Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 156: The first time I met Kael'thas, probably because I can destroy you all

These blood elves absorbed a large amount of evil magic power, but they did not practice it systematically like warlocks, so the evil energy was very infected.

"Lord Rhodes! You still have some evil orcs under your command. I heard you said that those evil orcs can also be cured.

If, if His Highness the Prince really surrenders to the Burning Legion, can you help my people? Liadrin asked.

Rhodes is also a demigod after all. Since he can cure the evil orcs infected by evil energy, he should be able to save the blood elves who are also infected by evil energy.

"This is fine." Rhodes said.

When the time comes, I will get you blood elves onto my chariot! I can't help it, the girls in your clan are so eye-catching.

"Lord Rhodes, you can do anything." Brynn said with a playful wink.

"Thank you Lord Rhodes. With your guarantee, I feel more at ease." Liadrin bowed to Rhodes and expressed her heartfelt thanks.

As long as there is hope of saving the tribe, that is enough. You can discuss this matter with the regent after you return.

"We're getting there."

Soon the three of them were brought to the blood elf prince Kael'thas.

The blood elf prince Kael'thas, or the current blood elf king, originally had golden hair and a handsome face, and was very handsome.

But now his appearance has become much gloomier, and his original blue eyes have turned into a dark green. This is the result of absorbing and practicing evil magic.

There are three magic orbs suspended on his body. Originally, these three magic orbs should emit the power of fire arcane magic and represent the power of the Sun Chaser royal family.

The eternal power of the Sun King, but now these three orbs have turned into evil energy orbs, exuding the aura of evil energy.

"Your Highness, Prince Sunstrider." Liadrin half-knelt on the ground and saluted Kael'thas.

After all, the other party is the supreme leader of the blood elves, and he has been running for his people before.

It still has a high reputation among the blood elves, provided that the opponent really does not join the Burning Legion.

"I'm very happy that the messenger from Silvermoon City has finally arrived. I've been waiting for you for many days.

Your envoy should have arrived a few months ago. Liadrin, can you introduce to me who the two friends you brought are? "Kael'thas looked at the three people below and said.

He knew Liadrin as a senior priest of Silverjoy City. During the third war, she lost the power of the Holy Light due to some reasons, but now it seems that she has regained the power of the Holy Light.

He had never seen these two humans before, and one actually had three eyes. Why did the envoy from Silver Moon City bring two humans over?

"Your Highness, Regent Lord Lor'themar. I have been sending envoys to you for several months, but without exception, all the envoys sent have disappeared.

It was not until recently that the Dark Portal was reopened and the world of Azeroth and Outland were connected again, and we came to this world with the Horde.

As for these two, they are now allies of our blood elves, Mr. Rhodes and Ms. Brynn. Liadrin said.

"Well! Did you just say that you came with the tribe?" Kael'thas asked.

At this moment, His Highness the Prince's face looked very bad. He, the leader, didn't even know about the clan members joining the tribe.

As for the name Rhodes, he seemed to have heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it. He must be a little person!

"Yes, Your Highness, under the recommendation of former ranger general Sylvanas, the regent decided to lead the blood elves to join the tribe." Liadrin said.

"I am the king of the blood elves. Although I have not been officially crowned king, I am the supreme leader. You should have informed me about this matter." Kael'thas said very dissatisfied.

So the Alliance abandoned us, did you just join the Horde?

The tribe had also attacked Quel'Thalas, those savage orcs, tauren, trolls, and undead. One day, the blood elves were going to be with them.

Moreover, the prince himself did not know about the entire tribe joining the tribe.

“Your Highness, the regent sent my surname to inform you of this matter, but it is obvious.

The messenger did not succeed in reaching you. I think there should be some kind of force blocking the messenger. They don't want you to know something. Liadrin said.

Now Liadrin is very sure that Her Royal Highness the Prince has practiced evil magic. Because she has regained the power of the Holy Light, she is still very sensitive to evil energy.

"What do you mean?"

"Your Highness, have you defected to the Burning Legion? I want to ask about this matter. This is what the entire blood elves are most concerned about." Liadrin said.

Hearing this, Kael'thas's expression darkened obviously, becoming extremely ugly, even a little ferocious.

Joining the Burning Legion is really a helpless move. Illidan is not trustworthy. He originally promised to give him a bottle of water from the Well of Eternity so that he could repair the Sunwell, but Illidan broke his promise.

After that, he and his tribe were taught how to extract arcane energy from some artifacts, magic items or living beings to kill him.

At this time, Kil'jaeden, one of the commanders of the Burning Legion, came to him. He promised many benefits, but Kael'thas did not believe him at first.

But Illidan actually directly bypassed himself, the prince of the blood elf clan, and recruited a large number of people under his command to form the Illidari Demon Hunter Army.

When he came to seize the Storm Fortress, he even secretly detained a large number of blood elf troops in order to carry out his great plan, but Illidan never told him what the specific plan was.

At this point, he finally believed what a certain demon lord said, Kil'jaeden once told him.

Illidan is just a traitor. He once surrendered to the Legion, so he obtained powerful fel spells from the Legion.

As long as Kael'thas is willing, he can also teach the blood elves more powerful fel spells, and even help him avenge the Lich King and kill the man who destroyed his homeland.

Finally, the blood elf prince accepted Kil'jaeden's recruitment and officially became a member of the Burning Legion.

Kil'jaeden promised him that as long as he opened the portal to the world of Azeroth, he would successfully eliminate all the resistance forces in Azeroth.

The entire planet could be left to his management.

He has stored a large amount of void energy crystals here in Void Storm, just to bring them back to Quel'Thalas in the future.

Use the power of the Sunwell to summon Kil'jaeden and the main force of the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

"Where did you get the news?" Kael'thas asked with a gloomy face.

"Do you still need to ask? Your Highness, look at the blood elves outside. They have all been infected by evil energy, and evil energy is eroding their minds.

Even you are the same, your eyes are now burning with green light, and the magic orb on your body, the burning fire on it has turned into evil energy. Liadrin said.

Judging from His Highness the Prince's expression, her last hope was shattered. His Highness had really taken refuge in the Burning Legion and Azeroth's biggest enemy.

"Then let me tell you, I have decided to lead the blood elves to join the Burning Legion. We will be more prosperous than before." Kael'thas directly and generously admitted the fact that he had joined the Burning Legion.

"How could you do this, Your Highness?

Although it was the Scourge Legion that destroyed our homeland back then, they were under the command of the Burning Legion. Liadrin looked at Kael'thas and said with an angry expression.

She couldn't accept it and couldn't believe that His Highness Prince Kael'thas, who was loved so much by the blood elves and who traveled all over the world for the sake of his people, would eventually embark on an evil path.

Just then, a man tapped him on the shoulder.

"Leave it to me next! You're too tired, Liadrin, take a good rest." Rhodes came to Kael'thas and showed a kind smile.

Liadrin didn't know what happened, but she fainted and fell into Bryn's arms behind her.

"Who are you?" Kael'thas looked at Rhodes and asked.

"How should I put it? Maybe according to normal procedures, we should have met a long time ago.

After all, that idiot Kil'jaeden asked me to come to you. My name is Rhodes. "Rhodes reminded a certain prince very kindly.

When he came over under his real name just now, he wanted to test whether the prince knew about his existence.

But it was obvious that the other party didn't care about him at all, and the name Rhodes was irrelevant to him.

If you really have your Azordon, how would you describe me?

Am I just a weakling? At this time, Rhodes' anger has reached its peak.

"Rhodes? I have never heard of this name at all." Kael'thas said.

"Okay! It seems Kil'jaeden really doesn't care about me that much, haha!" Rhodes shrugged and said.

"Who are you? Why did Liadrin bring you here to see me?" Kael'thas asked.

Judging from the human's tone, he seemed to know Kil'jaeden.

"Liadrin brought me here, naturally she recognized my strength!"

"Recognition of your strength, haha!" Kael'thas showed a contemptuous laugh.

"Probably because I have absolute strength and can easily destroy you and all your subordinates!"

After Rhodes finished speaking, he released his overlord-colored domineering energy with all his strength, instantly covering the entire Storm Fortress.

I want to destroy you all now, that's all.

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