The Emerald Dream is now like a back garden to Rhodes. With the permission given by Azeroth, Rhodes can go anywhere in the Emerald Dream at will.

An area where demigods live, where green dragons live, and even where druids sleep.

This time, Rhodes did not have much interaction with the Wild Demigods or the Green Dragon Legion, but went directly to the place where the werewolves were sealed.

If your guess is correct, then there is no need to trouble these wilderness demigods for help, if you can't handle it here. Then let the wilderness demigod take action.

In a very special area of ​​the Emerald Dream, the archdruid Malfurion has set up many barriers here. There are hundreds of druids from the night elves sleeping inside. They are all Druids cursed by the werewolf. Yi.

After sleeping in the Emerald Dream for ten thousand years, some of them were released a few years ago when the Scourge invaded. However, there are still a large number of werewolf druids sealed here.

Soon, Rhodes selected a few werewolves, and then successfully took them out of the Emerald Dream through the mark of the Emerald Dream, and appeared in the upper palace of the Undercity.

As soon as they entered the real world, these werewolves woke up.

"Ouch!" He let out a wolf howl as soon as he woke up, and looked at Rhodes with a fierce look on his face.

Rose narrowed his eyes and directly released his overlord-colored domineering energy. Under precise control, the overlord-colored domineering energy only targeted these werewolves and did not spread.

Rhode's domineering aura at this time also has a hint of the majesty of the dragon clan, as well as the powerful natural divinity of the wilderness demigod. In terms of the degree of domineering, Rhodes is definitely the strongest one now.

After sensing Rhode's domineering aura, the dragon's power, and the natural power of the wilderness demigod, these werewolves immediately calmed down and lay on the ground trembling.

Although they have lost their minds, it does not mean that they are complete madmen. They are just controlled by animal instincts. The sensitivity of beasts far exceeds that of humans. These werewolves clearly know how powerful the creatures in front of them are.

Faced with Rhode's strong pressure, they all knelt on the ground, like tamed puppies.

After these werewolves showed fear, Rhodes' soul fruit ability was activated. Now Rhodes can directly seize their souls or manipulate their souls.

The most fundamental reason for the werewolf curse is that the wild power within the body cannot be controlled. The power of the giant wolf demigod is still very powerful.

As long as any creature is bitten by these wolf druids, it will become like them. The original soul will be suppressed and replaced by a savage beast.

Through the precise control of the soul power, Rhodes began to explore the souls of several werewolves. Their souls and original wills were wrapped in the deepest parts of their hearts, but a layer of savage bloodthirsty desire filled the outside.

"If this layer of savagery and bloodthirsty ferocity is removed, can they change back? Or regain their sanity." Rhodes said to himself.

The Soul Soul Fruit can indeed control the soul, but memory and mind are not what he is good at.

But just because I’m not good at these things doesn’t mean that no one else is good at them!

Thinking of this, Rhodes immediately used natural vine type spells to restrain several werewolves.

Then he came outside the house and called Brynn over who was watching her mother learn to be angry.

"Lord Rhodes, what do you want from me?" Brynn came to Rhodes very obediently and asked.

"Brynn, I need your fruit ability to help me do something." Rhodes said.

"No problem, as long as it is Lord Rhodes' wish, no matter what it is, I will help Lord Rhodes fulfill it." Brynn said happily.

"Well! Come with me for a while, don't be afraid no matter what you see, just stand behind me, okay?" Rhode said.

Brynn nodded, followed Rhodes into the room, and then saw several giant wolves that were tied up. They were three meters tall, with thick hair all over their bodies, open mouths, and eyes. A giant wolf glowing red in the middle.

"Are these, are these werewolves?" Brynn asked curiously.

There are also legends of vampires and werewolves in the pirate world, and there are even vampire fruits. I just don’t know if there are werewolf fruits?

"Yes, this is a kind of werewolf I captured. They were formerly a race called night elves. They are all druids. They can transform into various animals and have the ability to release natural spells.

They took the risk and came into contact with the power of a giant wolf demigod. This demigod's power caused a collective mutation in them and then the werewolf curse occurred. "Rhodes briefly explained the werewolf curse to Brynn.

"It's amazing. This ability is really useful if you can control it! As long as you are bitten by them, you can turn into this giant wolf!" Brynn nodded and said.

It is indeed a very magical ability. If it were in the world of pirates, it would be worth spending a lot of time to study.

"The power of the Soul Soul Fruit allows me to sense that their soul memories are filled with a violent and wild power. I hope you can cooperate with me to save them, those with violent and bloodthirsty desires. Extract the memories, and then I try to wake them up," Rhodes said.

"I understand, Lord Rhodes." Brin nodded.

"Let's start now." Rhodes grabbed a werewolf, pressed him to the ground, and then used the power of the Soul Soul Fruit.

"Awoo! Awoo!" The werewolf caught by Rhodes screamed in extreme fear and looked at Rhodes with fear.

A large amount of soul matter was extracted. It must be said that the lifespan of these night elves is really outrageous, and the soul power is also very powerful.

Brin also reached out and inserted his hand into the werewolf's mind, and then pulled out a series of films.

Because they have been sleeping for 10,000 years, their memories only stay in the ancient times. That day, they became werewolves, bloodthirsty and violent.

"Very good! That's it, I'll do it next." Rhodes nodded and immediately used his fruit ability to extract all the bloodthirsty, violent, and barbaric soul power of these werewolves.

The Soul Soul Fruit cannot accurately locate these violent and bloodthirsty powers, but Brin's memory fruit can accurately locate them.

Soon, the wild power from the soul was extracted.

The werewolf caught by Rhodes also began to change. The werewolf's body slowly receded and gradually turned back into a male night elf, kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath.

"I, have I woken up from that eternal nightmare? Thank you, unknown existence, you have saved me from the sea of ​​suffering." The unknown night elf druid said.

"I am the new wilderness demigod of the Emerald Dream. I used some special means to pull you back to reality." Rhodes released his aura of wilderness demigod after speaking.

"Great wilderness demigod, how long have we been asleep?"

"From the ancient war period, resisting the Burning Legion to now, more than 10,000 years have passed." Rhodes said.

"Oh! That's a long time. Thank you for saving me, great wilderness demigod." The night elf expressed his gratitude to Rhodes very sincerely.

It is a blessing in disguise to be able to wake up from this eternal nightmare.

"You're welcome. I have a purpose in studying the werewolf curse. I hope to control this power and give it to my believers." Rhodes said.

"Great wilderness demigod, my name is Kader Greenleaf. I wonder if I am lucky enough to know your name?" The night elf performed an ancient ritual to Rhodes and said.

The aura emanating from this wilderness demigod is very primitive and powerful, even stronger than the most powerful demigod, the Giant Deer Demigod!

Such wilderness demigods will be respected by all druid groups, because they are the representatives of the will of life in Azeroth and the embodiment of nature.

"The name is Rhodes, the wilderness demigod of the Azure Dragon." Rhodes said.

"Great Azure Dragon Demigod, is there anything I can do for you?" Kader said.

"I have removed the rage, bloodthirstiness, savagery, and many other beast characteristics in your soul. Can you still turn into a wolf now? And can you stay rational?" Rhodes asked.

Kader nodded, and then a burst of emerald green light emerged from his body, and he turned into a giant wolf in front of Rhodes.

However, unlike the previous werewolves, the hair turned white, and some animal features unique to the night elves appeared on his head, and the eyes also changed from blood red to the pupils of normal night elves.

"Great Spirit of Nature, thank you, the powerful Azure Dragon Demigod, I have successfully controlled the transformation of the werewolf, and the violent bloodthirsty desire is gone." Kader said excitedly.

Now his werewolf mentality is the same as the bear form, leopard form, and other beast forms. With the help of this unknown wilderness demigod, he successfully recovered.

"Well! So do you still have the ability of the werewolf? That is, to turn the opponent into a werewolf by biting." Rhodes asked.

"I don't know about this! Does the wolf form still have this ability? After I accepted the wolf form, I lost consciousness and lived in a daze." Kader said.

He was one of the first druids to accept the power of the giant wolf and the demigod. After successfully transforming into the wolf form, he has been in a daze and had no idea what happened in his mind.

There was no way, Rhodes could only tell the werewolf curse!

"There is such a thing. Does the power of the giant wolf demigod have such a function? This is something we didn't expect." Kadel touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Let's try it! Wait a moment." Rhode said.

Kadel nodded. Since the wilderness demigod had spoken, he naturally had to cooperate. Moreover, if the werewolf curse was really so terrible, he also wanted to know what his current situation was.

With Brin, he didn't worry about leaking anything. After all, memory can be erased at will.

After Rhode came outside, he found Kaido and told him about the werewolves. He asked him to find a few ordinary members of the Beast Pirates.

"I specially selected three people who can see the Haki. Are you sure?" Kaido asked.

"No problem, believe me, you can start. Kadel turned into a giant wolf and then bit him." Rhode said.

Kadel nodded, activated his werewolf transformation ability, turned into a giant wolf, and then bit the pirate's shoulder, biting all the pirates.

The bitten pirates showed a hint of pain, and then their bodies began to change, and a green light acted on his body.

Rhodes could clearly feel that the opponent's life force was being transformed by some special force, turning it into a wild force. At the same time, the power of evil energy seemed to be integrated into it.

Soon the pirate changed. His body began to grow hair, his mouth and ears began to look like a wolf, his hands turned into wolf claws, and his legs turned into wolf feet.

Until it transforms into a giant humanoid wolf.

"Ouch!" The giant wolf let out an angry roar, with traces of light green light in its eyes, which was the flame of evil energy.

At the same time, the hair on the body is also dark green with evil energy, and the werewolf's claws also have the power of evil energy, making it look even more ferocious.

It was completely different from their druid transformation into a black werewolf. After the transformation of the pirate who did not use evil energy to stop the bleeding, he looked extremely weird.

"This, this is the power of evil." The night elf druid standing aside said with a look of horror.

A wilderness demigod, why do some of his subordinates use evil energy?

Rhodes used his overlord's domineering energy and made Kader unconscious. Please give me some sleep first!

I'll just revise the memory and be done with it.

"Are you sensible?" Rhodes asked.

"Boss Kaido, Boss Rhodes, I have a desire for destruction and a desire for blood and prey, but I can suppress it!" said the three beast pirates who successfully transformed into evil werewolves.

Although this bloodthirsty desire is very strong, it can barely be controlled.

It seems that the evil can transform into a werewolf. Compared with those black werewolves, the figure is taller and more oppressive.

Even more destructive, the werewolf curse was solved by himself, and he developed a new evil werewolf.

"Now you are thinking about changing back to your original shape, back to your original human form." Rhodes said.

Several evil werewolves nodded, their bodies flashed with a flash of emerald green light, and then the hair on their bodies gradually faded away, and they returned to their human form again.

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