Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 102 Charlotte Brynn, the flying carpet mount, seems to be

Rhodes now has a total of four Devil Fruits in his hands, two of the animal type and two of the superhuman type, but the most precious one is the Shadow Fruit.

Another superhuman fruit, Rhodes plans to hand it over directly to Kaido. After all, it turns into a big hammer. This ability feels really useless, so he should leave it to Kaido to reward his subordinates!

As for the two animal types, Rhodes planned to stay. The yellow scorpion was not very toxic, but the tail part of the scorpion was still somewhat aggressive.

As for the wild boar fruit, to be honest, it is actually very good. It is even better than most animal fruits. The sharp fangs can attack the enemy. The hard hair of the wild boar can effectively resist attacks. The physique will also be strengthened a lot. This fruit The fruit is honestly pretty good.

Its original owner relied on this fruit. In the new world, more than 100 million bounties were obtained.

Rhodes plans to keep these two animal-type Devil Fruits, and perhaps reward them to some of his subordinates in the future. Another option is to select some people who have special energy and are infected by the special energy and let them take them.

"Lord Rhodes, and Ms. Sylvanas, Governor Kaido has invited you." At this moment, a voice sounded outside the door of Sylvanas and Rhodes, and a minion from the Beasts Pirates came forward. Come report.

"What's going on?" Rhodes opened the door and asked.

"Report to Lord Rhodes, Mr. Kaido said. "The young leader of the Beast Pirates said.

After waiting for more than ten days, X Drake, you guy is finally here.

"I understand, go and notify Governor Kaido and tell him that I will be there soon," Rhodes said.

The young man nodded and ran away immediately.

"Let's go! Sylvanas, we are going to see Kaido. That X Trek is already here and we can take out the ancient Allosaurus fruit from him." Rhodes said.

"Yawn! Really, I wanted to take a rest. So, are we going to take out 5 devil fruits in a row today?" Sylvanas stretched out charmingly and patted herself. mouth, yawned, and said.

"It's not necessary. We should lock him up first, and then check his memory. After confirming that he is an undercover agent, we can then see what Kaido means." Rhodes said.

Anyway, you can't run away if you grow devil fruits in ancient times. As for how to deal with X Drake, it is actually still open to discussion. After all, if the Navy knows that the undercover they sent has been discovered.

It is estimated that another undercover agent will be sent here, and it may not be so easy to pick people out. After all, Rhodes does not have the ability to predict.

Sylvanas nodded and came to Rhodes. Rhodes hugged Sylvanas, turned one hand into the form of a dragon claw, then created some flame clouds, and took the two of them into the sky.

Sometimes some of the abilities of the Blue Dragon Fruit are really useful, especially when used in human form. Although it is not as powerful as the dragon form, it is still a very good ability.

Soon, the two came to an island of ten thousand nations, and then met some aunt's children here.

Now they have basically been controlled by Kaido and restricted to a certain area. The entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Islands has been taken over by the Beast Pirates. Some ordinary members of the Big Mom Pirates have now joined Kaido's Beast Pirates.

As for those who don’t want to join, haha! That would be embarrassing.

"Mr. Rhodes, are you here because you need our help with something?" Katakuri and his eldest son Perospero came over quickly and said.

"Lick! If Mr. Rhodes has any instructions, just ask."

"I need one of your sisters to do me a favor. She may always follow me in the future." Rhodes said.

Katakuri, and Perospero looked at each other, and then asked.

"Mr. Rhodes, I wonder which of our sisters you need help with?"

"The 35th daughter of your Charlotte family, Charlotte Brynn." Rhodes said.

When the two heard this, their expressions were as expected. They had taken a fancy to Brynn's ability. Whether it was the memory fruit or the ability of the three-eyed clan, Brynn's value was very precious.

"Mr. Rhodes, I'm going to call Brynn here and ask her to follow you from now on. I hope you can take good care of our sister." After speaking, Perospero turned and left.

Only Katakuri is left here to accompany Rhodes. Is this fate? At the beginning, after knowing Rhodes' ability.

Charlotte Lingling originally planned to marry Brynn and Rhodes. If that didn't work, she would use the power of the memory fruit to control Rhodes. As a result, all of them are now prisoners.

"Don't worry! As long as your sister is obedient and does as I say, I won't hurt her, and maybe she will get a lot of benefits from her!" Rhodes said.

As long as this little girl is smart enough, she will not refuse her request, and once a woman accepts her fate, she will not resist you again.

The ability to remember fruits is still very important.

But this girl is still too young now, and Rhodes won't be so beastly and do some evil things.

Charlotte Perros, another part of the half-high island, Perrault quickly found his sister who was making chocolate cake.

At this time, Brynn was making cakes and humming a song, and the two Homitz next to her were happily chatting with their owners.

After arriving in Wano Country, she was a little scared for the first few days, but then she slowly accepted the status quo. Anyway, it was much better than her mother going crazy from time to time.

"Master, can you give me some chocolate cake later?" a flying blanket said.

"No problem, both of you have a share. Just wait for me over there. I'll be ready in a moment." Charlotte Brynn showed a charming smile and said, all three eyes blinking. of.

At least now, no one will laugh at their eyes, right? I really didn’t expect that my mother would be defeated like this and would be executed soon.

But with brother Katakuri and brother Perospero protecting them, they should be able to settle down in the Beast Pirates.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Brynn, are you here? It's my brother. I have something to ask you."

Bryn stopped what she was doing, opened the door, looked at her eldest brother, and asked playfully.

"Brother, do you have anything to ask me about?"

"Well! Brynn, please pack your bags now. A big shot in the Beast Pirates has taken a liking to you. You will go live with him from today on." Charlotte Perospero said.

My poor sister! Your special three-eyed clan's bloodline and memory fruit ability are both things that make people peep.

In the past, your mother could protect you, but now you have to take care of yourself.

"Is it because of my bloodline and my abilities?" Brynn said.

All right! The day finally came, and the enemy really took a fancy to him. It couldn't possibly be because of his appearance. After all, three eyes were very disgusting.

"Mr. Rhodes promises me that as long as you are obedient, nothing will happen to you. Brother, that's all I can do." Charlotte Perospero said helplessly.

Sending his little sister away with his own hands made him feel very sad as an older brother, hoping that the other party would not hurt Brynn.

"Don't worry! Brother, I will be obedient. This Mr. Rhodes should also be a big shot in the Beasts Pirates. His status may be second only to the Admiral. There are many Beasts Kai, so being able to follow him is also a good thing for me. Good thing." Brynn said.

"Let's go! Don't keep the other party waiting too long." Charlotte Perospero said.

Soon the brother and sister packed their things, and the two Homitz creations followed Brynn.

Brynn actually wanted to hand over these two Homiz creations to her brother, but these two little guys had been following her for many years and insisted on staying with her no matter what, so Brynn had no choice but to take them with her.

Soon, Perospero came over with a girl who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old. This was a pretty-looking little girl with brown hair and a figure of normal proportions.

There are some bangs in the hair covering the forehead.

"Mr. Rhodes, this is our sister, Charlotte Brynn. Please take good care of her." Perospero bowed to Rhodes and said.

"It's a cute little girl, don't worry! I won't hurt her." Rhodes said.

This little girl's ability will be very, very useful in the future, and it's not too late for my baby!

"Mr. Rhodes, I am Brynn, the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family. Please give me your advice." Dulin came to Rhodes, bowed slightly, and said.

Beside her was a blanket and a slimy Homitz creation.

Hiding behind them with frightened expressions, these two Homiz creations felt something very terrifying in Sylvanas, and even felt like they were facing their mother.

"Come here, I will take you to see Governor Kaido now. I will use your fruit ability to read a new person to see if he is an undercover agent of the Navy." Rhodes said.

"No problem, Mr. Rhodes, leave it to me!" Brynn said.

After Brynn finished speaking, she waved her hand, and the blanket beside her opened up and turned into a flying carpet.

"This thing is quite magical. If it were in the world of Azeroth, it would be a good mount." Rhodes said while looking at the small flying carpet in front of him.

There is no way. As an adventurer who has struggled in the world of Azeroth for many years, Rhodes has a special hobby for mounts and other things.

Rhodes really wants a flying carpet mount or something!

I want to collect all kinds of flying mounts!

"This, this is mother's creation. The Homitz made by mother using Soul Soul Fruit has some magical powers." Brynn said.

But I spoke with a little sadness, these Homitz creations.

This is the last Homitz. After my mother dies, they will be out of print unless the next person with the soul fruit ability appears.

Even some weak Homiz might die with their mother after her death.

"Let's go, little girl, if you are obedient, maybe we can give you some rewards! If there are three people, it should be able to carry it, right?" After Rhodes said this, he took Sylvanas and sat down. On top of the small flying carpet.

"Lord, don't worry, I can carry you. Where are you going?" the little flying carpet said with a look of horror.

"Go to Ghost Island, I'll show you the way!" Rhodes said.

Soon the little flying carpet flew into the sky. The flying speed was not very fast, and even because it was carrying three people, it was a little shaky while flying.

Seeing this, Rhodes quickly made some flame clouds to help lighten the weight of this little flying carpet.

"Thank you, thank you sir." After the little flying carpet felt some flame clouds appearing under him, he immediately said with great gratitude.

This adult seems to be very gentle. I hope he will be a good master and treat his mistress better.

"You're welcome little guy," Rhodes said.

From today on, your surname is mine. Anyway, your mistress will also have my surname in the future.

"What a magical creation. It's like a life with a soul in its body." Sylvanas touched the small flying carpet under her butt and said.

Although there are many magical little objects in the world of Azeroth, they are all created by magic and they just make them look like a living being. Completely different from these Homitz creations, they are truly intelligent.

There are a large number of Homiz creations in all countries, such as big trees, various furniture, combatants, and all kinds of weird items.

"Thank you, thank you, madam, for your compliment." The little flying carpet said solemnly.

"Breen! I heard that you are a three-eyed tribe, can you let me see your third eye?" Rhodes asked.

But Brynn herself was a little nervous. Her third eye was very ugly. She usually covered it with her bangs, otherwise she would not dare to go out to meet people.

"Well, it's better not to give it up! Mr. Rhodes, my eyes are very ugly."

"It doesn't matter!" Rhodes said.

Brynn took a deep breath, then used both hands to remove her bangs, revealing the third eye inside.

"Actually, she's quite beautiful. You don't need to feel inferior." Rhodes smiled and said.

I'm good at coaxing girls' hearts and so on, and the female version of Erlang Shen is actually not that ugly.

"Oh! Really, really? Mr. Rhodes, don't you think I'm ugly?" Brynn asked excitedly.

Some people actually think their eyes are not disgusting.

Sylvanas just shook her head aside, that bastard Rhodes was kidnapping an ignorant girl again.

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