Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 205: Teaching evil energy and reaching Asgard

During the next period of sailing, Sargeras had been concentrating on studying the Power Stone, while Rhodes would be bored chatting with Yondu, Rocket, Groot, Star-Lord, and a few others.

As for Azeroth, he usually stays in his room and continues to digest the energy of the power gem in his body. Although it is only in the form of soul, for the soul of the planet, the soul is the most important thing.

So she absorbed the energy of the Power Stone and could digest this energy to strengthen her soul.

"So boss, you are a demigod who can live for tens of thousands of years." Rocket took a sip of beer and looked at Rhodes and asked.

"Yes! I am a demigod, a very powerful one."

"It seems that I have a bright future in the future. Boss, what are you going to ask me to do? Give me some information in advance!" Rocket crossed his legs and looked at Rhodes and asked.

"For now, I want you to help transform an arsenal. What do you think of the technological level there? There are laser weapons and gunpowder weapons." The technology in the pirate world is really weird.

"Are you kidding me? Are you mistaken about the gunpowder weapon? That kind of antique? I can improve the laser weapon for you. It's no problem to help you build an arsenal.

But gunpowder weapons, please! I don't want to play that old game. " Rocket showed a speechless expression.

Are you kidding? It's okay to ask him to improve the arsenal, but forget about gunpowder weapons!

He doesn't like playing with backward things.

"Ahem! The level of technology over there is rather weird. There are space-based weapons and laser weapons, but there are also things like matchlock guns and antique cannons."

A large number of navy soldiers still use the old-fashioned rifles from the 18th and 19th centuries, and the old-fashioned projectiles fired from artillery.

"It's really weird, but I can handle this. It's easy and enjoyable." Rocket said with his legs crossed.

"Mr. Rhodes, if you want some weapons, our cosmic scavengers can actually help.

We can get you a lot of cheap and useful weapons. "Yondu said, showing his big gold teeth.

You have found the wrong person, brother. If you ask this little guy to produce it for you from scratch, it is better to buy it ready-made. There are many thieves in our universe, so we can't get any weapons.

As long as you give me money, I can find a large number of weapons for you. There are many weapons traded on the black market in the universe.

"I forgot about you, okay? You also help me find a batch of goods. What do you want to help me with, or is it Cosmic Star Coins?" Rhodes patted Yondu on the shoulder and said.

"Speaking of remuneration, boss, can I learn that green energy?" Yondu's eyes lit up and he asked.

After seeing the destructive power, he became interested in it.

"So, do you want to learn the power of evil?" Rhodes glanced at Yondu in surprise.

This guy actually wants to learn evil powers. It seems that the previous battle between Sargeras and Ego gave him a great shock.

"You can also learn that kind of thing. I thought it was his natural power!" Rocket sitting aside also became interested.

He also saw the scene when Sargeras showed his power, hanging and beating the so-called God of the Universe. The destructive power of that green energy was quite huge.

"Yes, this kind of power can be cultivated through learning, but this kind of power will cause some corrosive effects on the body.

And if you don't do it right, you will become addicted to this power and be corrupted by this energy into a demon. "Rhode briefly introduced the power of evil energy to a few people.

The risk of being infected with the power of evil is still very high, and this world is not a pirate world. Demons infected by the power of evil can be transformed into their own power.

"I am Groot." The tree man Groot patted the little raccoon on the shoulder, and then shook his head at him, the meaning was self-evident.

"Okay! Okay! I get it."

"What did this guy just say?" Yondu looked at the little raccoon.

"Groot said that that kind of power is very dangerous. He feels that it is the natural enemy of life. It is best not to learn it."

"Isn't that just right? We, the scavengers of the universe, just need this kind of power."

What a joke, they cosmic scavengers wear their heads in their belts. The more dangerous the power, the more interested they are.

And he is so eager for a kind of extraordinary power!

"It's not impossible to teach you this kind of power. What can I get?"

"I will work with you from now on. What do you want? Just tell me and I will take the cosmic scavengers under me to find it." Yondu said.

"Okay, let me teach you some evil power!" Rhodes smiled, took out an empty wine glass, and poured some green unknown liquid into it.

"Uh! What is this green thing?"

"It looks like the blood of some animal."

"This is called evil blood. It is the blood of an abyss lord. After drinking it, you can control the power of evil. This is the simplest way."

Now that he has the Burning Legion on his back, there are so many evil-blooded Rhodes that he can get them as much as he wants.

Yondu picked up the evil blood with excitement on his face, then took a deep breath and drank the blood.

After taking the blood of fel energy, Yondu's body immediately reacted violently. The green light of fel energy flowed in his body, and Yondu's eyes were even stained with the green color of fel energy.

Rhodes quickly put his hands on his shoulders and injected some life energy to balance the situation in his body.

After a few minutes, the green light in Yondu's eyes dissipated, and some evil patterns appeared on his body, embedded in the blue skin.

"I felt it, an energy flowing through me."

"Congratulations, you have successfully gained a supernatural power and become a warlock. Now I can teach you some evil spells.

First of all, we have three specializations, destruction, demons, and pain. You don’t have to think about demons, and you can’t summon them in this world.

Pain and destruction specialization, you choose one to learn! " Rhodes said.

"Which one is more powerful and easier to deal with enemies?"

"The Destruction Warlock is good at various fire attacks and releases evil flames. As for the Pain Warlock, his attacks are more weird, and he imposes various curses on the enemy to torture the enemy." Rhodes said.

"I choose Pain Warlock, this one suits me better." Yondu said.

"No problem, I'll teach you some spells. After we separate, I will give you a spell manual. Just follow it and learn it yourself. From now on, you will work for me."

Yondu nodded and told Rhodes that as long as it did not violate the most basic standards of scavengers in their universe, he would do anything.

Even if he wants to fight a cosmic war, he can recruit a large group of mercenaries. The first task Rhodes gives them is to get himself a batch of weapons and collect some intelligence about the universe.

The fel spell has its first user in the Marvel Universe.

After a few more days of sailing, everyone arrived at Asgard.

At this time, the broadcast in the spacecraft actually rang automatically.

"You have entered the sacred Asgard territory. Turn around and leave immediately, otherwise we will attack you."

"We are here to visit the God-King Odin."

"Leave Asgard immediately, immediately! I won't repeat it to you a second time."

It was obvious that the King of Hell was easy to meet and the kid was difficult to deal with. Asgard's guards did not take a fancy to Rhodes and others at all.

"We are also a race of gods, and we want to come and visit God King Odin." Azeroth stood beside Rhodes and said.

Just kidding, he and Sargeras are the souls of the planet, but he came here with a complete soul, and his life level is even higher than Odin.

Don't talk about yourself, even Rhodes has surpassed most people in this country.

There was silence for a moment in the direction of Asgard, and soon another deep voice sounded. This time it was obvious that someone else was negotiating with Rhodes and others.

"I am Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. What is your purpose? Two god kings, and this young god."

Heimdall's eyes are very special, he can see into the opponent's spaceship.

There is a pet rabbit, a tree man, a man with special godly powers, and a space scavenger. These few people are nothing. (Asgardians will mistake rockets for rabbits. This is an easter egg in the movie.)

The real key is the remaining three people, two of whom are obviously god-king level beings, very high-level gods.

Moreover, the other party's life form seems to be just a clone.

The remaining one has a life level similar to that of Thor, perhaps a little stronger. He feels life and destruction from the other person, and the two forces coexist.

This strange combination made Heimdall not dare to neglect.

"We want to meet God King Odin. We come with good intentions. There is one thing we hope to get God King Odin's help with." Rhodes said.

"Wait a moment, I'm going to ask the God King if he is willing to see you." Heimdall finished the call with Rhodes and others.

Then he immediately came to the God King's Hall and met the God King Odin.

"His Royal Highness, that's it, these three foreign gods, how should we deal with this matter?"

"Since the other party is also a god, then they are guests when they come to Asgard. You go and bring them in." Odin said after thinking for a moment.

His life is about to come to an end, and one of his two sons is imprisoned, and the other is not strong enough to fight against his eldest daughter.

Maybe we can make friends with these foreign gods, but let’s see what they want to do first?

After getting the approval of the God King, the Rainbow Bridge was soon opened, introducing Rhodes and others into Asgard.

"Welcome the three gods to Asgard."

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