Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 322 Demon Hunter Occupation, See the Red Dragon Meat, Ahem Queen

But Rhodes didn't need so many people. Except for Altruis, most of the demon hunters wandering in Outland had serious mental problems.

And most of the demon hunters who had been divided had been eliminated by the Alliance and the Horde.

Therefore, Rhodes planned to take a safer measure to train a real demon hunter mentor.

And this time, the profession of demon hunter cannot only appear among the elves. As long as they are willing to accept this power, whether they are humans, dwarves, or orcs, they can learn this power.

Thinking of this, Rhodes opened a portal and went directly to the place where the night elves lived on the continent of Kalimdor. According to the information provided by Tyrande, he quickly found the place where Altruis lived in seclusion.

This is a small wooden house in the valley.

Although Altruis returned to the night elf tribe, he was still not welcomed by people. After all, he studied the power of fel energy.

So he could only find a remote place on the edge of the night elf village and build a small house of his own.

At this time, Alturis was planting some crops next to him. He had returned to the night elves for several months, and he had a good life in these months.

Tyrande, the current nominal leader of the night elves, accepted him back into the tribe for some unknown reason, even ignoring the opposition of some great druids.

This moved Alturis deeply, and he promised everyone.

Especially the warden, Miss Maiev, who wanted to imprison him in Illidan Prison, and her watchers.

He would never abuse the power of the evil energy, and after making many vows, he was allowed to live here, and his activity area was limited and he could not leave.

But today, Alturis suddenly felt a strange breath. In his demon vision, it was an extremely powerful life form, unprecedentedly powerful.

"What wind blew you, the great demigod? What do you want to do with me, an outdated demon hunter?" Alturis looked at Rhodes who suddenly appeared, smiled and said.

Although he laughed easily, he was extremely nervous deep down inside. This man was not a kind man.

Everyone thought that Illidan was defeated by the Alliance, the Horde and the Watchers, but only he understood.

The so-called Illidan who was defeated was not him at all, and his strength was not as good as Illidan.

Who really defeated the demon hunter Illidan? In fact, there was someone else, the demigod Azure Dragon demigod Rod in front of him.

"I came to you for something, Alturis. You shouldn't bury your talents, and you shouldn't hide in such a remote place." Rod said.

"Great demigod, with your current strength, do you still need a blind man like me to fight for you? Any of your men can easily deal with me." Alturis said.

"Now there is only one warlock in the world of Azeroth for the profession of fel energy.

And I want you to pass on the profession of demon hunter to the races in Azeroth, and you will serve as a professional mentor for demon hunters and train demon hunters." Rod said.

"Please, great demigod, you should know that the mission of demon hunters is to hunt demons, but now I have discovered something. The Burning Legion should no longer be interested in our world.

And all this is related to you. You used some method to make Sargeras give up attacking the world of Azeroth.

So, what is the use of a hunter without prey?

Is that right? Lord Rod, the third commander of the Burning Legion." Alturis said.

After Illidan's death, he also used some special means to enter the twisting void in the soul state to explore intelligence.

As a result, he found some things that shocked him. In order to confirm the authenticity of this matter, he even captured some demons of the Burning Legion for interrogation.

As a result, it was learned that the Burning Legion had a third commander. The great demigod Rod, the protector of Azeroth, turned out to be the third commander of the Burning Legion.

"It seems that you are very smart. Aren't you afraid that I have surrendered to the Burning Legion and will do something unfavorable to this world?

Since it was discovered that I was the third commander of the Burning Legion, why didn't you announce my identity to the heroes of Azeroth?" Rod said.

"Every demon hunter is not stupid. On the contrary, every demon hunter is an elite among elites.

We are well-trained and courageous.

So I have also analyzed your case. If you really endanger Azeroth, then I will try every means to deal with you, but I found that you are not such a person.

You defected to the Burning Legion, but stopped the Burning Legion's plan. Even the Burning Legion's expedition was stopped. This was an order issued by Sargeras himself.

Now the entire Burning Legion has stopped its march to conquer. All this is related to you, Lord Demigod!

So, since you have protected Azeroth, why should I meddle in other people's business?

And even if I tell those heroes of the Alliance or the Horde, they will not believe what I, a demon hunter, say, right?" Altruis said.

"Hahaha! You are quite smart. To tell you the truth, Azeroth has reached an agreement with Sargeras. Sargeras will not invade the world of Azeroth again."

"So I am useless, Lord Demigod. I am now a hunter who has lost his prey."

"No, no, no, you are very useful. You have new hunting targets, and Azeroth also has new hunting targets, the Void Forces, the Ancient Gods, and even the Titan Guardians.

Who says that the power of a demon hunter can only be used to hunt demons?

You are equally good at dealing with undead creatures and shadow creatures, just like other professionals. " Rhodes said.

"It seems! I can't seem to refuse, so Master Demigod, I promise to train demon hunters for you.

But I want to tell you in advance, the death rate of demon hunters is very high. Hundreds of people undergo training, and the number of people who survive may not even be 1%.

First of all, they must have strong physical fitness and a firm will, otherwise they will not be able to withstand the erosion of evil power. "Otulis said.

There is an essential difference between a demon hunter and a warlock. One uses the power of evil, while the other completely turns into a demon.

Demon hunters are completely transformed into demons.

"Ah, so I made some improvements for you, I will prepare some demon flesh for you, and then let you take you to another world to train demon hunters.

Allowing them to easily control their demonic transformation and not let their minds be corrupted by this power. " Rhodes said.

Since I came here to find you, I naturally came prepared.

The training success rate of demon hunters is indeed very low. Even your ancestor Illidan only trained less than a hundred people.

The biggest problem for demon hunters is being demonized by evil energy, but the training of demon hunters is more dangerous than that of warlocks.

Because warlocks are transformed by the power of evil, while demon hunters devour the flesh and blood of demons and become completely demons.

In Azeroth, this is indeed an extremely serious matter, but in the pirate world it is not a problem.

Even now, all the pirates in the entire Beast Pirates have mastered the power of evil and have their own demon transformation, turning this power into an animal devil fruit ability transformation.

Therefore, the best place to train demon hunters is the Pirate World. As long as you complete the training there and then return to Azeroth, you can basically achieve zero casualties.

Even the demonic transformation will disappear, and you will only become a demon when you use this power.

"You are truly a great demigod with great supernatural powers.

But if there is such a magical place where people can easily master the devil form, then it is indeed feasible. "Otulis said.

He was moved.

"I won't let you down. I'll take you there first, so you can get familiar with this power in that world.

At that time, you can freely switch between night elf form and demon form at will. "

After Rhodes finished speaking, he brought Alturis to the pirate world, and then arranged a group of members of the Beasts Pirates.

And provide them with unlimited amounts of demon flesh and blood, and even evil blood, and then let him start training demon hunters.

"Then get ready! New recruits, you have already mastered the power of evil, and we need to speed up the progress." Alturis said.

After these recruits of the Beast Pirates complete demon hunter training, they will go to major cities in the alliance or tribe to serve as demon hunter training instructors.

All those who want to follow the path of the Demon Hunter must go to the pirate world to practice and master this power.

After arranging things for Alturis, Rhodes came to the Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend.

Since leaving the Dragon Islands, the blue dragon clan lives in the Demonic Nexus, the bronze dragon lives in the Cave of Time, the green dragon lives in the Emerald Dream, the black dragon clan lives in an unknown place, and the red dragon clan lives in Wyrmrest Temple. among.

The Red Dragon Queen and her many consorts all live here.

"Welcome to the Red Dragon Legion." A woman with extremely revealing clothing, red hair, and an extremely hot figure appeared in front of Rhodes.

Poof! With these thighs, this waist, and this outfit, you are not nicknamed "Queen, Your Body" for nothing!

At this time, the Red Dragon Queen was also sizing up Rhodes.

It was such a powerful life force. She had never seen such a powerful life breath, those wilderness demigods, and her brothers.

Even those Titan Guardians don't have such huge vitality.

If you breed with him, you will definitely be able to give birth to a very good red dragon!

She suddenly wanted to trouble this demigod and contribute to the Red Dragon Legion's numbers. (End of chapter)

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