Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 107 Silvermoon City’s transaction, void energy block, holy light energy

Soon, four blood elf mages from Silvermoon City were brought to Rhodes and Sylvanas.

"Greetings to you, the great Banshee King, regent of Sin'dorei, and Prince Kael'thas, let us say hello to you." One of the mages came to the two of them and said.

"Well! Are you coming here this time to discuss cooperation?" Sylvanas asked.

"Yes, noble Banshee King, and Mr. Rhodes, the magical cloud you gave us is indeed very useful." A Sin'dorei mage who followed behind said.

After this magical red cloud was brought back to Silver Moon City, the mages conducted some research and experiments.

Storing this kind of cloud isn't that difficult, it just requires certain magic items.

Even these special clouds will last for a while when exposed to the air, probably dissipating after a few hours.

Various magical clouds possess a kind of floating energy that can act on objects and then fly high into the sky.

The mages of Silvermoon City conducted some experiments and even gave some clouds to Prince Kael'thas in the Storm Fortress of Outland.

Both the regent and the prince came to the conclusion that they should teach Mr. Rhodes well and obtain as many of these special clouds as possible.

After all, the clouds Rhodes gave him for experiments have been used up. If he wants to continue his research, he will need more clouds like this.

"I am very willing to cooperate and develop this special cloud together. I wonder what kind of price your Sin'dorei in Silver Moon City can offer?" Rhodes asked.

It actually alerted Kael'thas, but Kael'thas probably still doesn't know his true identity.

After all, Legion didn't take a fancy to him, he just asked himself to hand over these special space energies to Kael'thas.

In the eyes of Legion, he is just a dispensable little person.

"Dear Mr. Rhodes, and the Banshee King, I don't know about this. Which of you two can be the final master?" At this time, a Sin'dorei mage asked.

After all, there must be a person in charge when discussing cooperation. I need to know who is in charge here?

"Rhodes can fully represent me. Just feel free to talk." Sylvanas said.

When several blood elf mages heard this, they all showed a look of surprise. Sylvanas, the former Windrunner Ranger General and now the Banshee King, actually chose this man to fully represent her?

"Mr. Rhodes! These special clouds can be made into a floating city fortress. If you are willing to cooperate with us, we can help you transform a floating city fortress afterwards, and then you can provide us with these special clouds. "A blood elf mage said.

A special kind of cloud, its greatest ability is to fly, so it can be used to produce some equipment that can fly alone, or props that can fly in groups.

Single-player flying mounts are not uncommon in the world of Azeroth. There is no need to study this kind of clouds to make a single-player version of flying equipment, so the most cost-effective one is naturally the floating city.

A giant flying fortress is still very intimidating. If Silvermoon City has a flying fortress, it will be a good thing for all the people of Sin'dorei.

The few mages who maintained the portal at that time saw it with their own eyes. How Kaido used this special cloud to hold up the entire Hellfire Fortress!

Not only the Hellfire Fortress, but also some surrounding lands and small fortresses on the Hellfire Peninsula were all held up by this flame cloud.

As long as the quantity is sufficient and some magical technology is provided as support, it is not too difficult to build a floating fortress.

"I'm here to provide this special cloud, and you build a floating city for me. No matter how you look at it, I seem to be at the disadvantage!" Rhodes said.

"Mr. Rhodes, do you have any other requests? You can put them forward." The mage representative bowed to Rhodes and said.

If this were the high elves in the past, they would never talk to a human so politely.

But there is nothing they can do now. Their race has declined, and more than 60% of the residents have died tragically in the disaster.

Now the entire high elves only have a population of a few hundred thousand, which is incomparable to the millions they had before. Now, they must learn to let go. After all, even their prince can take refuge with a demon hunter. (At this time, the senior officials of Silvermoon City did not know that Kael'thas had defected to the Burning Legion.)

"This special cloud energy will be used as a consumable product and I will sell it to you in Silver Moon City. You have to pay for it or provide other materials to purchase it," Rhodes said.

It's okay to supply it to you, but it's not free, you have to pay for it.

"Mr. Rhodes, if you suggest that we buy it, how would you calculate the price?" a mage from Silvermoon City asked.

"You can't tell me the price. In addition to gold coins, you can earn all kinds of rare magic items, special energies, alchemical potions, and even blood elf mages who come to work for me. You can earn this kind of thing as a reward," Rhodes said. .

If the floating project is successfully established, then at least three will be built on the tribe's side. After all, the orcs, as the boss of the tribe, will get one, the blood elves will help with research and get one, and the Undercity will get one.

"We know Mr. Rhodes, but we don't know if you are not interested in some sense of holy light energy. Our prince, Lord Kael'thas, captured a magical holy light creature from the outside world. It has a steady stream of holy light energy in its body. We may be able to use this special holy light energy to trade with condensation.

In addition, the prince also used void energy in the outer realm to refine a very special void energy block. If you are interested, we can also use this kind of thing to trade with you. "The blood elf spoke on behalf of the mage.

Recently, the prince has sent back many good things from the outer realm. In addition to a certain holy light creature, there is also a kind of void energy crystal block, which is a kind of void energy refined from void energy in Storm Fortress.

These special energy crystal blocks have been transported back to Silver Moon City, which has greatly alleviated the symptoms of magic addiction of some ordinary residents.

"Void energy blocks can be traded for some. As for Holy Light energy, do you have anything that can store Holy Light energy?" Rhodes asked.

This extracted Holy Light energy is a way to forcibly use Holy Light. Perhaps Rhodes can bring this power to the pirate world and see if any wonderful effects will occur.

As for the void energy block, this is a very portable energy source that can very well solve the problem of magic addiction for the blood elves.

It is also an excellent energy for Rhodes, and I can be a mentor! If these void energy blocks are brought to the Marvel world, they might attract the attention of Iron Man.

After all, in the timeline he traveled through, a certain Iron Man is now troubled by energy issues, and even if he solves the energy problem, I believe Iron Man will definitely be interested in this new void energy.

"We have magic props that store holy light energy. If you are willing, we can trade them. At present, we have made a magic device that can store this kind of flame cloud. As long as it is installed, it can start floating immediately. The construction of the empty city," the blood elf mage said.

"Then it's settled. Holy light energy or void energy blocks of equal value are exchanged for flame clouds of equal value. We can trade in the long term," Rhodes said.

The four blood elf mages nodded with satisfaction, and then the two sides agreed on some detailed issues. The mages immediately left and returned to Silvermoon City to report the results of the negotiation.

Soon after, some blood elf mages will come over with some special magic equipment, as well as void energy blocks and holy light energy blocks to help the Undercity assemble a floating fortress.

At the same time, Rhodes also promised to provide enough Yanyun.

Anyway, as long as you have enough physical strength, I will make this for you as much as you want. I will make it for you while drinking the physical strength potion.

"It seems that we will have a floating fortress soon. I never expected that Kael'thas would be able to find a special kind of holy light life in the outer realm, as well as the kind of void energy block refined with void energy. "(There is this special void energy block in the Storm Fortress dungeon group. This item is not fictitious by the author.)

"I estimate that the way they store my flame cloud is to compress it into energy blocks. After all, this technology has been obtained by the blood elves." Rhodes said.

Simply using magic props to store them takes up too much space, so it is most convenient to compress them into solid energy blocks.

"Oh! Don't you want this technology?" Sylvanas asked.

With this kid's character, after knowing this kind of technology, he should go all out to master it.

"What I provide is only energy, not technology. The blood elves have energy of equal value, and there are two types of energy that are exchanged with me, so I will not increase the price for the time being." Rhodes smiled and said.

The blood elves shouldn't be able to deliver such things as holy light energy for too long, after all, a certain naaru will be sucked dry soon.

As for the void energy blocks extracted from the Storm Fortress, once the Storm Fortress is captured, it is difficult to say whether the Storm Fortress can belong to the blood elves.

Moreover, after leaving the location of Storm Fortress, there was not enough void energy for them to compress the energy blocks.

When the time comes when you don’t have trading items of equal value, I will naturally have to trade for something else.

But first you must build the floating city, and then you can't do without my energy.

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