Rhodes nodded and returned to the cabin arranged for him by the Beast Pirates to rest.

After sailing on the ship for several days, everyone finally arrived at Wano Country, the destination of their trip.

The Kingdom of Wano stands in a very dangerous sea area. If you want to enter the Kingdom of Wano, you must find the right rising current, otherwise the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die.

"Boy, stay in the cabin and don't do anything unnecessary. This sea area is quite dangerous. If we are not careful, our boat will fall." Quinn said.

Rhodes nodded, returned to the cabin, added Endless Breathing to himself, cast a magic armor spell, held a legion healing stone in his hand, and took out a bottle of sobriety potion.

"Boys, drive up at full speed and move faster." Quinn twisted her huge body and shouted.

"Yes, Boss Quinn, let's take action now."

"Everyone, work harder and drive up quickly."

The pirate ship that Quinn was riding on suddenly began to rise slowly at an extremely incredible 90-degree right angle.

Rhode's lips twitched as he sat in the cabin. Please, even in an anime world, a ship moving upward at a vertical angle of 90° was completely out of the ordinary.

The boards of Newton's coffin simply couldn't be pressed down, or in other words, they couldn't be held down long ago in a world like this, where gravity and the like didn't exist at all.

A few hours later, the huge sailing ship finally landed successfully. It was completely different from the harsh sea environment below. The pier of Wano Country was simply filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Moreover, all the architectural styles have also changed to the style of the island country. Looking from a distance, huge arsenals stand everywhere on the land of Wano. Black smoke is billowing out, and the wastewater from making weapons and steelmaking is... was discharged among the mountains and fields.

"Let's go, kid, come with me to see Boss Kaido. The boss can't wait to see you." Quinn said.

"Yeah! You lead the way!"

Follow Quinn. Without encountering any obstacles along the way, the group quickly arrived at Onigashima in Wano Country, the residence of Kaido, the Protector of the Country.

At this time, in the ghost island, a large group of young pirates were kneeling on the ground without even daring to breathe. A man about seven meters tall, with a pair of giant horns on his head, a naked upper body, and a hip flask on his waist was standing. Lying on the ground and sound asleep.

The smell of alcohol sprayed out from Kaido's mouth, and the entire ghost island was filled with the smell of alcohol.

Rhodes frowned, holy shit, how much alcohol did this guy drink?

"Really, what the hell? I just said I wanted to meet this magical boy, but I ended up drunk." Looking at the drunken Kaido, Quinn said speechlessly.

"Shhh! Brother Quinn, don't wake up the boss. It's very dangerous for the boss to be drunk and crazy." A junior member of the Beasts Pirates said in a very frightened voice.

"However, Boss Quinn, if it is something very important, why don't you personally wake up Boss Kaido!" A member of the Beasts Pirates said.

"Idiot! If you wake up the boss suddenly in this situation, he will act like a drunkard. You should know very well how powerful the boss is when he acts drunkenly." Quinn said very dissatisfied.

Please, who dares to wake Kaido up when he is drunk? Do you think your life is too long? Even with the big sign, he was still scared when facing Kaido.

Among their three calamities, only Yan Calamity has a slightly better relationship with Kaido.

"So what should Mr. Quinn do now?" Rhodes said speechlessly.

Who would have thought that the first time he met Kaido, this guy would be drunk.

"How about you stay here by yourself! When Boss Kaido wakes up, just tell him who you are. I'll leave first. Anyway, I've sent you there. The mission is completed." Quinn He waved his hands and spoke.

Hey, hey, are you mistaken? You fat bastard, do you want to leave me here alone and run away by yourself?

Kaido the Beast doesn't know me. If he goes crazy and hits me with a stick, wouldn't I die on the spot?

"I have a way to wake up Boss Kaido." After thinking for a moment, Rhodes said.

Staying here and waiting for Kaido to wake up is too time-consuming and unreliable. It is said that Kaido of the Beasts will be drunk for several days at a time. My stay in the One Piece world is limited, and I don’t have time to follow him. Consumption.

"You have a way to wake up Boss Kaido. Let me tell you first, if you attack Boss Kaido, he may become drunk and crazy!" Quinn said.

"No need to go to such trouble, just give him this bottle of potion to drink." Rhodes took out a bottle of green potion and said.

"What is this?"

"It's a medicine that can refresh people. It's called a secondary sobriety medicine. It can restore people's spirits. If you are not in a good mental state, you can take it." Rhodes said.

The secondary sobriety potion is a necessary potion for spell professionals. Drinking one bottle in a non-combat state can refresh your mind and slowly restore part of your mana.

It's not a big problem to help Kaido sober up. This medicine can wake people up instantly, and it's very thorough. It can also treat a certain amount of mental fatigue.

"Is it so magical? Then I'll give it a try, but I have to say it first. Once Boss Kaido becomes drunk and crazy, it will be very scary." Quinn said.

"Don't worry! I can't guarantee anything else, but his mind will definitely wake up. The name of this thing is the secondary sobering potion. Of course, just to be on the safe side, let him drink a few more bottles." Rhodes said. said.

At the same time, he took out two sets of sobering potions, each set of ten sobering potions. Twenty sobering potions should be able to revive the big man.

After Quinn took the potion in his hand, he nodded doubtfully, then carefully came to Kaido, opened his mouth, and poured in more than 20 sobriety potions.

Kaido, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly moved his eyes, opened his eyes, and glanced at Quinn.

"You're back Quinn?"

"That's great, boss. You really woke up. This medicine is quite effective."

"Well! I feel that my mind is very clear now, and my whole body is very clear! I feel very comfortable." Kaido stood up, stretched, and said.

He felt better than ever before, his mental state was unusually comfortable, his whole brain was extremely clear-headed, and even his ability to perceive, hear, color, and domineering power had improved slightly.

"What did you feed me Quinn?"

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