Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 289 Naxxramas is full of talented people, the dark side of Shadow Realm, and Uther’s resurre

"I will reincarnate them into filth and then have a chat with them. My goal is also to protect Azeroth." Rhodes said.

After being reincarnated by the dirty earth, he can control them. Without the power of chakra, he cannot escape his control.

If they are willing to accept their surrender, then Rhodes will not use the art of reincarnation to control them. If they are not willing, then they will be sealed up directly.

When needed, just release these guys and use them. To be honest, with Rhodes' current strength.

In fact, these ordinary combat powers of Azeroth are actually useless no matter how much they come.

The combat effectiveness of these death knights is only a little stronger than that of ordinary adventurers.

The strength is limited, and it does not mean that it has reached the level of destroying a city by one person, or destroying a village by one person.

To say that they are subordinates is just to add some combat power to the new students of Hilmanas.

Among the group of freshmen, although there are various professions, most of them are ordinary professionals.

Only some Dark Rangers and Sylvanas' Terror Guard can be considered high-end combat power, and the Death Knight can definitely improve the combat power of the newcomers.

After these death knights are resurrected, in addition to being able to use the power they had during their lifetimes.

Their own death knight skills will not be lost, and a group of alternative death knights will appear.

Letting them join the Alliance and Horde respectively would be an advantage to others, so I accepted the death knight profession.

“You have the final say, great demigod.

There are more than 3,000 death knights here, including more than 1,000 in my Naxxramas Fortress. They are led by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

There are more than 2,500 death knights in the Acherus Fortress of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

They are all led by the high lord, Darion Mograine. Eighty percent of the soldiers in Acherus Fortress are death knights, as well as some ghouls, abominations, and lichs. "

Kel'Thuzad could obviously feel that this resurrection should be controlled by this demigod, but it was good, at least he would gain 100% trust.

Following that guy Assass has no future at all!

"By the way, Kel'Thuzad, I remember that the Naxxramas Fortress was captured once. Are all the leaders inside now the same ones as before?" Rhodes asked.

Rhodes was actually very curious about this matter, a copy of Naxxramas from the 1960s.

There is no difference from the Naxxramas dungeon in the 1980s. All boss mechanisms are basically the same.

"At that time, the elite forces of the Alliance and the Horde, as well as the Knights of the Silver Hand, did launch a beheading raid on Naxxramas, but the main blow was me.

There is also old Mograine, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Naxxramas as a whole has not been damaged too seriously.

Now that I have been resurrected, as for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, old Mograine has been replaced by Rivendell. Kel'Thuzad said.

Naxxramas Fortress is also the ace floating city of the Scourge Legion, and the military power inside is still very strong.

With only an elite force of less than a hundred people, it would be difficult to conquer there.

Rhodes nodded, then summoned a group of his subordinates and asked them to capture some low-level creatures such as kobolds, fish-men, and wood-wolf men.

This time, the group that wanted to reincarnate from the dirty earth was still very large, and announced to everyone the Naxxramas Fortress carried by Kel'Thuzad.

There are also the Acherus Fortress of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, all of which have been released from control of the Lich King by themselves, and now join the Newborn forces.

Two days later, Rhodes gathered all the sacrifices, and then mobilized his chakra power to launch a large-scale wave of filth reincarnation.

All the death knights, as well as some lichs, necromancers, and other humanoid creatures were reincarnated in the dirt, totaling more than 10,000 people.

As for the remaining ghouls, abominations, gargoyles, spiders, frost dragons, these Rhodes did not undergo filthy reincarnation.

These creatures belong to the type of war weapons. Gargoyles are basically magical creations, while ghouls and evil spirits are pieced together from the corpses of ordinary civilians.

As for the frost dragons, Rhodes was very unsure whether these frost dragons could be resurrected by these lowly sacrifices.

After all, these frost dragons were all blue dragons buried in Losend.

“My fellow citizens, look at your new bodies now, with your powers in life and those after death merged together, and now with self-awareness.

You can also taste the taste of food, breathe fresh air, and look at this body. Endless physical strength and immortality. This is what we have been pursuing.

This is perfect, we have escaped the Lich King's control.

Now we will join the new generation led by Sylvanas, and together we will serve the great demigod Lord Rhodes. " Kel'Thuzad stood in front of a large group of lichs and necromancers and said impassionedly.

These people have been resurrected. They are basically all humans. Most of them are members of the cursed sect.

When these people were alive, they joined the Scourge Legion because of various interests and the temptation of immortality. Now they have better choices and more perfect immortality.

Anyway, working for the Lich King is still work, and working for the new boss is still work. And the new boss seems to be stronger and more generous, so do you still have to choose?

"I am happy to serve you, great demigod." Lord Kurtaz said.

"We, the great demigod, will serve you." Duchess Braumux said.

"Thank you for giving us new life!" Sir Serijek.

"We will be swords in your hands," said I, Lord Rivendell.

Under Kel'Thuzad's persuasion, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse took the lead in joining Rhodes' camp. After all, they were much better off now than when they were working for the Lich King.

Well, it seems that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in my pirate world haven’t been gathered yet! The genuine Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are finally here in the world of Azeroth.

However, it has to be said that the combat effectiveness of these Apocalypse Knights is still very strong, and each one of them is a hero-level existence.

"I accept your allegiance and give you new life. From now on, you will live in Naxxramas Fortress and continue to obey Kel'Thuzad's orders."

The remaining people are Instructor Rasuvios, Reaper Gotik, Dirty Silge, Plaguebringer North, these characters in Naxxramas.

Basically, they all pledged their allegiance to Rhodes under the leadership of Kel'Thuzad, while some other non-humanoid creatures continued to remain undead.

The Knights of the Black Blade of Acherus retained a wait-and-see attitude, and some of them even had the idea of ​​returning to their original power.

But Rhodes and Kel'Thuzad soon shattered their illusions, although now you look no different from living people.

But in essence, you are still undead creatures. In this world, you are the only new ones that can accept you.

"Your family members, former companions, close comrades-in-arms, and even lovers, will they never grow old or die looking at you?

Possess endless stamina and possess great power? Give up that boring fantasy!

This is impossible, now you have only one task.

That is to destroy the Lich King Arthas, completely eradicate the threat of the undead natural disaster, and then transform into a protector to protect Azeroth forever. " Rhodes said loudly.

Rhodes had secretly asked Brynn to help Darien and his group who had followed Kel'Thuzad to cleanse their memories.

What these death knights remember now is that they were ordered by the Lich King to invade the Undercity and capture this new type of undead creature.

As a result, the power of the great demigod completely overwhelmed them, and they were surrendered without even a chance to resist.

Darion Mograine sighed. His body now seems to be no different from when he was alive, and he can use some of the power of the Holy Light during his lifetime.

But at the same time, the power of death knights also exists and has not disappeared, and they are now immortal. Although they don't look much different from living people, there are substantial differences.

With this attitude, it is impossible for them to return to the Knights of the Silver Hand, and some others are in a similar situation.

It is impossible for their respective races to accept them anymore. The only ones who can accept them are these newcomers.

Of course, there are actually many death knights who want to choose another option, which is to fall into the peace of death and die directly.

But Rhodes soon broke their illusions, and through Kel'Thuzad and the previously summoned Uther, he showed these death knights the world of the dead.

“All of you may not know this, and think that you can find peace in the world after death.

But this is not the case. Let me tell you, the world of death is actually a different world.

You will also continue a kind of life there, and the world of the dead is not fair, and you will not find peace.

There are Ascension Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, Revendreth, Kythia, and Zaresantis.

The crimes committed by all of you will be judged in that world, or you will go to the Ascension Fortress and have your memories of your lifetime erased to become an Ascendant.

Or go to Maldraxxus, the home of warriors, where you will fight forever and ever.

As for Ardenweald, it is the territory of the most noble wilderness demigods, and ordinary souls are not qualified to go there.

Revendreth is the place where sinners are judged, where you will receive various punishments.

After the souls of weak people go to that world, their mental energy will be squeezed out, and they will live like slaves.

There is also the most terrifying place, the Maw, where souls considered to be hopeless are sent. The Maw contains an extremely powerful being called Warden Zoval.

He attempted to subvert the laws of the entire world and the world of life and death. The Lich King's Crown of Dominance and his Frostmourne Rune Sword were all forged by Zoval.

And you are the secret weapon I plan to use against him. Uther knows this very well. "Rhodes turned to look at Uther, whom he had specially found.

Since Uther was resurrected, Rhodes has used his soul fruit ability to help him restore his memory.

Uther also understood some things. For example, the Lich King Arthas actually gained the power of the Warden of the Shadow Realm before he could subvert his country.

Perhaps the words of this wilderness demigod cannot convince these souls, but Uther, the messenger of justice, can.

"Uther, is the world after death really like this? Lich King, did he really use the power of the warden of the Shadow Realm? Are our souls really going to be judged?" Darion Mograine asked.

If the world of death is really like this, then it's better not to go!

"The demigod Rhodes did not lie, that world is indeed an extremely cruel place.

Even I have to accept various trials before they can clear my memory and become an ascender.

My memory is even confused, but even so I still remember one thing, that is, to avenge Arthas."

There are many loopholes in the order of the Shadow Realm. This is not a lie. Good people may not be rewarded, and bad people may not be punished.

And the warden did give the power of the Shadow Realm and the power of the Maw to the Lich King Arthas.

"In that case, great demigod Rhodes, we are willing to accept your recruitment and we will become your warriors.

We will destroy the Lich King Arthas and then protect the world of Azeroth." The death knights led by Darion Mograine no longer have any worries.

Put their rune swords in front of them and kneel on one knee to pledge allegiance to Rhodes.

"Thank you, great demigod, thank you for giving me a new life and giving me the opportunity to avenge that evil disciple." Uther knelt in front of Rhodes and said.

"You're welcome. From today on, you will stay in the world of the living.

Never return to the Shadow Realm. You will protect the safety of Azeroth, but your first task is to eradicate the Lich King Arthas." Rhodes said.

Now, a small character like Arthas doesn't even need to do it himself. He used to be a crushing battle.

And many of his men are eager to take revenge on Arthas personally. In that case, let these people take revenge!

"Lord Uther, the Lightbringer, this sword was once my father's weapon, but I can't use the Holy Light power to evolve it.

I still have the power of a Death Knight, but you are different. You are now perfectly compatible with the power of Holy Light. I think you should be able to purify this weapon." Darion Mograine took out his own Fallen Ashbringer and handed it to Uther.

This legendary weapon is only worthy of being used by Lord Uther, the Lightbringer. (End of this chapter)

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