After modifying the memories of all the blood elves under Kael'thas who knew that he had defected to the Burning Legion, Rhodes reappeared in a floating city with Kael'thas. "Lord Rhodes! This, this is." A blood elf who was accompanying him did not recognize the other party for a moment after seeing the miserable Kael'thas being beaten. But after seeing the red robe he was wearing and the three magic beads floating around him, the face of the blood elf mage suddenly became strange. "No! No way? You! Are you? Prince?" The blood elf mage asked with some doubt. "It's me! Prince Kael'thas of the blood elves, Sunstrider." It's really embarrassing to be seen like this! But there's no way, this is the request of the demigod. At this time, Liadrin also woke up slowly. She only remembered that after the prince admitted to defecting to the Burning Legion, Rhodes patted her on the shoulder, and then he fell asleep. She didn't remember what happened afterwards, and she didn't know. "Lord Rhodes, what happened? You, you? Your Highness?" Looking at the man in front of her who was beaten into a pig's head, Liadrin asked doubtfully.

"It's me, Lady Liadrin, long time no see."

"You, what's wrong with you? I'll help you heal!" Liadrin said, a soft holy light lit up in her hand, and she began to heal Prince Kael'thas's injuries.

Under the soft holy light, Kael'thas's face gradually began to recover, with a broken nose and bulging eye sockets. Soon, the blood elf prince regained his once handsome appearance.

Although she felt uncomfortable after knowing that His Highness had defected to the Burning Legion, she was moved again when she saw the prince being beaten so badly.

This prince had been worrying about finding a way out for the blood elves before. Before knowing this news, he had always been deeply loved.

"How should I put it! There was a little accident. I thought that the prince had defected to the Burning Legion, so I beat him up, but it turned out to be a little misunderstanding." Rhodes said.

"Misunderstanding? Lord Rhodes, can you explain it to us?" Liadrin asked.

This time, she received an order from the regent to investigate the situation of the prince and confirm whether the prince had defected to the Burning Legion? If this is true, then the elite blood elves will come to attack soon.

"The thing is this. Kael'thas lurked beside Illidan for a special reason. In order to make Kael'thas obey his orders, Illidan confused many blood elves and trained them into demon hunters, turning them into demon creatures like him. He also detained a large number of blood elf soldiers in the Black Temple in Outland as hostages to threaten Prince Kael'thas. As a last resort, Kael'thas could only pretend to agree to cooperate with Illidan and Kil'jaeden to use the power of fel energy. Now we have confirmed that Illidan wants to use a few bottles of spring water from the Well of Eternity. Recreate a device similar to the Sunwell in the Black Temple, and then summon Kil'jaeden, the commander of the Burning Legion, to descend on Outland. Then enter our world through the Dark Portal." "Things, things turned out to be like this, then the envoys we sent to contact you, Your Highness, they didn't come to you at all, right?" Liadrin asked. "Yes, they were all killed by the demons sent by Illidan and Kil'jaeden, in order to make this prince serve them wholeheartedly." Rhodes said. "It's outrageous. His Highness Prince Illidan trusted him so much, but he actually betrayed us.

He had the water of the Well of Eternity, and he could have saved the Sunwell long ago.

How many of our compatriots have been turned into the Wretched in the past few years? We, the blood elves, have suffered so much hardship and torture, damn Illidan!" Liadrin said angrily.

The water of the Well of Eternity can completely repair the Sunwell, because the original Sunwell was created with a bottle of the Well of Eternity water left by Illidan.

The blood elves have helped Illidan so much over the years, and all we want is a bottle of water.

If you are willing to give it to us, then the blood elves will regard you as a great benefactor and continue to help you.

But you deceived us and even turned our people into your hostages.

"Your Highness, so your ultimate goal is to defeat Illidan, and then get the water of the Well of Eternity from him, so as to completely heal the Sunwell, right?"

"That's right! That's my plan. I came to the Void Storm just to refine the void energy here and send it back to Silvermoon City for my people to relieve their magic addiction." Kael'thas said.

For this statement, several blood elf mages and Liadrin nodded in agreement.

These void energy lattices were sent back to Silvermoon City by His Highness as soon as they were refined, but they suddenly lost contact in the past few months.

"Lord Rhodes, our compatriots in Storm Fortress, what's their situation now?" Liadrin asked.

"Don't worry, none of the blood elves inside died. I used my special power to make them all fall asleep.

If it weren't for some misunderstandings, your prince wouldn't have been beaten up by me. I really thought he had joined the Burning Legion!" Rhode said.

"But what should we do about the fel energy infection in them?"

"This is easy to solve. They just practiced some fel spells. As long as they are willing to practice the way of warlocks, they can suppress the fel energy in their bodies." Rhode said.

These blood elves were not deeply infected by the fel energy. They didn't change as thoroughly as the fel orcs. They just learned some fel magic. I can save the more serious fel orcs, let alone this group of guys.

When a large number of blood elves infected with fel energy will go to the pirate world to adapt to the power of fel energy, then there is no reason not to help me attack the world government, right?

"Okay, the top priority now is to quickly enter the Storm Fortress, gather all the blood elves, and then we take over this fortress.

In fact, among my followers, only a part of them accept fel energy, and most of the blood elves still use the power of arcane magic. "Kael'thas said.

This Storm Fortress was actually modified by the blood elves with some magic, otherwise, there would be no way to extract void energy crystals on such a large scale.

So some arcane mages are also necessary, such as the chief astromancer Solanlian, and a large number of blood elf mages have not accepted the power of fel energy, they are still practicing magic normally.

Everyone nodded and immediately began to take over the entire Storm Fortress. After the troops under Kael'thas and the troops in the blood elf floating fortress merged, they had become nearly 10,000.

After confirming the news from the prince After that. Liadrin also immediately sent a letter to Lor'themar, saying that the prince did not betray the tribe.

He has been trying to save his people, and now their goal is to seize the water of the Well of Eternity from the demon Illidan.

In the next few days, the entire blood elf tribe gathered together.

Kael'thas also began to help Rhodes make fel artifacts, and by the way, he presented all the fel spells that Kil'jaeden taught him to Rhodes.

"Lord Rhodes, I have enchanted this skull with engravings. It contains powerful fel power and is a perfect spellcasting prop.

Now you can embed it on your weapon. This time I am confident that I can make an artifact. "Kael'thas handed his modified skull to Rhodes and spoke.

Now, Azothon's skull has completely changed, even the size has changed a little, and the hollows of the two eyes are burning with fel fire.

Various magic runes are also carved on the skull, and Kael'thas even used some magic to reduce the proportion of the skull so that it can be embedded in Rhodes' mace.

Rhodes nodded and took out his mace, and then Kael'thas performed various enchantments and successfully combined the two weapons into one.

"Okay, Lord Rhodes, your artifact has been made. The power of this fel artifact is quite powerful, and it can be used in close combat and for casting spells. "Kael'thas said.

The material of this weapon is very good. First of all, the weapon part uses Titan iron and the Legion's evil iron and magic steel, which are very conductive to the power of evil energy.

Add to that the skull of this powerful demon lord, and the enchantment of him, the top enchanter of Azeroth, which directly promoted this weapon to the level of artifact.

Speaking of the previous engraving enchantments of this weapon, it reminded him of a person, a human girl who had learned enchantment from him for a period of time.

After picking up the new weapon, Rhodes nodded with great satisfaction. After the mobile transformation of the blood elf prince, this weapon is very effective for evil energy. The conduction of energy is stronger, and it has been promoted to the level of a warlock artifact, but Rhodes wants to make it stronger.

Rhodes took out the demon soul energy extracted before, and then injected it into this artifact, and then added some of his own soul energy as the main body.

The red and dark green chaotic energy of the demon soul was injected into this weapon. These demon soul energies are undoubtedly the most needed things for this warlock artifact.

With the injection of a large amount of soul power, this weapon slowly began a transformation. It was not until the weapon reached its upper limit that Rhodes stopped the infusion of soul energy.

"Lord Rhodes, you, what are you doing? This soul energy, is this the soul energy of the demon?" Kael'thas said.

"That's right! I have the power to manipulate souls. When I came here before, I slaughtered a large number of legion demons.

The chaotic soul energy of these demons can just be injected into this weapon. I want to give it life." Rhodes said.

The reason why I didn't turn my weapon into Homiz before was because I didn't completely transform Azothon's skull, but now it's done.

"Hehehe! Great Master, thank you for your blessing, thank you for giving me life. "The eyes of Azothon's skull lit up with evil fire, and the skull on it spoke.

This weapon was transformed by Rhodes and became a powerful Homiz creature, similar to Big Mom's Emperor Sword Napoleon.

Azothon's soul is still in his hands! If he saw his skull suddenly speak, I wonder what he would think?

"You are a fel artifact. Let me give you a name! You will be called Hades, and you will bring death and destruction to your enemies." Rhodes said.

"Thank you, Master. My name is Hades. I will bring death and destruction to all your enemies!" Hades said.

"Hahaha! Tell me what special abilities you have?" Rhodes asked.

"Great Master, I have inherited the fel knowledge in this skull, as well as various fel spells, so if you use me to cast spells.

The power of fel spells can be multiplied, and the consumption of fel power is less.

Even when you are fighting with others, I can independently release fel spells to the enemy and attack the enemy." Hades said.

"Well! Not bad, not bad, your ability is good." Rhodes nodded with great satisfaction.

The power of this fel artifact is far beyond his imagination! It can also be independently cast by a warlock.

"Hahaha! I have a companion, Master. Hello, brother. My name is Helios." The evil flame Homiz, Helios also ran out at this time.

"Hello, my brother, please give me more advice in the future. My name is Hades."

Two Homiz creations of Rhodes flew in the sky together and began to communicate.

"What a magical technology, this is too perfect, Rhodes demigod, I, can I ask what the principle is?" Kael'thas' eyes lit up, looking at the evil artifact that Rhodes had transformed.

It's shocking to give life to a weapon! And this weapon is at the artifact level.

"Hahaha! It's a special ability I have mastered! If you have a suitable weapon, I can also perform this transformation on you, but it will consume some of your own life, that is, soul energy, otherwise this weapon will not listen to you." Rhodes said.

Of course, the highest authority is here, after all, I am the owner of the Soul Soul Fruit.

"It's amazing! If possible, Lord Rhodes, can you help me transform the three magic orbs on my body?" Kael'thas asked.

"No problem, but it will take ten years of your life." Rhodes said.

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