Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 168 The altered timeline, Chromie's request for help

Rhode really wanted to know what he was in the eyes of these bronze dragons. In the past, Rhode actually wanted to avoid these guys. After all, no one wanted to be eliminated by a sentence, "You affected the timeline."

But now I am a demigod, and I have a lot of capable guys under my command. If you have the ability, come and deal with me.

And I brought the energy of the Time Stone from the Marvel World this time. You bronze dragons may not be able to beat me in playing with time.

"What's wrong with the timeline? Why would you bronze dragons ask outsiders for help?

If there is a problem with the timeline, it should be you bronze dragons who maintain it yourself, right?" Blue Dragon Lady Tyrigosa mocked without hesitation.

Isn't it? These bronze dragons know how they died since they were born, and they can even intervene in the War of the Ancients. You can understand the past and the future, why do you need ordinary mortals to help you?

"The situation is different this time, please! Taligosa, come here if you want to help.

If you don't want to help, don't hinder me." Chromie looked at Taligosa with great dissatisfaction.

"Tell me the details, little guy, you are a dragon, and you have become so small." Muradin Bronzebeard came to Chromie, squatted down, touched the head of the little dwarf and said.

"You shouldn't have been here so early! Forget it, great demigod, I wonder if you can go to a time and space cave with me?" Chromie came to Rhodes and bowed, and then invited him to form a team.

"Sorry, cute little guy, I have some urgent things to deal with.

So if you want to find someone to help, I can recommend you a few masters, all of whom are trustworthy guys. I won't go myself." Rhodes smiled playfully at Chromie.

Are you kidding? You little girl is obviously coming for me, okay?

It seems that this group of bronze dragons finally noticed his presence, but I don't know if they want to use force or softness?

"But Lord Demigod, the timeline that was destroyed this time is very troublesome. It may take a powerful existence like you to deal with the other party." Chromie looked a little anxious.

"Can you talk to us, or are you just here to find the demigod alone?" A warrior from the Alliance asked.

"Yes, although we are a group of mortals, we can also help a lot, I," Paladin Jorad, was interrupted by the blue dragon girl beside him before he finished speaking.

"Jack is going back to Storm Fortress. As friends, why don't we go to see Jack?"

Jorad was a little surprised. What's going on?

Didn't we just leave the Void Storm? Why do we have to go back again?

And this reason is too bad, right? Miss Blue Dragon obviously wants to stop himself from contacting the bronze dragon!

"Shut up, idiot! Stay as far away from these bronze dragons as possible!" Miss Blue Dragon held down Jorad's head and said in a low voice.

Do you, idiot, understand the horror of bronze dragons? Sometimes they even accidentally reveal some things that will happen to you in the future, even your death date, and they are all destined.

Didn't you see that she invited the demigods, but the demigods were unwilling to go? Which of the top beings in Azeroth doesn't know about these notorious bronze dragons?

During the War of the Ancients, that bastard Muzidono knew everything and knew that the Dragon Queen Sindragosa would be killed.

He knew that a large number of members of their dragon blue dragon army would be killed, but he kept silent and said nothing, and even lent his power to Deathwing.

Whatever you say, this is a sacred timeline. The Titans clearly gave the five-colored dragons the same power and equal status. Why do you guys act so high and mighty?

"Everyone! There are problems with several timelines. One timeline is about opening the Dark Portal. Some bronze dragons plan to return to the past to stop Medivh from opening the Dark Portal and prevent the Horde from entering Azeroth."

"Oh! I say this is really good news, good news that can't be better. We should go to help those eternal dragons, guys, don't you think so?" An old Alliance soldier said.

If the Horde does not cross the Dark Portal, then the First and Second Wars will not break out, and the Alliance will not suffer a heavy blow.

"If the Horde does not come, then the Alliance in the world of Azeroth will have a civil war.

If a civil war breaks out, then when the Burning Legion invades in the future, there will be no way to unite and defeat the Burning Legion." Chromie immediately explained to everyone.

If the Dark Portal is not opened and the members of the old Horde do not come to the world of Azeroth, what kind of chain reaction will be triggered?

"The Burning Legion's invasion was caused by the Scourge. If the old tribe hadn't invaded Azeroth, then the first generation of Lich King Ner'zhul would not have been born, and the Burning Legion would have no chance to invade our world at all." Rhodes was very happy to trip up a bronze dragon loli at this time.

Chromie looked at Rhodes angrily, and then tried to explain to everyone in the Alliance that he shouldn't ask the Alliance for help in this matter, but there was no way, his mission was this demigod!

Really, a demigod suddenly appeared, it was annoying, and it was the most powerful demigod created by Azeroth.

"Uh! Lord Demigod is right, if the first generation of Lich King did not appear, no one would summon the Burning Legion to descend on our world."

"Oh my God, we should really thank these eternal dragons for helping."

"No, it's not like that, there is another timeline, it's about Prince Arthas, some eternal dragons hid the problem of Stratholme, and wanted Prince Arthas not to massacre Stratholme." Chromie said.

"My sister died in the Scourge, which is a good thing for me."

"Listen, Stratholme will not be massacred. Is there any more exciting news than this?"

"Oh! God! What about the Battle of Mount Hyjal? Don't you care? The Eternal Dragon intends to tamper with the outcome of the Battle of Mount Hyjal and help the Burning Legion win." Chromie finally dropped the bombshell this time.

According to the normal process, you should help me solve these small problems first, and then solve the Battle of Mount Hyjal, but now there is no way.

"I guess I have to ask the demigods for help. We mortals can't participate in the Battle of Mount Hyjal."

"So, Lord Rhodes, please follow me to the Caverns of Time and participate in the Battle of Mount Hyjal!" Chromie smiled and stretched out his hands to Rhodes.

"No problem, but I'm a little busy now, so I'll send my strongest subordinates. You should know Kaido's strength, as well as Charlotte Linlin's strength, right?" Rhodes said as he was about to open the portal and summon his two strongest subordinates.

"Lord Demigod! How about we talk in private?

I have no ill will towards you, or the entire Bronze Dragon Corps has no ill will towards you, we just want to talk to you." Chromie sighed helplessly and looked at Rhodes pitifully.

Haha! The fox's tail is exposed, right?

I knew you were coming to me, asking adventurers to help solve the problem of the Cave of Time and Space?

"Then Lord Rhodes, let's go get the key to Karazhan first, and see you in Karazhan after we get it done." After the people of the Alliance greeted Rhodes, they collectively took the portal just now and returned to Zangarmarsh.

And Jorad was also pulled away by a blue dragon girl, and his two subordinates, the Runti siblings, did not reveal their identities and left with the people of the Alliance.

"There are no outsiders here now, so go ahead!"

"Lord Demigod, you, you should not exist in this world, or in the timeline, but you just appeared.

Moreover, you increased the power of the tribe and even changed the fate of a person who was bound to die.

Then you made a person who was originally going to be resurrected in the future die completely." Chromie was a little helpless.

Rhodes' existence broke the balance of power between the two most important forces in the world of Azeroth, the tribe and the alliance, the two protagonists of eternity.

And it changed the fate of many characters. When they found out and wanted to change it, it was too late, and everything was already a foregone conclusion.

At first, the bronze dragons thought it was the Eternal Dragon's doing, but in the end they found out that it was not the Eternal Dragon's doing.

To a certain extent, it was even Azeroth's own doing, creating a demigod.

"If you say so, I will be very distressed. Have I done anything bad?

I have been helping Azeroth since I appeared.

You should know that if I don't help Azeroth, how can I become a demigod? I stand on the side of Azeroth." Rhode asked back on the spot.

I am indeed on the side of Azeroth, and I even know Azeroth better than you. You, the lackeys of the Titans, are not very good in the eyes of Azeroth, and there is not much difference between you and the Burning Legion and the Old Gods.

"But, but, you changed the fate of the blood elf prince's death, and even killed Illidan completely, and you changed the fate of Sylvanas,"

There is even a future chief of the tribe whose fate was changed because of you, but she didn't say this.

The original clear timeline is now completely invisible to the bronze dragons, and they can only speculate through some time scenes they saw before.

But the problem is that the other party is a demigod, on the side of Azeroth, and everything he does is part of the timeline.

But this is not the timeline they are familiar with at all. It is like a paradox, which makes the bronze dragon almost crazy.

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