Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 294 Confused Rhodes, I have a son who is a demigod in the wilderness!

"You deserve the title of God of Light!" Some blood elf priests and paladins said.

Many of them had gone on expeditions and met those legendary holy light creatures, the so-called incarnations of the holy light of the Naaru.

But compared with the one in front of him, those incarnations of the holy light were nothing more than that.

Even the paladins and priests among humans would be even more miserable if they saw this extremely powerful holy light creature.

This is a kind of holiness and power that cannot be described in words, which is completely beyond the imagination of mortals. The giant-like posture just now is simply too perfect.

"Although I can't accept this title now, it is undeniable that I am indeed the incarnation of the Holy King. I am the embodiment of the holy light of the entire Azeroth.

One day, I will definitely become the real God of Light and live up to this name." The Giant of Light nodded and said.

"It doesn't matter, you will be in the future. Now come with me to see your mother! Kael'thas, you should also prepare for the Northern Expedition!" Rhodes said.

Azeroth had just spoken to me, asking me to take this cheap son over quickly.

"Don't worry! Great demigod, this is the revenge of our blood elves, and it's the moment of our race.

Now that the Sunwell has been repaired, it's time for us to find Arthas, the Huizi. Let's settle the accounts of the past." Kael'thas said excitedly.

When they followed Illidan, they once launched a northern expedition.

But at that time, only the blood elves and the Naga army participated, and they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and combat power.

They were completely beaten by Arthas, and faced with the tsunami-like undead army, they had no power to resist at all.

Not only did they fail to kill Arthas, but they also suffered heavy casualties, leaving many high-level blood elves in that land. Even their own heirloom artifact, Flamestrike, was lost.

And this time, under the leadership of the great demigod Rod, they will re-launch a northern expedition to completely eradicate the Lich King, Arthas, the executioner.

This time, he had new power, and the blood elves were no longer the same as before, because they had regained the source of magic.

Moreover, they had more powerful allies this time, the members of the Silver Dawn, the Horde and the Alliance, all of whom would not let go of this Northern Expedition.

With the help of a powerful God of Light, Arthas could not even think of the reason why they would lose this time.

"Arthas is dead, get ready! This war will be a war of revenge for all of you." Rhodes nodded and said.

After saying goodbye to Kael'thas's people, Rhodes activated the power of the Emerald Dream, brought Tiga into the Emerald Dream, and came to Azeroth.

At this time, Azeroth was still the illusory giant woman, but her body seemed to be more substantial, and even exuded an extremely powerful divine power.

This time, absorbing the energy of several infinite gems, the power of the cosmic gods, and the power of Asgard, Azeroth gained unprecedented benefits.

But looking at the situation in Azeroth, it seems that the energy has not been completely absorbed! It is estimated that he woke this person up because of his own affairs.

"I thought you were going to sleep for a while, but I didn't expect you to wake up so soon." Rhodes smiled at Azeroth and said.

"You still said that! Rhodes, I just slept for a short while, and you gave me two sons?

One is a demigod of the wilderness, and the other is the God of Light. How many surprises do you have to give me?" Azeroth snorted and said.

She was originally sleeping, but was awakened by the sudden appearance of a powerful force. Although she got a huge benefit from being awakened this time.

But after waking up, Azeroth found two new lives connected to her blood, one was just born, and the other was about to be born.

"Ahem! Did you say too much? There are not two, but only one. I only created this one." Rhodes smiled awkwardly and said.

Is there any misunderstanding here?

I swore to the sky that I only created a special Homitz, but I didn't expect to accidentally create a God of Light belonging to the world of Edras.

Azeroth has created a big one, but the problem is that if you want to talk about the second one, it really has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything about it!

And if it is a wilderness demigod, it should have nothing to do with me, right?

"Impossible! Do you think I can feel it? Although the other little guy is still in the gestation period.

But I can feel the extremely powerful life force and the power of the wilderness demigod.

Now there are two wilderness demigods who are there to give him life energy to ensure that he can be born smoothly." Azeroth said.

This wilderness demigod, she can obviously feel that it is her and Rhodes' child, stimulated by the collision of two life energies.

Now this bastard dares to play dumb with me, what did you do, bastard? Don't you know it yourself?

"??? I swear to God, I really don't know what happened!

Why do you think that a new wilderness demigod has something to do with me?" Rhodes said in confusion.

He originally thought that he came here to introduce the God of Light to Azeroth, but he didn't expect that it would involve the half-god of the wilderness.

"This child was conceived by Tyrande, you don't remember, right?

Then let me remind you that when I was in another universe, I was asleep for a while. You bastard, you must have done something to the body I possessed during this period, right?

You bastard, do you know that my entire soul is possessed by her?

Although I was asleep, that body was equivalent to my incarnation. The powerful vitality between the two of us gathered. What do you think will happen?" Azeroth snorted and said.

Damn! Damn! No way? Could it be that Tyrande conceived it? So during Azeroth's sleep, I just ate Tyrande for a few days, and inexplicably created a half-god of the wilderness?

Rhodes suddenly remembered that he had communicated with Tyrande once when he sent the tree man Groot to the night elf tribe to find other tree people.

At that time, Tyrande's demeanor was obviously a little bit wrong, and she was even very resistant and very careful.

Afterwards, she specifically told Rhode not to look for her in the next year, and she would pray to the Moon God.

"It seems that you really don't know anything! That is to say, the two wilderness demigods who are delivering life force were not arranged by you." The huge phantom of Azeroth frowned and asked.

She originally thought that Rhode was pretending to know and be confused, but looking at the other party's surprised and shocked expression, this guy seemed to be completely unaware.

"I can explain this matter. At that time, Tyrande asked me for help, and I definitely didn't take advantage of her and force her to do anything!" Rhode said with a guilty look.

What should I do? What should I do? I feel like I have been caught by Ai-chan. It's so embarrassing. Why didn't Tyrande tell me?

If I had told myself about this earlier, I would have been a little prepared!

After I go back, I must spank you, Tyrande.

"Rod, you idiot, we both have a huge life force. If these two life forces blend with each other, then there will definitely be a miracle of life." Azeroth said speechlessly.

The life energy in this child's body, the position of a demigod, and the extremely powerful divine power.

All inherited from himself and Rod, but his body was bred by a night elf.

Even if it weren't for the help of other wilderness demigods, Tyrande, who bred his body, would die. Wild demigods are not born casually.

"So do you need my help with this matter? If there is a lack of life principles, I can provide some." Rod said awkwardly.

After all, he is also a wilderness demigod, and it is a life bred by himself and Azeroth, or Tyrande also has a share? I always feel a little embarrassed!

One father and two mothers!

"You can just go and help with this matter. I will ask the other wilderness demigods to take turns to inject life force into the child.

When Tyrande gives birth, I will personally possess her, otherwise, with her soul strength, she will not be able to safely give birth to a wilderness half-body." Azeroth sighed and said.

Originally, she needed to sleep for several years to digest the power this time, but now she has to come out early.

"Great Azeroth, you don't need to do it yourself, in fact, I can do it for you.

I will possess Tyrande's body and let this wilderness demigod be born smoothly."

A night elf woman who looks 80% similar to Tyrande and whose figure is very vague suddenly appeared beside Azeroth and said.

At the same time, she turned her head and showed a mysterious smile to Rhodes.

"Is it Elune? I'll do this myself! As for the energy I lost.

This guy Rhodes will help me find it, right? Rhodes?" Azeroth narrowed his eyes and looked at Rhodes, and asked.

"Of course, I will provide all the life energy this child needs." Rhodes said with an awkward smile.

There is no way, can I not provide it? I have to bear the consequences of my own actions! Just consider it as milk powder money.

Rhodes looked at Elune. This is Elune, another god of Azeroth. Why does she look familiar?

I don't know why? Elune, the moon goddess, always gives Rhodes a very familiar feeling.

No way? Could it be because last time I forced Tyrande to play in the Moon Temple and this person saw it? (End of this chapter)

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