Then, under Alice's introduction, Rod temporarily joined the protagonist team.

Although Tifa, Claude, Barrett and others were still wary of Rod, they finally agreed after Alice's persuasion.

Because Rod promised to help them deal with Sephiroth, the biggest representative of the Jenova virus on this planet, and also symbolized Sephiroth himself.

That night, Rod followed the protagonists to a hotel to rest.

In Claude's own room, he told everyone about his previous experience in Niflheim and Sephiroth.

"Wait! You said you went to Tifa's room and opened her closet?" The two women showed an unbelievable look and asked in unison.

"Well! I couldn't control my body at the time." Claude said.

"Pervert! Excessive!" Alice and Tifa said in unison.

Entering a girl's room casually and opening her closet is a real pervert!

Rhode, who was standing by, burst out laughing. This was a little easter egg.

Is this Claude's choice? Or is it the choice of the evil player?

Really? He found nothing after opening the closet.

Next, Claude began to narrate his own experience, the whole thing in Niflheim, and the group went to investigate the abandoned Mako Furnace No. 1.

A strange clone was discovered, and then Sephiroth had mental problems. After that, Sephiroth locked himself in Hojo's laboratory and kept reading some books.

He became more and more mentally ill, until he finally committed the thing that angered the heavens and people, turning the whole of Niflheim into a sea of ​​fire.

Everyone else listened with relish, but only Tifa's face was very ugly, and even her eyes were full of anxiety and confusion!

No, no, this is completely different from the memory she is familiar with, this is completely inconsistent!

At that time, Sephiroth did bring a high-level Shinra warrior to the small village of Niflheim where they lived.

However, the Shinra warrior following Sephiroth was not Cloud but another person named Zack.

Tifa was their guide back then, and she still remembers everything clearly.

Tifa had never met Cloud in the Niflheim incident five years ago. What Cloud described and what happened to him were simply the experiences of another Shinra special forces soldier.

Although he seemed to have experienced it himself, Tifa could still tell that something was wrong. Even in Cloud's memory, he was killed.

Really, when she was in Midgar before, she found that Cloud's expression was not right, his brain might have problems, and he often had some hallucinations, such as seeing Sephiroth.

What on earth had Cloud experienced over the years? Why? Why did he become so abnormal? Why did even his own memory have problems, but he himself didn't know it at all.

"Cloud! You, you," Tifa began to hesitate.

She wanted to tell Cloud everything, but she was afraid that her words would once again make this childhood sweetheart have problems with his nerves.

Claude is seriously ill now! I must find a way to cure his mental illness.

"You feel very strange, right? Claude obviously did not appear in your hometown five years ago, but he firmly believes in this memory.

This guy's memory has been modified. The memories in his mind are all false, and even connected with the memories of another person, and he regards that person's experience as his own experience." Rhodes said on the side.

I don't have time to play the game of finding memories with you? It's better to be simple and rough.

"Hey! Mr. Rhodes! Do you mean that Claude has a problem, his mental state has a problem?

He regards another person's memory as what he has experienced!" Alice's face changed and asked.

"Impossible, I have been there, and there is no problem with my memory." Claude shook his head and said.

"Claude! Mr. Rhodes is right, you are not there. I also experienced that incident. I, I didn't see you at all, and you didn't return to your hometown." Tifa said excitedly.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, so who is wrong between the two of them?

"Mr. Rod! Since he is a demigod and can find the problem with you, he must be able to cure you. Please, Mr. Rod, help him!" Tifa came to Rod, bowed, and said pleadingly.

Really, facing the request of the goddess of childhood, I am a little embarrassed to refuse! However, this is also to deal with the Jenova virus.

Sephiroth's plan, how could I let you succeed so easily! I must destroy it well.

"He is right about one thing. He did go to Niflheim that year, and he was right next to you, Tifa, but you didn't recognize him." Rod said.

"Alas! Wa! What's going on? You all confused me, so who is it, and which of them has a problem with the memory?" Barrett asked speechlessly, and Red Thirteen on the side also nodded.

"Alas! Mr. Rhodes, do you mean that there is a problem with my memory?" Tifa's expression changed. Could it be that it was not Cloud who was crazy, but herself?

"There's nothing wrong with your memory, it's just that Claude was an ordinary soldier of Shinra Company at that time!

After joining the army for so many years, he ended up just turning into a soldier and returning to his hometown. Naturally, he has no face to see you! " Rhodes said.

"Impossible, I am obviously an S1 level Shinra warrior!" Claude frowned and said, his head hurt a little again, some broken pictures kept flashing by, and a black figure kept appearing in his mind. Hair men.

There is even a scene where he is holding a sword of destruction and stabbing Sephiroth through the heart.

"The Shinra Warrior is the signature weapon of the Shinra Company, and the S1-level Shinra Warrior is the highest level of combat power. Every S1-level Shinra Warrior has identity information that can be checked, and there has never been one named Crow The existence of virtue.

The real situation is that your memory, Claude, overlapped with that of Zack, another S1-level Shinra warrior, and you incorporated some of his experiences into your own memory.

You don’t remember where you were during these five years, right? Let me tell you, you were captured by a scientist named Hojo.

He injected you and Zack with the Jenova virus in an attempt to transform you into new Shinra warriors, or monsters.

Later, due to an accident, you and Zack woke up, but you remained in a coma.

Zack led you to fight a bloody road, and then faced an ambush from a large number of Shinra soldiers. He fought desperately and defeated all enemies.

Before he died, he handed you this sword of destruction and told you that you were the proof that he was alive, and your subconscious mind had been fulfilling his wish.

Because Zack's wish is to become a mercenary after leaving the Shinra Organization and earn enough money to support Alice. " Rhodes said.

Part of the reason for these false memories is that Cloud has closed his heart and is unwilling to face the truth, and part of the reason is because of Sephiroth's manipulation.

Now that Sephiroth has broken away from the concept of physical body, those black-robed men infected by Jenova, as well as those black-robed Faiths, can all become Sephiroth's carriers.

Unless the Jenova virus is completely removed from the planet, Sephiroth will be immortal.

"You, how do you know all this?" Claude asked.

His head suddenly began to hurt violently, and a vague figure even appeared in front of him. A man with long silver shawl hair and a handsome face.

"Claude, you have to complete my mission. You have to help me find it."

"I'm here, and if you dare to show up, get out of here!" Rhodes, who was sitting next to him, suddenly snorted coldly.

There was a sound that could directly shake the soul, and the shadow of Sephiroth in Cloud's mind was instantly shaken away.

Is there any mistake? I'm sitting here, and you actually dare to show up. You really think I'm a fool!

With the power of the soul fruit and the mutated and evolved reincarnation eye, Rhodes' mental power is extremely powerful.

Once Sephiroth's mental interference body appeared, others could not find any trace, but he could.

"Ah!" Claude suddenly covered his head and let out a scream.

"Mr. Rhodes, what happened just now?"

"The guy named Sephiroth, his current life form is beyond your knowledge.

You can think of him as being everywhere on this planet, and he's always influencing Claude.

It was affecting the depths of his mind. Just now his spiritual body came over again. You didn't notice it, but I found him, so I drove him away. "

Rhodes stretched out his hand and pressed it on Claude's forehead, destroying the false memory and allowing Claude's true self to completely return.

"I've cured him, let him rest for a while! When he wakes up tomorrow morning, he will be back to normal and become the person you know."

"Thank you very much, Lord Rhodes!" Alice came over, bowed to Rhodes, and said.

Rhodes nodded, got up and returned to his room.

In an unknown gray space, a tall man with long silver hair suddenly opened his eyes, a look of disbelief on his face.

"A person outside of destiny has appeared, a person outside of destiny has appeared!

Who is this guy? I've never seen him before, how did he show up? "(End of chapter)

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