Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 214 Sargeras, the Ultimate Titan Body Plan

"It's OK if you want this kind of white dwarf material. We have a lot of it. I wonder if you can provide us with some Titan Iron? This shouldn't be difficult for you." The Dwarf King said generously.

Mining white dwarf material is a unique technology of their dwarfs. In fact, when they were making Thor's hammer, they even put a core of a white dwarf in it.

There are still a lot of white dwarfs in the universe. As long as you drive the spacecraft over, you can start mining.

"I can provide you with some Titan Iron, but I need you to provide me with a huge amount of white dwarf material first. The amount is very large." Sargeras said.

"How much do you need? This material weighs more than several thousand tons per cubic meter, or even more. It depends on the quality of the mined white dwarf.

We still have a lot of inventory here. If you want, we'll give it all to you, but you have to convert some Titan Iron for us." The Dwarf King said.

"How much white dwarf material do you have?" Sargeras asked back.

"About a few thousand cubic meters! It should be enough for you to use, no matter what weapon you want to make." The Dwarf King said.

"I'm afraid it's not enough! I need a white dwarf material the size of the earth.

You have to extract at least 4 to 5 white dwarfs." Sargeras' words surprised everyone, and the Dwarf King's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

How many white dwarf materials the size of the earth did you just say! Are you kidding? If these things are gathered together and compressed, they can become a neutron star.

Even Rhodes, who was standing aside, was a little surprised. This kind of white dwarf metal can only be used to transform Titan iron to make weapons.

Does Sargeras have any other use? Want one the size of the earth?

"Come on, are you kidding? Our clan has never extracted so much white dwarf material." The Dwarf King rolled his eyes and said.

"That's all I need, or you can teach me this technology and I'll build you an Origin Furnace.

It can even help you absorb the power of neutron stars better." Sargeras said.

"What is the Origin Furnace?" the Dwarf King asked.

"You can understand it as I'm helping you build a huge furnace that contains my power of order.

You can use this furnace to transform ordinary steel and minerals into this Titan Iron anytime and anywhere." Sargeras said.

The Origin Furnace is the technology of the Titans. As a former member of the Pantheon, Sargeras can naturally make it after regaining the power of order.

After the Origin Furnace is successfully built, as long as the Titan power inside is not used up at once.

Then this Origin Furnace can continuously absorb energy from the void and transform it into Titan power.

Transform some ordinary ores and steel into Titan Iron.

"Okay! Deal! I agree to this condition. We teach you the extraction technology of white dwarfs, and you build an Origin Furnace for us." the Dwarf King asked.

It must be said that the Dwarf King was moved by the Origin Furnace proposed by Sargeras. The output of this Titan metal is much larger than that of Uru metal.

The Dwarfs were really greedy for this thing. It would be great to have a furnace that can be converted anytime and anywhere.

Anyway, some other advanced civilizations also have the technology to extract white dwarf materials. Instead of letting others exchange and get benefits, it is better to exchange by yourself.

More importantly, the Dwarf King felt that the other party's power was even stronger than Odin. Just a clone state was already comparable to Odin.

Holding such a thigh is also good for the Dwarfs.

Sargeras nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, because Rhodes's Homiz creation, Helios, was still evolving.

And Sargeras wanted to learn the forging technology of white dwarfs from them, and instruct them to build an Origin Furnace of their own and inject Titan power into it.

So that night, everyone first settled down on the Dwarf Planet, and Thor, the God of Thunder, went back to Odin with the Rainbow Bridge to tell him the whole story.

The two sides agreed that after the manufacture of the Origin Forge was completed, Thor would come to pick up Sargeras, Rhodes and others.

"Boss Sargeras, what do you want to do with this white dwarf material extraction technology?" Rhodes asked.

Could it be that Boss Sargeras wanted to make this kind of white dwarf material weapon for the Legion? But ordinary Legion members cannot use this kind of weapon.

The weight of the white dwarf Titan metal after adding the Titan's divine power is scary enough. After all, it is white dwarf material. There should be no more than three people in the entire Legion who can use this kind of weapon.

Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were just barely able to do it.

"This technology is very important to me, and even to Azeroth. Rhodes, I must get it.

Its value is not inferior to that of the cosmic god we are about to capture, or even above it." Sargeras said.

"Can I ask about the specific use?"

It is also good for Azeroth. Isn't this thing only used to cast weapons?

Could it be that Boss Sargeras wants to use this to cast a set of armor and weapons for himself, and Azeroth also wants a set of the same style!

"It's not impossible for me to tell you. I need a large amount of this white dwarf material, at least as big as the Earth.

I plan to forge a new body for myself, a new Titan body,

all made of this white dwarf material, and then add my Titan power to forge it into super Titan metal.

Surpassing all Titans, the ultimate Titan body. "Sargeras looked at Rhodes and said excitedly.

The most important thing for Titans is the soul. All Titan power is in the soul. Their bodies are nurtured by the planet.

It is essentially ore. After the soul of the planet awakens, it will use the materials on the planet to form a body.

After the Titan power is injected, the Titan's body will come alive and have a powerful force of order. The whole body is made of Titan iron.

In theory, the structure of Titans is actually the same as that of Titan Guardians, except that Titans have more powerful Titan power.

And the guardians are just the power given by the Titans.

The Titans once tried to find a more powerful metal to forge a new body for themselves, but they never found a suitable one.

And the white dwarf material he saw today is the most suitable material for casting a new Titan body.

This white dwarf material will become more powerful after being baptized by the Titan power, surpassing what he had seen before . If he could make any metal from the white dwarf, he would be the ultimate Titan.

At that time, his body would be stronger and more indestructible than it is now, and could accommodate even greater divine power.

Combined with his own Titan divine power and the power of evil energy, Sargeras could imagine that his strength would be greatly improved.

In the future, whether facing the forces of the void, or facing new enemies and unknown forces. Then Sargeras would be more confident in defeating the other party.

Rhodes was very surprised to hear this. He did not expect that Sargeras would use white dwarf matter to forge a new body for himself.

However, this is indeed feasible, and the divine body created by the super Titan divine iron transformed from white dwarf matter can enable Sargeras to exert greater combat power.

At the end of the Legion, the Titans were originally left with only souls, but in the end they all created their own bodies, and directly resurrected and kidnapped Sargeras.

"Really, it's really a crazy idea! This idea is completely feasible. In the future, my body will also be forged in this way.

After this white dwarf matter is injected with divine power, it is indeed very suitable for the soul of the planet as a divine body. "

Azeroth, who was standing aside, showed an excited expression and looked at Sargeras and Rhodes.

After she awakens in the future, she will also use white dwarf materials such as stars to forge her strongest body.

"I understand. I will make such a body for Azeroth at that time." Rhodes nodded and said.

This kind of white dwarf material is indeed very important for Titans, and the quantity is large. The number of white dwarfs in a galaxy is quite considerable.

"No problem, but this girl must be born first. In fact, Uru metal is also suitable. If Uru metal is added.

The super Titan iron that I transformed white dwarf material into is the most perfect for casting a divine body, but the output of that kind of Uru metal is obviously not enough. "Sargeras said.

After all, the body of the Titan is too huge, and the size of the planet is indeed very material-consuming.

The entire Asgard is not as big as a satellite, so it is impossible.

"Boss Sargeras, if the head of a dead cosmic god is used to cast a new ultimate Titan body, will it help you? "Rhodes asked.

Since we are going to forge a new ultimate Titan body, I wonder if the body of the Cosmic God will be of any help?

In this universe, there is a chopped-off head of a God, which is as big as an asteroid.

"? Has anyone killed them in this universe before?"

"How should I put it? The water in this universe is very deep, and the Cosmic God Group is not the top life in this world."

"If we steal this body, it will not attract the Cosmic God Group, right? I am not ready to go to war with them."

"Not at all, because a group of mortals are mining various minerals on the head of the Cosmic God, so the Cosmic God will not care." If these Cosmic Gods would care about such things, they would not let the Difan Group develop for thousands of years.

"If so, then this is a good opportunity to understand them. I want this head of the dead Cosmic God." Sargeras showed a confident look.

How can such a good thing be missed? The head of the Cosmic God must be obtained.

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