Deceive All Worlds, Start To Create A Mythical Ancestor

Chapter 67: The Son Of Luck Conceived By Wenzu And The Most Holy Teacher

When Han Mu was traveling in Wandao World.

In the human temple of Myriad Dao World, a discussion concerning the life and death of the human race is going on.

"There are still ten days before Tang Sheng's power will dissipate in Wenqu Star. Once Tang Sheng's power dissipates, the literary energy in Wenqu Star will pour out, and our human race will enter the most dangerous situation in history."

"Everyone, is there a way to save the human race?"

Inside the temple, an old man exuding a semi-holy aura spoke with an extremely heavy expression.

"If you want to save the human race, you must write out the unsatisfactory literary spirit in Wenquxing."

"But if we want to stop Wenquxing from pouring out, we must ask saints to fill the hole."

"My human race has no saints in this era, and I'm afraid it can't prevent the Wenqu star from breaking."

After the old man finished speaking, another old man said with a bitter face.

"Could it be that my human race is really going to enter the era of no way and become a bullying existence of all races?"

An old man in Tsing Yi had mourning written all over his face.

"Everyone, I have a way to save the human race here."

"But this method, if it doesn't work, I'm afraid our human race will never rise again."

In the temple, when the faces of the powerful people of the human race showed sadness, an old man in gray suddenly spoke.

The gray-clothed old man is named Chen Wei, and he is a half-sacred peak.

"Chen Sheng, if you have a way, just say it."

"Don't care if it works or not?"

"Once Wenquxing breaks up, the situation of our human race will be the worst. It can be said that there is almost no day to rise."

"Your method has failed, that is to say, there will be no day to rise.

"The ending is the same, why are you afraid of failure?"

Hearing Chen Wei's words, everyone in the temple looked at Chen Wei and urged him.

"My method, if I don't use it, it is still possible for my human race to rise again.

"Once it is used and it fails, there will be no future at all."

Chen Wei said seriously when he heard the urging voices around him.

"Chen Sheng, tell me what your method is first, and then we will discuss whether to use your method or not."

Sun Guang, one of the two sub-sages of the human race, said solemnly to Chen Wei.

"That's right, Chen Sheng, you tell me your method first, we are discussing whether it will work or not.

Another sub-sage Wang Xu of the human race also looked at Chen Wei and said.

"Do you know the heart of literature and Taoism?"

After Chen Wei heard what Wang Xu and the others said, he nodded and looked at the people in the temple.

"The heart of literature and Taoism?"

"Are you talking about the literary ancestor who created Wen Dao, when he died, he used his literary spirit to condense the heart of Wen Dao?"

Wang Xu first looked at Chen Wei and asked.


Chen Wei nodded.

"What does this have to do with saving the human race?"

"The ancestor of Wen who created the Wen Dao system has made a great contribution to our human race."

"The strength back then was indeed formidable."

"But our world is no longer the same as it was back then, Wenzu's strength back then was equivalent to that of the semi-saint today.

"Even though the heart of Wen Dao he left behind contains the inheritance of Wen Zu, a semi-holy inheritance can't save our human race, right?"

Wang Xu said in a deep voice.

"Wen Zu's strength may be only a semi-saint today."

"However, his writing and the significance it represents are not comparable to that of a half-sage.

"If it wasn't for the great changes in the world and the weakening of Wen Dao, the Wen Dao created by Wenzu would be the strongest Dao in the world.

"Furthermore, at that time, our human race did not need to borrow the power of the Wenqu star to perform Wen Dao. As long as our human race survives, our human race's Wen Dao will last forever and will never lose its power.

"Our human race needs to borrow the power of Wenquxing, which started after the most holy master became Wenquxing.

"The most holy teacher's intentions are definitely good, and the promotion of our human race at that time was also extremely great."

"But it's a pity that after Wenquxing was destroyed by Wanzu, Wenquxing is a string that weighs on my human race's head.

"In order to consolidate the Wenqu star, every five hundred years of our human race, we must use the life of a literary sage to fill it."

"Even because of the damage of Wenquxing, Wenquxing's improvement to our human race is not that great."

"It's about the same level as the Wen Dao level after the strength was reduced."

"It can be said that Wenquxing is completely useless to our human race. y

"Since it's useless, why not throw it away?"

"The heart of Wenzu's literary way contains Wenzu's literary way."

"We just need to wake up Wen Zu's literary way, and use Wenzu's literary way to replace the literary way of the most holy teacher."

"The crisis of my human race can be resolved immediately."

Chen Wei looked at Wang Xu, Sun Guang and everyone in the temple, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Chen Wei's words, everyone in the temple fell silent.

If Wenquxing was not broken before.

It didn't even reach the time when Wenquxing was about to break down in ten days.

Chen Wei's words are absolutely deviant.

Their human race's literature, since the most holy teacher became Wenquxing, has been completely inherited from the most holy teacher.

It can be said that the most holy teacher is the teacher of all of them.

Abandoning Wenquxing is to make them abandon their teachers.

Wen Dao respects teachers and Dao the most.

Let them throw away their teachers and have their own way of writing.

I am afraid that they will not be able to make further progress in their entire lives.

It's even possible, because they violated their own culture, their realm fell, and they could become ordinary people in the end.

Such a big price.

It is certainly impossible for them to abandon Wenquxing.

but now.

Throw away Wenquxing, and the only ones who have lost are their ego.

What I got was the big self of the human race.

They can tell which is more important.

"Chen Sheng, you are right, although Wenquxing is the symbol of our human race's literary way, but now, Wenquxing is already a knife on my human race's head, and it will kill a human saint every five hundred years. "

"It really should be eliminated. If you can tell the heart of Wen Dao, it must be because you know the whereabouts of the heart of Wen Dao, and you have even obtained the heart of Wen Dao.

"For the sake of the human race, we will do our best to help you re-transform the Wen Dao in the heart of Wen Dao into the Wen Dao of the human race."

Wang Xu took a deep breath, looked at Chen Wei and said solemnly.

"Wang Sheng, I'm sorry, I didn't get the heart of writing."

"There is no whereabouts of the heart of writing."

"I said it just to see if everyone present knows the whereabouts of Wen Dao Xin."

"If you know, as long as you find the heart of Wen Dao, it is not impossible for us human race to escape from the disadvantages of Wen Quxing."

"But again, if it fails, our human race will be completely innocent."

"Once Wen Zu's Wen Dao fails, it cannot replace the Wen Dao of the human race. Then, the failure of our human race is not only the failure to obtain the Wen Dao of the Human Race, but also the loss of the Wen Dao of the most holy teacher."

"Even in the future, the Wenqu star will naturally be restored, and our human race will no longer be able to rely on the Wenqu star to obtain the power of Wen Dao, because we have abandoned it."

Chen Wei said in a deep voice.

"Natural restoration of Wenquxing is impossible."

"For so many years, our human race has gone on and on, how many saints have we lost?"

"After so many years, Wenquxing's damage has not been repaired."

"This shows that Wenquxing has no natural repair ability."

"Without the ability to repair naturally, it means that our human race will lose the history of Wen Dao in the future.

"Wenquxing's power is doomed to be lost, so it's better to gamble on whether Wenzu's Wendao can save the human race."

Wang Xu shook his head.

"Everyone, among you, does anyone know the whereabouts of Wen Dao Xin?"

After Wang Xu finished speaking, he looked at the people in the temple and asked.

"The heart of Wen Dao has been recorded in the period when Wen Zu just passed away.

"But with the passage of time, after countless worlds merged into our world, the heart of Wen Dao has completely lost its trace, and there is no record."

"The only person in the world who may know the whereabouts of the heart of Wen Dao is probably the most holy teacher who entered the most holy state back then."

"But the most holy teacher has long been transformed into a Wenqu star, and at the same time, the most holy teacher has no descendants."

"We wanted to ask, but we couldn't find anyone to ask."

A semi-sage said with a bitter face after Wang Xu asked.

Hearing the words of this semi-holy, all the strong men in the temple sank.

It was not easy to find a way to save the human race.

But it is a mirror image, does it cease to exist at all?

"Who said there is no one to ask?"

"Although the most holy teacher is a Wenqu star."

"But his literary treasure is still enshrined by the human race."

"There are three treasures of literature and Taoism of the most holy teacher, namely the most holy brush and the most holy Confucian crown.

"The most holy pen is the most precious treasure for the most holy teacher to record and carry the literary way of the most holy teacher."

"It can be said that the most holy pen knows what the most holy teacher has seen and heard."

"As long as we awaken the weapon spirit in the most holy pen, and it knows the whereabouts of the heart of Wen Dao, our human race will be saved.

Wang Xu said.

"Yes, the Holy Pen."

"Why did you forget the holy pen of the most holy teacher?"

"Wang Sheng, you and Sun Sheng are the strongest existences in our human race today, and the treasures of Wen Dao of the most holy ancestors are in your hands. Please also take out the most holy pens and ask about the whereabouts of the heart of writing and dao

When the people in the temple heard Wang Xu's words, they all looked at Wang Zhong and said incomparably.

"The Holy Pen is in my hand."

Wang Xu said with a smile.

After all, he flipped his palm and took out an extremely simple brush.

"Please wake up the Holy Artifact Spirit."

After taking out the most holy pen, Wang Yi poured his own sub-sage literary energy into the most holy third.

"Is this the Human Race Temple?"

"Why wake me up here?"

"Could it be that the Ten Thousand Races have already invaded the Temple of the Human Race?"

"Don't panic, just watch me kill the enemy."

Soon, a middle-aged man's voice appeared in the holy pen.

"The most holy weapon spirit, all races have not invaded the human temple."

"I woke you up because there is one thing I want to ask."

...asking for flowers...

After Wang Xu heard the voice of the most holy pen, he said solemnly.

"Just asking a question?"

"Young man of the human race, you are confused."

"Every time I wake up, the accumulated strength will dissipate."

"Do you know that the strength I have accumulated for so many years can kill a saint?"

"You awakened the power to kill saints, just to ask a question?"

The Holy Pen Tool Spirit's tone was incomparably puzzled.

"Holy Artifact Spirit, the question I want to ask is related to the life and death of the human race.

"As long as we get this answer, our human race will not be afraid of all races and will have the power to protect ourselves.

Wang Xu said respectfully.

"It's about the life and death of the human race?"

"That's all, I've been awakened, so I need to talk more."

"Ask, as long as the most holy teacher knows, I will know.

The holy pen tool spirit said slowly.

"Holy Artifact Spirit, do you know the whereabouts of Wen Dao's Heart?"

Wang Xu immediately asked.

"The heart of Wen Dao? Is it the one left by the ancestor of Wen Dao before the most holy teacher?"

The Holy Pen Tool Spirit asked.


Wang Xu nodded immediately.

"The heart of literature and Taoism, I have been there when the most holy teacher achieved the most holy.

Having said this, the Holy Pen Tool Spirit paused.

"Have you found the most holy teacher?"

"Holy Artifact Spirit, please also inform us of the whereabouts of the Heart of Wen Dao.

Wang Xu and the people in the temple said happily.

"Sorry, I don't know the specific whereabouts of Wen Dao Xin."

"When the most holy master found the heart of Wen Dao, he said that the heart of Wen Dao may be the supreme treasure to save the human race in the future.

"But his era at that time was not the era when the heart of literature and Taoism was born."

"After speaking, the most holy teacher will redistribute the heart of literature and Taoism in the world."

"At that time, I also asked what the purpose of the most holy teacher was."

"The most holy teacher said at the time that the heart of Wen Dao will be obtained by those who deserve it in the future, and then when the human race lives and dies, the person who has the heart of Wen Dao will be born out of nowhere to save the human race.

The most holy pen.

"Will the person who gets the heart of Wen Dao save the human race in the future?"

When the people in the temple heard the words of the Holy Pen Artifact, their expressions froze.

Could it be said that the most holy master had already seen the future back then.

Have you seen the importance of the heart of Wen Dao to the human race?

"Holy Artifact Spirit, did the Holy Master ever say when the heart of culture and dao appeared?"

After being shocked, Wang Xu looked at the holy pen and continued to ask.

"The most holy teacher said that the heart of Wen Dao will appear when the human race is most in danger and needs him the most."

The most holy pen.

"The most dangerous time, when you need him the most?"

"Our human race, now is the most dangerous time."

"In another ten days, the Wenqu stars will crack, and there will be no literary sages to fill the holes and stop the literary energy from pouring out. Our human race will enter the era of no way.

"The era of no way, isn't it the most difficult era for my human race?"

When the people in the temple heard the answer from the Holy Pen Artifact, they all opened their mouths.

"I don't know, I only know that when the human race needs the heart of culture and dao most, it will appear to save the human race."

"Whether it's this time or not, I don't know."

"Okay, my strength has almost dissipated, and I will continue to fall into a deep sleep."

After the most holy pen finished speaking, there was no more sound.

"Wang Sheng, what should we do?"

Seeing that the most holy pen fell into a deep sleep again, people in the temple looked at Wang Xu one after another.

"I can only wait."

"I hope that our era will be the era when the heart of literature and Taoism mentioned by the most holy teacher is born.

"Of course, our human race has always believed that man will conquer the sky, how can we pin everything on this illusory hope."

"During the period of Wenqu Xingxing, my human race has also cultivated many human races who practice other systems besides Wen Dao.

"Nowadays, there are many human races who practice other systems in our human race, and there are even semi-holy powers."

"Our human race, even if we really enter the era of no way, relying on their strength, we can still keep the fire, so that we can rise again in the future."

Wang Xu said in a deep voice.

"Is this the luck protagonist of Myriad Dao World?"

"The heart of literature and Taoism of the ancestors of the first generation, and the son of literature and Taoism bred by the most holy Confucianism and Taoism of the most holy teacher of the human race?"

In Myriad Dao World, in a small town of a certain human race, Han Mu looked at a young man with a silly expression in the void, and secretly said.

When deciding on the identity of Dao Patriarch, Han Mu just read the main content of Myriad Dao Great World, and he hasn't finished reading many of the details.

When visiting the Myriad Dao World, Han Youtu watched all the content of the Myriad Dao World deduced by the divine power of creation.

After reading it, Han Mu found a character who is the protagonist of good luck from these contents.

This character is the foolish man in front of Han Mu.

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