Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 127 Lingling comes back to life and becomes younger

Kaido no longer owes Charlotte Lingling any favors.

Druid's top resurrection spell brought back the dead, and with the support of Rhodes' life force, he finally resurrected Charlotte Lingling.

In the past few days, he has been learning druid spells with the tauren, and learned some of the history of druids, the ability of druids to transform into animals, and various wonderful natural spells, which made him very interested.

One of the most interesting spells is this method of resurrecting the dead. It can actually resurrect the dead. Although there are many conditions and restrictions, this method is really powerful.

The tauren druid Kahn told Kaido that if you want to use this move, you must first be at the level of a great druid, and you must have abundant natural power and vitality.

Because when you resurrect a life, it is equivalent to consuming your own life force and using your own lifespan to extend the life of the other party.

The moment the other party dies, his lifespan has been cleared. If you want him to continue to live, you have to infuse him with new lifespan.

And the compensation gap is ten times. If you consume ten years of life, you can make the target live one more year. If you consume one hundred years of life, you can make the target live ten more years, and so on.

So except for the night elves, who have such terrifying vitality.

If other races want to use this trick, they will basically resurrect the opponent and then they will not be able to do it themselves.

This time, in order to resurrect Charlotte Lingling, Kaido spent a total of six hundred years of life, adding a full sixty years to Charlotte Lingling's life.

But now Kaido's lifespan is calculated based on ten thousand years, and with the cultivation of life energy, it will gradually increase, so Kaido doesn't care about the six hundred years of life.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling's body began to change. A green energy began to wrap around her body, and her originally fat and bloated body began to disappear.

The extremely fat waist began to become extremely slender, the legs began to become slender, the buttocks began to tilt up, and the wrinkles on the skin and face began to disappear and became smoother and more delicate.

In the blink of an eye, a beautiful woman with an amazing figure appeared in front of Kaido and Rhodes. She had a slender figure, with bulges in the places where they should be, and curls in the places where they should be.

With her long pink hair hanging on the back of her head, Charlotte Lingling directly transformed back into her appearance when she was eighteen years old.

Kaido gave her a lifespan of sixty years.

These lifespans transformed Charlotte Lingling's body, restoring her life to its peak period, the physical functions of an eighteen-year-old human being.

"I have become younger, and my whole body is full of strength." Charlotte Lingling said.

This is the feeling of youth, this is the feeling of her youth. Charlotte Lingling looked at her body with disbelief on her face.

"I'm talking about father-in-law! Are you serious?" Rhodes turned his head stiffly, looked at Kaido and said.

It has to be said that Charlotte Lingling, who has become younger, is indeed very talented. In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to some young empresses at all.

But old father-in-law, you can just resurrect her, why do you need to become younger?

Do you have any special ideas? The other party has more than forty husbands. Are you correct?

Do you have such a strong taste? Is Black Maria bad? Rhodes thinks Black Maria is better than Charlotte Lingling no matter what, right?

"It's incredible, she, she has regained her youth," Yamato said.

"There's nothing surprising. This is the magic of life spells, but it consumes a lot of life energy." Sylvanas glanced at Kaido intentionally or unintentionally and said.

Among the druids she had seen, only the night elves' druids dared to cast such a resurrection spell!

After all, the 1:10 lifespan conversion when other races release this spell is really terrifying.

This big guy only looks a little weak. The life energy he gained this time has increased his lifespan to a terrifying level!

"I'm just returning the favor to her. From now on, she and I will have nothing to do with each other.

If she dares to rebel, I will kill her without mercy. "Kaido said.

Anyway, this life energy can be replenished through practice, so he doesn't feel too distressed. With a life span of more than 10,000 years, he can squander it so arrogantly!

"Mom! Your favor has been repaid. I will keep my promise. After all, I have become younger, so I will join you!" Charlotte Lingling said.

"In this case, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido did this, so I can't say much. Now it's time to drink the wine of the adopted son." After Rhodes finished speaking, he took out a big bowl.

Then he poured out a large bucket of demon blood, the blood from the abyss lords, and the blood of the two abyss lords mixed together, which was enough for a big bowl.

Rhodes couldn't believe a verbal agreement at all, and he didn't intend to believe it, so the safest way was to sign a contract.

Charlotte Lingling lost her Devil Fruit powers, so now she can sign a devil's contract with her.

"This thing smells bad! What is it? If you want to drink the wine of adopted son, get some normal wine!" Charlotte Lingling frowned and said.

"Aren't you always curious about why Kaido became so powerful?

You will know after drinking it. This is a new power. You can just use this power after losing the devil fruit.

In another world, you can also learn about anger energy. " Rhodes said.

In fact, Auntie's physical fitness might be even better than it is now if she masters physical skills all the way to the end.

Therefore, the power of evil energy, coupled with anger, is actually more suitable for Auntie.

"This kind of power is called evil energy. It is a power that can be controlled, just like the life energy I just resurrected you." After Kaido finished speaking, he gathered a ball of green evil energy in his palm and said .

Life energy is emerald green, while evil energy is dark green.

"Mom! I know! No wonder Kaido has become so strong.

It turns out that there is such a good thing, and after I get new power, I will catch up quickly. "After Charlotte Lingling finished speaking, she picked up a large bucket of evil blood.

Just drank it in one gulp.

After drinking the evil blood, Charlotte Lingling's body reacted immediately. A pair of huge devil wings appeared behind her, devil horns grew on her head, and green diagonal energy patterns appeared on the surface of her body. , his hands turned into claws, and his feet turned into demonic hooves.

I have to say that when Auntie was young, she had a really good figure. She was like an enlarged version of a succubus!

However, Rhodes still took out a demon scroll without hesitation, and directly carved the demon contract on Big Mom's body, depicting the demon enslavement circle.

"Don't resist, I am signing a soul contract with you. Only after signing this soul contract will I completely believe you. Otherwise, I will not believe you." Rhodes said.

"I know Captain, since I promised you, I will not betray you." Charlotte Lingling nodded, accepted the demon enslavement circle described by Rhodes, and then signed a soul contract with Rhodes, officially becoming Rhodes' subordinate.

Now, as long as her thoughts move, Charlotte Lingling must obey her unconditionally, and her life and death will depend on her thoughts.

"Captain, where are my children? You didn't hurt them, right?" Charlotte Lingling stood up, shook her body, and said.

"All your sons are in the Kingdom of Wano. I have moved all the islands of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms to the Kingdom of Wano." Rhodes said.

“Then Captain, do you have any tasks for me?

If there is no mission, I would like to visit my children.

Let's have some dessert, I haven't had any for over a month. Charlotte Lingling said.

Her siphoria was on the verge of breaking out.

"Okay, go ahead! Let you rest for three days and get together with your children.

Eat some sweets and snacks by the way, and three days later, you can cross the Dark Portal and come to the world of Azeroth.

I will let Kaido teach you how to use anger, and you must also learn how to control the power of evil. " Rhodes said.

"I understand. This kind of demon transformation is equivalent to an animal fruit ability. I will practice this power well." After Charlotte Lingling said this, she put away the demon transformation and returned to her original appearance. .

Rhodes nodded.

The world of pirates is just that good. The changes caused by the power of evil energy will turn into a transformed form similar to a fruit.

I wonder if Charlotte Lingling eats an animal-type Devil Fruit, will she turn into a fantasy beast species due to evil energy?

However, Auntie's physical fitness was already very strong, and now she has taken evil energy to stop bleeding and gained the power to transform into a demon. The animal fruit ability seems to be the icing on the cake.

After explaining some things to Charlotte Lingling, Rhodes directly asked her to leave on her own.

"I'm talking about father-in-law! If you want, I don't mind if you find me another mother-in-law." Rhodes came to Kaido, raised his eyebrows and said.

Charlotte Lingling is indeed ridiculously ugly when she gets old, but when she was young, her appearance was indeed top-notch! The figure is simply in golden proportions.

"I'm not interested in that old woman. I just wanted to repay the favor. If I were looking for a woman, I'd look for Black Maria." Kaido snorted and left directly.

Hey, my old father-in-law is quite proud, but Black Maria’s words are also very good!

Now the three Yonko are under his command, and they are all stronger than before.

When the time comes, let them alone control the pirate world, and the world government will basically not dare to move.

After he became a senior member of the Burning Legion, he directly led the army of demons from the Legion to completely occupy the pirate world.

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