The currency in the Marvel Universe is completely useless to Rhodes, Sargeras and others.

However, Rhodes' main purpose was to take the little raccoon away. Intimidation would definitely not work, so he could only use inducements.

"Of course, I'm Rocket, and I've locked onto the kid named Star-Lord, his spaceship, and his planet," Rocket said.

"So! Now do you want to go to Quill to get the cosmic spirit ball and find the mysterious buyer first, or do you want to go to Egg first?" Yondu asked.

To be honest, he is a little curious now, what is this so-called cosmic spirit ball?

When someone asked them to find it before, he didn't care much about it, but now Yondu is a little concerned. After all, this is 4 billion!

All these scavengers have not made that much money over the years.

"You don't need to know this now. Knowing too much about the things in the cosmic spirit ball will not do you any good," Rhodes said.

Rhodes boarded his spaceship with Yondu himself, the little raccoon, and the tree man Groot, as well as a captive Yondu, and the remaining scavengers.

Rhodes dumped them locally, and they would drive by themselves after they woke up. Yondu, who had left the spaceship, had left some messages for them in advance.

It probably means that I want to accompany people to do something, and let them go back to the scavenger's base first. After finishing the thing, I will go back to find them.

"I want to ask a question, how did you two come to this desolate planet? Apart from my two scavenger ships, there should be no other spaceships nearby." Yondu looked at the rocket and the trees. Groot asked.

"Oh! You said this, your subordinates were a bit too stupid, and I got into your spaceship directly." Rocket said nonchalantly.

"Hmph! It seems that when I get back, I'm going to teach the gatekeeper a lesson."

"It's necessary. For the job of guarding the gate, you must find a reliable person. The stupid big guy you chose, haha!" Rocket Yondu and Tree Man Groot were chatting animatedly in the outer cabin.

Rhodes, Sargeras, and several others from Azeroth were in the inner cabin.

"Rhode, what exactly is in that cosmic spirit ball?"

"The thing inside the cosmic spirit ball is the power stone, one of the infinite stones, and its buyer is the collector.

Not long after, a reality gem was sent over. "

The remaining Infinity Stones, Time Stone, and Mind Stone are all on Earth, the Space Stone is in Asgard, and the last Soul Stone is more special, but if Thanos is told its exact location, then he should run to sacrifice his daughter. . (The Battle of New York had already happened at this time. A few months after Thor ended, the Battle of New York happened.)

"Is this the kind of energy you gave me? In this case, I can try to absorb the power of this infinite stone." Azeroth said.

Now that her complete soul has come over, she can naturally absorb more energy from the infinite stones.

"This time, let's get the power gem first, and then take the son of the God of the Universe to kill him. His son has inherited the power of the God of the Universe and should be able to affect his body."

"You mean the father and son will kill each other! Why is that?"

"His situation is a bit special. This guy is a super stallion. He leaves seeds everywhere in the universe. The mother of this direct descendant was killed by his father himself.

So you know, if you tell him all this, then his son will definitely help us and even join our side. " Rhodes said.

"It's worth meeting his son. I'm quite curious about the descendants of gods and humans." Sargeras said.

Their Titan clan cannot give birth to life unless the other person is also a Titan. For the son of the god of this universe, although the other person is deformed, Sargeras is still more interested.

"Mr. Sa, do we want to bring back the members of the Universe Celestial Clan from Earth this time?"

"I plan to study the opponent's strength first. We must fully understand your enemy, which is the best time to take action.

Our goal this time is to capture the energy of the two infinite gems you mentioned.

Then it would be enough to capture this deformed cosmic god and his son. Sargeras said.

Sargeras, who has the power to restore order, will not do anything irrational.

"Well, the Cosmic God Group is still very powerful. Offending them rashly is really not a good choice." Rhodes nodded and said.

After everyone chatted for a while, Rhodes and Azeroth returned to their room.

"You seem to be very interested in that little raccoon. Is there anything special about it? According to my observations.

It seems to be just an ordinary life, or even just a modified experimental subject. "Azeroth asked curiously.

"I plan to bring him to our world. He is a very good scientific researcher, if he is willing to help me.

So no matter what kind of technological item it is, this little guy can handle it. " Rhodes said.

Now that he has met Rocket, he must be abducted to Azeroth no matter what.

After chatting with Azeroth for a while, Rod got up and left. At this time, the people outside had dispersed. Groot and Yondu had gone back to their rooms to sleep.

Rocket was sitting aside, fiddling with some high-tech small parts in his hands.

"Your name is Rocket, right? Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?" Rod sat next to Rocket and asked.

"What to do in the future? Haha! I never think about these things. I just want to make money now." Rocket said, and continued to fiddle with the parts in his hand.

There is a high probability of fighting next, so he has to get some big guys. Rocket found a lot of useful gadgets on this Skrull spaceship.

"You have strong manufacturing ability. You are a top scientist. How about coming to work for me?" Rod asked.

"Ha! How much can you pay me if I work for you?" Rocket looked up and asked Rod.

This guy is quite knowledgeable and knows his level. To put it bluntly, there are not many people smarter than him in the entire universe. Anyway, he has never seen a life smarter than himself.

But he won't live long. If he can afford the price, then Rocket is not averse to working for him.

"I know your origins. You are an artificial life form created by a Supreme Evolution."

Rocket's hand trembled after saying this. He was silent for a moment and looked up at Rhodes.

"You are not here to catch me on his orders, are you?"

No wonder the other party knows his value! It turns out that he knows the Supreme Evolution. Is he sent by the Supreme Evolution to catch him?

"He can't order me. If you are willing to work for me, I will destroy him for you."

"I am quite interested in this, but I can't live for long. Even if I want to work for you, I can't work for too long.

I have about ten years left at most. My original life span is less than twenty years." Rocket said.

"If you want, I can use life energy to transform your body and turn you into a normal life form. Not to mention living for decades, hundreds or even thousands of years is not a problem." Rhodes said.

Sometimes the world of mythology is so perverted. The ultimate perfect life form that the Supreme Evolution wants, can you be more perfect than Titan?

"Hahaha! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Are you kidding me, man? I'm not easy to fool. My IQ is very high." Rocket fell to the ground and laughed.

"Come and feel it!" Rod put his hand on Rocket's head, and the other party instinctively wanted to resist.

But the emerald green energy in Rod's palm made him feel incomparably comfortable and at ease.

A stream of emerald green life energy slowly entered Rocket's body through Rod's palm.

Then it began to repair his body, his body that was transformed by biology and even spliced.

"Well! Uh! Oh, man, this is so damn comfortable.

It's like soaking in a hot spring or lying in the woods. Anyway, it's a comfortable feeling that can't be described." Rocket said with an intoxicated expression.

Under the infusion of Rhodes' life energy, the parts of his body that were originally spliced ​​together slowly merged together, and his own life energy also increased.

A few minutes later, Rhodes retracted his palm.

"Your body is relatively fragile. I only infused you with a little life energy, and it reached your limit. Your life span should be more than a hundred years now." Rhodes said.

"Really?" Rocket stood up doubtfully. He felt that his body was extremely light, and his whole body was full of vitality, full of strength, and endless energy.

"I am Groot." Treeman Groot appeared here at some point.

"You said that the life energy in his body is very similar to that of your clan?

This is a very precious power. My life span has indeed been increased." Rocket looked at Groot and asked.

"I am Groot." Treeman Groot nodded.

"That's right! Consider coming to work for me.

Oh! By the way! Groot, there are a lot of tree people in my world.

If you are willing to work for me, I can take you to see and introduce you to a few tree people." Rod said with a smile.

"I am Groot." Obviously, Rod's words touched the heart of the tree man Groot, and he looked at Rocket Raccoon with expectation.

"Okay! Okay! I agreed for you."


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