makes a good work and releases it, they can get tens of millions of sales in a week, and the income after sharing is also starting at tens of millions. If it is a little better, it can earn 20 to 30 million. The time is only a month or two. Isn't this more comfortable than participating in a variety show to look like a monkey?

Therefore, unless those variety shows greatly increase their remuneration, it is basically impossible to invite singers and musicians to participate in the show.

However, the previous program remuneration was already on the high side, how could it be increased significantly now?


For some time to come, there may be no music variety shows on domestic TV screens.

Those singers and musicians are all focusing on their own music, which is obviously a benign development.

Qin Xuerong was sipping buns, saw Wang Qian looking at Qianqianjingting, and said softly: "Old Xu called in the morning, and the number of users of Qianqianjingting is still increasing rapidly, and now the number of users is about to reach It is more than 900 million, and it may exceed 1 billion by the end of this week, and it will soon become one of the Internet platforms with the largest number of users in China."

"Besides social networking and online shopping, it is the only platform whose user scale can break through to this magnitude. It has exceeded many people's expectations for the pop music market. Now, big capitals at home and abroad are going crazy. Our platform spends money..."

Wang Qian smiled and asked, "How sincere are they?"

Qin Xuerong said with bright eyes: "Greenwood Capital gave a valuation of 50 billion U.S. dollars, and they are willing to bid 5 billion U.S. dollars to buy 10% of the shares. Moreover, they are willing to accept the AB stock system. Capital is more willing to spend money, giving a valuation of 60 billion U.S. dollars, but also bidding 5 billion U.S. dollars, as long as 8% of the shares, no mention of accepting ab shares."

"Domestic side, Goose Factory and Ali, Byte have entered the market, and the valuations have given more than 45 billion US dollars. Byte seems to be a little impatient. Old Xu said that the boss of Byte will meet in Shanghai in person. On the one hand, he said that as long as he can get a share, he is willing to pay a high price."

Wang Qian: "What did Xu say?"

Qin Xuerong smiled: "Old Xu is not in a hurry now. The company is not short of money, and it doesn't need a few giants to attract traffic. It needs money and traffic, and there is no need for financing. In the past half a month, the number of users has increased. More than three or four billion yuan, the revenue has reached more than five billion yuan, and the average recharge per user is more than ten yuan."

"This is also the reason why we did not accept the recharge of public relations in the circle and the reason why we did not accept advertising fees. If we accept these, then the revenue will increase significantly."

For any platform in the entertainment circle, recharge and advertising fees in the circle are one of the main income.

Weibo, for example, hardly has any user-paying items, but the billions of dollars in annual revenue are all based on sales of hot searches, sales of rankings and other income in the circle. Those celebrity Internet celebrities and advertisers are the biggest customers of the platform. Users are just leeks that contribute traffic and popularity.

Douyue has more than one billion users, but the current active users are not as many as Qianqianjing.

And Douyue’s annual advertising revenue reaches tens of billions, which is the main source of revenue for Byte.

Theoretically speaking, the number of users of Qianqianjingting platform has reached more than 900 million, most of them are active users, and 90% of them are high-quality paying users. The platform where celebrities and brokerage companies most want to spend money to buy traffic.

If Qianqian Jingting accepts advertisements and top-ups, then the income can skyrocket every minute, and even if the annual income is not as good as that of shaking appointments, the difference will not be too much.

And the future value-added potential is also very huge.

After all, the cultural and entertainment industry is currently supported by the state, and it is also an industry based on the foundation of the whole people. There is bound to be a lot of room for development in the future.


Wang Qian thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, we listen to thousands of people and never accept top-ups in the circle. Advertisements can be accepted appropriately, as long as they don't affect the user experience of the platform and the sales of works, then it's acceptable. On this point, you and Lao Xu made it clear, and now you can start discussing with the team, how to make advertisements without affecting user experience, and which advertisements will not affect sales in the circle."

Wang Qian said emphatically: "The foundation of our foothold is music, so we have to be as fair as possible. Everything is left to the quality of the work and let the users decide. Songwriters can spend money on publicity, but we The platform’s various rankings and recommendation exposure must not be affected by their money offensive.”

Qin Xuerong knew that this was the original intention of Wang Qian to set up Qianqian Jingting, and said affirmatively: "Well, I will emphasize this point again to Lao Xu. Then, how do we get back the capital for the financing?"

Wang Qian shook his head: "Reject, and tell them that we will not accept financing before listing."

Qin Xuerong asked: "Only accept the last round of financing before listing?"

Wang Qian nodded affirmatively and said: "Yes, this will not change. We only accept the first and last round of financing before going public. Just explain it clearly to them and let them be prepared when the time comes. Don't be caught Exorbitant valuations scare."

Qin Xuerong said with a smile: "Those capitals are not afraid of high valuations, but they are afraid of being unprofitable. As long as there are benefits and potential, even if we are valued at hundreds of billions of dollars by then, reaching Facebook's pre-IPO scale, they will go crazy I rushed forward in the same way, I was afraid that there would be no chance..."

The young couple chatted and finished their meal easily.

buzz buzz...

Wang Qian is looking at the situation of public opinion at home and abroad, and is going to start a live broadcast on Feiyue again later.

Qin Xuerong's mobile phone dedicated to external contact vibrated a few times again, she picked it up to have a look, frowned at Wang Qian and said, "Oscar and Grammy invited us together to attend their gala performance, the appearance fee is directly Opened to ten million dollars..."

Oscar, Grammy?

The second of these two most grand entertainment evening parties in the world, send an invitation to Wang Qian together?

Also given such a high price?

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