"Your Majesty, the noble God, what conditions do you need to help us transform these weapons?" The Dwarf King bowed to Rhodes and asked.

"First of all, I want to tell you one thing clearly. My ability is a kind of soul energy application.

So it is equivalent to giving some extra soul energy to these weapons, and even other objects. I can also give them soul power to make them self-aware.

But correspondingly, the soul energy I consume is not produced for no reason.

In addition to consuming my own soul energy, I can also extract the life of other life forms, convert it into soul energy, and then give life to a dead object."

Rhodes told the dwarfs and Thor about his special abilities, how to use and operate them.

"My God, it is actually an ability related to the soul, and it can also create life, which means that you can extract part of other people's soul energy, or vitality, right?" The Dwarf King nodded and asked.

This ability is very powerful, and this power to extract the soul or life of others should be a top-level dark magic!

In fact, many gods, even Odin, the king of Asgard, practiced dark magic, so these dwarves were not opposed to dark magic.

"That's right, but I will charge 1/10 of the reward, so you can pay some life, that is, soul energy, and then give your weapons vitality.

But don't worry, if you have a potion to replenish soul energy or a potion to replenish life energy, then these lost life can also be replenished." Rhodes said.

"It's really a strange magic. Your Highness Rhodes, can you give life to my Thor's hammer?" Thor picked up his meow hammer and said.

Thor, who has been fighting with him for hundreds of years, is quite willing to give it vitality and make it alive.

"Of course no problem, but I need to charge 1/10 of the reward. How much soul energy does Thor intend to pay to give wisdom to your weapon?" Rhodes smiled and looked at Thor, the god of thunder, and asked.

It's not easy! After waiting for so long, you finally took the bait.

The souls of these dwarves are precious, but the soul energy of you, the prince of Asgard, Thor, is even more precious.

"How much do you think is appropriate? My weapon is very powerful." Thor said.

He couldn't wait for his Meow Hammer to come back to life. Thinking that Meow Hammer could chat with him in the future, Thor was already very excited.

And the most important thing is that they are Asgardians. How could Asgardians not have something to replenish soul energy?

Some special treasures, even dark magic, can replenish soul energy as long as they are used.

"Thor, your father actually prepared a very special king weapon for you. It is the top weapon forged by your Asgard, and even surpasses the Eternal Spear to a certain extent.

If you want to give a weapon perfect wisdom, then this weapon is the most suitable." The dwarf king looked at Thor and said.

A hundred years ago, the god king Odin had already begun to prepare his own king weapon for Thor! The king weapons of each generation of Asgardian monarchs will become more and more powerful.

Thor's weapon is even equivalent to a single-player version of the Rainbow Bridge. It has absolute power and is the most powerful artifact.

"My father prepared a king's weapon for me?" Thor asked.

The king's weapon is far superior to other artifacts. It is a weapon that can only be forged and held by the kings of each generation of Asgard.

Odin's king's weapon is the Eternal Spear, and Thor's Hammer is the weapon he used.

"Yes, King Odin has prepared it long ago. The mold is here, just waiting for one day, when you awaken the real power of Thor, you can have this weapon." The dwarf king said.

Thor now has not awakened the power of Thor all over his body. Rather than saying that he is the God of Thunder, it is better to say that he is the God of Hammer. He relies entirely on his hammer Mjolnir to fight.

"Maybe my father thinks that I am not ready to accept this weapon now! But it doesn't matter. There are many ways to replenish soul energy. I think my Mjolnir is quite easy to use." Thor said.

"So do you two want to try?" Stop talking nonsense, I'm still waiting for soul energy!

"Then let's extract mine first! We Asgardians have a long life span, so let's extract 110 years of life first, and use 100 years of life to empower my Thor's hammer." Thor looked at Rhodes and said.

The life span of ordinary Asgardians is about 5,000 years. As for their royal family, their life span is even longer. His father Odin has lived for at least 10,000 years. (In the comics, the Avengers of the ancient times of the earth, the first generation of Phoenix Girl, Mammoth, Ghost Rider, and the first generation of Wakanda King Black Panther, all lived 100 million years ago, so Odin's life span in the comics is at least more than 1 million years old. As for the movie universe, it should be more than 10,000 years old. After all, it was Odin's father who fought the dark elves.)

"No problem, then come and stand still, don't move, I'm going to start extracting your vitality, don't resist, understand?" Rhodes came to Thor.

"OK! Come on! I can't wait to fight side by side with Mjolnir." Thor said.

Rhodes nodded, activated the power of the Soul Soul Fruit, reached into Thor's chest, and then extracted more than a hundred years of his life.

He left ten years of his life as his reward, and the remaining hundred years of his life were directly injected into Mjolnir.

After the injection of soul power, Mjolnir changed instantly.

Thor's hammer shone with blue light and underwent incredible changes. After the injection of life force, a pair of eyes and mouth suddenly opened on the silver drooping head.

"Thank you, the foreign god, for giving me life, Thor my master.

Nice to meet you. Although we have been together for a long time, this is the first time we have a real conversation." Thor's hammer said very humanely, and her voice was actually a female voice.

In fact, these artifacts have some wisdom, but they have not awakened. Rhodes provided soul energy to awaken them.

"Oh my God! You are actually a girl. I never knew you were a woman?" Thor showed a surprised expression.

He didn't expect that Thor's hammer, who had fought side by side with him for so long, was actually a woman.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have a gender, but I think you prefer this kind of voice. If you don't want it, I can become a man's voice." Thor's hammer said.

"Hahaha! No, no, this is very good."

"So it's just to make Thor's hammer gain wisdom and speak?" The dwarf king asked.

If that's all, he would be a little disappointed.

"Of course it's more than that. The weapon can fight on its own, without Thor's command at all, and it can even release all of Thor's moves." Rhodes said.

Ordinary weapons have these abilities after being given life, but Thor's hammer should have some other functions, right?

Remember that in Thor's Four Loves and Family, Thor's Hammer gave Jane the power of Thor.

"Not only that! The God who gave me life, if I want, can also inject the power of Thor into a living body.

You should know that Thor's divine power is now obtained from me." Thor's Hammer said proudly.

She can even help Thor improve his own strength and control the power of Thor more perfectly.

These are abilities it didn't have before, and it's no joke after gaining wisdom.

"Really good! You are really my good friend." Thor was very excited to start playing with his Meow Meow Hammer.

"Okay, Dwarf King, let's take a look at the upgrade of my weapon first!" Rhodes looked at the Dwarf King and said.

"No problem, to upgrade your weapon, you have to remove some of the extra materials on it. I can see that this is the top level of casting by mortal craftsmen, but if it is cast in the way of our clan.

Then it must be melted completely. The skull on it must also be removed. I have to re-melt the weapon and then add Uru metal." The Dwarf King said.

"No problem, Hades, you can stay in the skeleton weapon for the time being!" Rhodes said.

"I understand, master." Hades nodded, and his entire soul consciousness was transferred to Azothon's skeleton weapon.

Then he detached from the weapon, and the weapon was handed over to the Dwarf King.

"The iron on it is good. At least 40% of the iron is not much inferior to Uru metal, but it does not have such good magic conductivity, but it is strong enough. This weapon can be transformed into a very strong one." After checking Rhodes' weapon mace, the Dwarf King said.

"Then start forging! Dwarf King, I hope you can make my weapon more powerful."

"Give it to me! It won't take long to forge a weapon." The Dwarf King picked up Rhodes' mace and planned to forge it.

On the other side, the weapons of Azeroth and Sargeras have been forged by his subordinates.

At this moment, Helios, who was floating on the side, suddenly looked at the neutron star in the sky and showed a look of surprise.

"Helios, what's wrong with you?" Rhodes.

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