Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 165: Void Dragon, Who is Jackgruul? I'm going to kill him

Void dragons are some black dragon eggs left behind when Deathwing entered Outland. After Draenor was broken, they were hatched by a large amount of void energy.

This kind of dragon grows very fast when it is young, and can grow to adulthood in a very short time. After adulthood, their bodies will become more and more translucent until they disappear completely due to lack of energy.

This is a deformed black dragon. They are all descendants of Deathwing. In the original plot, this group of void dragons will collectively travel to Azeroth soon.

They were brought to Magic by a blue dragon lady who wanted to save them, but these void dragons turned their kindness into hatred.

They wanted to seize the power of the Nexus, but angered the blue dragon king, who swallowed all these guys up.

"My Lord Demigod! This is what happened. We found two void dragons named Valoku and Zeraku, and then we were attacked by a first-generation death knight named Ragnok. He had a group of void spirits under his command, and also assembled some evil orc troops." Jorad told Rhodes about their experiences.

"Evil orc troops? I know, go on." Rhodes said.

"He is one of the first-generation death knights, a member of the old tribe. When Ner'zhul crossed the Dark Portal and came to seize the Scepter of Sargeras.

He also came to the world of Azeroth, and after the world of Draenor was destroyed, he stayed in Outland.

He has a special device provided by void spirits that can capture and control void dragons. This guy is planning to form an army of void dragons.

Then seize Outland and even counterattack our world of Azeroth." Jorad said.

Rhodes sneered at this first-generation death knight.

These days, he wants to attack Azeroth just because he is a villain. He doesn't even know how much he weighs, a first-generation death knight of the old tribe.

But I do care about the thing that can control the void dragon in your hand.

"I know creatures like void spirits. Their personalities are a bit similar to those of goblins. As long as you can afford the money, they will sell you anything you want. Their supreme leader should be called the Node Prince." Rhodes said.

"That's right! Lord Demigod, we traced all the way and found that the void spirit that supplied the first generation of death knight was hiding in the void storm.

That's why we came here, and after some investigation, we found that.

Now the void spirit and the death knight of the tribe have gone to Blade's Edge Mountain to capture a large number of void dragons." The blue dragon girl said.

"So, you want me to help, right?" Rhodes asked.

"That's right, Lord Demigod, so can you help us?" Jorade said.

The two of them don't have the confidence to completely defeat the death knight, and the other party has a group of void spirits and evil orc troops under his command.

"No problem, I will help you eliminate the first generation of the old tribe death knight and destroy the ethereal merchants who sell this kind of device to control the void dragon. What are you going to do with those void dragons? Destroy them?" Rhode asked.

"No, no, no, Lord Demigod, these void dragons are also very pitiful. I want to take them to the gathering place of the blue dragon army. There is enough magical energy there, which can keep them alive for a while." Terigosa said.

Please, she doesn't want to kill those poor void dragons, but wants to save them.

These void dragons are not even as good as the experimental colorful dragons of the Black Prince, and these guys can't reproduce because they are all infected black dragon eggs.

However, they are superior spirit dragons, and may help some of his subsequent Homies experiments.

"Listening to your description, I can feel that these void dragons have very big problems, and they should have big flaws themselves." Rhode said.

"That's right! Their fighting style is almost the same as that of a young dragon, relying only on instinct. These little guys are so pitiful. They should have been carefree young dragons." Terigosa said.

"I know. I will help you with this matter, but you'd better not take them to the Nexus where blue dragons gather.

I don't need to say more about the current situation of your blue dragon king Malygos, right?

If you take these void dragons with you, it will cause unnecessary trouble. After all, they are the bloodline of Deathwing.

You should know how the blue dragon king will deal with the bloodline of Deathwing." Rhodes said.

To put it bluntly, the blue dragon king will eat them all as food. He did so in the original Outland Dragon.

"Then, Lord Demigod, do you have any way to save these poor little guys?"

"Now I have some urgent matters to go to Zangarmarsh, so I don't have much time to deal with the void dragons, but I can send a capable subordinate to help you kill the first generation death knight, and then help you find all the void dragons. Then you bring the void dragons to see me, maybe I can find a way to change their situation. Of course, I can only say that I will try my best." Rhode said.

If he can solve the problem of the void dragons, then these guys will become a powerful fighting force.

If not, Rhode will directly devour these guys, squeeze them into soul energy, and then clear the memories of these two guys.

These void dragons have very powerful spiritual power, and can even be considered a kind of spiritual dragon. The soul energy of dragons is not bad.

"Thank you so much, Lord Demigod. I wonder which of your subordinates will you send to help us?" Jorad asked.

"Wait a moment."

After Rhodes finished speaking, he turned around and opened a portal, and then pulled out Jack, the drought disaster who was bored in the fortress.

"Lord Rhodes, is there anything you want to tell me?" As soon as Drought Disaster appeared, its huge size shocked the dragon and the man.

"Let me introduce you, this is Miss Terrigosa of the Blue Dragon Legion, and this is the human paladin Jorad. Next, I have a task for you, Jack." Rhodes said.

It's just a first-generation death knight, why do you need to go out by yourself, just one of your subordinates can handle it.

"My God, this big guy can probably knock down a dragon with one punch." Jorad said. Although I have seen these huge guys when I stepped through the Dark Portal, only by watching them at such a close distance can I feel the oppression of these big guys.

"Huh! After I turned into a dragon, I was bigger than him!" Terigosa said very dissatisfiedly.

This drought Jack gave her a very dangerous feeling. If he really turned into a dragon, this drought Jack might tear her apart with his hands.

"Just tell Lord Rhodes if you have anything to do, I will definitely complete your order." Drought Jack said.

"Next, you follow the two of them to deal with a death knight named Ragnok and take off his head.

Then go find a group of void dragons, take them to the Storm Fortress first, and then wait for me to come back to deal with them." Rhodes said.

Drought Jack nodded to Rhodes.

After coming to this new world for so long, he finally had to act alone once. He couldn't let Boss Kaido and Lord Rhodes down.

"Remember, you can use Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and the power of anger.

Even the Desperate Virus and Fruit can be used, but you must not expose it. You have the power of evil energy, understand?" Rhodes came to Jack and whispered.

"I know, Lord Rhodes." Jack said.

Without exposing the power of evil energy, his strength is still very strong, especially after the transformation of the Desperate Potion, the Burning Flame Mammoth knows that he is now a mythical beast.

"Well! Miss Blue Dragon, do you know any spells like transformation that can make Jack's body smaller, otherwise he can't act with you with his body size." Rhodes said.

"No problem, I'm good at transformation spells, just leave it to me! Don't resist, big guy." The palm of Terrigosa lit up a ball of arcane energy, and then enveloped Jack, turning Jack, who was more than eight meters tall, into a giant two-meter-tall man.

After thanking Rhodes again, the trio left directly, and Rhodes continued to head towards the Zan Family Swamp. Before leaving, he told Drought Jack to contact him with a Den Den Mushi if there was anything.

"Okay, big guy, we're going to act together. My name is Jorrad, a human paladin from the Alliance."

"My name is Taligosa, from the Blue Dragon Legion."

"I see, you can call me Drought Jack." Jack asked.

"Hello Jack! We have to go to Blade's Edge Mountains first, where the gathering place of the void dragons is.

That death knight is also there, let's plan how to deal with him." Jorrad said.

"Plan? What plan do you need? You take me there directly, I'll kill the death knight, and then bring all the void dragons back to Storm Fortress." Jack said.

"Please don't be impulsive, buddy. The lair in Blade's Edge Mountains is the territory of a giant Gronn demigod.

His name is Gruul. This powerful demigod calls himself a dragon slayer, and even made Deathwing fail once. The other party slaughtered a large number of members of the Black Dragon Legion.

We'd better not confront him head-on." The blue dragon didn't remind him.

"Who do you think I am? Am I afraid of him? Let's go and kill that guy called Gruul." Jack said.

A beast dares to call himself a demigod. I will kill him and tear off Gruul's head.

"Forget it. I also want to see you fight him." said the blue dragon girl, Terigosa.

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