Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 28 Bodyguard candidates, the possibility of Whitebeard’s corpse transforming into a death kn

As soon as Kaido said this, everyone present was a little surprised.

The importance of Rhodes is self-evident now. Just under Onigashima, all the minions of the Beast Pirates have basically taken the blood of evil energy, and their strength has more than doubled.

There is nothing wrong with arranging two suitable bodyguards for him, but aren't these two candidates a bit inappropriate?

Kaido's son, or daughter Yamato, is not an obedient master.

Kaido can only restrict her freedom of movement. No one can control her behavior. Is it wrong to ask her to be a bodyguard?

As for the other Runti, he is very strong, but this guy is an out-and-out disciple control!

If you work as a bodyguard for someone! Is it really appropriate?

"You don't want to be a bodyguard for others! Xiaorun wants to accompany Xiaopei." Runti turned away and said.

"Please, sister, this is the captain's order, you must obey it." Peggy Wan said from the side.

He would also be very happy if he could get rid of his yandere sister for a while.

"Boss Kaido, why don't we find someone else! Yamato isn't a good fit, otherwise let Jack protect this guy Rhodes." Yan Liangjin said.

Protected by a big signboard of the Beast Pirates, Rhodes will not be in any danger in Wano Country. Even if he goes to the sea of ​​the New World, there will only be a handful of people who can hurt him.

"Yamato was beaten by me just now, and he's already obedient. Don't you think so, Yamato?" Kaido looked at his filial daughter and said.

Kaido and Rhodes had already discussed the choice of bodyguards. Yamato accepted the power of evil blood and now completely obeys Rhodes, so he is naturally Rhodes' bodyguard.

As for Runti, Rhodes has another plan.

"Well! I just obey my father's orders. I will become Rhodes' bodyguard. No one can hurt Rhodes before I die." Yamato, standing aside, said expressionlessly.

The situation is stronger than the person. Now his bastard father has already obeyed the other party's orders, let alone her!

After hearing this, all the senior members of the Beast Pirates showed surprised expressions.

This arrogant young master who usually doesn’t listen to anyone has changed his gender and obeyed his father’s orders!

"Xiao Run, don't be his bodyguard. Otherwise, replace Yamato and let Xiao Pei be with me. Xiao Run and Xiao Pei can protect him together. Xiao Pei, you will be with your sister, right?" ?" Runti looked at his brother Peggy Wan with stars in his eyes and said.

No matter what, she can't be separated from her brother, it's that simple.

Seeing this scene, Peggy Wan was speechless. The elder sister was obviously more powerful than herself, but she always liked to act coquettishly and let herself protect her. But once she was beaten by the enemy, the elder sister would immediately rush forward in a rage. .

To be honest, he is the weakest among the six flying brothers now. This is precisely because of his sister Runti's over-protection.

"Runti! Do you dare to disobey my orders? You two siblings were adopted by me since you were young, but you stole my Devil Fruit, and now you dare to disobey my orders." Kaido said.

A terrifying aura instantly pressed against Runti, and Kaido's domineering aura suddenly became a little different. In the past, Kaido's domineering aura was terrifying, but now it puts unimaginable pressure on everyone.

It was an instinctive fear, a natural fear, and now Kaido's domineering aura is like the nemesis of life.

"Boss Kaido's strength has increased a lot, and his overlord color has become even more terrifying."

"Hahaha! Boss Kaido has become so strong that it is no longer a problem to ascend to the position of Pirate King."

Faced with Kaido's pressure, Runti's eyes widened instantly and his body began to tremble.

"How about replacing Runti with me, I will be very happy to protect him." Black Maria standing aside said.

Really, I haven’t seen Boss Kaido so angry in a long time. Normally Runti would disobey the boss’s orders, but the boss has never been so angry. What’s going on?

"Humph! You have no place to speak here!" Kaido turned his head and glared at Black Maria and said.

"Xiao, Xiaorun knows! I just protect him, but every day, I have to go and see Peggy Wan." Runti said with a frightened look.

If you don't agree, you will really die, you will really die.

"I'm not negotiating terms with you. Now either you obey my orders or die." Kaido raised his mace and said as the evil power surged through his body.

Kaido was in a bad mood just now after being controlled by Rhodes. At that time, no one could disobey his orders. If anyone dared to disobey, he would hit him with a stick without hesitation.

"Please, sister, the boss is really angry. Now is not the time to be willful." Peggy Wan said anxiously from the side.

"Xiao, Xiaorun knows. Xiaorun listens to the boss." In the end, Runti gave in and naturally became one of Rhodes' bodyguards.

"That's right, okay, everyone, let's disperse! Maria, come over and have a drink with me, remember to bring more wine." Kaido said.

"I got it, boss." Black Maria said.

Boss Kaido is a little different today! He doesn't seem to be in a good mood, so be careful when you drink with him later!

"Then you two, please give me some advice in the future." Rhodes looked at Yamato and Runti and said.

Yamato nodded and silently followed Rhodes.

"Huh!" Runti snorted coldly.

For the next period of time, Rhodes stayed with the Beast Pirates, practicing evil spells in the morning and evening, and at noon and afternoon, he learned the Haki of Knowledge and Arms from Kaido.

In the past few days among the Beasts Pirates, Rhodes also took the time to read the newspaper and confirm the current timeline. A certain straw hat boy had gone to sea, and Blackbeard had also betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates.

The current reward for the Straw Hats is 300 million, which means that the war on the top will begin soon!

Do you want to find a way to participate? After Whitebeard's death, snatch Whitebeard's body?

Try using necromancy!

In addition to fel spells, the demons of the Burning Legion are also very good at necromantic spells.

After all, some of the Dread Lords learned from the Shadow Realm.

The production methods of death knights flowed into Gul'dan's hands from the Burning Legion, and the Lich King's death knights were only taught to him by the Dread Lords.

Whitebeard's corpse is made into a death knight. It shouldn't be weak, right?

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