Deceive All Worlds, Start To Create A Mythical Ancestor

Chapter 65: The World Of Literature And Dao? Myriad Dao World?

"A world-class world in Zhongqian? A world above the strange world of Immortal Dao?"

"I don't know what system this Middle Thousand World is."

"Hopefully it's a good world to collect trust points."

"The gate of time and space will not be opened for the time being."

Since Genesis is still being upgraded, Han Mu thought for a while after feeling the prompt of the gate of time and space, and refused to open the gate of time and space.

time flies.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

At noon the next day.

The golden light on Genesis began to fade away.

The moment the golden light dissipated.

Han Mu heard a notification in his mind: "The upgrade is complete."

After hearing the notification tone, Han Mu immediately took the upgraded Genesis Record with a wave of his hand.

"Use the source of blue volume."

After getting Genesis in his hands, Han Mu will use the source of blue energy.

Following the appearance of a notification that the use was successful, Han Mu felt an endless area of ​​spiritual energy appearing in his body.

"Create a master of the heavenly level in the strange world of immortality."

After feeling the power of aura in his body, Han Mu immediately communicated with the Genesis with his mind, and began to test the effect of the upgraded Genesis with the source of blue energy.


At the moment when Han Mu communicated with the creation record.

The endless aura power in Han Mu's body began to pour into Genesis.

After the spiritual energy poured into the Genesis, a phantom composed of spiritual energy also began to form in the Genesis.

"It will take a month for the generation to end?"

After the phantom appeared, the time when the phantom was completely generated appeared in Han Mu's mind.

Seeing this time, Han Mu frowned.

It shouldn't be.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the level of Genesis is sufficient and the user's strength is sufficient, the generation time is absolutely very short.

An hour is considered long, and it is absolutely impossible for a month.

"Could it be said that the power of the source of blue volume is not enough to allow Genesis to operate at its maximum power?"

Han Mu looked at Genesis, felt the source of blue energy in his body, and thought to himself.

Just when Han Mu was thinking about why it took so long to generate the ultimate power of Xiaoqian World with the combination of Genesis Record and the Source of Blue Quantity, a response appeared in his mind.

This response is the response given in Genesis.

The content of the response is probably that the power level of the source of mana is enough, but its level is not enough.

Although its level has reached the Xiaoqian world level, it can theoretically shape everything in the Xiaoqian world.

But it doesn't mean that the speed at which it generates everything is extremely short.

The power of the heavenly level in the strange world of immortality is generated by the heaven and the earth, and the level of power is the limit of the lower thousand worlds.

It generates the power of the limit of the small thousand world, which is equivalent to generating an existence whose power level is not weaker than itself.

No matter how powerful the Creation Artifact is, it has a limit. It is impossible to generate the power of its own limit level, and it is generated immediately.

After sensing the response from Genesis, the doubts in Han Mu's eyes were immediately relieved.

He understood.

Genesis is like a money printing machine, with a cost of 100 million.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the money printing machine continues to operate, it can create countless billions.

But the prerequisite for creating countless billions is that it needs enough time.

The same is true of Genesis.

Generation and itself exist equally, and it also takes time to buffer.

"It seems that this new world's idea of ​​counting on the upgraded Genesis to complete everything is about to fail."

"The level of the new world is Zhongqian World, which is still higher than Xiaoqian World."

"If Genesis can generate the limit power of Xiaoqian World in a short time, that's all."

"In the middle thousand world, the ultimate power of the small thousand world will never be too weak.

"As long as you have the limitless power to create countless small thousand worlds, you can accomplish countless things in the middle thousand worlds."

"But it will take a month to generate the limit power of a small thousand world."

"It is almost impossible to rely on the power of Genesis to accomplish things in Zhongqian World.

"We still have to rely on the divine power of creation."

"Fortunately, this wave of super villain wizard world promotion to the small world has made my creation power exceed one million again.

"The divine power of creation of a million ways should be enough to enter the Middle Thousand World."

Han Mu glanced at the amount of his creation power and thought to himself.

"Open the door of time and space to a new world."

It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day.

Now that the new world has been searched out.

Genesis has also been upgraded.

With millions of divine powers in his hand, Han Mu stopped wasting time in the Blue Star World, and directly communicated with the talent of the Gate of Time and Space to open the gate of Time and Space in the Middle Thousand World

At the moment when Han Mu communicated the talent of the Gate of Time and Space.

A door opened immediately in front of him.

Because of the high level of Zhongqian World.

Han Mu didn't enter with the same swagger as he entered the world of superhuman wizards and fairy worlds.

Be careful.

When entering the gate of time and space, Han Mu directly used the divine power of creation to activate the magical power of no trace, and then entered the gate of time and space.


The moment he entered the gate of time and space, the picture in front of Han Mu kept changing.

Finally, Han Mu appeared on the top of a high mountain.

The scenery on the top of the mountain is very beautiful, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, it can be called a fairyland like in the painting.

"How much divine power of creation is needed to deduce the world background of this world?"

After looking at the environment, Han Mu didn't waste any time, and immediately communicated with the divine power of creation, preparing to deduce the world background of this middle-thousand world.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

In the strange world of immortality, Han Mu first deduced the world background of the strange world of immortality with the power of creation, and then created the identity of the Taoist ancestor, deceiving all beings to make the fake come true.

In this mid-thousand world, Han Mu also intends to be the same as the fairy world.

Know the world background first.

Based on the world background of the middle world, deduce the most suitable identity in this world, and then deceive all living beings, so that the fake becomes true.

"Fifty thousand ways of creation divine power, you can know everything about this world."

Soon, after Han Mu communicated the divine power of creation, the divine power of creation needed to deduce the background of the world appeared in his mind.

"Fifty thousand ways of creation divine power? So much?"

Hearing the number of 50,000 creation divine powers, Han Mu narrowed his eyes.

This is the same as the divine power of creation that he needs to deduce Su Mengxue's secret.

You know, to deduce Su Mengxue, but to deduce the origin of the Blue Star World, so much creation power is needed.

The origin of the blue star world is the origin of the pseudo-supreme voluntary world, and its level is second only to the supreme original world.

"Could it be that this middle-thousand world is the same as the strange world of the immortal way, the deduction world itself is not expensive, and it takes a lot of creation power to deduce the strangeness of the strange world of the immortal way?"

Han Mu secretly thought.

"Deduct the divine power of creation and start deduction."

The next moment, Han Mu communicated with the divine power of creation and began to deduce everything in this middle-thousand world.

He wanted to see what was so special about this middle world.

It actually takes 50,000 Taos of creation power to deduce everything.

"Deduce world success."

At the moment when the 50,000 creation powers were deducted, a response to the end of the creation power deduction appeared in Han Mu's mind.

next moment.

Countless memories began to emerge in Han Mu's mind.

After several hours, Han Mu straightened out the memories in his mind.

You must know that Han Mu's current strength is already a god-level talent, and he is also a creator of the world. His thinking ability has surpassed that of the fairy world by countless times.

When it exceeded that many times, it took several hours to straighten out the memory in my mind.

It can be seen how huge the memory in the mind is.

After sorting out the memory in my mind.

Han Mu knew the name of Zhongqian World he entered this time.

This Zhongqian World was once named Wendao Great World, but now it is called Wandao Great World.

That's right, it's the same as the strange world of Immortal Dao.

This middle-thousand world also experienced events similar to weird invasions, changing from a single-system world to a multi-system world.

It's different from the weird invasion.

This middle-thousand world has not only been invaded.

In the end it was merged.

Integrating with the Wendao Great World before, the level is actually just the level of Xiaoqian World.

But after merging many different small thousand worlds, the level of this big world is directly promoted to the middle thousand world.

The reason why these small thousand worlds can be integrated.

It is also derived from Han Mu's Time and Space Gate talent.

Before the talent of the gate of time and space did not recognize the master.

In the world of the heavens, not only the strong can sense other worlds and then enter other worlds.

There may even be an induction between the world and the world.

Then go directly through the gate of time and space and enter another world.

As a result of entering another world, whoever has the strongest world will devour the other world and become the main body.

Wen Dao Great World is the name of the Zhongqian World in front of Han Muqian, the genius of the Gate of Time and Space.

After the talent of the Gate of Time and Space recognized Han Mu as the owner, the name of this Zhongqian world changed from Wen Dao Da Shi to Wan Dao Da Shi.

This Zhongqian world used to be known as the Wen Daotian world.

It is because this middle thousand world was still in the small thousand world period.

It has always been in a dominant position, and every time it is the Wen Dao world that swallows other big worlds.

In the end, Xiaoqian World was promoted to Zhongqian World, also under the name of Wen Dao Da World.

Why is the world of Wen Dao now becoming the world of Wan Dao?

It is because the Wendao system of the Wendao Great World has collapsed.

This collapse is different from the collapse of the Heavenly Dao in the strange world of Immortal Dao.

It is the system of the Great World of Literature and Dao.

It is the text to convey the truth.

The power to evolve everything with words.

The power of those worlds fused with the Great World of Wen Dao, and the Great World of Wen Dao can all be expressed in words.

One's own strength can be simulated by the Wendao system of the Wendao Great World, and even the power is still higher than oneself.

Naturally, other integrated world systems respect the Wendao system.

This Zhongqian World is named after the Great World of Wen Dao.

If it is said that the talent of the Gate of Time and Space does not recognize Han Mu as its owner, then the Wendao Great World, the Middle Thousand World, will always be named after the Wendao Great World.

There is no power system that can compare with Wen Dao.

The reason is that it is the human race who created Wendao in the Wendao Great World.

The first written character of this human race is the word "human".

At that time, the talent of the Gate of Time and Space wandered between the heavens and the world, and it was a special carrier.

Wen Dao Great World created Wen Dao, and the human race who wrote the human character directly communicated with the carrier of the "human" character and the talent of the gate of time and space, and then established a kind of deep connection with the human race of the heavens and the world. .

After the word "person" established a connection with the human race in the heavens and the world.

Get the body of Wei Jia of the heavens and humans.

The word "human" comes from Wendao.

It is equivalent to the mighty power of the heavens and the human race, blessed on Wen Dao.

The great power of the heavens and the human race is blessed in the Wen Dao system, even if it is only a negligible trace of great power, the power of the blessing is extremely terrifying.

No matter how strong the systems of other small thousand worlds are, they are no match for the Wen Dao system with the mighty power of the heavens and humans.

Therefore, the Wendao system is respected in this middle world.

The other small thousand worlds are all integrated into the system of the literary world.

But with the talent of the gate of time and space, Han Mu was recognized as the queen.

There is no such special carrier of the gate of time and space.

The word "human" in the world of Wen Dao can no longer gain the power of the human race in the world of the heavens.

Wen Dao's strength returned to normal.

Returning to the normal Wen Dao system, although the power is not weak.

But it is no longer possible to suppress other systems.

Other systems found that the power of Wen Dao system is not as good as before and after.

They also began to fight against the Wendao system.

The Wendao Great World is a world where many small thousand worlds are integrated.

What system is the name of the merged world.

It represents the system of this power as the orthodoxy of this world.

The race that relies on this orthodox system is the protagonist of heaven and earth.

With the blessing of heaven and earth.

This is the incomparable benefit of practicing other systems.

In the past, the Wendao system was extremely powerful.

Suppression of other power systems cannot lift its head.

Other systems naturally dare not compete for the orthodox system.

But the literary and moral system can no longer suppress everything.

Other systems will naturally rise up to resist and justify their own system.

Among the races against the Wen Dao system, the human races from other small thousand worlds are alright.

They are all human races, and they have long been integrated into the Wen Dao system.

Even if the Wen Dao system was not as good as before, they did not pick up their former cultivation system again.

After all, their former cultivation system was not as powerful as the weakened Wen Dao system.

Why are they going back to practice?

Even the Wendao system is the orthodox system of the Wendao world.

The power level is still stronger than other power systems.

They are even less likely to transfer.

However, the human race did not transfer to cultivation.

Other races are different.

Their original power system is the most suitable for them.

For example, the Yaozu, the Yaodao system is most suitable for them.

Another example is the ghost clan, the ghost way system is most suitable for them.

They integrated into the system of the Great World of Literature and Dao before, and even switched to the system of the Great World of Literature and Dao, but (De Nuo Zhao) was because the Dao of the Great World of Literature and Dao was too powerful, and if they did not transfer to the system, they were not qualified to compete with the human race.

But now, the Wendao system no longer has the power to suppress everything.

They naturally want to return to the system they are most suitable for.

After countless races returned to their former systems.

The battle between the orthodox system of the Wendao Great World has also begun.

This war lasted for thousands of years.

In the end, the human race in the Wendao Great World decided to give up the name of the Wendao orthodox system.

No way, just don't give up.

Although the Wen Dao system relies on the orthodox system, it is stronger than other power systems.

But it is only stronger than the first line, not crushing.

Not in the case of crushing.

They can win one-on-one, or even one-on-one.

But against all systems, no matter how strong they are, they cannot stand alone.

After the human race withdrew from the orthodoxy of Wen Dao, the cultivation systems of other races did not want to compete anymore.

Because if the fight continues, when will it be the end?

In the end, after the truce of the Ten Thousand Races, the system of the Wendao Great World was renamed the Wandao Great World.

All systems are blessed by heaven and earth.

Although it is not as big as a single blessing, it also has a small blessing.

After Wen Dao World was renamed as Wan Dao World.

Myriad Dao Great World fell into a narrow and peaceful world.

But this calm was soon broken.

The protagonist who breaks the peace is the human race.

The sage of literature and Taoism in the human race, for the sake of Zhibing

Before the human race was promoted to the Holy Spirit, the realms of Myriad Dao Great World were divided into one to nine realms from low to high, with one realm being the lowest and nine realms being the highest.

Those above the Nine Realms are semi-sages, those above the semi-sacred are sub-sages, and those above the sub-sages are saints.

Before the saints of the human race are promoted to saints, the strongest of the human race and the ten thousand races are the saints. The systems are different and the titles are also different.

After the saints of the human race were promoted to saints, they once again made the human race the protagonist of the Myriad Dao World.

Although the Wanzu system is on par with Wen Dao, the strongest, without the most holy, will eventually be inferior to the human race.

But unfortunately, for the human race, success is also holy, and failure is also holy. .

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