Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 263: Pudding's new eyes, the cultivation of the Ten-Tails

Ridiculous! Do you really think you two idiots can resist me? Although they are all demigod-level life forms.

But there is an essential difference between you and me. Evil energy is my most powerful weapon. Life energy is better at assisting healing.

But the most destructive thing is evil energy, not to mention after getting the reincarnation eye of this world. Rhodes's destructive power is even more powerful. After turning on the evil chakra mode, he can defeat his previous self.

Rhodes went up and used the power of evil energy to quickly seal the two Otsutsuki tribesmen and drain some of their life force.

Let these two guys fall into a kind of weakness, and then use their own reincarnation eyes, coupled with the overlord's domineering energy, to directly suppress the mental power of the two of them.

"Lord Rhodes, it seems like this woman is up to no good!" Brynn came to Rhodes and said.

This woman surrendered to Lord Rhodes before and even said that she would become one of Lord Rhodes' wives, but she was dissatisfied for a long time!

We are not the legal wives yet, why do you want to be the legal wife? Who are you?

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this woman was subdued by Lord Rhodes. Judging from the situation, she must have betrayed Lord Rhodes. What a stupid guy.

"There are all kinds of people in this world, and some people are hopelessly stupid. Brynn, come here and extract the memories of these two people. Their memories are very long, spanning thousands of years.

You only need to extract information about the Otsutsuki clan, the sacred tree, and the Ten-Tails, and the rest can be filtered out. " Rhodes said.

People still have some self-awareness. They must know that there are existences stronger than themselves, that they can control their lives at any time, and know when to give in.

"No problem, Lord Rhodes, just leave it to me! Do you have the memory about the Otsutsuki clan, the sacred tree, and the Ten-Tails?" Brynn nodded and came to the two subdued people.

First, he used his ability on Kaguya Otsutsuki, pulling out the opponent's memory as if taking out a piece of film.

"Sir Rhodes, these two guys seem to have lived for many years. This woman's memory has been sealed for a thousand years. I will delete these irrelevant things.

Some of this man's memories were planted on other planets, some were accidentally attacked by this woman and then reincarnated, and some were about cultivating the Ten-Tails.

It will take some time to filter the memory, so please be patient. Brynn said.

"No problem, you take your time, I'm not in a hurry." Rhodes nodded and said.

The memories of these two guys are very long, so even with Brynn's ability.

It will also take some time to completely analyze the memories of the two of them and then make them into memory films that can be viewed.

Rhodes considered replacing Brynn with a pair of Sharingan. If this girl's memory fruit ability is combined with the Sharingan, it should be able to play a big role. Then he will give her some chakra.

This girl Brynn is no longer an ordinary life form. After all, Rhodes often infuses her with life essence.

Just the life energy that has been inadvertently poured into this girl over the years can already keep her alive for thousands of years, and Brynn's life level has also changed.

A pair of Sharingan Eyes was no burden to her. After extracting the memories of these two people, Rhodes planned to ask Brynn what she meant.

A few hours later, Bryn wiped the sweat from her forehead and came to Rhodes holding a large roll of film.

The lifespans of these two guys are really long. It took her a lot of time to search their memories and check and filter them.

If it were an ordinary life form, it could be done in a few minutes.

"Lord Rhodes has taken care of it. All the memories you need are here. I have extracted them all.

The rest are all irrelevant memories, which I have deleted. Brynn said.

"Thank you for your hard work Brynn, let me give you a special little reward!" Rhodes nodded with great satisfaction, picked up the memory film on it, put it aside, and looked at Brynn and said.

Brynn's ability is so convenient. It can directly turn the enemy's memory into a film, which can also be stored and viewed at any time.

Now let's try my plan and give her a pair of Sharingan eyes, but my method is a bit special, it's not as simple as changing eyes.

"Alas! The reward you mentioned last time has not been fulfilled yet!

Lord Rhodes! It won’t be bananas and lychees this time! I know what it is. "Brynn lay on Rod's lap and twisted her butt and said.

"I plan to change a pair of eyes for you. Your third eye will be kept, but the other two eyes will be replaced with the Sharingan. Do you like it?" Rhodes asked.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Lord Rhodes, are you kidding me?

You want to change a pair of eyes for me, don’t my eyes look good? Bryn instantly pouted her mouth, made a face, and said.

"Your eyes are also very beautiful, but after integrating these two pairs of Sharingan, you will gain powerful illusion abilities, dynamic vision, and even copy the enemy's moves. Coupled with your fruit ability, your strength will be improved. Brynn said.

“But these are the eyes of a stinky man, I don’t want them!

Lord Rhodes! Why don't you dig out that woman's eyes and give them to me? "Brin pointed at Kaguya Otsutsuki who fell to the ground and was sealed and unable to move.

Even if he wants to change his glasses, he has to choose female eyes. How can a man's eyes fit in his own eye sockets?

"You may not be able to exert the power of her eyes. Her life level is very high. If you transplant her eyes, it will be a huge burden for you. Be obedient and I will choose the right one for you.

And the eye replacement I am talking about is not what you think. I will extract the pupil power from a pair of Sharingan.

Then inject it into your eyes. With your current life level, you should be able to evolve into Sharingan by yourself." Rhode touched Brin's little head and said.

Brin's big brown eyes are still very beautiful. If she changes to the small eyes of the Uchiha family, she will naturally become ugly.

As his little baby, Rhode certainly cannot treat her badly.

His own Samsara eye ability can easily extract the pupil power of the lower-level Sharingan, and then inject these pupil powers into Brin's eyes.

Even Brin's eyes have been selected. One is the Kotoamatsukami Sharingan with powerful illusion ability of Shisui, and the other is the Kamui Sharingan of Uchiha Obito.

Rhode's plan was to extract the pupil power of the two Mangekyōs and then inject it into Brulee's eyes.

"Is that so! Then follow Lord Rhode's arrangement!" Brulee nodded and said.

"Then come and lie here and don't move."

Brulee nodded and lay on Rhode's legs very obediently, using Rhode's thighs as her pillow.

Rhode took out a pair of Kamui Sharingan from Uchiha Obito and a pair of Kotoamatsukami Sharingan from Uchiha Shisui.

Then he opened his Samsara Eye and began to extract the pupil power from the four eyes. The pupil power of the two Kamui Sharingan was injected into Brulee's right eye.

The pupil power of the two Kotoamatsukami Sharingan was injected into Brulee's left eye.

The other hand was placed on Brulee's lower abdomen and began to inject chakra power into her to help Brulee fuse the Sharingan.

"I feel a little itchy! My eyes feel numb, Lord Rhode." Brulee said.

"Hold on a bit, absorb all this power, and your eyes will completely turn into Sharingan." Rhode said.

This can also be regarded as a disguised Eternal Eye! After all, it is two pairs of Mangekyō.

And with Pudding's vitality, she should be able to control the Sharingan well without worrying about backlash.

One pair has the top illusion, which can easily control the opponent, and the other pair of eyes has the best life-saving skill.

About an hour later, with the help of Rhode, Pudding controlled the power of chakra and made both of her eyes evolve.

One is a four-cornered windmill, and the other is in the shape of a triangular dart. Both pairs of eyes are Mangekyō.

"Amazing! Lord Rod, I seem to be able to control other people's memories at will now, and modify them unconsciously. This ability is very compatible with my fruit ability."

"Haha! This ability is very compatible with you. Are there any restrictions on your use?"

"There are no big restrictions. The stronger the person I control, the more my eyes consume, and the same goes for chakra.

If the opponent is much stronger than me, then I can't modify the memory, unless Lord Rod subdues the opponent."

Rod nodded after hearing this.

Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan, Kotoamatsukami's ability is very special, with a very long CD cooling, but the cells of the first generation can delay it.

In fact, it is vitality, and the vitality of Pudding can make her use Shisui's Sharingan easily.

Unlike Uchiha Shisui, who has a cooling period of several years, Pudding's power can easily control those who are weaker than her or at the same level as him.

The stronger the strength, the more eye power and chakra are consumed. This is a direct change from a big move to an ordinary skill.

"Where's the other eye?" Rhodes asked.

"The other eye has the ability to manipulate space. I can open the space at will, lock the enemy in, or hide in it myself.

In addition, I also gained a power called Susanoo. By consuming my own chakra and pupil power, I can become an energy giant with a height of 100 meters and giant wings."

Brin was very happy. After having this pair of new eyes, her strength has increased a lot. She will no longer be a small vase in the future. She will also become a combatant.

Rhodes nodded very satisfied. One eye is Kamui, one eye is Kotoamatsukami, and there is Susanoo.

After learning the chakra ninjutsu of this world, Brin's combat power will rise sharply in the future.

Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan, Rhodes plans to copy it to Sylvanas after returning. Amaterasu is still very powerful.

Tsukuyomi is also a very good power. As for Sasuke's Samsara Eye, Rhodes plans to collect it first.

After all the pupil power was extracted, these four Sharingans seemed a little eclipsed, and even directly degenerated to ordinary eyes.

However, Rhode could still clearly sense that if they were injected with powerful life force and chakra, the two pairs of Sharingan could still evolve.

In other words, in the future, this special Sharingan ability could be copied in batches and given to others to use?

But if these two eyes were to be restored to a kaleidoscope, they would have to find a suitable body as a breeding ground.

It just so happens that there are two Uchiha clan members, and both of them have opened the Mangekyō and even the Samsara Eye.

It seems that Uchiha Sasuke and the Uchiha class have a new function! Cultivate the Sharingan.

"Lord, Lord! What are you going to do next?" Brin asked.

"I'll send you out first. You first ask Archimonde to send all the demons away, and then wait for me to go out and talk to him." Rhodes said.

"Okay! Then I'll go out first, Lord Rhodes." Brin nodded, activated the Kamui Sharingan, and left this alien space directly.

She must go back and show off this pair of blood-red eyes, whether in shape or ability, it is very beautiful when used.

After Brin left, Rhodes began to read the memories of the two Otsutsuki clan members, and some of the general information was the same as what they said.

Rhodes also mastered the techniques of controlling the Ten Tails and even the Divine Tree, and Rhodes also found how to create the Ten Tails in the memory of Otsutsuki Isshiki.

It turns out that when these two guys first came to Earth, they only brought one Ten-Tails, and this little Ten-Tails was cultivated by Isshiki himself, using the Ten-Tails flesh and blood in the form of a sacred tree.

By feeding a large amount of chakra, part of the Ten-Tails flesh and blood has a chance to become a new Ten-Tails.

However, this probability is very small, and it needs to be cultivated hundreds or even tens of thousands of times, and experience various failures.

Only then can it succeed once. Isshiki Otsutsuki spent thousands of years and conducted countless experiments to cultivate this little Ten-Tails.

"In other words, it must be allowed to grow completely into a sacred tree, reach adulthood, and obtain his flesh and blood.

Only then can the Ten-Tails be cultivated, and the probability of success is extremely low." It is a bit like plant grafting.

The Ten-Tails can devour any energy and then grow into a sacred tree. In this case, in addition to chakra, can I let it devour an ancient god?

Or let the Ten-Tails devour a Titan Guardian, and then will it produce a fruit with Titan power?

There are all kinds of strange energies in the heavens and the worlds, which represents unlimited opportunities!

However, Rhode still planned to feed this Ten-Tails to a member of the Otsutsuki clan. Rhode looked at the two people, so who should he choose to feed? (End of this chapter)

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