Deceive All Worlds, Start To Create A Mythical Ancestor

Chapter Eighty-Nine: Dao Ancestor Revives, Ten Thousand Clans Bow Their Heads

"Qiu Fengshou, Lou Yuhuang, old man Jian?"

"What kind of courage makes you feel that you can threaten me?"

"Don't say it's the three of you who are the most powerful of the alternative way."

"Even the founders of the Dao of Wind, Dao of Fengshui, and Dao of Sword, they would not dare to talk to me like that.

"What? You three superpowers who rely on their avenues of alternative proofs, do you think you are better than them?"

"So powerful that you can threaten me?"

When Di Xuansha heard what Qiu Fengshou and the other three said, a dangerous gleam appeared in his eyes.

Ask yourself.

Di Xuansha felt that he had bowed his head enough.

In order to resolve the cause and effect of the human race, he humbly took the initiative to send all the royal lineage of the monster clan to the human race for disposal.

But I didn't expect that the human race was so ignorant.

Even though he backed down like this, he still had to make an inch to get him to hand over all the races in the Yaozu world.

If he really wants to hand it over, how will his monster clan develop in the future?

Also, what face does he have as a demon ancestor?

"Di Xuansha, talking too much is useless.

"Whether it can threaten you, I will see the truth."

Qiu Fengshou, Old Man Jian, and Lou Yuhuang looked at Di Xuansha and said in a flat tone.

"Okay, I want to see how many catties you have."

"If you can defeat me, what if you return the human race in the Yaozu world to your human race?"

"But if you can't beat me, don't blame me for being rude."

"For the sake of the human race, I won't kill you, but I will take three sources of your capital and let you rebuild for thousands of years before you can recover your strength."

"This is the price for your overreaching."

Di Xuansha looked at Qiu Fengshou and the three of them and said coldly.

"It's really true to that sentence, the more people talk, the more pretended people often end up with nothing good.

In the void, Han Mu looked at Di Xuansha's pretended words and shook his head.

The outcome of the battle between Qiu Fengshou and Di Xuansha.

Han Mu knows 25 without watching the end.

If it is the case that Han Mu has not changed the past.

Qiu Fengshou and the three of them must not be able to beat Xuanju.

But Han Mu changed the past, and the status of the human race changed drastically.

Qiu Fengshou and the three of them are strong enough to defeat Emperor Xuansha.

When Han Mu didn't change the past.

The three of them, Qiu Fengshou, were the first to proclaim the Dao in a different way.

What is the concept of the first alternative proof?

From scratch.

From zero to one.

This qualification is definitely out of date.

In the entire Lidao world, it is the most top-level existence.

At that time, Qiu Fengshou and the others preached differently because the human race was already in dire straits.

Countless powerful races forcibly divide the mortal world, and the human race in the spirit world is their tool.

For the inheritance and future of the human race.

Qiu Fengshou, Old Man Jian, and Lou Yuhuang were all forced to prove the Dao in a different way when they had not reached the ultimate level.

At that time, although they became the strongest.

But the combat power is the lower one among the strongest.

Together, they can barely compete with the top one or two hundred stand-up powerhouses.

But after Han Mu changed the past and influenced the future.

Even if the human race does not have the strongest.

The various races did not dare to go too far against the human race.

Qiu Fengshou, Old Man Jian, and Lou Yuhuang don't need to forcibly testify for the inheritance and future of the human race.

The three Qiu Fengshou who did not forcibly prove the Tao and only proved the Tao after reaching the extreme.

In terms of combat power, it is extremely strong.

It can even be said that their level of combat power has surpassed the Daoist powerhouses they used to prove the Dao.


The combat power of the three of Qiu Fengshou can all be ranked among the top 20 strongest in the world.

With the combined efforts of the three, even the strongest member of the Destiny Clan who ranks first can fight.

Dixuansha is only the seventh-ranked strongest player, and Qiu Fengshou and the three of them work together to win without difficulty.


"Then let's see if we are really overreaching."

"The Cut of the Wind."

After Qiu Fengshou snorted coldly, he was the first to do it.

I saw Qiu Fengshou waved his hand casually, and suddenly gusts of wind blew up in the void.

Every gust of wind exudes a terrifying aura.

Cut the space directly.

"Open the sky with one sword."

Followed by the sword old man.

The old man Jian turned over his palm, took out a long sword, and slashed at Emperor Xuansha.


A sword glow of hundreds of thousands of feet was thrown at Dixuan Shaxin.

Wherever the sword glow passed, the space was also shattered, exuding terrifying power.

"Feng Shui Yin and Yang determine life and death.

After Old Man Jian is Lou Yuhuang.

After Lou Yuhuang shouted loudly.

Two yin and yang fish appeared in the void.

The moment the yin and yang fish appeared in the void, they merged together and turned into a pillar of yin and yang, blasting towards Di Xuansha.

"Small tricks."

Watching the attack of the three of Qiu Fengshou.

Di Xuansha's expression was full of disdain.

"Break it for me."

Di Xuansha flipped his palm and took out a golden wheel that resembled a full moon.

After a big drink.

Di Xuansha threw out the golden wheel.

The golden wheel was divided into three parts in the void, and then turned quickly, each resisting the power of Qiu Fengshou and the three of them.

Boom boom boom. "

After three loud bangs.

The golden wheel of Dixuansha merged into one and flew back to Dixuansha's hand.

In the void, the power of Qiu Fengshou and the others also dissipated.

"What you are hiding is really deep."

"Everyone in the world knows that the strongest person who proves the way in another way can only reach 80% of the strength of the strongest person who established the way."

"You have actually surpassed 80% of the strength of the strongest of the Li Dao, and have reached a level that is not inferior to them."

After taking back the golden wheel, Di Xuancha looked at Qiu Fengshou and the others, without the disdain at first, but with a dignified way.

"Achieve a level that is not inferior to the powerhouse?"

Hearing Di Xuansha's words.

The most powerful people of the human race watching around all stared at each other.

"Lengdao, you are the first powerhouse who has proved the Dao in a different way since them."

"Has your strength in Dao of the Sword surpassed 80% of the Dao Zu's power?"

Next to the strongest human race with a big knife on his back, the strongest man from other races looked at Leng Xiu and said in a deep voice.

"I've reached about 90% of Daozu's strength."

"Originally, I thought that I was the only one in the human race who surpassed 80% strength.

"Unexpectedly, Qiu Fengshou and the others are the ones who hide the deepest."

"They are worthy of being the first to proclaim the Dao from scratch."

"It can actually reach the level of ten to ten of the strongest."

After Leng Xiu pondered for a while, he parroted.

"In fact, I have also reached 85% of the strength of the strongest."

"I thought I was the only special existence."

"I didn't expect that there were other people besides me."

After Leng Xiu finished speaking, another human race expert spoke.

"I'm also beyond the 80% category."

"Me too."

Soon, dozens of voices appeared among the most powerful people of the human race.

"Qiu Fengshou and the others are impulsive."

"Their strength should not be exposed."

"They were not exposed before, and they should not be exposed now.

"Because of its own special features, the human race has already made all races afraid."

"Continuously divide the human race to check and balance the potential of the human race."

"They are showing such a strong strength now, the three of them together are definitely no less than the top ten levels of the strongest."

"After this, Wanzu's fear of the human race will definitely increase a lot."

"We, the most powerful people of the human race, have left the human race and joined the ten thousand races. Even if we want to help the human race, we can't help them.

"Unless it is something fundamental to the human race like the demon race, we can help."

"We can't help any other targeting, and even help targeting the human race."

"Only in this way, the Wanzu will feel at ease about the human race in the world they control."

"If we help the human race, they will realize that no matter how good they are to the human race, the human race will eventually become the fighting force of the human race.

"If that's the case, why are they cultivating the human race?"

Not long after many of the most powerful people in the human race revealed their level of combat power.

Many acquaintances of the most powerful people of the human race began to talk in the way of sound transmission that could not be stolen.

"I may know a thing or two why Qiu Fengshou and the others exposed their strength."

While many of the most powerful human races were talking, one of the most powerful human races suddenly said.

"What is it? Say it."

Hearing this voice, the most powerful people of all races asked one after another.

"The race I joined is the Protoss, the sixth-ranked race among the Xeon races.

"When I came, the god ancestor once talked to me."

"When the ancestors of the gods came to me, they first had a relationship with me, saying how the gods treated the human race in their gods world."

"After saying this, the ancestor of the gods said, if one day, the human race undergoes a big change and surpasses all other races, I hope that I can think of the fact that the gods are not inferior to the human race, and I will be the same as the gods.

"At that time, I didn't know what was going on, and I didn't understand what the god ancestor meant when he said this."

"How can the human race be above the ten thousand races."

"Even if we, the most powerful human beings, all return to the human race, it is impossible to surpass the ten thousand races."

"After all, we can unite, and so can all races. Together, they are much stronger than us.

"On the way here, I've been thinking about what the Protoss words mean."

"Until now, Qiu Fengshou and the others no longer hide their strength, I suddenly understood."

"Everyone should know the reason why my human race is omnipotent, right?"

"The human race is able to communicate with all things because of the ancestor of our human race, the Taoist ancestor, he is the first existence in the world to establish the way. 27

"The way of the Taoist ancestor is an existence that suppresses the ancients and surpasses the three thousand ways."

"If I'm not mistaken, Daozu's Dao should have changed recently.

"In the past, Dao Patriarch's Dao did not have divine light, and the most powerful people of all races believed that Dao Patriarch's Dao was superior to the Three Thousand Dao.

"However, Daozu's reincarnation body has already met the targets of heaven and earth, and encountered accidents."

"But now, if my guess is correct, divine light has appeared in Daozu's Tao, and Daozu is about to recover."

"The stronger the Xeon, the more he can sense the changes in the Taoist ancestors." 270 "Because we are not strong enough, we can't sense it yet. 11

"But the strongest at the level of the ancestors can definitely sense it."

"Even Emperor Xuansha, he must have sensed it."

"Emperor Xuansha's strange behavior can now be explained."

"The former Emperor Xuansha was such an arrogant person, it is impossible to make him bow his head.

"But this time, he

It is the sincerity of the apology that was prepared early.

"To make Emperor Xuansha bow his head, he must have sensed that Dao Ancestor was about to recover, so he bowed his head in order not to completely turn against the human race."

"Qiu Fengshou and the others showed their strength, so it is the same."

"They are stronger than us, and they must have sensed the changes in Dao Ancestor Dao.

"Then I decided not to hide my strength anymore, because they know that if their strength is exposed, they will be exposed, so what if all the races know?"

"As long as the Dao ancestor recovers, it won't work if the ten thousand races don't target their human race?"

The strongest of the human race said slowly.

"Daozu revived?"

"Everything makes sense."

"Ancestor Dao is revived, relying on the power of Ancestor Dao, the human race will definitely be able to surpass all races."

"You know, Dao Patriarch is the Patriarch of Dao, without Dao Patriarch to establish Dao, I am afraid there will be no so-called Daoist in the world.

"At that time, the powerhouses in the world were still on the way of pursuing how to cultivate, and Daozu had already come to an end.

"You said, if the Dao ancestor recovers and the human race becomes the strongest race, do we want to return to the human race?"

A human race to the strongest, asked suddenly.

"If you don't come back, when Taoist Ancestor didn't recover, we went back, it's timely help."

"The revival of Taoist ancestors, and our return to the human race, that is the icing on the cake. n

"And if we return to the human race when Daozu recovers, it is very likely that Daozu will think that we are the kind of capricious villains."

"Rather than that, it's better not to change anything."

"Anyway, the identity of our human race is dead. Dao ancestor revives, and the benefits that human race can enjoy, we must also have."

"For the sake of not lacking anything, what can I do if I stay in the Ten Thousand Clans?"

A human race to the strongest replied.

"Makes sense."

The other strongest people of the human race nodded their heads one after another.

"Want to prostitute Tao Te Ching for nothing?"

"The power of the Tao Te Ching, "How can you do whoring for nothing."

"At that time, if you don't change all the races you joined to the subordinate races of the human race, and believe in me forever, you will never get the power of the Tao Te Ching."

In the void, Han Mu thought secretly after deducing the thoughts of this group of human race superpowers with the divine power of creation. .

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