Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 195 Targeting the living planet, take Ai-chan and Mr. Sa to Marvel

After hearing Rhodes' words, Sargeras's eyes lit up instantly.

Originally, he went to another universe this time just to explore the way and find out what kind of existence the soul of the planet in other universes was?

Are they the same as the Titans from their universe?

But now this kid seems to have given himself a new choice, to capture a mutated version of Titan, or the soul of the planet? What kind of deformity is it?

"Oh! It looks like there is an unexpected surprise. Rhodes, can you give me a detailed introduction to the deformed World Soul?" Sargeras asked.

"How should I put it? He was originally just a brain, a giant brain. Then he began to collect some dust in the universe and began to assemble his own body. Gradually it turned into a small planet. In terms of size, it was probably larger than Ms. Bai and The blue children are slightly older.

He possesses a supernatural power, and uses this power to create a humanoid shape that can walk freely on other planets.

Then this guy is very keen on breeding offspring and female breeding offspring of various races, hoping to give birth to a child with his magical power.

He gave birth to thousands of children, and even his bones were piled up in mountains. "Rhodes gave Sargeras a good introduction to what kind of existence Star-Lord's father Ego is.

This guy is also interested in having children, but the child he gives birth to is in the hope that the other person will inherit his godly power. Over tens of thousands of years, he gave birth to thousands of children, and all of them disappointed him.

It wasn't until a certain idiot dance king appeared that the old guy saw hope, if possible.

Rhodes really wanted to introduce Yi Ge to Auntie. Compared with First Brother, Auntie's childbirth skills were vastly inferior! The bones of their descendants could pile up into mountains.

"This guy's character is really perverted! So is he considered the soul of the planet?

He built a small planet from the dust in the universe. "

Azeroth, who was standing aside, also complained, this bastard's character is really unpleasant! Leave it to Sargeras, there's no pressure at all.

"He is indeed a living planet with very powerful abilities. In his world, he is a Celestial Clan. The power of the Celestials in him cannot be faked, and he has lived for millions of years." Rhodes continued. Start popularizing science.

“If that’s the case, I might be able to restore Argus to normal and then convince him to join our great plan.

Then use it to replace Argus, allowing him to provide energy for the Legion's demonic resurrection. "Sargeras immediately thought of a good use for Egg.

Giving birth to children everywhere in the universe is really overkill. You should make greater contributions to the universe. Contribute your divine power!

If Rhodes' theory is correct, then you can resurrect the demons of the Burning Legion and provide a steady stream of energy.

"What about his children? Are there any of his children who have inherited the power of his gods?" Azeroth asked.

"He slaughtered thousands of descendants because they did not inherit his godly power, so he did not want to admit that these children were his descendants."

Obviously, Sargeras was a little disappointed when he heard this. How a new Titan is born is also the question he has been looking for.

"But as far as I know, an Earth woman gave birth to a descendant with the blood of a god." Rhodes suddenly changed the subject and said.

"It seems that we are very busy in another world. Why don't we bring a legion battleship there?

The battleships of the Burning Legion can travel through the universe. "

At this moment, Mr. Sa has set his goal of traveling across the world to a certain living planet.

He wants to capture this living planet, this deformed member of the Celestial Clan.

"Lord Sargeras, I can only take two or three people through at most, unless a permanent portal is built.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take too many people there, and that world is quite dangerous. "

The Burning Legion does have spaceships.

But the problem is, if you drive a space battleship with thousands of demons inside, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the top beings in the Marvel world.

We need to keep a low profile.

"I understand. So Rhodes, you should have a detailed plan, right? A plan to capture that living planet." Sargeras asked.

"Of course, so this time I went to ask Lord Sargeras, you must listen to my arrangements.

There are really powerful beings in that world that you can't imagine. Even the number of Titans, the gods, among them has reached thousands. "

The number of cosmic gods is no joke, but as long as you don't do anything to destroy the universe, these guys basically don't care.

They are more about observation and measurement.

"Thousand-man Titan? Let's go quickly! I can't wait."

"Well! Azeroth, you can return now."

The plan has been successful, and now Azeroth can continue to return to the core of the planet to sleep.

"Why should I return? Can't I go with you? I can always use Tyrande's body." Azeroth said very dissatisfied.

After finally finding a suitable body, and with two masters protecting her, of course she wanted to go out and slip away together.

"Okay! But let's agree first. After arriving in the new world, you must obey my command in everything, and you must not mess around. Do you understand?"

Sargeras and Azeroth nodded at the same time, agreeing with Rhodes' words.

After dealing with the two Titan-level beings, Rhodes immediately ordered the demons in the Dark Temple to remain as they were, waiting for the Alliance and Horde armies to attack.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the Undercity, summoned Kaido, Sylvanas and others, and explained to them his journey across the world.

"Titan-level characters? Sargeras and Azeroth, this sounds like a dream. You actually want to take these two existences to other worlds." Sylvanas said with emotion.

"There is no way. In order to fight against the powerful void force, I must win over all the forces or people who may become friends."

"Boy Rhodes, can't I come with you this time?"

The old father-in-law was a little dissatisfied. He had obviously agreed to take him to that world, but he didn't take him with him twice in a row.

Could it be said that my strength has lagged so far behind? Rhodes doesn't look down on his own strength!

No, I have to work hard to practice after I go back, and I must not let my strength drop!

“This time there are two Titan-level bosses, and I have to keep an eye on them.

It is really dangerous to bring more people with you. I promise you that I will take you with me to the next world. "Rhode also showed a look of helplessness.

The old father-in-law still needs to be in charge of Wano Country. Now that girl Yamato has just become a general, Wano Country still needs the old father-in-law's deterrence.

At least he has to wait until Golden Lion and Hawkeye completely control the domineering power before his old father-in-law can continue to follow him everywhere.

"What if the Alliance and the Horde attack the Dark Temple together during your time travel? Do you want to implement your plan? You still want to gain a reputation, right?" Sylvanas asked.

Rhodes had previously planned to once again increase the reputation of the Azeroth Alliance, so he specially arranged a copy of the Dark Temple.

If we leave now, wouldn't this copy of the Dark Temple be in vain?

"This is a small matter. If the coalition forces start to attack the Dark Temple, just ask my father-in-law to participate in it in my name. Everything is arranged anyway."

There will be many opportunities in the future to gain reputation and so on. This copy of the Dark Temple is mainly to give the coalition forces in Azeroth a target and direction to attack.

"I understand. When the time comes, I will go there in person and let that Illidan explode himself." The old father-in-law nodded.

"Lord Rhodes! My abilities should be very helpful to you! Take me with you!" Brynn said.

Her memory modification and usurping abilities are very buggy, and she really wants to stay with Rhodes.

"No! You don't have to go this time. Trust me, the fewer people there are, the better. You should always stay at home and train your abilities." Rhodes thought for a moment and rejected Brynn's offer. proposal.

Sargeras and Azeroth go to the Earth in the Marvel Universe together, and they are likely to welcome the Ancient One Mage, and he will have to explain himself then.

And he had to prepare some gifts for Ancient One. Ancient One wanted some life-type spells before. During his time in the world of Azeroth, Rhodes had collected a lot of Druid spells.

"I understand, don't worry! Leave everything here to us." Sylvanas said.

After appeasing his men, Rhodes came to the Dark Temple again. At this time, Sargeras was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with arcane magic and evil power constantly changing in his body.

As for Azeroth, it stood aside and stared at Sargeras with curiosity. The order and chaos of the other party's body were constantly changing.

"Azeroth, what's going on with him?"

Rhodes looked at the man sitting cross-legged on the ground. Illidan's body, under the control of Mr. Sa, at this time, half of Illidan's body is an ordinary night elf, and the other half is a demon.

The picture is quite strange, with evil and arcane energy being continuously smelted.

"Rhode, you are back. He said that you just left, so he wanted to integrate the arcane energy and evil power in this body.

have to say! Sargeras is really a genius, and he turned out to be a genius with just a split soul.

By integrating the arcane magic and evil power in this body, he would soon be able to transform Illidan's body back into the appearance of a night elf.

And he can switch to Demon Hunter mode at any time. Your advice to him is quite useful! "Azeroth glanced at Rhodes intentionally or unintentionally.

Originally, Azeroth thought that only he could achieve this kind of balancing power and control other force powers. Unexpectedly, Sargeras could also do it after some guidance from Rhodes.

"I didn't give him any advice. To be honest, I was a little confused!"

When Rhodes heard this, he smiled a little awkwardly.

Please! I didn't give him any advice, it was completely realized by him after he saw the balance between evil energy and life in me.

The intelligence of Titan-level life forms is quite powerful, but sometimes it's just because they haven't seen it before that they don't think about it.

"There is no need to belittle yourself, Sargeras just owes you a favor, keep it well.

We will have to make him pay us back in the future. We can't let him suffer any loss. "Azeroth patted Rhodes on the shoulder and said.

Sargeras's fusion method also made Azeroth's eyes light up. After all, this is the path she is taking.

But Sargeras, I have fused more Force than you, and I am originally stronger than you.

"Okay, then let Sargeras owe us a big favor! I also have something to tell you."

"You tell me!"

Rhodes used the previous plan with Sargeras to use holy light, shadow, arcane, fel energy, life, and death to create six infinite gems of this universe.

"Your plan is really crazy! But this plan is indeed feasible, but I think with Sargeras' ability.

He can't create six infinite gems belonging to our universe, even if he gets the carrier and technology.

He doesn't control the six major forces. This should be done by me after I was born. "Azeroth showed a smug smile.

Sargeras has just started on this path, but she had already started before she was born.

Whether Sargeras can integrate other original powers in the future is still an unknown! He wants to create the six infinite gems of this universe.

Azeroth can only say, haha!

Please! I just want Mr. Sargeras to work for me. As for whether he can succeed, I don’t know.

At this time, Sargeras, who was sitting on the ground, also woke up. His appearance changed from a demon hunter to an ordinary night elf, with arcane light shining in his eyes.

"I heard what you said, but I still have some confidence in myself. If I can't do it, I can leave it to Azeroth."

"It's good that you understand. You definitely can't do it." Azeroth seemed very confident.

"Let's go! "Rods took Azeroth and Sargeras and activated the power of travel, heading to the Earth of the Marvel Universe.

After a burst of light, the three appeared on a desert.

Sargeras couldn't wait to slowly put his hand on the surface of the ground, and then began to open his mind and feel the planetary soul of this universe.

Suddenly, Sargeras' eyes began to become ferocious, and his face was full of anger.

"Asshole! This is not the soul of the world at all, this is a bunch of damn parasites.

They are no different from the Old Gods, they are all a group of parasites, and they parasitize this planet!"


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