Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 291: Holy Light Tangram, Illusion, and Gave Kaizi a Mangekyō Sharingan

Rhodes had the idea of ​​creating a holy light creature before, but he was troubled by the lack of strong holy light power.

Rhodes has collected the soul energy of paladins or other holy light attributes through some special means.

There are many Forsaken who were good priests before. When helping them to reincarnate, Rhodes secretly took some of their sacred holy light soul energy.

In addition, the previous clones helped people make soul weapons in neutral areas, collected priests, and paladin soul energy.

Now the soul energy in Rhodes' hands is enough to make an extremely powerful Homiez creature.

This time Rhodes plans to make a powerful elemental holy light Homiez, and the holy light used must be the purest.

And the purest holy light energy comes from these sacred Naaru.

"Honorable demigod, I have been doing what you told me to do since the magic of the Sunwell was restored.

Our people have been freed from various restrictions, and some priests have reconnected with the Holy Light after recovering their spirits.

And I followed your instructions and asked some priests and blood knights to inject some Holy Light energy into this Holy Light creature from time to time, as early as half a month ago.

It has restored all the Holy Light energy, and as you said, it wants to spread the way of Holy Light to our blood elves.

It even intends to use Holy Light illusions to seduce my people." Kael'thas bowed to Rhodes and said.

When he attacked Storm Fortress, he captured this powerful Holy Light creature.

It was to extract the terrifying Holy Light energy from it, and then solve the problem of the magic shadow for his people.

When returning to Azeroth after the expedition, Rhodes Demigod had reminded himself that although these creatures have the purest and most powerful Holy Light.

But once the Holy Light energy in them is exhausted, they will turn into a very terrifying shadow creature.

So after Silvermoon City, Kael'thas ordered that no blood elves were allowed to absorb the energy of this powerful holy light creature by any means.

And all the priests and paladins who had reestablished contact with the Holy Light had to go together to replenish the Holy Light energy for this creature.

These Holy Light creatures are very good at winning people's hearts, and like to show people some unrealistic environments and claim that this is the future.

So every time the Holy Light creature is replenished with energy, Kael'thas will supervise it personally and use his powerful magic energy to block all the perceptions of this Holy Light creature.

But even so, many blood elves were still affected and felt that this creature was very sacred. They should release this creature, and then the entire tribe would accept the belief in the Holy Light.

Because they saw a beautiful illusion, led by a group of astrologers who returned from Shattrath.

These guys were once bewitched by the Naaru in Shattrath City, and are now fanatical believers of the Holy Light, believing that only the Holy Light is correct.

Little did they know that all the beautiful future scenes they saw were just illusions cast by the Naaru.

For this reason, Kael'thas was very troubled.

"These holy light creatures are equivalent to demigods in terms of life level. They have the purest holy light energy in their bodies.

And they have a special ability to see some future events, such as the Naaru named Muru.

His fate is to be captured by you, and then you will extract all the holy light energy and transform him into a shadow demon.

But in the future, the holy light energy debris he left behind and some arcane energy will purify your Sunwell together, making the Sunwell a source of holy light and arcane energy.

These creatures look very gentle, even like a saint.

But they will forcibly transform some lives into holy light lives and use holy light to influence them. They call it light casting." Rhodes said.

"That's true, so since he recovered, I have completely isolated him in the underground palace.

I imprisoned him and did not allow any blood elves to approach him to prevent him from using illusions to control my people." Kael'thas said with deep conviction.

Isn't it? There are many idiots in my tribe who have been bewitched by this holy light creature.

If he hadn't received many benefits from the demigod, even Kael'thas might have been bewitched.

These guys' illusion abilities are so strong that ordinary mortals can't resist them at all.

"Don't worry, I'll help you restrain his illusions. I'll install a new pair of eyes for you this time.

These eyes are called Sharingan, which has good illusion resistance. I'll also teach you a kind of chakra power.

For those tribesmen bewitched by the holy light, you can directly use the power of illusion to cleanse their memories and let them return to normal.

Don't think about persuading them through any gentle means. Once they are brainwashed by this holy light illusion, there is no hope." Rhodes said.

These so-called holy light creatures, their illusions are comparable to those of the gods, and they are all old charlatans.

"Thank you for your trust, great demigod, thank you for your help to my tribe."

Rhodes smiled and nodded, then asked Kael'thas to take him to a secret room, took out a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, and began to transplant abilities to Kael'thas.

In Kael'thas's left eye, Rhodes chose the art of other gods to deal with the enemy tribesmen he had been bewitched.

The other eye was placed with the Amaterasu flame. Kaizi was a person who played with fire, so this suited him very well.

The energy of the two eyes was fused together, and Susanoo could be cast. Then Rhodes planted a chakra seed in Kael'thas' body.

Giving the opponent the power of chakra.

"Feel it! These eyes have a very powerful ability to hypnotize illusions, and they also have the ability to rebound illusions.

There's also dynamic vision, the ability to see energy and copy your opponent's moves. " Rhodes said.

The Mangekyō Sharingan that Rhodes now bestows on others is the type that will not cause blindness, and directly reaches the level of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

There is no way, as the ancestor of chakra, he is so powerful.

To deal with illusions, it is natural to use illusions to counter them. The blood chakra eye in the world of Naruto is the best choice. the best choice.

"It's incredible. Thank you, your great demigod, the power of these eyes is indeed very powerful." Feeling the two powers in his eyes, and the fusion of the two powers, Kyle's ability to summon a giant energy giant made Kyle Sass was extremely happy.

You must know that he is a mage, and the physical fitness of a mage is much worse than that of a warrior. This energy giant gave him great protection.

"As long as you like it, slowly become familiar with the power of these eyes, and then go and deal with your tribesmen who are bewitched by illusions.

But now let’s take a look at this creature of holy light! I need to extract some of the Light energy from him. " Rhodes said.

Kael'thas nodded and led Rhodes to an underground secret room with a height of about ten meters.

A huge creature wrapped in the power of holy light, like a jigsaw puzzle, is being bound here. It has many arcane magic chains on its body.

There are also binding magic circles around it.

"You should not restrain me, Prince of the Blood Elves. Your tribe should accept the Holy Light and be baptized by the Holy Light in order to be saved."

"I've heard enough of this! What we study is arcane magic and holy light energy. We can learn it, but we will never believe in it." Kael'thas said.

At the same time, his eyes turned blood red, and the three magatama stars rotated crazily, turning into the shape of a four-cornered windmill.

Every time he comes here, he will be more or less bewitched by the illusion of this holy light creature, which makes Kael'thas hate this creature very much.

No one can be directly controlled by an illusion whenever they meet.

"Your eyes are very evil, and I feel an unusual power of hatred." Muru said as he looked at Kael'thas' opened Tens of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

He felt a different kind of hatred and negative emotions in the Sharingan, which was a pair of evil eyes.

"No, no, no, the energy of holy light is just a kind of power. It can be driven like arcana, evil energy, shadow, life and death, and the power itself is not right or wrong." Rhodes shook his head and said. .

"You are the legendary demigod, right? It was you who stopped the blood elves from continuing to extract my holy light energy, right?" Mulu asked after taking a liking to Rhodes.

"Yes, I was the one who stopped those blood elves. You should know that after you were drained of the holy light energy.

How terrible would it turn into? You're going to kill a lot of lives. " Rhodes said.

"This is my fate and the fate of the blood elves, but you changed everything! I don't know whether this is good or bad, but my fate has become unknown." Muru said.

"Your Holy Light is not necessarily much better. Many mortal races are bewitched by the illusions you weave, which are just illusions." Kael'thas said.

This bastard holy light creature has been using his illusion ability to control his people, which makes Kael'thas very angry.

"No! That is the future! That is your destiny, young blood elf princes.

Only by accepting the divine power and the great holy light can you save your people. "Muru said.

At the same time, a powerful psychic energy was injected into the minds of Kael'thas and Rhodes, but they were immediately blocked by the two.

Kael'thas himself possesses extremely strong magical power. Now that he has the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he can naturally resist such illusory attacks.

Rhodes' eyes directly transformed into blood-red reincarnation eyes, and then began to release control illusions on Mulu.

My illusions are now more terrifying than those of other gods. (End of chapter)

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