Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 259 Planting of the Sacred Tree Planetary Energy, Star Energy

"It seems that you have taken back all the power."

After taking back all the chakra, Kaguya's strength increased by one point. Now in terms of energy level, she is not much worse than him and Archimonde, but combat experience is always Kaguya's pain!

This girl's combat level is too poor!

"Well! All the chakra in this world originally came from me. After I take back all the chakra, I will condense a defective chakra fruit. Do you want it?" Kaguya asked.

This time, I took back all the chakra on the entire planet at once, and even plundered a lot of fairy chakra. In addition, the sacred tree has been rooted in this world for thousands of years.

Although it did not absorb enough nutrients, after the death of ninjas in these years, all the chakra will not disappear out of thin air, but will be absorbed by the sacred tree.

That's why a defective chakra fruit was cultivated. Although it is only a defective product, it is much worse than the real chakra fruit.

But after eating it, you can also gain extremely powerful power, at least it is a power that mortals dare not even think about.

"Oh! If I eat this Chakra fruit, what level can I improve my strength to?" Rhode asked.

I didn't expect that Kaguya's sacred tree would condense a chakra fruit, and she didn't choose to eat it herself, but asked herself.

"You now have the Samsara Eye, and you already have some chakra, but it is much worse than the other two energies in your body. After eating this defective fruit.

It should be able to increase the amount of chakra in your body, but it should not be equal to the two energies in your body, about half." Kaguya said.

Half! In other words, it is equivalent to Sargeras or Azeroth personally infusing himself with half of the evil energy or life force?

Even a defective chakra fruit can raise a mortal life form to the strength of a demigod. No wonder Kaguya would cultivate the fruit of the sacred tree to give it to her son.

Three demigod-level beings can at least repel a wave of Otsutsuki people.

"This is already a surprise to me. I always keep my word. As long as you are willing to help me plant the sacred tree, I will never treat you unfairly in the future." Rhode said.

Rhode was considering whether to bring Kaguya to his own world and let Sargeras or Azeroth see it.

But he had to tell her in advance not to talk nonsense, especially not to reveal anything about the sacred tree.

"Just remember your promise! It takes a few days for the chakra fruit to fully mature. During this time, you wait patiently. I also need to clean up my world." Kaguya said.

"Well! By the way, if I remember correctly, your sacred tree should have bred fruit once before.

That is to say, as long as the Ten Tails is planted, it can continuously breed chakra fruits, right?" Rhode asked.

"Your understanding is slightly wrong. My sacred tree is quite special. If you want to obtain a complete chakra fruit.

When the sacred tree grows up completely, the entire planet will be drained of all energy and destroyed. It is the kind of complete destruction.

So even the sacred tree rooted in the core of the planet cannot survive and will exhaust all its power.

So if it is a complete chakra fruit, it needs to consume the seed of a sacred tree of a member of the Otsutsuki clan, the Ten Tails, and a life planet, and a thousand years of time." Kaguya said.

It is not that simple to plant a sacred tree. Because my sacred tree only devoured a disabled member of the Otsutsuki clan.

There is no chance to grow into a real sacred tree, so it will not drain the chakra of the entire planet to continue to bloom and bear fruit.

But the fruit it bears is a world of difference compared to the real chakra fruit.

"You mean that this incomplete chakra fruit can still be bred in the future, right?" Rhodes asked.

This sacred tree of the Otsutsuki family is a bit similar to the spiritual tree in the Dragon Ball world! Kishimoto must have been inspired by Uncle Bird.

Speaking of the world of Azeroth, since it can accommodate a Marvel World Tree, can Azeroth feed a real God Tree and turn it into its own half-life innate spiritual root?

There are still many special celestial bodies in the universe. The condensation of Chakra Fruit requires the absorption of the power of the entire planet.

And the energy of a planet is far inferior to some other celestial bodies in the universe, such as stars, such as gas giants, neutron stars and white dwarfs. Maybe I can bring a Ten-Tails to show Azeroth.

The Otsutsuki clan can't mobilize the power of stars, but Sargeras has personally admitted that they, the Titans, can.

So Azeroth can also do it. What will happen if it mobilizes the power of a star to feed the God Tree?

In the entire universe, the largest energy emission source is the star.

You can even try to use the power of Asgard or the power of the cosmic gods to feed the God Tree.

But first we need to confirm whether the sacred tree can absorb stellar energy. If it can only absorb energy from planets with life, that would be a bummer.

"Yes, but it will take a long time, and require a large number of humans to extract chakra and use their own chakra to nourish the sacred tree after death." Kaguya said.

Even a defective version of the Chakra Fruit is not so easy to make.

"I want to know if your clan has any specific conditions for planting the God Tree? For example, what kind of planet to choose?" Rhodes asked.

"It must be a physical planet, preferably with plants and life, because only such a planet contains huge vitality and can plant the God Tree." Kaguya said.

"What if it is stellar energy! That is, the power of the sun, can it make the God Tree grow? And if I want, can I make the God Tree grow faster?" Rhodes asked.

Even if the God Tree is planted, Rhodes will have to find a way to make it grow faster in the future, otherwise it will take a thousand years. I'm kidding, with all the heavens and worlds, I don't know how much I have grown.

The time gems in the Marvel world are some time props in other worlds, which may speed up the growth of the God Tree.

"I know what you are talking about. The stellar energy is indeed very strong and very suitable for the God Tree.

But it can't be planted on a star. The temperature on it is so high that even the Ten Tails will be burned to ashes in an instant." Kaguya said.

The outer part of the star core is full of violent energy, and the core temperature inside the star has reached a terrifying tens of thousands of degrees, or even hundreds of thousands of degrees. The sacred tree will be burned to death in an instant.

Not to mention taking root and growing on it.

"I understand. I said, if there is a powerful existence that can manipulate stellar energy, then it feeds the stellar energy to the sacred tree. Can the sacred tree absorb stellar energy to grow?" Rhodes asked his own question.

"If there really is such a being, then his ability has reached the level of existence that the Otsutsuki clan has pursued all their lives.

For such an existence, the chakra fruit is of no use to him at all." Kaguya said.

Are you kidding? If there is really an existence that can mobilize stellar energy to feed the sacred tree, then does it really need the chakra fruit? This thing is not necessary for him at all.

"No, no, no, I will take you to see someone later. Maybe we can make the sacred tree evolve a little bit." Rhodes said.

Let's discuss this matter with Azeroth first! Then bring a seed to Azeroth to see if this sacred tree is possible.

"Then I'm looking forward to it. If there is such a being to protect us, then we don't need to be afraid of the Otsutsuki clan at all." Kaguya said.

It seems that this guy didn't completely deceive himself. He really knew an extremely powerful being.

"Then how about accelerating the growth of the sacred tree? For example, let the sacred tree bear chakra fruit faster, is that okay?" Rhodes asked.

"No, otherwise, our Otsutsuki clan would have done it a long time ago. To put it bluntly, it's still about the energy level. The sacred tree can absorb the highest level of energy, which is the energy of the planet.

And the absorption limit of the sacred tree is so high. Otherwise, we also hope to drain a planet within a few decades or even a few days, and our task will be much easier." Kaguya said.

"What if it is some time-type props? For example, it can speed up the time of the entire planet." Rhodes asked.

"Your statement is theoretically feasible. If the time of the entire planet is accelerated, then the sacred tree will also absorb the energy of the planet at a faster speed.

But it is impossible to find such a prop, right? And this also belongs to the scope of God." Kaguya shook her head and said.

The Otsutsuki clan has already considered the idea you proposed, but it all belongs to the realm of God.

"We can try it. I know a world with a powerful treasure called the Infinity Stones, one of which is called the Time Stone.

It can manipulate the power of time at will.

Maybe we can borrow the Time Stone, and I happen to have some of the energy of the Time Stone." Rhode said.

The last time he went to the Marvel world, he absorbed a lot of energy from the Infinity Stones. Although most of it was given to Azeroth, he still kept a part of it privately.

He has stocks of the Power Stone, the Reality Stone, the Time Stone, and the energy of the Space Stone.

"If that's the case, you can try it." Kaguya was also a little tempted.

If the growth of the God Tree can really be accelerated, then she dare not think about what will happen.

Stellar energy, and time acceleration. (End of this chapter)

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