Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 32 Kaido wants to challenge Whitebeard, Rhodes’ concerns

"Haha, I have always had this opponent, that old bastard Whitebeard. He is the most suitable opponent." Kaido said.

It's also time to teach Whitebeard a lesson, let Whitebeard see his current power, this terrifying power.

"Are you serious? I think if you want to find a comparable opponent, you might as well find Charlotte Lingling!" Rhodes rolled his eyes and said.

Is Kaido trying to bully the elderly? Whitebeard is over 70 years old this year, although he is still very good at fighting and is known as the strongest man in the world. (I checked this. Kaido is known as the strongest in single combat in the world. He received this title two years after Whitebeard's death. It seems that in terms of combat power alone, Kaido has never been able to defeat Whitebeard.)

But now I can't compare with you. After being strengthened by evil energy, Kaido's attributes have doubled, and the life erosion ability of evil energy is no joke. As long as Whitebeard is hit by Kaido, Then the evil energy will cause permanent damage and continue to harm Whitebeard.

Maybe there is no need to fight the war, Kaido can kill Whitebeard, and based on Kaido's character, he will do this.

"No, no, no, Lingling was evenly matched with me before, but now, she is definitely no match for me. I am familiar with the power of evil energy and have created several new tricks! And the flames of evil energy can also be used Add it to my heat," Kaido said.

"Then why do you want to challenge Whitebeard?" Rhodes said.

"Although Whitebeard is not at his peak now, I have a way to get him back to his peak for once." Kaido said.

"You guys, you don't want me to use those potions during the treatment on Whitebeard, do you?" Rhodes asked in surprise.

"Hahaha! That's right! Use your boy's potion to treat Whitebeard and let him return to his peak condition!

I really, really want to win against Whitebeard in his strongest form. Kaido said.

He wanted to beat Whitebeard so much. When Whitebeard was at his peak, he had not yet grown up. When he did, he would be able to defeat Whitebeard.

But he is still no match for Whitebeard. Even if Whitebeard's strength weakens and he enters old age, he cannot beat Whitebeard.

In terms of physical strength, Whitebeard is actually not as powerful as Kaido. Kaido's physical strength is definitely the strongest. Being the strongest creature in the world of sea, land and air is no joke.

But Whitebeard's use of three-color Haki and fruit abilities are Kaido's nemesis.

The ability of the Shock Fruit makes some of Kaido's long-range attacks useless. Moreover, if the two of them fight, the additional ability of the Shock Fruit, the overlord-colored domineering, and the armed-colored domineering Whitebeard can blow him away with one blow. go out.

Now Whitebeard's body has dropped to its lowest point. No matter the domineering domineering power, the domineering domineering power, or the physical ability, it is not as strong as before.

But even so, this old man still retains the title of the strongest man in the world, a seventy-two-year-old bastard old man.

"You are quite confident in your own strength, but I can tell you that it is impossible for Whitebeard to return to his peak state. The healing stone can only treat injuries. Some external injuries can be treated, but what Whitebeard loses is his vitality.

What he lost was his youth. As for the sobriety potion, it might slightly enhance Whitebeard's overlord-colored domineering and knowledge-colored domineering, but it would no longer affect the changes in the battle situation. " Rhodes said.

"What if the old man with white beard also takes your evil blood? Will his strength return to its peak?" Kaido asked.

If Whitebeard can also be subdued, then the Rocks Pirates will be reunited. When the time comes to find a way to bring the Golden Lion over, the Navy will be scared to death.

"Your idea is good, and I can tell you clearly that if Whitebeard is willing to accept the power of evil, then Kaido, you will definitely be beaten by him.

You have become so much stronger after drinking the evil blood. Do you think Whitebeard will not become stronger?

Don't you think his life force will be replenished? " Rhodes rolled his eyes and said.

After Kaido's incident, Rhodes understood that even if Whitebeard drank the blood of evil and accepted the power of evil, he would not be able to conquer him like he conquered Kaido.

The four emperors are proud of the four emperors, especially the top pirates like Whitebeard, which means that Whitebeard has no interest in the position of Pirate King, otherwise. He had already headed to the final island.

It is indeed not difficult to drink the blood of evil energy and find a way to carve a demon slavery circle for him.

But did he really enslave Whitebeard? This old man would rather die than accept his own slavery.

That's why Rhodes thought about using necromancy to control Whitebeard before, because it is impossible to convince Whitebeard. If you use force to control him, he will only fight you to the death. Although it is said that the fish will be killed. Will break.

This is the pride of the Four Emperors. If he had not made a 10-year agreement with Kaido, Kaido would not be willing to accept his slavery.

The trick is okay if you use it once, but it won't work if you use it too many times.

"Damn it! You are right. If you take evil blood, Whitebeard will not accept your control." Kaido sighed helplessly. It seems that his desire to defeat Whitebeard at his peak has not been fulfilled. The solution was achieved.

"Well! Bastard dad, maybe we can try to make Whitebeard owe a favor and ask him for help. What do you think?" Yamato standing aside said.

"??? Idiot, stupid son, how can that guy with white beard owe a favor!" Kaido rolled his eyes and said.

Are you kidding me? Let Whitebeard owe a favor, haha! The old man was very stubborn. How could anyone ask him to owe someone a favor?

"Wait, this might work." Rhodes touched his chin and said.

Yamato's words reminded Rhodes, can transforming Whitebeard into a death knight really lead to permanent slavery?

The reason why Whitebeard is so strong is his abnormal body, his fruit ability, and the three-color domineering force.

Transforming the old man into a Death Knight would allow him to control the power of death, but he would also lose his other powers.

What's more important is that I don't know necromancy now, and the legion's version of necromancy doesn't have the control power of the Lich King.

It would be better to let Whitebeard owe him a favor and help him obtain the peak power. If necessary in the future, he can invite Whitebeard to the world of Azeroth to help.

And all he had to pay was evil blood and some potions.

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