Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 178 The paintbrush that ate the devil fruit, bug cloning ability

"Woo woo!! Boss Rod, I really can't do it anymore. I, I have never painted such a tiring painting. I am so tired, so tired! I feel that all my energy has been used up." The little civet cat lay on the ground, his eyes were full of circles, and he looked weak.

In the past, he had not had such difficulty in using his ability to transform, but the blue demon he just drew directly exhausted almost all of his energy.

Fortunately, the materials used this time were good, otherwise he would not even be able to hold on to the end and finish the whole painting.

A ball of life energy lit up in Rod's palm, and then he placed it on the little civet cat's body and began to treat his injuries.

Under the infusion of life energy, the little civet cat showed a very anthropomorphic expression, rubbing Rod's palm with his head, looking comfortable.

"So warm, so warm, Lord Rod, your hands are warmer than the boss's hands, Padong has never felt so good."

"Haha! Okay! It seems that your ability is not omnipotent. Can you draw me with leaves?" Rod looked at the yellow little civet cat.

"No! It's my limit, and for some reason, the things I draw in this world have no power at all." The yellow little cat Padong shook his head.

"Well! I know! You can draw some not-so-strong life forms in this world, but you can't copy some of the energy they have." Rhodes nodded thoughtfully.

"Well! It's really strange! Logically speaking, my ability should be able to perfectly copy the devil fruit ability.

But for some reason, I can't copy the power of this world.

Maybe, maybe if I control these powers myself, I can." The yellow little cat said.

"Really? These are not devil fruit energies, so you can't draw them, but we can infuse them with energy."

This little guy's ability is quite magical! His devil fruit ability, even in Rhodes's opinion, is the top ability, which can be transformed through a leaf.

Draw the person you want to summon on it, and that person will come alive, and have 30% of the strength of the original body, and the ability to act on his own.

When attacking Wano Country, the Pirate King Roger, Whitebeard, Buddha Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, and even Golden Lion he drew all have corresponding devil fruit abilities.

What's more terrifying is that he can even use Haki.

Although he is not as powerful as the original body, this is also very perverted, okay? It is completely equivalent to making a weakened version of the clone.

And as long as this little raccoon draws something, it can exist forever unless the person is defeated.

You know, the raw material is an ordinary leaf! This ability is too amazing!

As for his boss! The Red Earl who claims to have eaten the strongest fantasy beast devil fruit.

His vampire ability is also very strange, hypnotic blood sucking, rejuvenation, illusion, are all vampire signature skills.

But the vampire ability meets the Death Knight Whitebeard, which is indeed restrained by nature.

Delivered to the door at once, two top-level fantasy beast devil fruits made Rod feel flattered.

In the past few days, Rhode also let the little cat use his ability. First of all, it can't draw some extremely powerful beings.

For example, Sargeras, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, even Rhode himself, or the current Kaido of Beasts.

Just kidding, if he really ignores any rules, as long as he has seen someone, he will have 30% of his strength when he draws him.

Then draw Sargeras, even if he only has 30% of his original strength.

That would be devastating, or bring him to Marvel and let him draw any of the five great creators, 30% of his strength is also enough to beat the Father.

The Kaido of Beasts he drew has no evil power at all, and is also blessed with anger. It is just a primitive version of Kaido with 30% of his strength.

The demon creatures he drew are the same. Although they are similar in shape, they do not have evil power. They need to inject evil energy on their side before they can act.

He can transform the power of the One Piece world, such as the fruit ability and the three-color domineering.

But once he leaves the One Piece world, he can only draw a similar flesh body.

However, the most important energy in Illidan is the evil energy, which Rhode has.

"Padong! I want to know, are you a creature that ate the fruit of the mythical beast? Or a special paintbrush that ate the fruit of the mythical beast?" Rhode asked after thinking for a moment.

The mythical beast fruit of this little raccoon cat should not be able to turn into a paintbrush, after all, he ate the fruit of the raccoon cat, not the fruit that turns into a pen.

And the other party also looks like a raccoon cat, which is too much of a coincidence! So Rhode is very suspicious that he is a paintbrush that ate the devil fruit.

Turning into a raccoon cat is the animal form of the devil fruit.

"You, you actually guessed it, so amazing, the boss doesn't know this!

I am indeed a paintbrush, because I ate the mythical beast fruit, so I can turn into a raccoon cat."

This person is so amazing! He guessed everything about himself at once.

"I remember that you should be able to cast a spell on these leaves and turn them into a kind of deformed leaves. Even if you are not there, you can use your ability to materialize them, right!" Rhode asked with narrowed eyes.

When the Red Earl first appeared, he drew two natural fruit ability users, Smoke Man and Aoki Pheasant.

And he used this ability all the way, transforming into Fire Fist, Ace, Blackbeard and even Whitebeard.

In other words, even without the existence of this little raccoon cat, this ability can still be used.

This little civet cat is very dishonest. He didn't tell the truth to himself. It seems that I have to take some time to extract your fruit ability, and then let my Homitz eat it.

"Yes, no, me, that." The little raccoon cat was very nervous when he heard this. This was indeed his ability, but how did the other party know?

This method of casting spells on leaves and then using them on others should only be known to the boss! Did the boss tell the enemy?

However, this kind of deformed leaves also has limitations. If he cannot draw it himself, then others will not be able to draw it after they get these leaves.

“The leaves I gave you are called the branches of the World Tree, a very rare and powerful tree.

Now you cast spells on them all and turn them into transformed leaves. You don't need to do the rest of the work, I will do it myself. " Rhodes said expressionlessly.

I wanted to spare your life, but you dared to play tricks.

In this case, let me take some time and extract your Devil Fruit ability directly!

The little civet cat nodded, and under Rhodes' gaze, began to cast spells on the leaves on the ground. Soon these huge leaves began to shrink, gradually becoming the size of a palm.

The little civet cat picked up these deformed leaves and handed them to Rhodes.

"Here you go! As long as you have seen people in your memory, you can draw them. However, in terms of strength, it used to be 30%, but now I am not sure."

Rhodes nodded, collected all the deformed leaves, and then looked at the yellow little civet cat, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you for your hard work, little one. Go back and rest! I will come back to you if necessary."

Rhodes smiled, opened a portal, and sent the yellow little tanuki back to the world of Azeroth, where he was guarded by other members of the Beasts Pirates.

"Sir Rhodes, this magical ability is very useful. It can produce high-level clones of the legion in batches. Even if it is only 40% of the power, it is still rare and valuable." Makzhar said.

"Using the leaves of this world tree, the deformed leaves made, and after we infuse energy, the strength should reach 40% of the original body.

However, the things or life forms drawn by him should have great limitations. " Rhodes said.

This deformable leaf consumes the user's domineering energy, so it will obey the user's orders after success.

And the little raccoon cat will not suffer any loss. He just provides a medium. Otherwise, with his strength, it would be very difficult to draw Illidan.

Rhodes took out a deformed leaf, drew Illidan on it, and activated his ability.

Then some of his three-color domineering energy was absorbed, and soon a lifelike Illidan appeared.

He looks exactly like the original Illidan, with a pair of demon wings, demon horns, and demon hooves, but he doesn't have any evil power in his body.

Although he looks like a demon, he has never been infected by evil energy.

"You should be self-aware, right?" Rhodes asked.

"Yes, Master." The drawn demon Illidan answered Rhodes.

Use this deformed leaf to consume your own domineering energy, and the summoned creatures will completely obey Rhodes' orders.

Rhodes nodded and poured his evil power into Illidan's body. He did not stop until the opponent's body reached its upper limit.

In an instant, Illidan's eyes lit up and fel fire appeared, and the demon horns on his head and hooves lit up with fel fire.

Rhodes could clearly feel that he could control this body and perfectly control the opponent's actions.

"Makzar, can you control this clone of yours?" Rhodes asked.

"Lord Rhodes, after infusing him with the power of evil energy, I can remotely control this body. As for his original consciousness, I have erased it." Makzhar said.

Just kidding, as your own clone, you are not allowed to have any intelligence and just accept manipulation.

"Very good, let's design a copy next, a copy of the Dark Temple."

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