Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 150 The devil’s soul energy comes to be my forty-fourth husband

This unparalleled blow, after destroying a large number of demons, hit the Dark Portal directly.

"Okay! That's it!"

"This attack is simply too powerful. Probably tens of thousands of demons died at once!"

"Are these two guys giants in height? But the giantess is so beautiful!" Some people from the alliance exclaimed.

"It's indeed beautiful! Especially that pink hair, it's so charming!" said a mage from the alliance.

"It's a pity that the size difference is a bit big, otherwise, I would have wanted to pursue her." A paladin said.

At this moment, Runti and Peggywan, who were mixed in the Alliance Paladin camp, looked at each other.

Is there any mistake? That woman, that woman should be one of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling, right? After being defeated by the boss, did she also join Rhodes?

"Sister, she seems to look younger, and Boss Kaido's appearance also seems to have become younger. What have they experienced during our absence?" Peggy Wan said with a look of surprise.

"Ah! Don't you know the reason? I thought you knew the reason!" Runti said.

"I've been away for a month, okay, sister!" Peggy said very dissatisfied.

At this time, the two siblings were members of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and their sister was an official paladin and a disciple of the great lord Fording.

Peggywan himself was granted the power of the Holy Light when he attacked the Dark Portal and officially became an intern Paladin.

"After becoming younger, this woman's appearance has really changed! Was she so beautiful when she was young?"

I have to say that Charlotte Lingling, who has become younger at this time, is indeed very popular. If he appeared as an old woman, he probably would not gain so many fans.

This unparalleled blow finally landed in front of Azordon who was standing in front of the Dark Door!

The evil energy lord snorted coldly, raised a palm, placed an evil energy protective shield in front of himself, and then input his own mana into it.

What a bunch of weaklings. Do you want me to do anything myself?

The unparalleled shock wave collided with the spell shield built by the evil lord, making a violent sound!

However, Kaido and Big Mom's combined attack could no longer move forward and was blocked by the evil lord.

Big Mom and Kaido jointly exerted their dominance! In the end, he was blocked by this evil lord. Even the demon behind him did nothing. He just released a evil energy shield and blocked this move.

This evil lord is not weak! It shouldn't be much worse than Kaido or Big Mom now.

No wonder he dares to claim to be the Fel Lord. This guy still has two skills. His status should be very high, even second only to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. The top group of eredar demons.

I don’t know if Kaido and Big Mom can take this thing down if they can’t. If not, I’ll do it myself, and even bring over Whitebeard, the death knight from the Pirate World. Anyway, with the portal skill, it won’t take long.

At this time, through the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit, Rhodes felt that countless demon souls were wandering around, and soon they would be drawn into the Twisting Void.

"Don't go anywhere, come to me." Rhodes released the spell to capture the demon's soul, and used the power of the soul fruit to pull it.

The surrounding demon souls that had just been killed by Kaido and Big Mom had no way to return to the Twisting Nether at this time, but all gathered towards Rhodes.

The power of the soul fruit cannot capture the souls of these wandering demons, but the magic of the warlock can.

But if it is just the power of a warlock, then there is no way to attract so many souls at once, but with the power of the Soul Soul Fruit, it can be done.

The two abilities complement each other, allowing Rhodes to imprison all the souls of these demons, and then transform them into chaotic evil soul energy.

The demon's soul energy is not much worse than the violent werewolf's soul energy, it is even stronger and more vicious!

What kind of Homitz will the devil's soul power create? Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it!

"That guy actually blocked our combined attack?" Charlotte Lingling looked at the tall red figure standing in front of the Dark Door with bright eyes.

"He is indeed very strong. He should be a good opponent. I really want to have a fight with him." Kaido said with excitement.

After coming to this world, he has yet to meet anyone who can let him fight with all his strength! In other words, boy Rhodes can now have a little more fun playing.

"Well! This guy is really good!" Charlotte Lingling said.

The opponent's height seems to be a little shorter than his own. His skin is red all over, his chin beard looks like the tentacles of a squid, and his feet look like horse or cow hooves, with a small red tail trailing behind. .

Is this a special race? This guy looks very strong! Charlotte, the corner of Lingling's mouth suddenly cracked, revealing a weird smile.

Well, well, well! I saw something interesting!

Azordon, who was standing in front of the Dark Door, suddenly shivered all over, as if he was being targeted by something.

"Hey! Is that red octopus monster over there interested in coming over to be my 44th husband?" Charlotte Lingling raised her voice and shouted to Azordon.

As soon as these words came out, not only the demons of the Burning Legion, but also the soldiers from the Alliance and the Horde instantly opened their eyes and opened their mouths with disbelief on their faces.

"Alas! Alas! Alas! Alas! Alas!"

A large group of people, alliance warriors and paladins who had just been fascinated by Charlotte Lingling, all had disappointed expressions at this moment.

"No, no, that's not the point. She, she just seemed to say, forty-fourth, forty-fourth husband!" A paladin from the alliance said.

"That woman just looks young. Her real age should be over sixty years old. Don't think too much. She has eighty or ninety children!" At this moment, Runti couldn't help but start complaining. stand up.

Is there any mistake? Don't these guys who are like flies usually circle around me? She was suddenly fascinated by someone else, which made her a little uncomfortable!

"What? Nine, more than ninety sons and daughters, and more than forty husbands!"

"Forget it! I'd better give up pursuing her." A young paladin said.

"This is interesting, isn't it? I seem to be more excited." A paladin said with excitement.

"If it were Marcus, you annoying fly, you would have been swatted to death in the past, right? I really want to see you get swatted into a patty," Runti said.

This idiot named Marcus! His interests and hobbies are exactly the same as that of Rhodes, and he even often harasses him.

Runti has repaired the other party more than ten times, but this guy sticks to him like a dog-skin plaster. I really want to kill him and twist his head off!

But the good news is that after his brother Peggy Wan arrives, repairing Marcus can be left to Xiao Pei.

"Hahaha! Peggy Wan is my good brother now, let's go together, woohoo!" Before Marcus could finish his words, Peggy Wan covered his mouth.

Fool! Don't tell your sister that you and I went to that place, otherwise not only you will die, but also me.

"Where did you go?" Runti looked at Peggywan with an unkind expression.

"It's nothing, we just went to the pub for a drink together." Peggy Wan said.

A special pink tavern! Similar to the one on Black Maria.

"Xiao Pei, don't hang out with him in the future." Runti said.

"Yes, onee-sama."

"Hahaha! Sister You's character is really hot." Marcus said.


"Oh, you want to be my concubine? Do you want to join the Burning Legion?" Azordon looked at Charlotte Lingling and asked.

So, is there something that attracts this powerful woman to me? The opponent's strength is indeed good. If he joins the legion, he will also become an effective general under him.

"Don't get me wrong, I want to capture you and make you a slave-like husband. Well, you are just my breeding tool." Charlotte Lingling said unceremoniously.

"Stupid woman, the evil flames will burn you to ashes. How dare you humiliate me?" Azordon suddenly said in anger.

Azordon felt that the other party was obviously playing tricks on him!

"Commander Azordon, don't be angry, the current task is to carry out Lord Kil'jaeden's orders.

We have to find a way to lead the coalition forces into the Dark Portal. Now I think it's time to retreat. "Kazak came to Azordon and said.

The fighting power of the woman just now was not weak, even stronger than him. Coupled with the big man next to her, he was very worried that Lord Azordon would capsize in the gutter.

They don't have a numerical advantage now. Most of the demon's ambush army is on the other side of the Dark Portal.

"Hmph! Prepare to withdraw. I will make that woman pay the price. I will twist her head off in the outer realm." Azordon said.

At this time, the evil lord Azordon looked in the direction of the coalition forces and roared loudly. :

"This world belongs to the Burning Legion, and your world will eventually be burned to the ground.

If you have the ability, come to Outland and fight to the death! The Burning Legion is waiting for you over there, and Illidan, the general of the Legion, will destroy you. "

Go find Illidan! Warriors of Azeroth! Go and eliminate the guy who threatens the Legion.

Go implement Lord Kil'jaeden's plan and destroy Illidan.

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