Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 146 Demon Dragon Kaido VS Dragon Man Demon Transformation Rhodes

Have you made a mistake? Old father-in-law, you can just find someone to fight with. Why are you looking for me? Where did I offend you?

"Hahaha! Rhodes, stop talking nonsense and hurry up! Let's go teach my bastard Cow-headed father a lesson together." Yamato said with excitement on his face.

"You stupid girl, your dad just got a new weapon, and our weapons haven't been made yet. Fighting with him at this time will be a disadvantage." Rhodes whispered in Yamato's ear.

You stupid girl, what are you thinking about? After your father is drunk, his fighting ability is stronger than before he was drunk!

"Hehe! Hehe! Hehe! Bastard Rhodes! This time it's a one-on-one fight, come here." Kaido stood up unsteadily and walked out of the gate of Ironforge.

"If the two of us fight, we will tear down the entire city. Please, we are on someone else's territory! Please stop for a moment!" Rhodes said.

"Hey! Don't you have a mirror space? You can't hurt the outside with this move. This is what you said yourself, kid." Kaido said.

Hearing this, Rhodes squinted his eyes and glanced at Kaido, "Old father-in-law, you don't look like you are drunk!"

So are you determined to fight with me?

However, if you insist on doing so, then go for it! I also want to see how strong I am now.

"Since you, father-in-law, are interested, let's give it a try!" Rhodes turned to Yamato and nodded to reassure her.

Then the mirror space was opened directly, and the entire space began to change rapidly, as if glass had shattered, pulling Rhodes and Kaido into another mirror world.

"Be careful Rhodes, don't hold back! Beat up that bull-headed bastard." Yamato shouted.

"Haha! Father-in-law, you heard it." Rhodes said.

"Stop talking nonsense about wine dragon gossip!" Kaido waved his huge mace with lightning speed, hitting Rhodes with a trace of red lightning and angry energy.

"Just in time, I also want to see how powerful I am now." Rhodes' entire arm was covered with armed-color Haki, as well as life energy and Overlord-colored Haki. The power of evil energy faced Kaido's fangs. The stick hit him.

After becoming the Demigod of the Wilderness, Rhodes has taken a step closer to controlling his body. Now the Overlord Color Haki can be entangled, and the Armed Color Haki can also reach the level of Wano Country's Ryuzakura.

Armed Haki, as well as Overlord Haki, flow with all their strength, running through the body, concentrating on a specific part to attack.

The same is true for the control of life energy. The only thing lacking is probably the energy of anger. Rhodes has never learned this kind of energy. After all, he has too much to learn.

Rhode's fist and Kaido's mace didn't even touch each other, causing huge fluctuations, and black lightning resounded throughout the space.

The entire mirror space was filled with thunder, and the space under their feet and the sky mirror above their heads began to shatter.

"Not bad! Boy, this is a blow from my human-animal form, and you can actually be evenly matched with me." During the stalemate between the two, Kaido did not forget to speak.

This kid Rhodes has really become a lot stronger. This kind of strength is not because of how diligently this kid practices, but because he has received the gift of life energy and his life level has been improved.

Just like an elephant, even if he doesn't practice, he can easily crush an ant. Although Kaido is not an ant, Rhodes is not an elephant either!

After being baptized by Azeroth's life energy, Rhodes has become one of the top creatures on the planet, surpassing the concept of mortals.

"To each other, father-in-law, you haven't gotten serious yet!" Rhodes said.

The old father-in-law is not in the strongest condition now! The dragon-human transformation has not been used yet!

In this fight, Rhodes was not at a disadvantage at all.

"Come again! Great mighty blood rage! Thunderous gossip." Kaido suddenly jumped away, distanced himself from Rhodes, and then his whole body spun.

The mace was covered with life energy, evil energy, armed domineering, and overlord domineering. It hit Rhodes with an unparalleled blow with incomparable ferocity.

Facing the ferocious attack from his old father-in-law, Rhodes did not take it easy this time.

He didn't choose a head-on confrontation. Just kidding, he would be a fool if he followed this move forcefully.

Rhodes opened a portal directly in front of him, and also opened one behind Kaido.

Kaido swung his mace, but it came out from the other side through the portal and hit himself in the head.

The old father-in-law flew upside down and performed a 360-degree rotation for Rhodes on the ground in the mirror world. Then he landed on the ground with his feet in the air and his face on the ground like an upside-down onion.

Why should I confront you head-on when I can't? This move of the old father-in-law is very powerful. If he directly hits this move, he might be injured.

So Rhodes' choice was to open the portal and let Kaido hit him.

"Damn! You bastard, you actually used such insidious tactics." Kaido shook his bleeding head, crawled out of the pit, and said.

Can the damn portal skill still be used like this? He originally thought that this move could only be used to rush forward.

Although his own Haki had captured this scene just now, the attack could no longer stop.

"Any tricks must be used flexibly in battle. Who told you that the portal trick can't be used to rebound attacks?" Rhodes smiled and said.

One of Thanos’ men was also surprised!

It was quite miserable to be hit by this move. If you, Rhodes, were more ruthless, you could have taken the opportunity just now and chopped off Kaido's entire arm with the space gate.

But after all, he was his old father-in-law, so Rhodes did not choose to do this.

"Damn it! Here you go again, kid!" Kaido roared angrily and turned directly into the form of a divine dragon. His whole body began to expand crazily and turned into a blue dragon, suspended in mid-air.

"Father-in-law, have you ever heard of using a big one to bully a small one? Never use your dragon form when fighting me."

Rhodes also snorted coldly and activated his divine dragon transformation. In an instant, a giant divine dragon more than 3,600 meters long appeared in front of Kaido, and then grabbed his old father-in-law with one claw. down.

My old father-in-law's current dragon size is not even half of Rhodes's, and there is still the upper-level suppression of the dragon bloodline. The strength of my current bloodline is far stronger than Kaido's, and even my old father-in-law's ability is still a devil fruit. But Rhodes has surpassed this level.

Kaido, who was held down by Rhodes, couldn't generate any strength from his whole body. This is a kind of blood suppression ability.

"Do you want to fight again! Father-in-law, my bloodline completely suppresses you, even your elemental attacks.

No matter it's heat breath or bad wind, thunder, lightning, or frost, they have no effect on me. The power of my blood perfectly suppresses your abilities. " Rhodes said.

This is the power of the wilderness demigod. He is the wilderness demigod created by Azeroth who consumes the most life force.

Kaido's dragon form is no match for him.

"Damn it! I'm not done yet, kid!" Kaido snorted coldly, and his body began to shrink rapidly and returned to its normal size.

Then the dragon transformation was started, and a pair of demon wings even grew out of his back. The devil's horns also began to appear, and evil fire emerged from his body. This is Kaido's strongest demon dragon form currently.

Kaido waved his mace, used devil wings to fly into the sky, and hit Rhodes.

"Holy shit, old father-in-law, you are serious!" Rhodes in dragon form said.

The demon dragon Kaido doesn't mean to be verbose. His dragon form is suppressed by the power of your bloodline, and he cannot display his combat power.

But in the devil dragon form, you try to suppress me again.

Thunder Bagua, Blood Fury Bagua, Dawei's Thunder Bagua, Plane Thunder Bagua, and Blood Thunder Bagua all hit Rod's body in dragon form.

Rhodes didn't dare to be so confident. Demon Dragon Kaido's attack would definitely hurt him.

The huge dragon form was just a huge target, and Rhodes directly returned to his human form.

His whole body was covered with wounds from the demon dragon Kaido, but the emerald green life energy flowed through his body, and Rhodes' wounds healed instantly.

The demon dragon Kaido snorted coldly, stood there, raised the mace above his head, and used all the energy in his body, whether it was domineering or evil energy, or life, energy, anger, or even the power of the wilderness, All focused on their mace, and then hit Rhodes.

Seeing his old father-in-law's move, Rhodes also activated his dragon-human transformation, and even injected the power of evil energy into his body to activate the same demonic dragon-human form as Kaido.

Don't think that you are the only one who can transform like this. I brought you the power of evil, and learn about the sorcerer's signature skill, demon transformation.

However, Rhodes' transformation is somewhat different from Kaido's. Rhodes' demonic appearance is transformed by the power of evil energy, and does not change himself.

He raised his demonic dragon claw, and entangled the dragon claw with armed color Haki, Overlord color Haki, life energy, evil energy, and the power of the wilderness demigod.

Rhodes hit Kaido's mace.

With a bang, two extremely powerful forces collided together. At this moment, the entire mirror space began to tremble, and even began to collapse and shatter.

A huge wound appeared on Rhodes' giant dragon claw. A trace of emerald green life energy flowed through, and the wound on the dragon claw disappeared.

After the duel ended, Kaido stood aside with the mace on his shoulder.

"That's right, boy, I just hit you with all my strength."

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