Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 104: Modify memory to fight undercover, the door to darkness is completed

If you kill Drake now, even if the news is blocked, he will not contact the Navy headquarters for a long time. It will take up to two months, or even less, for the Navy to find something is wrong, and then send an undercover agent to investigate.

Brynn's memory fruit ability can not only watch the opponent's memory, but also modify the memory at will.

This is the most buggy part of her ability. This ability is really terrifying.

"What do you mean, let this little girl modify his memory and turn him into one of ours?" Kaido's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

This is a good idea, this guy's strength is not bad, at least he has reached the level of Fei Liubao, and he is even the strongest among them.

It would indeed be a good idea if this kid could be used by the Beasts Pirates through memory modification.

Upon hearing this, X Drake immediately wanted to struggle, but he was restrained by Jack, Rhodes, and Sylvanas at the same time, so his struggle was in vain.

"Sorry! Lord Rhodes, my modified memory can only modify the recent ones, that is, a few days. If it takes too long, I really can't modify it!" Brynn lowered her head and looked at Rhodes submissively. He spoke.

Please, my fruit ability can indeed modify my memory, but do you think there is no limit to it?

I could only modify it for a few days. Even when she first got the fruit, she could only watch the memory.

And at the beginning, you can only view memories from a few days ago, and only later can you view memories from a few years later.

It wasn't until this year that I awakened to the ability to modify other people's memories. Perhaps with my own development, this modification time will be extended.

For example, she could modify memories from a few years ago or even more than ten years ago, or completely clear a person's memory, but she couldn't do it now.

hateful! It didn't help Lord Rhodes. I must show my value in the future.

"Really! It doesn't matter Brynn, your current strength is still too weak. Develop your fruit ability well. You will definitely be able to do many things in the future." Rhodes reached out and touched Brynn's head and said.

All right! I was thinking too much. If I could really modify my memory a few years later, then Brynn's ability would have been used by my aunt a long time ago.

But it doesn't matter, as her strength increases, this girl's abilities will also increase, and she will reach that point sooner or later.

"Thank you, Lord Rhodes. However, although I cannot completely modify his memory, I can modify everything he saw today." Brynn said.

She has now figured out what is going on. This guy is an undercover agent sent by the Navy, and his fruit ability has indeed exposed him.

But as long as he deletes everything about this today, then this kid won't feel like he has been exposed.

"This is a good idea, so it's decided Brynn, you delete all the things in his mind that we discovered today as an undercover agent.

Then he modified it so that he passed the test of the Beasts Pirates and became a high-level real fighter of the Beasts Pirates. " Rhodes said.

"Why keep this guy? Wouldn't it be better to just kill him and get the fruit ability?" Kaido said a little impatiently.

"Please, father-in-law, think about it carefully. We have a lot to do in the next period of time, and we haven't raised our strength to the strongest yet!

At this time, we should develop our own strength steadily. It is not yet time to start a full-scale war with the World Government or the Navy, so we leave this kid behind so that he feels that he is not exposed.

The best way is to report something to the World Government from time to time and act as a counter-espionage to steal information from the World Government for us. " Rhodes said.

"Oh! You mean to use this girl's ability to probe his memory every once in a while, and then delete the part where we probe his memory, right?" Kaido asked.

"Yes, that's it. Brynn, you can modify your memory for a few days at most." Rhode asked.

"Lord Rhodes, I can now modify up to seven days of memories. I can modify the memories within seven days at will, and I can view the memories within ten years." Brynn said.

"That's easy to handle. Just in case, every seven days, let Brynn use his ability on him, watch all his memories, and then make some modifications and decorations to the seven-day diary." Rhodes said. .

In this way, they can ensure that all memories within seven days are foolproof, and they can view and modify them at will.

"This is a good idea, but I don't have time to look at this kid. Who do you think would be more convenient to hand him over?" Kaido asked.

"Of course I can't do it here. There are too many secrets here. Send him next to a big billboard and let the big billboard watch him at all times.

Bring him to my place every seven days, and then we subdue him and let Bryn activate his ability to modify his memory.

When all our plans are completed, we no longer need to worry about the Navy or the World Government.

Now kill this kid and take out his fruit ability. What do you think, father-in-law? " Rhodes asked.

This is the safest way to be foolproof.

"Well! This kid is quite strong. We can't let him leave the country of Wano. In this case, let's hand him over to Jhin!" Kaido said.

As the most powerful one among the three big posters, Yan Calamity Jin is strong enough to subdue this kid, and Jin is very thoughtful and can usually deceive this kid.

And it doesn’t matter if you can’t cheat. They also have the means to modify memory. Anyway, within seven days, everything he sees can be modified at will.

Several other Lingkong Six, as well as Rhodes and others nodded together.

"Okay, it's decided, Jack, you will send this kid over there in a while, and then tell him everything and give good instructions to Jin.

You must keep an eye on this kid, and usually regard him as a member of our Beasts Pirates. But every seven days, Jack will come with you, and you two will subdue him together, and then take him to Rhodes for brainwashing. . Kaido said.

They were the only ones who knew the undercover identity of this kid. The rest of the gang would only think that the pirate group had a master and would not reveal anything.

Jack nodded, indicating that he understood.

Rhodes ordered Brynn to make the final modifications to X Drake's memory. Everything in this hall was an attempt by the Beast Pirates to take over him, and by the way, he got to know the Beast Pirates. The top brass of the thieves group.

Brynn quickly completed the modification of the memory, and then silently retreated to Rhodes.

After Derek woke up, he didn't feel anything unusual. In his memory, he entered the hall.

After a few words with Kaido, he was allowed to join the Beast Pirates, and then he got to know the senior members of the Beast Pirates.

I don’t know why, but I always feel a little sore in my body? Could it be that the continuous running around these days has made me a little tired?

"Drake, from now on, you are a real member of our Beasts Pirates. You have just joined. We cannot give you a high status. From today on, you will follow Jhin, one of the three major posters. Jack, please take this new companion over to get to know Jhin," Kaido said.

"Thank you, Boss Kaido." Drake said.

"Come with me, Derek, I'll take you to see Brother Jhin!" Jack, who was over eight meters tall, came to Derek and said expressionlessly.

Derek nodded, stood up and followed Jack away.

"You guys, please be careful and don't let him find any abnormalities." Kaido said.

"Don't worry! Boss, we understand. Don't forget that I used to be an agent of the World Government. Hiding something is my specialty." Foz Fu

Several other Lingkong Liuzi also nodded. They would definitely not have too much contact with such an undercover agent.

After finishing everything, Rhodes took Sylvanas and Brynn back to his residence, and then asked the flying carpet to make a few more trips to move Brynn's dessert house.

In the next few days, everything seemed calm, and Rhodes was still normal. Learn fel magic with the teacher, spar with Queen Yamato, and then train your endurance at night.

In the endurance training event, Brynn expressed that she also wanted to join, but Rhodes refused because he was too young. What a joke, the little girl is only fourteen!

Time passed by slowly.

"Sir Rhodes, this is the love dark chocolate cake I made. Please try it! How does it taste?" Brynn's eyes were shining with stars as she came to Rhodes with a plate of cakes she had just baked. In front of him, he spoke.

"Yeah! It tastes good! You did a great job." Rhodes smiled and said.

This girl has a pretty good talent for making cakes.

"Thank you Lord Rhodes for the compliment!" Brynn said.

First, I have to grab Lord Rhodes' stomach.

hateful! Lord Rhodes actually thought that she was too young and refused to let him join in their adult games.

At noon that day, Leitson came to Rhodes and brought him good news.

"Rhodes, the Dark Portal has been built." Leitson said.

Tens of thousands of laborers were used, as well as those giant barbarians.

Everyone worked overtime and operated around the clock, and finally the Dark Portal was completed as scheduled.

Now all we have to do is wait for Rhodes to go to the world of Azeroth and open the Dark Portal together.

The portal on the Azeroth world, the Forsaken and the old tribe members should have been taken care of as well.

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