Debut After Eight Years

611. Prove what? The island master who staked his life's honor. (seeking subscription)

Li Xiyan looked at that Cui Chenggong with a little surprise: "He hasn't appeared for many years!"

As the retired main performer of the National Orchestra, Li Xiyan also has a good reputation in the world. He naturally knows Cui Chenggong, Xinye Taro and others, but he does not know as much as Wen Cangjian, a person from an island country.

In the past, several orchestras from the island country came to China to perform. Among the repertoires performed were several classic works by Shinno Taro, which caused quite a stir in the Chinese music circle, because those works were said to be composed by Chinese music masters. No one will doubt that the Chinese cultural characteristics are almost visible to the naked eye.

Wen Cangjian nodded: "Cui Chenggong graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Music decades ago, and has successfully held two tours in the world. However, he was in a state of retirement 20 years ago, and there has not been a public performance in the past 20 years. , and never gave a lecture. It is said that he has been concentrating on the study of music art, and wants to create works that shock the world and become the first music master in the new century..."


After hearing Wen Cangjian's words, Li Xiyan and several other people around looked at that Cui Chenggong with wide eyes in surprise.

He wants to become a music master?

It can only be said that he really deserves to be a native of Bang.

Li Xiyan said with a faint smile: "Then I am looking forward to the future work of this Mr. Cui. I heard that several works he published when he was young were sued by two European musicians for plagiarism! In the end, although he won the lawsuit , but the two works do have a great similarity.”

A trace of contempt flashed in Wen Cangjian's eyes, and he said with a smile: "It's not just Cui Chenggong, Li Zaizhi has also been sued for copyright infringement and plagiarism by several writers and artists. This is not uncommon in Bang Country."

Li Xiyan thought that in the past few years in China, he was also sued by some people abroad for plagiarism and infringement in many aspects, so he stopped talking immediately. However, those who infringe and plagiarize are all low-level figures, and it is impossible for such people to reach the status that can represent their highest achievements like Cui Chenggong and Li Zaizhi in Bangguo.

Li Xiyan, Wen Cangjian and others stopped talking, and focused their gaze on Wang Qian, expecting how Wang Qian would resolve the obstruction of these dozens of people who raised their hands.

These people are all top masters in the field of music art from all over the world. If they ask questions, they will definitely not be easily resolved.

Standing on the podium, Wang Qian glanced at the dozens of people who raised their hands, and finally stopped at the delegation area of ​​the island country and the stick country, and looked curiously at Cui Chenggong and Xinye Taro who raised their hands. people.

He has given two lectures in North America, and he has accepted many questions from successful people in the field of music and art in Europe and America, as well as many folk people in Europe and America.

This time, in Asia, the first thing he wanted to call was an Asian.

It's a pity that none of the major delegations in Huaxia raised their hands.

All delegations in Huaxia hope that Wang Qian can successfully preach to the world again, so naturally no one will raise their hands to embarrass Wang Qian.

Only the delegations from the stick country, the island country, and the three countries raised their hands.

However, Wang Qian just glanced at the delegation of the Three Kingdoms and ignored it. The skin color of the people there was too different from his.

In comparison, he is still more inclined to stick country and island country. These two are also representatives of the Chinese cultural circle. They have been closely following the Chinese cultural heritage for thousands of years. Now they still want to compete with the Chinese mainland for the orthodoxy of Chinese traditional culture. status.

A smile appeared from the corner of Wang Qian's mouth, then pointed to the old man in kimono, and said, "So many people have doubts. So, this old man in kimono, what do you want to tell me?"

The old man in kimono is Shinno Taro.

There are more than a dozen members of the music and art delegation from the island country, most of whom are teachers and students of the National Conservatory of Music and music artists who graduated from this academy, and these people are headed by Taro Shinno.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Shinno Taro is the number one person in the field of music and art in the island country. There may be two or three people who can compare with him in terms of achievements and standards, but who can compare with him in terms of influence, the entire The island nation's musical arts scene couldn't find one either.

Seeing that Wang Qian chose Xinye Taro, the other people who raised their hands lowered their arms one after another, looking very regretful. A few of the people who raised their hands did not want to hinder Wang Qian, but simply wanted to communicate with Wang Qian here. , and said a few words to Wang Qian face to face, wanting to take this opportunity to show his face in front of the whole world, maybe there is a chance to leave his name in history?

For these master artists, they disdain pure hype.

But they are not immune to the heat that is enough to leave a name in history.

Shinno Taro is thin and thin, wearing a loose kimono. He was still holding on to a chair when he stood up. The microphone that came over, bowed slightly to Wang Qian, and then said in standard Chinese: "I'm sorry, Professor Wang, to interrupt your lecture. I come from the National University of Music in Japan, and my name is Taro Shinno. Maybe you have heard my name before." .”

Hearing Chinese, Wang Qian felt a little kindness, smiled and said: "It's okay, I don't bother you. I'm also sorry, I didn't go to a serious music school, so I don't know much about almost all famous musicians in the world .So, this is the first time I heard your name."

There was a trace of astonishment on Xinye Taro's old face, and then he was relieved.

Wang Qian's birth and life experience have long been thoroughly studied by the world's top music schools, so Niano Taro also understands that Wang Qian is not lying.

Taro Shinno nodded: "So, you are a real genius. I watched the entire live broadcast of your lecture at Juilliard College last time, and studied it a few times afterwards. I benefited a lot and was extremely shocked by your talent and strength. I can't imagine that someone can learn a new instrument in just a few minutes, and can also use that new instrument to perform a new work, which is a miracle in the history of world music."

There were some discussions at the scene.

Most of the people who came to the scene were the audience who watched Wang Qian's lecture in Julia last time. Others also watched the live broadcast or video, and many people even studied it more than once.

Therefore, everyone knows that Taro Shinno said what was in their hearts.

The more they researched afterwards, the more incredible they found it!

That simply overturned their common sense, as if a god really possessed Wang Qian.

This is also an important reason why Wang Qian has gradually been recognized by most European and American music and art circles.

When a person's talent and strength are as powerful as a miracle, any prejudice they have will appear so powerless. If they still resist brainlessly and use brainless prejudice as a reason, it will only appear that they are insignificant in front of the whole world. How weak and stupid.

Many who did not see Wang Qian live at Juilliard College felt very regretful, and they all wanted to witness such an incredible scene with their own eyes.

That's why Wang Qian's lecture at Yangyin is so popular this time.

It is one of the important reasons to witness Wang Qian's preaching and become a music master. At the same time, it is also one of the important reasons that everyone wants to see Wang Qian's incredible musical talent again.

Shino Taro is one of them.

He used to be a top music genius, known as the once-in-a-century music genius of the island country. At that time, he almost single-handedly created half of the music art of the island country. He was also the first internationally recognized music art master in the island country. Classical music has profound attainments and great achievements.

Taro Shinno has also met many top music talents from all over the world in his life, and many of them had the opportunity to prove the existence of music masters who failed in the end.

Therefore, the more he knew what it was like to be a top genius, the more Taro Shinno knew how incredible Wang Qian's talent was.

If he didn't witness and verify it with his own eyes, Shinno Taro wouldn't believe it, and he would always have doubts in his heart.

So, he raised his hand!

He has no doubts about Wang Qian's Taoist works, the Nocturne series. He likes and recognizes this new classical music series very much, and he can understand the laws and artistic connotations in it, so he has no doubts. Wang Qian himself has some doubts.

There were some small voices of discussion around.

"What does this islander want to do?"

"Does he want Professor Wang to learn a new musical instrument live?"

"Isn't this just to find fault?"

"Professor Wang is not a street performer."

This is the voice of many Huaxia audiences. They don't want Wang Qian to be questioned and instigated by others casually.

However, many viewers from outside China, Europe, America and other Asian countries are very interested in this.

"I came here today just to see if there is such excitement to watch. I didn't expect it to be there as soon as I came here. Are you going to perform a new musical instrument?"

"Compared to sleepy music art, this is what I want to see most."

"Honestly speaking, the theremin that Mark found for Wang Qian at Juilliard last time, I later bought one at a high price. It was really difficult, and it took a long time of special practice to master some key points. It's hard for me to imagine that someone can learn it when they first come into contact with it, and use it to perform works."

"The saxophone is my favorite when I go home. Unfortunately, Professor Wang has not uploaded it to the online platform. It is said that he is too busy recently and has no time to record. I understand. His musical talent is really like a god." The presence."

"Does this islander want Professor Wang to demonstrate a new musical instrument again? What kind of musical instrument?"

"Probably an island instrument..."


During the discussion.

He Chaohui, Yang Jiansen and other major Chinese delegations were nervous.

Even though they knew that Wang Qian really showed his god-like musical talent at Juilliard College last time without any fraud, but they were still nervous about this incredible thing, because this is something unprecedented, and there may not be any later. Those who have been able to do this, that's why they are afraid that Wang Qian will be blocked here.

If Wang Qian did not do it, then even if his series of Proving Dao works are recognized and successful, there will still be flaws, and this will become a stain on his Dao Proving in his life, and people will always remember it in his heart , engraved in historical documents.

And Taro Shinno will also use this to leave a name in history, and will always be remembered by future generations.

When many people thought of this, their eyes lit up slightly when they looked at Taro Shinno, and their hearts were eager to move.

Such an opportunity to make a name in history, many people will never come across it in their lifetime.

They seem to have such a chance at this time?

Of course, He Chaohui and the others absolutely did not want such an opportunity.

However, others may not necessarily.

Wang Qian looked at Taro Shinno, and was silent for a few seconds. Hearing the discussions around him, he said, "So, Mr. Taro Shinno, what do you want to say?"

The discussion disappeared in an instant, the audience fell silent, and tens of thousands of pairs of eyes looked at Shinno Taro.

Shinno Taro was a little bit stressed, but he still said calmly: "I want to ask Professor Wang personally."

Wang Qian smiled faintly: "What is the proof?"

Taro Shinno stared at Wang Qian, his aura gradually rose, and the aura of a master of art was undoubtedly revealed, and he said seriously: "Please verify whether Professor Wang really has such talent and strength."

Wang Qian still said flatly: "Oh? If someone comes and let me prove it, then I don't have to do other things in this life, right?"

The atmosphere at the scene was more silent.

After listening to Wang Qian's words, everyone knew that Wang Qian would not do that kind of display of talent and strength so easily.

Because they all agreed with what Wang Qian said.

If one person has to prove it once, how long does it take to prove it? There is really no need to do other things in this life, just keep showing off as a tool person.

Xinye Taro was stunned for a moment, and knew that Wang Qian was telling the truth, and he had no obligation to prove anything by himself. After a second of silence, he solemnly said: "If Professor Wang can prove this point, I am willing to pay homage to Professor Wang." Under the door, become Professor Wang's student."

As soon as this statement comes out!

There was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone around stared at Shino Taro with wide eyes.

No one expected that Shinno Taro would be able to say such a thing, worship Wang Qian's disciple, and become Wang Qian's student?

Niano Taro is a real world-renowned veteran music art master, and a rare top music art master in Asia. He became famous decades ago and is now 80 years old. It is more than enough to be Wang Qian's grandfather. Being under Qian's family and becoming Wang Qian's junior, his reputation has been damaged for more than half of his life!

This is betting on your life's achievements!

Ming Ze, who was sitting next to Taro Shinno, quickly pulled Taro Shinno, and said softly: "Mr. Xinye, don't be impulsive. Even if you are sure of winning, don't push yourself up! If he refuses, we can also hype later Let's put pressure on him!"

Several other island music art masters also persuaded in a low voice.

Unmoved, Xinye Taro gently pushed away Ming Ze's quick hand, but looked at Wang Qian, waiting for Wang Qian's answer.

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