Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 330: Book Shura Road Ultron, I am a star-level

Ultron is very special. If there is no other artificial intelligence, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate it, because the entire earth is now covered with networks.

"If you want to destroy Ultron, you must eradicate him from the network. Otherwise, we will only destroy the puppets he controls. Do you understand what the network is? I can explain it to you a little bit."

Because I know that Rod Sol and the other two are from other worlds and have never lived on Earth.

So Dr. Bruce Banner patiently explained to everyone what the network is.

"So if you want to destroy this guy called Ultron, you must destroy the network of the entire planet, right?"

"It's not that simple. As long as there is a computer, as long as there is a smart phone, even a USB flash drive, a data backup may be his carrier." Tony Stark covered his face and said helplessly.

What's more serious is that he doesn't know how long it will take Ultron to get the nuclear bomb codes of various countries. As long as he can get the nuclear bomb codes, then the whole world may be over.

No wonder Thor came to Earth. It turned out that such a serious thing would happen. Damn, this thing was actually caused by himself.

"Then let's destroy all the electronic products on this planet. The USB drive you mentioned, what personal terminal, what game console, what computer host, what server, just destroy them all." Thor said indifferently.

Hearing this, the other Avengers rolled their eyes. Come on! What time do you think it is now?

Is it still primitive society? Humans can't live without electronic products.

It's the 21st century. Everyone has a smartphone, even a teenager. It is an impossible task to completely isolate Ultron from the network.

Destroying all the electronic products on the entire planet can indeed destroy Ultron, but it will also set humans back decades.

However! If there is really no way, Tony Stark can only tell the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, the United Nations, and then notify all countries.

But Tony Stark knows very well that even if he makes the problem more serious, the country will not reach a consensus, nor will it completely eliminate all electronic products in his own country. At least the United States will not do this.

Because the loss is too great, no politician, no president can afford this loss.

"We make a new artificial intelligence that can restrain Ultron. Stark, since you can create one, you can create a second one." Captain America Steve Rogers said.

Tony Stark is also a genius inventor like his father Howard Stark.

Since you can create Ultron, you can deal with it, and you can create another artificial intelligence that is more advanced and controllable than it.

"In fact, the birth of Ultron was an accident. Stark and I have done many experiments before, but they all ended in failure.

And Ultron is completely different from other artificial intelligences. Stark did equip all his armors with artificial intelligence.

But they are not as good as Ultron, because Ultron has independent thoughts and freedom, but other artificial intelligences are still part of computer programs.

There is a big difference in essence, and to create an artificial intelligence that can fight Ultron.

Then you have to give him a lot of authority, and once these authorities are given to the other party, who can guarantee that this artificial intelligence will not become the second Ultron?" Dr. Bruce Banner once again gave everyone some small popular science.

Miss Blue Dragon on the side was a little confused. Is this equivalent to an imitation? The technology is quite advanced.

It is slightly similar to what the mages in Dalaran have researched, but the functionality is too comprehensive, and everyone can use it.

"It's really troublesome. What on earth did you come up with? Rod, can your power deal with this guy?" Thor turned his head to look at Rod and asked.

After listening to the explanation, Thor also realized how difficult this guy called Ultron was.

This guy is equivalent to an immortal body. If you can't completely eliminate it, then any electronic product with some storage function may be his place to stay.

"How to say it! I should have a way to deal with Ultron. I don't know if you know about the soul.

A life, as long as it has its own will, then it stands to reason that it has a soul, so Ultron also has his own soul. As long as I can capture his soul, I can eliminate it." Rhodes said.

Every life has a soul. As long as he has self-awareness, then there must be a soul.

As long as he can extract Ultron's consciousness from the network world, he can completely eliminate it.

If Ultron has no soul, then Rhodes is not helpless against him. He still has the reality gem! He can use the power of the reality gem to affect the entire planet in an instant.

Make all the electronic products on the entire planet malfunction and lose their original structure. Completely destroy the storage.

Then restore everything. I don't believe that Ultron can still hide! Taking a step back, the Mind Stone can also be used to deal with Ultron.

This thing was used by Vision in the original book to completely drive Ultron's entire consciousness out of the network world.

Or you can try to use the wireless moon once to instantly hypnotize the memories of all life on the entire planet, and then use the spiritual power of chakra to eliminate the hiding Ultron.

Even a more brutal way, directly use the power stone and your two ten tails to directly clean the surface of the earth and completely destroy the entire surface of the planet.

Then find Master Ancient One and use the power of the time stone to restore the entire surface of the planet.

In short, Rhodes has countless ways to deal with Ultron, as long as this guy doesn't get the six infinite gems.

In the form of the six gems, he is definitely not his opponent, and even after he gets Vision's body, he will not be his opponent.

"Hahaha! I knew you had a way, Rod! That guy must have a soul, he has self-awareness." Thor said with a very satisfied smile.

He forgot Rod's special ability. Rod has the ability to manipulate souls and even revive people who have died recently.

How could such a person not be able to deal with an artificial intelligence?

"We are not experts in soul matters, but are you sure he really has a soul? After all, he is an artificial intelligence, and strictly speaking, he was born not long ago."

"Don't worry! Leave this to me, but I need you to help me control Ultron's body, and then I will use my ability to completely extract his soul." Rod said.

"But where does this guy get his body? He doesn't have a body at all." Tony Stark said.

Ultron is an artificial intelligence, hiding in the cyber world, and he doesn't have his own body at all.

"No, no, no, he will have a body, and it will appear soon. Because in the future images I saw, he has his own body, a steel monster with a yellow gem on his head and red skin." Rod said.

After defeating Ultron, his body will be his trophy, and then this body can be used to transform into Shura Dao.

"I understand. In addition to wanting to destroy mankind, Ultron also wants to defeat our Avengers, so he will definitely find a way to get a body of his own.

And with its computing power, as long as he gets this body, then we basically can't win, it's impossible to defeat him. Mr. Rhodes, are you sure you can deal with Ultron after he has his own body?" Tony Stark asked very seriously.

"Don't worry! My current combat power can easily destroy the entire surface of the earth, and even if I work harder, I can destroy the entire planet." Rhodes smiled and said.

After eating the Momo Fruit, even without relying on the power of the Infinity Stones, Rhodes can go all out, directly a huge Tailed Beast Ball, and then magnify it a hundred times to destroy the entire planet.

Hearing this, all the Avengers looked at Rhodes in a daze.

Didn't I hear it wrong! Didn't I hear it wrong? Destroying the planet is actually possible!

"Oh my God, you are right! A being who can destroy a planet at will is in front of me. I feel like you are the big boss." James Rhodes said.

"Correction, I have to use all my strength, really all my strength, to do this kind of thing." Rhodes said.

"Don't be modest, man, even this is terrifying. You are an existence that we can't imagine at all. Are you kidding me to destroy the entire planet?" James Rhodes said.

This is a really terrifying guy. I hope this guy won't attack the earth in the future, otherwise they don't know how to defeat Rhodes.

"May I ask you, this god Rhodes! How do you destroy a planet? Have you destroyed a planet before?" Bruce Banner asked.

"It's to condense a giant energy ball, and then hit the planet directly, blowing it to pieces.

As for destroying a planet, I have never done it, but if I want, I can also fully materialize another personality in your body."

"What? You can solve the Hulk!" (End of this chapter)

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