Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 143 Muradin returns, brothers reunite, weapon forging plan

Muradin Bronzebeard, his brother is still alive!

This news shocked Magni Bronzebeard, and he even couldn't believe it.

"Do you have any conclusive evidence that my brother is still alive?" Magni said at the same time.

"Your brother, he was knocked unconscious after being hit by the fragments of Frostmourne, but he was saved by the frost dwarves.

Then with his superb martial arts, he helped the frost dwarves defeat the frost giants.

He became the leader of the local frost dwarves, now called Yogurt Stormheart, and he is located in the Storm Mountains of Northrend. " Rhodes said.

"If what you say is true, then I will definitely give you the greatest friendship of the dwarves, and I will send someone to confirm the news.

As long as I confirm that my brother is alive, then I will build weapons for you. Magni said.

"Actually, there is no need to go to such trouble. I can bring your brother back now, bring him back now and let him appear in front of you.

I'm in a hurry, so I hope you can help me build weapons quickly. " Rhodes said.

As for the teleportation spell in Thor III, Doctor Strange used a piece of Thor's hair to accurately locate Odin's location and teleport the two brothers there.

So as long as there is a blood relative and one of his hairs is obtained, Rhodes can also use this positioning to find the other person's blood relative.

Bring Muradin Bronzebeard back intact.

"You, have you already rescued my brother? Is he with you now?" Magni's tone of voice was trembling. He really needed his brother so much.

Ever since his daughter Lyra turned against him and left him, he had been alone in Ironforge. He missed his family so much.

"You haven't agreed to my conditions yet! I hope you can help me build a weapon, and not just one weapon," Rhodes said.

Even in the future, you have to build some weapons for me.

"Okay! You bring my brother in front of me, and I will make weapons for you, but you have to provide the materials yourself." Magni said.

"Then King Magni, please give me a piece of your hair. I need to use your hair to cast the positioning spell." Rhodes said.

Magni, the king of dwarves, nodded, pulled off a section of his hair, and gave it directly to Rhodes.

"Can you cast a positioning spell with just one hair? What's the principle?" Jaina asked curiously from the side.

"Now is not the time to be a curious baby, Ms. Proudmoore, please stand aside." After Rhodes said this, he began to cast the spell, using a hair in his palm as a positioning device to begin to locate the blood relationship of this hair.

In just a moment, Rhodes located three dwarves who were related to Magni at the same time.

One of them should be his daughter, located not too far away, in the Darkforge in the Burning Plains.

The other location should be on the continent of Kalimdor, and it should be that guy Brian Bronzebeard.

The last direction is the Northrend continent in the far north. The blood relationship here should be Muradin Bronzebeard.

Rhodes' hands changed rapidly, a spark flashed in his palm, and he used the portal skill.

A portal opens in Ironforge. The outside world was filled with ice and snow, and some blue-skinned dwarves were moving around. One of the stronger dwarves attracted Magni Bronzebeard's attention.

Although he hadn't seen him for several years, he still recognized his brother Muradin at a glance. That was his brother Muradin Bronzebeard.

At the same time, the frost dwarves on the other side and Muradin Bronzebeard, who had lost his memory, also saw the portal.

A group of frost dwarves looked at the door very curiously.

"This, what is this?"

"It's so hot on the other side! So hot."

"Yog, what's wrong with you?" A dwarf looked at Muradin Bronzebeard and said.

"I feel that the guy opposite has a familiar feeling." Muradin opened his eyes wide and looked at Magni on the other side of the portal.

That's right, it's a feeling of blood connection. The dwarf opposite seems to have a very close relationship with me. It's his past.

Rhodes also waved his hand, causing the portal to go directly to Muradin, instantly teleporting him to the Railway Castle.

The way of using this portal shocked Jaina on the side. Can she still throw it through like a door?

"My brother, my brother, it's really you, let me take a good look at you." Magni hugged his brother with a look of surprise. He said with tears in his eyes.

"I feel like you are very familiar with us. We know each other. We are blood relatives. Are we brothers?" Muradin asked, and at the same time he stretched out his hands and hugged his brother. This was an instinct.

"Yes, my brother, I am your eldest brother, Laila and Brian. If they know that you are alive, they will be very happy. I will find a time to send someone to inform them." Magni said .

This human being really didn't lie to himself. His brother was still alive and he was brought to him.

"I'm sorry, my brother, my memory is somewhat damaged. I was seriously injured and was saved by the frost dwarves.

I have been living with them since then, and I can't remember anything in the past. I only remember a rune sword, and a blond man pulled it out, and then I was injured. "Muradin said.

"Damn Arthas, he has committed too many sins, it doesn't matter, my brother, you will live in Ironforge, and you will remember it slowly." Magni said.

Muradin looked at the strange yet familiar man in front of him and nodded silently. He also wanted to stay in the Railway Castle and retrieve his lost memories.

After meeting this man and returning to this familiar city, some scenes began to flash back in his mind, and his memory was slowly awakening.

Rhodes on the other side also placed his palm on Muradin Bronzebeard's head.

"I'll help you one more time! You're welcome." After Rhode said that, he activated his soul power and directly repaired Muradin's broken memory, instantly helping him regain his memory.

Rhodes, who possesses the soul fruit and has natural attributes, can repair a dwarf who has lost his memory. It is simply easy and enjoyable.

"Ah! Oh! God, this is such a long dream. That idiot Alsace, what did he do?" Muradin said after regaining his memory.

"A lot of things happened. The traitor betrayed his country, betrayed his people, and killed his father. He became the new Lich King." Magni described some things after Arthas fell. Slowly informed Muradin.

"This fool, he should have heard my advice at that time and not to touch the magic sword." Muradin said.

Arthas was his most proud disciple, and it was indeed a pity that he degenerated into the Lich King.

The two brothers talked for a while, and then Magni looked at Rhodes and others.

"Thank you, you brought me a bargaining chip that I cannot refuse, and you gained the friendship of the King of Dwarves.

Say it! What kind of weapon do you want me to help you build? I will do my best to help you build the best weapons. Magni said.

Let’s talk about old times and stuff later! Now he wants to repay the favor.

"Thank you for saving me and helping me regain my memory.

If you want to forge weapons, I can also help. Although my casting skills are not as good as those of my elder brother, I can still help him. "Muradin said.

This time the other party helped them a lot, so they must express their gratitude.

"How should I put it? The weapon I want is relatively large. Let me show you the materials first."

After Rhodes finished speaking, he took out Kaido's mace, two weapons from the Lord of the Burning Legion, the Great Sword of Cataclysm, and a giant halberd from the Lord of the Abyss.

There are also pieces of Destroyer armor brought over from the Marvel world.

“These two weapons are the demonic weapons of the Burning Legion. They are made of evil steel ingots and magic steel ingots. These are two very good materials.

As for this mace, it is quite large, but the casting process is not very good and the materials are average. Magni said.

The two weapons of the Burning Legion are okay, but this mace is not so good. Although it is large, it is just that, not a top-notch weapon.

"Is this a fragment of armor? It's a metal material I've never seen before. It has a very good texture, good magic conductivity, and ductility." Muradin said.

"King of the Dwarfs, we hope to forge three weapons and one piece of armor. For the armor, use the fragments I brought back and the two weapons of the Lord of the Burning Legion. You can forge two maces, one big and one small, and give them to me. Make a weapon," Rhodes said.

“There is no problem in making armor, these fragments should be able to make a chainmail.

I can add some other materials to you to make it have a better texture, just as a thank you for helping my brother regain his memory. Magni said.

The armor fragments were severely damaged, so he could only make one piece of chain mail, and he even had to add some materials to complete it.

"No problem. Just make the chain armor according to my figure." Rhodes said.

"I know, but if you want to use such a huge weapon, you have to be at least eight or nine meters tall, or even ten meters tall. Can I ask who this is for?" Magni asked.

"It's for my father-in-law. He's very big. He's a giant, but he's just taking the potion to make him smaller." Rhodes said.

Kaido is now eight meters tall.

"Go to the central area of ​​Ironforge and let him regain his shape. We need to tailor it." Magni said.

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