Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 208: Infusion of Life Force, Odin Returns to the Peak

How strong is Odin? He is definitely at the level of the Father of Heaven. Hela is very powerful, but even if Hela gets all her power, she is not Odin's opponent.

If this old guy goes to the universe where he and others are.

Then it will be a great benefit for Azeroth. At least there is a heavyweight master to resist the void, and there are a lot of Asgardians behind him.

More importantly, there is a Hall of Valor in the world of Azeroth, and there is a guardian Odin. The Vikus under his command are simply too much like Asgard.

In the future, Rhodes will deal with these Titan guardians. After all, Azeroth will not be born in the form of Titans, but will be above Titans.

So this great guardian is also a target to be eliminated, and then the God King Odin will go over to take a look.

Damn! How can there be a steel version of myself? And he is a professional younger brother to others. How can this be tolerated!

If you don't take out the Eternal Spear, go and kill this Odin!

Valarjar also has the Hall of Valor, which is perfect for Odin to live in. Moving the entire Asgard to Azeroth can also greatly enhance the power of Azeroth itself.

"What is the power of the void?" Odin was stunned when he heard this and asked.

"The void is a very corrosive force. They may be one or a group.

They want to devour the entire real universe. All the universes in our world are facing the threat of the dark void.

They are outright destroyers, intending to destroy everything. All creatures that have come into contact with them will be twisted, crazy, deformed, and become their slaves." Sargeras stood up at this time and explained to Odin what the void is.

After all, the void force is Sargeras' old rival! In addition to destroying the world, the most important task of the Burning Legion is to eliminate the power of the void.

Sargeras has repeatedly led the Burning Legion forces under his command, as well as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, to eliminate the void forces together.

"It seems that your universe is not very safe either. Do you have any hope of defeating this void force?" Odin asked.

There was no way. He had to consider for the sake of his people. If the Asgardians went over, they would face a greater threat, which would be terrible.

If they avoided Ragnarok and faced a greater void crisis, he would be incompetent as the God King.

So he had to understand how strong this so-called void force was? What was its specific combat power?

"We are confident that we can defeat the void, and I will win over more allies in the future. Now is the time to make a choice, Lord God King Odin.

Do you want to join us? We will provide you with a safe territory for you and your people to live in, and you will help us deal with the void forces, or do you choose to give up?" Rhodes looked at Odin, who was sitting high up, and spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Odin fell into silence. He really didn't know how to choose. Should he face Ragnarok or lead his people to take a gamble?

If they faced Ragnarok, according to his prophecy, more than 90% of the Asgardians would die, and only a small number would survive.

"No matter what you say, I have to consider my people. I have to know the extent of the void threat you are facing." Odin said.

"So, how do you want to know?"

"I will send my son, Thor, to your world to investigate. His observations will be fed back to me. In the end, I will decide whether to go to your universe. I can promise you.

If I decide to go to your world in the end, then I will lead my people to help you fight against the void forces wholeheartedly." Odin said.

To deal with an extremely terrifying force, it is not enough to know the enemy well. Now Thor has grown up, although he is still a little impulsive.

But he can be independent, so he plans to send his son over and let Thor go to see what the new world is like.

If the void has not completely invaded their world, then Odin plans to go there. Anyway, the Asgardians are not afraid of war. On the contrary, the Asgardians are quite warlike.

It has been a thousand years of peace, and the Asgardians really want to fight.

"Okay! This time, I will take your son to our world to observe our world on your behalf and see if it suits your taste." Rhodes said.

To be honest, Rhodes is already looking forward to it. What will Thor's expression be when he sees another version of himself and another version of the guardian Odin?

Even in the future, when traveling through the heavens and the worlds, will he meet a Shiba Inu with a hammer, or a super fat Thor? (The fat Thor mentioned here is not the fat man in Avengers 4, but a Thor who fought against Kratos. To be honest, the Thor in God of War 5 is really strong.)

"Then we have a happy cooperation! I will ask someone to bring the space gem immediately, as well as the ice treasure box and the branches of the world tree. When can you infuse me with vitality?" Odin nodded and asked.

"Let's find a quiet room! Lord God King." Rhodes said.

Odin nodded and ordered his men to get what Rhodes and others wanted.

He brought Azeroth, Rhodes and others to a quiet room, where he entered Odin's sleep.

"Let's start! Dear."

Azeroth nodded to Rhodes, then came to Odin, stretched out her hands, and a green life energy began to emerge in her palms.

"Okay, God King Odin, please sit cross-legged there. No matter what happens later, don't resist. Just accept this power slowly. Leave everything else to me." Azeroth said.

"Okay, thank you, Ms. Azeroth. I can feel how pure the life force in your hand is." Odin nodded and closed his eyes after hearing this, put down the Eternal Spear in his hand, and fell into a state of emptiness.

The green energy in Azeroth's hand began to slowly inject into Odin's body, and a huge and magnificent life force began to inject.

Odin's body exuded a green light. At this moment, Odin felt as if he was in the ocean of life, as if he had returned to his mother's arms, and as if he was lying in the warm spring water in winter, and then drank a glass of mead.

In short, it was a word, comfortable, comfortable, comfortable, comfortable as can be!

A steady stream of emerald green life energy began to be injected into Odin's body, but it was obvious that everyone underestimated Odin's body and the God King. His body was like a bottomless pit, constantly receiving the life force from Azeroth.

Azeroth was a little surprised at this time. The power she was infusing was enough for an ordinary life form to live for thousands of years, but this God King might have only increased his life by less than a hundred years.

However, with Rhodes by his side, his life force was endless, because the mark of the Emerald Dream was by his side, and the power gem was also by his side.

She could draw the energy of the power gem anytime and anywhere, and she was like a converter, constantly converting the energy of the power gem into life force, and then injecting it into Odin's body.

Enough for an ordinary person to live for 10,000 years of life injection was completed, 20,000 years, 30,000 years, 100,000 years, 200,000 years, a steady stream of life force was injected into Odin's body.

Even Azeroth had some sweat on her head, even though she was just an energy converter, she was a little overwhelmed.

The physical strength of this old man was far beyond her imagination.

At this time, Odin's body was a little saturated, his gray hair turned golden, and his face began to become younger.

His whole body was more upright, and a strong momentum emanated from him.

Azeroth stopped the transmission of life force panting, and Rhodes hurried forward and hugged his future wife in his arms.

"I'm fine, huh! Huh, it's just that my soul is a little tired. I just converted too much life force.

If it weren't for the power gem, I guess I couldn't bear it." Azeroth said speechlessly.

The old man's physical fitness was too strong, but the benefits he got were also huge, through the infusion of life force.

She also learned about some of the Asgardians' divine power, and secretly stole part of their divine power.

Just now, this old man converted a lot of life force into his own divine power, and Azeroth secretly stole a lot of Odin's divine power.

Azeroth's soul was a little tired now. After all, she had been converting life force non-stop just now, which made her a little overwhelmed.

"Rod, I'm going to sleep for a while. During this period, Tyrande will take over the control of my body temporarily!" Azeroth yawned and said.

After getting the power of the Asgardians, Ai-chan couldn't wait to go back and study this power carefully.

But before that, she had to sleep for a while to let her tired soul recover.

"How long will you sleep?" Rod asked with concern.

"It won't take long, probably a few days. I'm just a little tired. I'll leave my body to Tyrande these days." Azeroth said.

Rod nodded when he heard it.

Odin also woke up at this time. After moving his body, he said with a look of surprise.

"It's incredible. I've recovered to my peak!"

I can't believe that I can still recover to the energy of my prime years, and my power is even stronger. Recovering a young body has not weakened his power much.

He became even more powerful, and his life span increased by more than 1,500 years. In this state, he could live for at least another 2,000 years.

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