Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 141 Improvement of Desperate Potions, Flaming Rice Cake, and Flaming Biscuit Soldiers

Early the next morning, Rhodes got up refreshed, and the succubus maid Sarna was serving Rhodes attentively.

"Master, actually you should have asked me to join your training a long time ago. Their team really lacks a suitable jungle position." Sarna said.

Last night, the two Brynn sisters were playing support and ad, and were quickly caught by Rhodes for a double kill in the bottom lane.

Sylvanas, as well as Yamato in the middle and top lane, were also quickly caught by Rhodes.

They both returned to the spring to resurrect, but there was nothing they could do. Finally, the little sister Demon Maid joined the battle and formed the jungle position.

The five people hugged each other in the middle and were able to withstand Rhodes' fierce attack, but in the end, Rhodes pulled out two incisor towers.

The crystal exploded, giving Rhodes a five-kill achievement, and he also abused the spring water.

"No problem, how could the master forget you?

In the future, you will also join in. By the way, this is for you. It’s time to improve your strength. " Rhodes took out a bottle of Desperate Potion and handed it to Little Sister Mo, and said.

The little succubus has been following me for a long time. In the past, every time in the dead of night, the little succubus would help me deal with some urgent needs.

It's time to strengthen her. Starting with the Desperate Potion, the succubus maid's physical fitness can be greatly improved.

"Hehe! Then thank you Master for the reward. Master is the best to me." The little succubus kissed Rhodes on the cheek and said.

Rhodes hadn't looked for her for several months, and the little succubus thought that his master had forgotten about her! Unexpectedly, I was dragged into the wild last night.

"Just go get the injection yourself when you have time. You will be my personal maid from now on," Rhodes said.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning, almost noon, that Brynn and her sister Garrett yawned and walked out of the room.

Garrett seemed a little sluggish. Even though she was in the auxiliary position last night, she was killed several times by Rhodes alone.

"Brynn, did you give the desperate potion to Charlotte Lingling yesterday?" Rhodes said.

"Yes, Lord Rhodes, my mother used the Potion of Extremis.

Brother Perospero, Brother Katakuri, Brother Cracker, and Sister Simuki all used it last night. Brynn nodded and said.

"Yeah! Garrett, I'll give this to you, it's considered a night fee." Rhodes smiled, took out a desperate potion and gave it to Garrett.

"Fuck you! Are you just playing with me?" Garrett said.

"Hahaha! Just kidding! Your butter fruit ability is a super bonus!

Just stay with me from now on! You duo with Brynn in the bot lane. " Rhodes slapped Garrett's butt hard and said.

Among Charlotte Lingling's daughters, only Brynn and Garrett can catch his eye. Brynn's fruit ability is a huge help to him.

As for Garrett's ability, it is completely the top auxiliary ability! Are there any super top ones?

"Hmph!" Garrett snorted coldly, but she still took the desperate potion handed over by Rhodes.

Her butter fruit does have a lot of limiting abilities, but its attack power is still too weak, and she herself is not very proficient in Haki.

With this magma-like ability, it can indeed greatly make up for her shortcomings, and the regeneration ability of this thing is so strong that her physical strength will also be enhanced.

"Lord Rhodes! Please don't tease my sister." Brynn said from the side.

"Okay, no more joking. After taking the Extremis Potion, you have to practice these abilities. This shouldn't be difficult for you." Rhodes said.

After all, people in the pirate world can play with all kinds of superpowers, and they can develop all kinds of imagination.

Rhodes is also looking forward to what tricks they can do with the desperate potion in their hands.

"Rhode, who are you going to take with you to the place called Outland this time? Wano Country also needs some manpower, and my father has decided to kill the Black Carbon Orochi," Yamato said.

"The five of you must be following me, your father Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Jack, Flame Calamity, Katakuri, and Cracker, and then select a wave of elite troops. Follow me on the expedition to the outer lands. " Rhodes said.

This time Rhodes plans to play a big game. He is very vindictive. That evil lord Asoden, since you have come to the world of Azeroth, I must greet you.

I will accept your soul.

"As for Wano Country, killing the Black Carbon Orochi can be done at any time. As soon as your father is ready, we will set off.

By then you will be the general of Wano, but before that, we have to go to the railway fort. " Rhodes said.

The top priority now is to quickly go to the railway fort. The expedition will start in about ten days. During this period, Kaido's weapons must be forged.

"Well! When will we set off for Ironforge?" Yamato asked.

"You guys should eat something first! You haven't even had breakfast!

I'll call Kaido over, and then we'll set off for Ironforge. We'll settle the weapons first, then kill the Black Carbon Orochi and seize the Yamata-Orochi Fruit. " Rhodes said.

After Rhodes finished speaking, he left the room and came to a training square.

"Flame Rice Cake, Flaming Fork!"

I saw Katakuri in the distance, using his fruit ability, combined with the high temperature ability of the desperate potion, to use a new trick.

In the past, he could only use Armament Haki to coordinate his fruit ability attack, his own fruit ability.

To be honest, he is not that powerful. What is truly powerful is his own development, as well as his superb Armed Color Haki, Overlord Color Haki, and Knowledge Color Haki.

Now with this lava flame ability, Katakuri's attack power has been doubled.

Moreover, his endurance and resilience have been greatly improved, and his strength has been greatly improved.

And his opponent is the Thousand-Handed Cracker, who is also one of the dessert generals.

"Hahaha! Don't underestimate my brother Katakuri. After gaining this ability, I will become more powerful, Flame Biscuit Soldier."

Cracker clapped his hands left and right, and a large wave of biscuit soldiers appeared, their bodies burning with flames, rushing towards Katakuri, and then exploded instantly.

The high temperature will melt his biscuits, but it can also form a means of fighting. Cracker stores some high-temperature substances in the biscuits.

When getting close to the opponent, you can use these flames to damage the enemy, or you can order these flame biscuit soldiers to explode violently.

In addition, some flames can also be wrapped around the Biscuit Soldier's sword to increase its attack power.

The biscuits he made were afraid of water, but with the ability to control the high temperature of flames, he could use high temperatures to evaporate water vapor, thereby overcoming the water vapor of his biscuits to a certain extent.

As long as the temperature is controlled within a certain range, the flame cookie soldiers will not melt.

Another dessert general, Smoothie from the Star Legs Clan, can also attach the power of high-temperature flames to his sword after obtaining the Potion of Desperation to form a powerful slash.

Aunt Mom's children's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved due to the desperate potion. Coupled with the use of anger, if they returned to the pirate world at this time, their combat effectiveness would probably be at the level of the emperor's deputy.

"Well! My children, you have developed this ability very well. Work hard, I can't lose to that guy Kaido." Charlotte Lingling said.

Now the power of her steel balloon has been further enhanced, and it can also emit high temperatures to damage opponents.

And she also has extremely powerful recovery ability. In addition to being unable to use the Soul Soul Fruit ability, her combat effectiveness continues to increase.

However, when Charlotte Lingling confidently challenged Kaido again, she was directly beaten to the ground by Kaido.

After all, she only gained the ability for one night, so it was a bit too much for her to challenge Kaido. Kaido's combat power is now extremely powerful.

The reason why this bastard kid Kaido became so strong was because he gave his daughter away. But you only have one daughter, but I have many.

My daughter must be able to gain enough benefits for me as a mother, and she must not lose to Kaido.

After everyone saw Rhodes coming, they immediately stopped sparring.

"I have met Lord Rhodes." A group of children in the Charlotte Forest, Smoothie, Katakuri, and Crackle said respectfully.

"Well! You still have about ten days to learn anger and master your new abilities. After that.

I'm going to take you to kill a demon and participate in an expedition. I hope you can perform well when the time comes. " Rhodes said.

"Well, captain, don't worry! My children will not let you down. Let my children defeat that devil." The aunt said.

"You're here Rhodes. This potion is very effective. If given to ordinary soldiers, it would even be a waste." Kaido said.

This high-temperature flame ability, as well as the powerful self-healing ability, combined with the evil werewolf, makes him a complete phantom beast type user.

"Nothing is wasted. This thing can be mass-produced in the future. If you like it, then everyone under our command will use this potion." Rhodes said.

"Well! Now that you are back, can we take care of my weapons? Are you sure?" Kaido said.

After losing his mace, his combat effectiveness dropped a bit, and he had to make a new weapon quickly.

"Of course, let's go! Let's go to Ironforge now to talk to the dwarves," Rhodes said.

In addition to Kaido, he and Yamato also make a weapon.

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