Debut After Eight Years

6. Eight years, you think too long.

Early the next morning.

Wang Qian was awakened by the glare from the east, rubbed his eyes, picked up the phone next to the pillow, and checked the time.

It's already ten o'clock!

Wang Qian was taken aback for a moment, then immediately regained his energy, remembering that today he and Li Qingyao had to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a divorce certificate.

The other party is so eager to get rid of him, as if he is a burden, so he can't insist on maintaining this relationship, can he?

Wang Qian hurriedly got up, washed his face a little, put on his clothes and went out, picked up his cell phone and dialed Li Qingyao.


Li Qingyao is currently sitting in the nanny car heading to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In order to keep it secret, the car was borrowed, and the driver was agent Liu Lihua, and Liu Lihua wrapped herself tightly to prevent being recognized.

Wang Qian's slightly hurried voice came from the phone: "Qingyao, I'm sorry, I got up a little late, have you arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau? I'll take a taxi and I'll be there soon."

Li Qingyao was wearing sunglasses and a mask, so she couldn't see her face, she just said lightly: "We haven't arrived yet, hurry up!"

Wang Qian: "Okay, I'll be right there."

Li Qingyao hung up the phone, holding the phone tightly with both hands, looking out of the window, Wang Qian's song "Ordinary Road" rang in her mind, and the song rang in her ears and heart all night.


The nanny's car stopped at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The taxi that Wang Qian took also quickly arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Liu Lihua got out of the car and opened the door for Li Qingyao: "Yaoyao..."

With a height of just over 1.7 meters and high heels, Li Qingyao looked at Liu Lihua condescendingly, her beautiful face was expressionless, and her voice was a little cold: "Sister Liu, you are just my manager, you just need to let me work It is enough to arrange the business affairs. My private affairs in life do not require you to intervene forcibly, do you understand?"

Liu Lihua was stunned. She, who has always been strong, was not used to Li Qingyao, who was usually very well-behaved but suddenly became strong at this moment, but she also knew that she was outside now and could not quarrel in public, so she nodded immediately: "Okay .”


She still wanted to say something in a low tone.

Li Qingyao said coldly: "Stop talking about it."

After speaking, Li Qingyao quickened her pace and walked towards the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Wang Qian glanced at Liu Lihua, and then followed Li Qingyao's pace.

The two were silent and did not speak, and quickly went through the formalities when they came to the work window.

The staff also wanted to mediate.

After all, the divorce rate is too high now. When young people get divorced, someone from the Civil Affairs Bureau will come to mediate the conflict. I hope the two of them will not divorce!

However, both Wang Qian and Li Qingyao refused.

Less than ten minutes.

I got the green book.

Wang Qian flipped through the book, and it was still the familiar touch from his previous life. He turned to look at Li Qingyao: "I wish you happiness."

Li Qingyao's eyes under the sunglasses stared at Wang Qian: "Do you really want to debut?"

Wang Qian nodded confidently: "Well, I'm planning."

Li Qingyao said lightly: "Next month, I will have a concert in Shanghai. I will invite you to be the guest singer and give you time for two songs. Based on your performance in the bar yesterday, it should be able to arouse the attention of those brokerage companies." Be careful, I won't be able to help you later."

Wang Qian looked at Li Qingyao in surprise, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled: "Hehe, thank you for your kindness. No need. I believe that talents will not be buried, especially in this era! I'll go first... "

With that said, Wang Qian waved to Li Qingyao, put away his books, took a taxi again, and left quickly.

Liu Lihua watched Wang Qian leave, then ran to Li Qingyao's side: "Is it done?"

Li Qingyao nodded, ignored Liu Lihua, got into the car and lay down on the seat, not wanting to move, looking under the sunglasses at the direction where Wang Qian was leaving in a taxi.

There was a flash of relief in Liu Lihua's eyes, and then he drove away from here: "That's over. Without this time bomb that exploded at an unknown time, we will have a new life in the future. The activities at noon are all arranged, do you want to continue?" Sing the ordinary road?"

Both Liu Lihua and Li Qingyao like the song "Ordinary Road" very much, so they added this song to today's event performance.

Now, Liu Lihua saw that Li Qingyao was not in the right mood, so she asked again for sure.

Li Qingyao said lightly: "Don't sing! That's his song."

Liu Lihua nodded and stopped talking.


Wang Qian spent 30 yuan for a simple breakfast at the breakfast shop at the gate of the community, feeling that the consumption in Shanghai is really unusual.

Picking up the phone, I found the phone number of the agent I signed with before. The contract expired three years ago, and the contract was automatically terminated.

Of course, since Wang Qian decided not to make his debut eight years ago, the brokerage company and agent have ignored him. When the contract expired, they didn't even call to ask about it.

buzz buzz...

The phone vibrated and was quickly connected.

A suspicious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, who are you?"

Wang Qian: "Hello, is this Zhang Sheng?"

An affirmative voice came from the phone: "Yes, I am Zhang Sheng!"

Wang Qian: "I am Wang Qian, do you remember me?"

The phone was silent for a while, and then there was laughter: "Oh, it's you, Wang Qian. What do you need from me?"

Wang Qian: "Well, there is something wrong. I want to debut now, and I need an agent."

Zhang Sheng's laughter came from beside his ears: "Hahaha, Wang Qian, this joke is very funny."

Wang Qian: "I'm serious!"

Zhang Sheng was silent for two seconds before he said seriously: "Wang Qian, when I persuaded you eight years ago, you said that you didn't want to be a star. At that time I was very optimistic about you. With a certain level of acting skills, I have already made a publicity package plan for you. But you refused... I persuaded you several times, but you refused."

"Now you have figured it out and want to make your debut? But, you have been thinking for too long. Eight years! Eight years is enough for a person to go through a whole career in the industry. In these eight years, many people have made their debuts and exploded. Now, many people have gone from being popular to disappearing. And you, from a high-quality niche student in his early twenties, have become an old man in his thirties."

"Wang Qian! Give up! You are too old...I can't help you!"

After speaking, Zhang Sheng hung up the phone.

Wang Qian's face was calm as usual, and he threw the soy milk cup in his hand into the trash can on the street. Zhang Sheng didn't affect his mood, but he began to consider other ways in his heart.


The phone vibrated.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Wang Qian connected.

"Mr. Wang, I'm Hua Zi, do you have time at noon today? Let's meet and talk about the copyright of the song?"

It was Zhou Xuehua's voice on the phone.

Wang Qian did not refuse: "Yes, just at noon!"

Zhou Xuehua: "Okay, see you at XXX at twelve noon."

Wang Qian: "No problem. By the way, Mr. Zhou, I want to find a professional recording studio, do you know anyone?"

Zhou Xuehua: "After lunch, I'll take you there."

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