Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 19 Yamato’s demon transformation, the female version of Illidan

Yamato turned away with great resistance, not intending to drink the evil blood that Rhodes handed over.

"Whoever wants to drink that kind of thing, put it away from me. I don't want to drink that kind of thing! If that bastard Minotaur gorilla wants to drink, just let him drink it!" Yamato said.

This damn guy, just smelling the pungent smell made her sick, and the guy who just drank this blood for the first time turned dark green all over.

And there are bone spurs growing on her body. Damn it, she doesn’t want to look like that!

"Sorry, Miss Yamato, this is not up to you." Rhodes reached out and twisted Yamato's head, then pried open the other person's mouth, and then poured a large glass of evil blood into it.

"Woooo! Ugh! Ahem!" After drinking the evil blood, Yamato reacted immediately and his body began to tremble violently.

"Damn it, you bastard, what did you do to me? Ah! Ah!" Yamato let out a series of screams, and the six-pointed star array on her chest began to operate.

Yamato's body also began to change. A green energy began to flow through her body, but it did not change her skin color. Instead, a wave of energy formed on her forehead, chest, and arms. Weird green pattern.

She looked extremely weird, her eyes turned dark green, and her whole person looked extremely evil. The two small horns on her head also began to grow, lengthening and bending like a sheep's horns, forming devil's horns.

Then a pair of huge black wings formed by the power of evil energy appeared from Yamato's back.

"Ah! Ah!" A soaring aura rushed towards her face. The sea tower stone chains that originally bound Yamato were instantly broken free. Even the bomb chains she originally carried were broken free. There was a boom, boom, and a huge explosion. There was an explosion, but the explosion did not cause any harm to him at all.

At this time, Yamato turned into a green demon and jumped directly into the sky. His huge wings spread out to cover the bright moon, and he let out a loud demon howl, and a powerful overlord-colored domineering force burst out.

All the ordinary members of the Beast Pirates present began to stagger around, foaming at the mouth, rolling their eyes and fainting.

"Hey! This is a little too outrageous! Master Yamato's aura is so strong, and it seems to be the transformation of a Phantom Beast Devil Fruit!" Quinn said.

is not that right? Green evil fire burned on Yamato's body, two huge devil horns appeared above his head, and a pair of huge bat energy wings also appeared behind him.

Now Yamato looks like a female version of Illidan in his demonic transformation.

"I feel power, extremely powerful power, omnipotent power, it is so powerful." Yamato, suspended in the sky, sighed. At this moment, there was a trace of evil energy in her eyes. Fire burns.

The whole person looks extremely weird, full of an evil aura and an alternative kind of enchanting beauty.

"Hmph! Your stupid stupid son has become a lot stronger. Come here and let me see if your strength has improved." Kaido snorted coldly, picked up his giant mace, and roared.

"Haha! Bastard, Minotaur Gorilla, I have wanted to beat you up for a long time. You bastard, the lock that binds me actually has a bomb. I am your daughter! You actually want to kill me." Yamato shouted with great anger.

At the same time, her two fangs also began to protrude, and her face began to change into a canine. There was even a tail growing from her back, a snow-white tail. The ability of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit can also be used in the devil form. .

"You are currently using the demonic form of evil energy to transform, and your phantom beast ability should be related to freezing. It is best not to use it now, fight in demonic form, and become familiar with your new power." Rhodes stood on the ground. , Yamato looked up at the sky and said.

The moment Yamato turned into a demon form, the contract to enslave the demon had already taken effect.

Now Rhodes only needs one thought to control Yamato, but in this case, let's let this chick vent! It just so happens that Kaido can see the demonic power after being transformed by evil energy.

"Hmph! Then I'll use this newly acquired power to beat you up, father." Yamato took out his mace Takeru, covered it with evil flames, and then fanned his huge demon The wings swooped down towards Kaido.

"Thunder gossip!"

"Haha! You're welcome, I'm here too for Lei Ming Bagua."

Two astonishing overlord-colored domineering auras began to collide with each other, lightning raged in the sky, and a terrifying aura began to arise.

Two maces, one large and one small, collided with each other, and red and green lightning began to wreak havoc everywhere.

You are so obedient! Both father and daughter are extremely strong! If Kaido were to be dragged to the world of Azeroth, I don't know what level of combat power he would have. Rhodes estimated that it would be no worse than a demigod, and could even kill a demigod.

In other words, based on Kaido's current combat power, after taking the blood of evil energy, he should be much stronger than Hellscream, and even have the combat power of a senior commander of the Burning Legion.

In their first confrontation, the two's level A attacks were evenly matched.

"This is the real Thunder Bagua. The eldest young master's previous attack was just the Four Thunder Bagua."

"I really didn't expect it! Master Yamato was able to collide head-on with Boss Kaido and not fall behind."

"This green thing actually caused him to change his form! It's almost the same as the devil fruit's orc form." Jack said.

"Not bad! He deserves to be my son, hahaha! Let's continue." Kaido's body also changed at this time, blue dragon scales emerged, a huge dragon tail and dragon claws began to appear, Kaido directly carried out Transformed into a half-animal.

"Asshole! Look at my new move, Evil Fire Bagua." Yamato spun in the air and covered the mace with all the power of evil energy. His Armed Club Haki also covered it with all its strength, and then faced Kaido's The head was swung over.

"Hahaha! Take the move, Roaring Thunder Bagua." Kaido grabbed the mace with both hands, covered it with all his Overlord Haki and Armed Haki, and then hit Yamato in the sky.

There was a strong wind in the sky, thunder was everywhere, and red and dark green energy lightning collided fiercely in the sky.

If this were the Yamato of the past, he would definitely be knocked down by Kaido in one blow. However, Yamato, who drank the blood of evil energy and transformed into a demonic form, actually took over Kaido's thunder and gossip.

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