Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 109 The Dark Door Opens, The Burning Crusade

Luo Ning also showed an awkward smile, and this negotiation was not what he expected.

There is no way, there is really no way to hand over Dalaran's collection of books, especially those about guardians and forbidden spells.

What's more, it's basically impossible to take it away for people to watch.

And for the floating city, to be honest, Dalaran is not particularly eager to get it. If the other party is really unwilling, there is no need to pay such a high price to obtain this special energy.

"Mr. Rhodes, in fact, if the two parties trade this special cloud, we in Dalaran can also pay a large price.

For example, gold coins, silver coins or other magic items produced by us in Dalaran can all be traded. "Luo Ning said.

It would actually be more beneficial to Dalaran if the two parties purchased it as a kind of goods. It would still be impossible for Dalaran to hand over the magic collection and the like.

Being able to agree to let Rhodes go to Dalaran for reading and study is already a very good condition.

"That's it for now, Mr. Luo Ning, I don't plan to trade with you in Dalaran at the moment." Rhodes shook his head and said.

Just kidding, Master Dalaran is not pushed to the extreme now, but he will wait until a large number of floating fortresses appear in the tribe.

The pressure is on the Alliance, and the Alliance will transfer this pressure to Dalaran. A balance must be formed between the Horde and the Alliance.

If the Horde has a new weapon that the Alliance doesn't have, it's not allowed for all Alliance races.

After the two sides chatted for a few more words, Luo Ning said goodbye and left. After all, the Archmage could also see that he was not very welcome here.

Late that night, in the queen's palace, Sylvanas and Rhodes lay side by side.

The Queen was covered with a purple transparent blanket, revealing her beautiful body and perfect figure in front of Rhodes like a shadow.

"These mages of Dalaran remind me of the mages and nobles in Silvermoon City. They are exactly the same arrogance and rudeness." Sylvanas lay in Rhodes' arms and said.

is not that right? As a former ranger general, the ranger troops she led were actually looked down upon by these mages.

These high-ranking mage masters don't understand the thoughts of ordinary people. If they want something, they basically just ask for it.

You even think that what they want from you is a sign of mercy and you should offer it proactively.

"Haha! They will come looking for me." Rhodes said.

"I know what you are thinking. After the tribe's floating city flies into the sky, the alliance will definitely be very nervous.

At that time, Dalaran will either return to the Alliance and become its fighting force, or Dalaran will have to help the Alliance build a floating city. "Sylvanas said.

"Yes, that's my plan. When the time comes, they will have to come to me to buy this special flame cloud." Rhodes said.

"I want to remind you one thing, Rhodes. I asked some of my mages to make some calculations. You and Kaido will produce Yanyun together.

It can support up to four floating cities. If there are more, the two of you will have to produce Yanyun day and night, or even 24 hours a day. "Sylvanas said.

Although it only takes a lot of physical effort to rub out this special cloud with just a few clicks of your fingers.

But there is actually a limit to how much two people can make every day, 24 hours a day.

Four floating fortresses are the limit for the two of them, one for the blood elves, one for them and the Forsaken, one for the tribe, and one for the Beast Pirates.

If this is the case, if we sell these flame clouds again, then the output will not be enough and we will not be able to keep up.

"I've thought about this, and you're right, with Kaido and I's current abilities.

It can support the consumption of four floating cities at most. No more than two of us can bear it. In fact, I have another method, or idea, of making a floating city. " Rhodes said.

In fact, Rhodes has a new idea for the floating city, but this method requires the use of Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors.

She is a user with the soul fruit ability. If she gives a soul to a giant floating city, then it can become a living flying city that can run around.

In other words, Kaido and Rhodes created a huge flame cloud, and then compressed it, allowing Charlotte Lingling to give the cloud soul, turning it into a thundercloud similar to Zeus.

At that time, this special life cloud itself can hold up a floating city.

However, this requires Charlotte Lingling to personally take action. The power of the soul fruit has been developed to the extreme by Charlotte Lingling, unlike a certain nun who can only amuse children.

The power of a fruit sometimes depends on its user. Even if you give a weak person a powerful fruit, he will not become a peerless master.

Now if Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit is taken out, to be honest, Rhodes has no suitable candidate to inherit this fruit.

If you want to use this fruit, you must have strong soul power, and even if your talent is high enough, you want to give soul to a giant floating city and give soul to a giant flame cloud.

It is quite difficult. Only Charlotte Lingling can do this kind of thing. If the queen did not eat the underworld fruit, she could indeed eat the soul fruit. It is a pity.

Rhodes told Sylvanas exactly what he thought.

"Your idea is good. Charlotte Lingling's soul power can indeed be used in this way. She herself created a big fire ball Prometheus and a thunder cloud Zeus.

An ordinary flame or cloud can be given power by him, not to mention the flame cloud made by you and Kaido, or according to your ideas, let her directly give the soul to a floating city. "Sylvanas nodded and said.

This method is indeed feasible, and the Soul Soul Fruit is really useful, but I really don't have any top experts who can develop this fruit.

"This is the most difficult point, Charlotte Lingling. If she is made into a death knight, her fruit ability must be stripped away. Even if she uses the devil slavery contract, her soul fruit ability must be stripped away." Luo De said.

"Maybe we can make some threats." Sylvanas rolled her eyes and said.

She suddenly thought of a possible way.

"Nothing can threaten him. Her children are not worth mentioning in front of her. She doesn't care whether they live or die." Rhodes shook his head and said.

"Not threatening her children, but threatening her life and her freedom. Sometimes we need to negotiate some conditions." Sylvanas said.

"Oh! Then my Queen, please give me some advice." Rhodes touched Sylvanas' thigh and said.

"She is indeed unwilling to surrender to you, then we can negotiate terms with her. Now Whitebeard and Kaido can completely suppress her, so we don't have to worry about her causing trouble after she is free.

You can even re-capture her anytime and anywhere. You can talk to him about the conditions first.

Ask her to do things for you, set a time limit, for example, just like me, it can be any number of years, and promise her that when the time is up, you will give her her freedom. "Sylvanas said.

The time of the previous treaty between herself and Rhodes can even be said to be dispensable now. If nothing else happens, Sylvanas will choose to follow Rhodes all the time.

Wait until Rhodes shows enough strength. When you bring enough benefits to Charlotte Lingling, she will surrender to you without you even needing to say anything.

"This is a good idea. Bring her to the world of Azeroth, let her see this new world, and then make an agreement with her for three years. After three years, I will let her go free," Rhodes said. .

When the time comes, Rhodes doesn't believe that Charlotte Lingling will take the initiative to leave. After all, when the benefits are big enough, anyone will change. If you fail to impress the other party, it's because you don't have enough chips!

"And I don't know if you've noticed, but Kaido has a special sibling relationship with Charlotte Lingling. Although he is very repressive, I can see it.

Killing her will affect some of Kaido's mentality. You have to learn to listen to your subordinates. "Sylvanas said.

"Yeah! I understand." Rhodes nodded and said, while touching the queen's purple thigh with one hand.

"Want something exciting?" The Banshee King said and lifted the purple quilt.

"Of course my queen." Rhodes raised Sylvanas' chin and said.

Just as the pink atmosphere in the house became more and more intense, both of their voices began to become urgent.

Suddenly, a violent spatial fluctuation came, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere.

"What's going on?" Sylvanas immediately jumped up from the bed, put on a gauze dress and asked.

What a violent spatial fluctuation, it feels like this! just like! More than twenty years ago, the door to darkness opened.

"The opportunity I have been waiting for has finally come. I'm sorry, Queen, but I'm afraid we won't be able to play the exciting game tonight." Rhode immediately put on his clothes and picked up his staff. Heading towards the Dark Door.

Don't miss this opportunity, it won't come back again!

After arriving in front of the Dark Door, Rhodes began to inject his own mana into it without saying a word, and at the same time connected to Leitson on the other side.

"It's time, mentor, open the Dark Door now, quickly! Let's do it together." Rhodes said.

From the other side of the Dark Door, a voice slowly came.

"I know Rhodes. I will preside over the opening ceremony and transport space energy inside. The space anchor is already in place. Let's start now!" Leitson from the Pirate World also nodded and said.

Both sides began to exert force at the same time. Leitson and Rhodes began to input power into the Dark Gate at the same time, and a huge blue wave began to appear on the Dark Gate.

The positioning left by Rhodes, the spatial coordinates that can connect the two worlds, also began to play a role. The spatial anchors of the Azeroth world and the Pirates world were positioned together. With the help of the power of the planes when Rhodes traveled through, Connected.

At this time, there was also a huge movement from the Dark Gate. At this time, Sylvanas also rushed over with a large number of mages from the Undercity, and immediately supported a magic barrier to isolate the space atmosphere here.

"Do it! Rhodes! I will do my best to help you isolate the space breath. There is so much movement outside." Sylvanas said.

Is this the opportunity Rhodes has been waiting for? Unexpectedly, someone would reopen the Dark Door. This is indeed a good opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"I still need some time, don't worry, my control of space energy is very mature. Under my control, not much space energy will leak out." Rhodes said.

At this time, circles of ripples have appeared on the Dark Portal, green light has begun to appear, the space has been connected, and now a huge cross-world portal is building a permanent road spanning the two worlds.

Rhodes slowly controlled the space energy, and the energy of the space gems in the two magic crystals was extracted. Unlike the demon Kazzak who forcibly opened the dark door, which consumed a lot of demon power and life energy, Rhodes Bian uses the purest space energy.

It is stable and safe, and at the same time, under Rhode's control, excess space energy will not leak out.

There are also huge space fluctuations outside. It would not make people think that a dark door was also opened in the Undercity at the same time.

The timing chosen by Rhodes was simply perfect.

The huge portal erupted with a dazzling light, and ripples like water splashes appeared.

Rhodes clearly saw another world, Leitson on the other side, and a large number of members of the Beasts Pirates, headed by Kaido the Beasts, and the death knight Whitebeard.

"Giggle! Hahaha, Rhodes, you finally opened the Dark Door. We should be able to come over now, right?" Kaido, who was standing opposite the Dark Door, asked excitedly.

"That's right, father-in-law! The portals on both sides are now open. You can come over. Bring all the members of the Beast Pirates over!" Rhodes said.

At this time, the Dark Portal has been completely stabilized, connecting the world of One Piece and the world of Azeroth.

"Hahaha!" With a loud laugh, Kaido was the first to cross the Dark Portal, followed closely by the other members of the Beast Pirates and the death knight Whitebeard.

Everyone in the Beast Pirates looked at this new world, the real new world, with curiosity.

On the other side, whether it was the Alliance, the Horde, or some other extremely powerful beings, they all felt that the Dark Portal had been reopened beneath Stormwind City.

The Burning Crusade began, and unknown to everyone, another world was also connected to Azeroth.

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