Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 134 Kidnapping and Counter-Threat to the Ancient Master

In a secret laboratory, Maya Hansen and Killian were gathering together.

"How about it, Dr. Maya, can the Desperate Potion be improved?" Killian said.

On that night eleven years ago, two injured people appeared, and a stupid idiot waited on the balcony all night.

A woman is abandoned after a one-night stand.

So the two people joined together and began to develop a new super soldier strengthening potion, which can greatly improve the quality of the human body.

And allow humans to regenerate like plants, and also produce high-temperature capabilities such as fire.

"Please, not yet. It's still not stable. The chance of success is only half. If it fails, the user will have a big explosion. You should have seen the power." Dr. Maya said.

The Extremis virus was developed a few years ago, but the effect has never been very satisfactory. Their previous experiments on animals were successful, but their experiments on humans have always ended in failure.

There is a certain probability of death after using the potion, and even if you successfully obtain superpowers, there is a risk of self-explosion.

Moreover, this self-destruction is quite powerful and can even blow up a small block.

"Did you see yesterday's news? That guy is showing off his power again! Iron Man, a former arms dealer, has now become a superhero. It's really funny." Killian said.

"There's no need to pay attention to that guy, right? Our affairs have nothing to do with him. As long as the desperate potion can succeed, we can all win the Nobel Prize." Maya said.

After so many years, her hatred for Tony Stark has diminished a lot. After all, he is a playboy.

We are all adults, so one-night stands are normal.

"Haha! I have reached some cooperation with the military. Soon, they will send a group of volunteers to participate in experiments. They are all disabled soldiers. I think human experiments should make our medicines safer and more stable. ." Killian said.

"No! There have been many death cases in previous experimental subjects. We cannot take risks. We must make sure that this drug is safe before we can start human experiments again." Maya said.

“I have also done research and found that successful people are strong-willed, while those who fail are weak-willed and have given up hope in life.

They don't even have the courage to live anymore. But those soldiers are different. They lost part of their bodies on the battlefield, but they are still strong and alive.

Even I myself can accept the injection of medicine. As an experimental subject, I have the courage. "Killian said.

He couldn't wait to get revenge on that man. A few years ago, he could have waited, but since that guy became Iron Man, there was only one thing on his mind, and that was to make the other person pay the price.

"It took me a lot of trouble to find your residence, but I seem to have heard some bad news. Your desperate potion hasn't been developed yet, right?" At this moment, a voice rang.

"Who are you? Security guard! Where is the security guard?" Dr. Maya said.

"Don't worry, they are all asleep. I used some special abilities to make them faint. I want to know the results of your desperate potion production?" Rhodes came to the two of them and sat down casually. The chair spoke.

The desperate potion has indeed been developed, but listening to the conversation between the two, it seems there are still some flaws.

When Dr. Maya saw this scene, he immediately wanted to sound the alarm, but it only took a moment before he was entangled by some green vines.

Some plants grew out of nowhere and wrapped around her entire body.

"Don't worry! Madam, we will have a good chat later."

"It has been developed. Although it has some minor flaws, it can be used. Are you interested in our research?" Killian rolled his eyes, looked at Rhodes and said.

superpower? Or some kind of technology? Ever since that guy became Iron Man, weird guys like this have been popping up all the time.

But the ability shown by this guy can definitely kill the two of them easily, so Killian does not dare to act rashly. He has not yet taken revenge, and he has not yet sought revenge from a certain Iron Man!

"No! That thing hasn't been successful yet and has a high probability of failure." Maya said.

"As long as you are strong-willed, then there is absolutely no problem." Killian said.

"It's really nerve-wracking! I don't have much time. This time I have to bring back some desperate potions. Even if they are failures, I don't care." Rhodes said.

As long as there is a probability of success, the development of the desperate potion should have been basically completed, but the risk of self-destruction and success rate are still there even in Iron Man 3.

"If you, or the organization behind you, is willing to provide some financial support, then I think the research results will be carried out very quickly." Killian said.

"Haha! So you want to get financial support from me?" Rhodes asked.

"That's right! The Desperate Potion was developed by Dr. Maya and I. If you want to purchase this potion in large quantities for a long time, financial support is essential." Killian said.

"That's true, but I don't have much time. Are you two interested in following me to develop in another world?" Rhodes said.

"Sorry sir, I don't want to leave the United States, let alone go to other countries." Maya said.

However, Rhodes did not give the two of them a chance to choose, and directly activated his overlord-colored domineering energy, knocking them unconscious.

Then the blue power of space in the palm of his hand was activated, and the entire laboratory, including the two of them, was brought into his own space.

I'm really too lazy to talk nonsense with you two. I can just pack you up and take you away. When we get to the new world, you won't be able to study it for me even if you don't want to.

There are also some desperate potions that have been temporarily made in the entire laboratory, and they can be shown to the scientists of the Pirate World when the time comes.

Quinn of the Beasts Pirates is also a talent in this area. In addition, there is Caesar from the Joker, Gaji from Germa 666, and even the most buggy existence in the pirate world, a certain big-brained doctor. Vegapunk.

After packing up the entire laboratory, Rhodes planned to leave.

But at this moment, the whole world began to shatter like a mirror. The whole world suddenly turned upside down, and a man in a yellow robe appeared.

"Outsider, I've noticed you since you appeared in this world. You took away some of the energy of the Cosmic Cube last time, so you won't cause much interference in this world.

So I don't care about you, but if you want to get involved in other things, especially kidnapping the residents of this world, then I'm sorry, I have to stop you. "Gu Yi said.

"To be honest, Master Ancient One, I don't want to conflict with you, and I won't cause any great harm to your world. You should be clear about the consequences of fighting with me," Rhodes said.

"That's why I chose the battlefield here. This is the mirror world. No matter what happens here or how fierce the battle breaks out, it will not have any impact on reality." Gu Yi said.

"Haha! You don't think that only your Karma Taj mages can control the space ability, right?" Rhodes smiled, waved his hand, and the entire mirror space suddenly shattered, and the two of them appeared in reality again. in space.

After becoming a demigod, Rhodes had a new understanding of the power of space in his body, and not long ago, he had just absorbed the power of the space gem.

Leaving your mirror space should not be too easy.

At the same time, Rhodes also summoned his own Homiz Helios.

"Master, do you want me to burn her to death?"

"No! When we start fighting, you go outside and set a fire. The bigger the fire, the better. The more people you burn, the better. All of these people died because of Master Gu Yi," Rhodes said.

"You are threatening me, outsider." Master Gu Yi said.

This outsider is very troublesome. When he first came to his world, he should have dealt with him.

But using the power of the time stone, she can't see any future in the other person, nor can she see any past.

It was as if the other party did not exist in reality or the future, or even in parallel worlds. This also caused Gu Yi to have no idea what would happen after fighting the existence in front of him.

Everything is unknown after she chooses to meet the other party, which is beyond her control.

However, if a life from another world kidnaps a life from this world, then as a guardian, she must come forward.

"If you want to fight with me and destroy the entire New York City, then you can do whatever you want. I don't care anyway," Rhodes said.

Just kidding, after I transform into the dragon form, why don't you give it a try.

Although you have defeated countless alien space demons, I still have the last trump card to save my life.

I can't beat you, I can run away at any time!

But before you run away, I will give you a big one.

Gu Yi clearly knew how powerful the creature in front of him was. How big a threat could the flaming body next to him, full of evil aura, pose to New York City?

"What do you want?"

"Not only do I want to take away these two guys, I also want you to give me some power of the Time Stone." Rhodes said.

Please, you brought this to your door yourself, just pretend you didn’t see it and let me leave!

Come out and let me blackmail you.

Hearing this, Gu Yi frowned again.

He will die soon if this guy comes again.

The new Supreme Mage can't deal with him. Neither Stephen Strange nor the King have grown up, and the latter hasn't even come to her yet!

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