Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 228: New Demigod of the Wilds, Confused Tyrande

I really didn't expect it! Azeroth actually prepared a divine weapon for himself. Tyrande held the divine bow in her hand, and a powerful life energy flowed in the symbiosis.

This bow is much better than her own. Just when she held this bow, Tyrande felt that her strength had been improved.

"When using this bow, you don't need arrows. Just pull the bowstring and it will produce an energy arrow. In addition, this bow also has melee capabilities.

The bowstring can be retracted, and there is a blade on the bow body. It can be bent into a sickle and straightened into a spear. You can use it as a melee weapon.

At the same time, no matter where this bow is, you just need to reach out and summon it, and it will automatically fly to your side, no matter how far away it is.

Of course, if you are in another world, you can't summon it, but in Azeroth, you can summon it to fly to you anytime and anywhere." Rhodes explained to Tyrande how to use this bow.

For beings like Azeroth and Sargeras, basically this level of artifact can only be used by the clone, and the main body can't use it at all.

The next time he travels through the world, Azeroth will continue to use this bow, and the rest of the time it will be given to Tyrande.

"It's really a magical weapon. It can be used in close combat and long-range combat. Is this a reward from Azeroth?" Tyrande asked.

"Well! Strictly speaking, it should be a reward from me. I have made great efforts to get this artifact."

The design concept of this bow was proposed by myself, referring to the weapon of Hawkeye in the Avengers, and the characteristics of bows and arrows in some myths and legends. It can be used in close combat and long-range combat. This design was also proposed by myself.

"In addition, this bow can also shoot various special energy arrows, such as freezing arrows, fire arrows, lightning arrows, and even healing arrows formed by life energy."

That's right, use life energy to condense an arrow, shoot it at your own people, and you can also heal him.

"This is really, how did you come up with such a weird treatment method?" Tyrande covered her mouth, wanting to laugh, but she held it back.

The life energy condensed into a healing arrow, shot at her own people, and treated the other party's injuries. This shame seemed to be greater.

"Ahem! This is a secret. Anyway, don't use it on me. My life energy is very sufficient."

"Okay! How do you want me to thank you for such a powerful artifact?"

How to thank me, do I need to say it?

Rhodes went up and hugged Tyrande's waist. The night elves are really blessed!

Tyrande is more than 10,000 years old, but she still looks like a 20-year-old girl.

"Ahem! No, this, this is the Moon Temple, where Elune is worshipped. My bedroom is not far from here."

What is this bastard thinking? Here, this is the temple temple! !

"It's exciting because this is the Moon Temple!"

Tyrande wanted to resist, but could you resist a wilderness demigod? Let me show you the power of a demigod!

Rhode decided to enlighten Tyrande.

At this time, the two did not notice that the statue of the moon goddess Elune above suddenly glowed with a pale white light.

The statue seemed to come alive, turning its head to look at the two people fighting below, revealing a helpless expression.

"Huh! Can you give me some fruit, Tyrande?" Rhode said lazily while lying in the center of the Moon Temple.

"You are blaspheming Elune, you, how can you do this?"

"Come on! You were more excited than me just now! I can see the excitement in your eyes, and even though you are a little old, your voice is still very beautiful." Rhode stroked Tyrande's hair and said.

Tyrande seemed a little annoyed when she heard this, but she was also a little proud and excited. It seemed that she was going to resign from the position of the Moon Goddess and the High Priest.

The two of them were affectionate for a while, and Rhodes stood up and stretched, then drew a circle portal and left the Moon Temple.

"Be careful on the road. Forget it." Tyrande wanted to say hello and say goodbye to Rhodes, but the other party had already crossed the portal and left halfway through the words.

After Rhodes left, the statue of Elune in the Moon Temple suddenly lit up with a pale white light, and the statue suddenly came alive.

"Oh my God! Goddess, you, you." Tyrande opened her mouth wide, looked at the statue that came alive, and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Damn it, damn it, just now, the scene in the temple just now!

Did the goddess see it? She saw it! Oh my God! I can't live!

At this time, Tyrande's face even turned pink, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a place to hide and never come out again.

"I don't mean to blame you. The reproduction of life is one of the orders of this world. As a demigod who controls the energy of life, it is not wrong for me to reproduce with you."

"I, I, my lady goddess, I, I have decided to resign the title of High Priestess of the Moon Goddess." Tyrande took a deep breath and said.

She was no longer qualified to hold this supreme position.

"No need to do that, Tyrande, I don't mean to blame you. Reproduction of life is a normal thing in my eyes." The corner of the Elune statue's mouth showed a smile.

"I'm sorry, goddess, please forgive that child. He, he's still very young." After all, he's not even a hundred years old!

"Tyrande! I'm not here to investigate the fact that you and that demigod reproduced together.

I'm telling you one thing. You're pregnant with a new demigod. It's not easy to successfully give birth to a demigod."

"What? You said I gave birth to a new demigod?" Tyrande's eyes widened suddenly, and she said in disbelief.

No way! No way! It shouldn't have been conceived just now, but before, but, but how is this possible? It's just once!

Tyrande's head was confused. How, how could she be pregnant with a wilderness demigod for no reason?

"Don't forget who possessed you before. It was the great Azeroth, the source of life for our entire planet, and Rhodes also possesses a powerful life force.

With such a huge life force, you will naturally give birth to a new wilderness demigod if you reproduce.

This is normal, and the life level of this child is even higher than that of Cenarius." The Moon Goddess said.

Strictly speaking, this child should be the child of Azeroth and Rhodes, but he needs to rely on Tyrande's body to come to this world.

"I, the great Elune, please tell me, I, what should I do with this child, this child!" Tyrande was a little at a loss at this time.

Originally, it was just an indulgence, but unexpectedly, it actually gave birth to a wilderness demigod, damn Rhodes!

For a moment, Tyrande suddenly had the idea of ​​aborting the child.

"Of course, he was conceived. This child is very powerful and will better protect your tribe.

He is more powerful than Cenarius. After all, his father is a top wilderness demigod, and his mother is you and the great Azeroth." Elune said.

She was reminding Tyrande not to do unnecessary things. This child is not just yours.

The reason why he was conceived is because the powerful soul of Azeroth is in your body. This child has great potential.

"I know Elune, I, I will give birth to him and give birth to a new wilderness demigod." Tyrande also heard something.

It is impossible to abort this child. After all, it is a new wilderness demigod, but it seems difficult to conceive him.

"First of all, you need to carry this bow with you all the time. It has a strong life force.

It can nourish your body and provide you with sufficient life energy during this period.

You have been staying in my Moon Temple. I will let my Moon God power condense here to provide sufficient nutrients for your child." Elune said.

There is no other way. If Tyrande is left to nurture this child alone, even the life force provided by the artifact bow is not enough.

She also has to add her own moonlight power, but this is only enough for the child's early use. If he wants to be born smoothly, he needs more vitality energy.

"My power and the life energy of this bow and arrow should be enough for the first few months. For the next few months, we will need at least two or more wilderness demigods to help."

Tyrande's current body is only slightly stronger than that of an ordinary night elf. This matter requires the help of the wilderness demigods.

"This matter, you have to tell Rhodes, right?" Tyrande asked.

If you ask the wilderness demigods for help, Rhodes is naturally the most suitable. He alone can match four or five wilderness demigods.

"You probably don't know that a big event happened in the Emerald Dream. All the Demigods of the Wilderness have become more powerful. They will be resurrected soon.

At that time, I will bring the Demigod of the Giant Deer and the Demigod of the Turtle. The life energy of the two of them is the most powerful.

It is enough to support the birth of this child. You don't need to trouble the Demigod of the Azure Dragon for this matter. You can give him a surprise at that time." Elune said.

These Demigods of the Wilderness will be reborn soon, because the body of Azeroth is still getting stronger.

At that time, just find the Demigod of the Giant Deer and the Demigod of the Turtle. As for Rhodes, Elune has a little idea.

You really didn't give me face by breeding with Tyrande in my temple. In this case, I will give you a big surprise!

Being a father is still very interesting. Elune is looking forward to the surprised expression of the Demigod of the Azure Dragon after knowing the truth.

"Ah! I know!"

Tyrande sighed helplessly. This is the price of cheating once!

"A-choo!" Rhodes sneezed loudly just after returning to the Undercity. What's going on? With my life level, I shouldn't sneeze!

Who missed me? Rhode shook his head.

"Did you send that woman back?" Sylvanas came over and asked.

"Well! It's done." Rhode sat on the chair and took a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I have arranged for the brother and sister, as well as Rocket Raccoon and the tree man to rest first. You can arrange their affairs tomorrow!"

"The one with the hammer is called Thor. In the next period of time, I will let him travel in Azeroth by himself. He needs to be assigned a guide." Rhode said.

"Is there anything special about this Thor?" Sylvanas asked.

"He is very powerful in himself. The most important thing is that he will travel in our world and then decide whether to move his race here.

If he moves here, it will be a great help to us. Their race is a Protoss." Rhode said.

"I see. Do you want me to arrange a Forsaken for him, or something else?"

"Find him a female blood elf mage who is very beautiful, intellectual, and knowledgeable.

And she should have a hot temper, preferably someone who can beat him up." If possible, Rhode wanted to introduce a blue dragon girl to Thor to travel around Azeroth together.

One of the important tasks that Odin gave him was to find an immortal for Thor, a person who deserves his existence.

"??? Are you looking for a guide for him? Or a partner for him?"

"Strictly speaking, I am looking for a partner for him, but she must be an immortal race, the longer the life span, the better.

Please inform Kael'thas about this. By the way, how is it going over there? Has the Sunwell been rebuilt?" Rhodes asked.

"About a month ago, the Sunwell was rebuilt and can be used normally. It has regained its arcane energy and solved the problem of the blood elves.

However, Kalecgos of the blue dragon clan had a huge conflict with Kael'thas.

Because of the return of the Sunwell, his girlfriend who was the energy of the Sunwell disappeared directly." Sylvanas said.

This matter is also quite speechless. A dignified blue dragon prince would actually fall in love with an energy life transformed by well water.

"Don't tell me that the blue dragon clan has a conflict with us." Rhodes said.

The famous five-scum dragon, playing with the well dragon.

"No, he was captured by the blue dragon clan.

But there is indeed a blue dragon clan member here, she said she met you in Outland before.

This time I came here to visit you, the demigod, and tell you about Kalecgos." Sylvana said.

With Rhodes's current noble status, the blue dragon clan will not risk offending him.

Coincidentally, I just want to find a blue dragon girl!

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