Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 16 Beast Pirates, Blood Drinking Conference

That's right, just let me describe a enslaving demon array for you. With this demon array, not even Kaido himself will notice anything strange, and then he will be easily controlled by Rhodes.

This is the power of the demon-enslaving magic circle. When the Burning Legion invaded the world last time, the mages of Dalaran began to study how to restrain demons.

And combined with some documents left by the high elves during the ancient war. Successfully created a high-level contract magic circle that can enslave demons.

"Well! What about the other members of the Beasts Pirates? Do they also need to be portrayed?" Kaido asked.

"No, no, no, Boss Kaido, they don't need it at all. The only ones who need to carve out the magic circle are you and the three major disasters, or the subordinates you think are powerful.

There are also strong and weak evil powers. Weaker evil powers don't need to be so troublesome. " Rhodes said.

With such a good opportunity, it is natural that you, the Beasts Pirates, will be brought to the sword. You, the Great Governor of the Beasts, your three major disasters, your Lingkong Six Sons, and even your precious daughter Yamato, I want them all.

"Well! Ordinary members are allowed to obtain ordinary evil power. That's fine. Then you start preparing! Do you need me to provide you with any materials?" Kaido asked.

Of course, he can't be so hasty. When the time comes, he will choose a few subordinates to test and see how successful it is. Although Kaido is careless, he is not an idiot.

"A big pot, a pot big enough for all the members of the Beasts Pirates to take a sip, just hold a ceremony at night and summon all the members of the Beasts Pirates," Rhodes said.

"I understand. The Fire Festival will be held in a few days. Let's hold the ceremony on that day. Don't screw up, kid. If the power you talk about makes me dissatisfied, you know the consequences, although I won't. I will kill you, but I will still teach you a lesson." Kaido patted Rhodes with his big hand and said.

"Don't worry, Boss Kaido, then when will we draw the magic circle for you?" Rhodes asked.

"Don't worry, wait until the day when the ceremony starts. I want to see how your evil power is, and let the people under me take a sip first." Kaido said.

Even to be on the safe side, Kaido planned to let his good son be carved into a magic circle, and then drink the evil blood to see how powerful he would be.

Yamato is his descendant, has the same bloodline as Kaido, and is also a user of the Phantom Beast Fruit ability, which can test the strength of this power to the greatest extent.

As for whether Yamato himself is willing, haha! It's not up to her to make the decision, what a stupid son.

A girl wants to call herself Kozuki Oden. What is there to admire about that defeated general? You might as well worship me.

"Okay, let's get ready, kid!" Kaido said.

There was a lot of news today, and he needed to digest it.

After Kaido left, Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief. His plan was finally successfully implemented. Now he only needed the last step to create a enslavement magic circle for Kaido.

In the next three days, Rhodes began to prepare the required materials, and a large amount of demon blood was taken out. Rhodes had made a lot of preparations for this trip to the Pirate King world.

In the world of Azeroth, some weak demons from the Twisting Nether were summoned, and a large amount of fel blood was extracted from them.

Kaido also found three giant cauldrons. Each cauldron required seven or eight strong men to move it. It was not so much a pot as it was three giant water tanks.

There is no way, there are still quite a lot of ordinary members of the Beast Pirates, probably tens of thousands of them. Even if one of these people takes one bite, the consumption is huge, and these few cauldrons are barely enough.

Before the start of the fire ceremony, Rhodes had already begun preparations. He poured a large amount of ordinary demon blood into three large vats, added water, and injected evil energy into them.

A large number of slaves were captured around Rhodes. The Beast Pirates never lacked slaves when they ruled Wano.

"Everyone, keep the temperature for me. It must be a constant temperature." Rhodes, wearing dozens of robes, holding a giant spoon, was stirring a pot of evil water.

This is exactly the image of Gul'dan.

"What on earth is this? It smells so bad." A member of the Beast Pirates asked.

"Stop talking nonsense. This is what Boss Kaido ordered us to do. Just follow it." Another member of the Beasts Pirates said.

A large number of animals were also transported, and Rhodes extracted the life energy of these creatures one by one, converted them into pure evil energy, and then poured them into three cauldrons.

Soon, three pots of green and oily soup were prepared. The three pots of evil energy soup were filled with thick smoke, showing a strange dark green color, and looked very ominous.

Rhodes took out his own blood of the Abyss Lord, and then poured a few drops of the Abyss Lord's blood into each pot. Suddenly the three pots of soup began to bubble, and a powerful evil force began to gather.

The evil energy decoction for ordinary members of Sanguo has been prepared.

As for the remaining blood of the Abyss Lord, it was prepared for Kaido, the Three Great Disasters, the Six Lingkong Sons, and Kaido's filial daughter.

Rhodes had already prepared a small barrel and brewed a pot of extremely pure evil blood. He only needed to add the blood of the abyss lord and it was done.

In the distance, the Fire Celebration began soon, and all members of the Beast Pirates also appeared. The first one to appear was Kaido.

Then there are the three major disasters, Drought Jack, Plague Quinn, Flame Ember, and the three major signboards of the Beast Group are all in place.

Next came the Lingkong Six Sons, or rather the Five Sons, because the Lingkong Six Sons were not full at the moment.

Black Maria in kimono.

Foz Fu, and siblings Sasaki, Runti, and Peggy Wan.

In addition, all the Beast Pirates and the others, as well as a large number of minions, gathered over.

Then a large beauty who was tied up and wearing a beautiful blue kimono and wooden clogs, with a height of 2.6 meters, was tied up.

"Asshole Kaido, let me go immediately, I am Kozuki Oden, not your son.

One day, I will overthrow your rule and establish the country of Wano. "Yamato struggled to speak.

In previous years, if she didn't want to participate in the Fire Festival, Kaido would have sent someone to find her, but this was the first time that he had tied her up and captured her in advance.

"Shut up, stupid son, you will replace dad in a moment and be the first one to gain power!" Kaido said.

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