Debut After Eight Years

54. Graduated from Beiyin? No, Beiying!

Wang Qian wanted to teach Professor He how popular his hot pot restaurant is...

"Professor He, forget about Yang Yin's professor."

Wang Qian declined the professor's invitation in a low voice: "I can go to today's performance."

It's not that he feels unqualified.


He thought he might not have time.

He Chaohui asked, "Are you afraid that you won't pass the test?"

Provocative method?

The old man does not take this trick.

Wang Qian smiled and shook his head: "Hehe, no."

He Chaohui: "Why is that? Are you just burying your talent like this?"

Wang Qian shook his head again: "I didn't bury my talent either, I'm already preparing to debut."

He Chaohui also shook his head: "You should have higher pursuits!"

Wang Qian: "Pop music is not a higher pursuit? Professor He..."

He Chaohui stopped talking, and glanced at Jiang Yu and Murong Yue who were beside him again: "I won't argue with you now. However, I will keep your invitation for one year, so you should think about it carefully."

Wang Qian: "Thank you, Professor He."

He Chaohui: "You don't need to thank me, go change your clothes with me, you are too conspicuous like this."

Wang Qian thought he was here to be an audience, so he dressed casually, which was really different from those suits and dresses.

Although Wang Qian was casual, he didn't want to be an outlier, so he nodded in agreement, and followed He Chaohui to borrow a suit of clothes to change into.

just came out.

A middle-aged man in a suit came to He Chaohui and looked at Wang Qian curiously: "Director He, this is the Wang Qian you strongly recommended?"

He Chaohui nodded: "Yes, he is Wang Qian! Wang Qian, this is Mr. Yang Jiansen, the director of the Magic Music Piano Department."

Wang Qian stretched out his hand and shook Yang Jiansen's hand: "Hi, Director Yang, I'm Wang Qian."

Yang Jiansen looked very polite, and after shaking hands politely, he asked, "Where did Mr. Wang graduate from?"

Wang Qian said truthfully: "Beiying!"

Yang Jiansen was surprised: "Beiyin? Beijing Conservatory of Music?"

He looked puzzled, Jingcheng Conservatory of Music is not as good as Yangyin and Moyin, why did Chaohui strongly recommend Wang Qian, and why did he not hesitate to let his daughter who graduated from Yangyin's Ph.D. withdraw from the performance?

Wang Qian corrected: "No, it's the Beijing Film Academy!"

Yang Jiansen was silent, looked at Wang Qian carefully, and looked at He Chaohui suspiciously: "Director He, is what he said true?"

He Chaohui nodded: "Yes, he graduated from the acting department of Beijing Film Academy."

Yang Jiansen frowned slightly, and looked at Wang Qian with scrutiny: "Where did Mr. Wang learn the piano?"

Wang Qian was still honest: "Teach yourself!"

Yang Jiansen turned his head to look at He Chaohui again: "Director He, is he joking, or are you joking? Do you know how important today's exchange is to us? Professor Dawson from the Curtis Institute is a world-renowned great pianist composer family, if he leaves a bad impression, the reputation of our entire Chinese music industry in the world will drop a notch."

He Zhaohui looked at Yang Jiansen and said with certainty: "That's why I strongly recommend Wang Qian to perform on stage. The purpose is to enhance our reputation, and I trust him. Have you heard the piece I played yesterday? Haven't you always Are you asking for the name and author? It's him, the name of the song is Wang Qian's tenth etude!"

Yang Jiansen stared at He Chaohui with wide eyes, and then looked at Wang Qian with doubts.

Wang Qian smiled modestly: "I chose the name casually, Director Yang laughed at me!"

Yang Jiansen asked: "Is it really your composition? You taught yourself the piano?"

Wang Qian's eyes met Yang Jiansen's: "Yes, I created it in my spare time. I taught myself music and piano at home!"

Yang Jiansen remained silent for a few seconds, digesting the information.

At this time, he saw a group of formally dressed foreigners walking in from the side entrance, led by a thin old man with pale hair, he immediately looked at He Chaohui and said, "Director He, I hope your choice is correct." Wang Qian: "Mr. Wang, do a good job. If you are really interested in music and piano, after we finish our talk, I can give you an auditing place in the Magic Sound Piano Department. If you pass the exam later, I will give you an official certificate." Diploma."

Wang Qian smiled: "I will try my best. If you are an observer, forget it. I am busy recently and may not have time. Thank you Director Yang."

Yang Jiansen took a deep look at Wang Qian, then turned around with a smile on his face, and reached out to greet the white-haired thin old man and his party: "Professor Dawson, Professor Carl, sit here."

Yang Jiansen is the host, and the group who greeted the exchange came to sit down.

A total of ten people came.

The leading Professor Dawson is a veteran professor from the Curtis Institute of Music, a world-renowned pianist, composer, and conductor, and also a big name in the Curtis Institute.

Sitting next to Dawson is a man and a woman. The man has brown hair, blue eyes, and sharp features. He is tall and handsome as a Westerner, but he is not very old, that is, in his twenties.

The woman turned out to have black hair, fair skin, purple eyes, and soft facial features. At first glance, she was of mixed race, and she was of oriental descent. She was only about twenty years old.

These two are the students Dawson brought to China. Jason, Taylor, the top students of Curtis Institute, sitting there with their own aura, almost all eyes behind them are looking at them.

Even the group from Berkeley College sitting on the other side of Professor Dawson looked a little dimmer.

He Chaohui also went up to talk to Professor Dawson, but Dawson didn't reply, his face was expressionless the whole time, and he didn't respond to anyone else's words.

However, Yang Jiansen, He Chaohui, and Peng Donghu from Zheyin were not unhappy. They were very happy to meet Dawson.

Professor Carl from Berkeley College said in English: "Guys, can the show start?"

As the host, Yang Jiansen nodded to Dawson before answering Carl: "Of course, the time will come soon. I hope you all have a good time today."

Carl: "I hope so too!"

Carl said to a tall young man beside him: "Mike, you can play the storm later!"

Several people in Berkeley looked at Professor Carl.

Mike smiled and said, "Professor, do you want to open their eyes?"

The Storm Piano is a famous piece composed by a great English composer a hundred years ago. It is famous for its high difficulty, and it is difficult to play it unless it reaches the real professional level.

And to play this piece perfectly, it must be a world-class pianist.

Mike is now nominally just a graduate student in the piano department at Berkeley College.

However, in fact, his level is enough to apply for a doctoral degree, or even better. He is the highest level among the few students in Berkeley, and he is quite famous in the entire North American piano field.

Carl looked at Mike and asked easily, "Can you do it?"

Mike shrugged: "Sir, I am looking forward to their expressions."

Carl smiled: "I'll keep an eye on it."

Dawson glanced at Carl and Mike, and then said to those around him: "Taylor, you are also on stage."

Taylor asked, "Professor, don't we have a show?"

Dawson: "Now there is!"

Taylor nodded obediently: "Okay."

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are disputes.

The so-called communication is essentially a competition with each other!

Since I represent the name of Curtis College here.

Then, the glory that belongs to Curtis Institute cannot be lost.

Mike looked at Taylor, smiled and said: "Taylor, I am looking forward to your performance. I think these Chinese people will be shocked. Of course, the premise is that they can understand your music."

Taylor didn't look at the other party, but just replied lightly: "Thank you!"


Mike was a little disappointed, knowing that the other party looked down on him at all, so he calmed down and stopped paying attention to this talented girl from Curtis Institute, and looked at the stage.

A young man from the Magic Sound Piano Department has already walked up to the piano in the middle of the stage.

The show has officially begun.

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